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Everything posted by AlsoBroken

  1. From Vine…., “The battle for the mind. The human flesh desiring/demanding another fix of the feel good hormones, and does not care how (visual/audio) you stimulate the brain to open the valve to get the fix. I don't want to go through that again, as I saw thedepths to which I was falling.” I feel the same!
  2. I agree wholeheartedly and thank you for sharing your experiences with this ever-present temptation. I think it can be a serious detriment to our growth and sanctification in Christ, if for no other reason than because it’s addictive and a time waster.
  3. WHAT am I watching, reading, and/or listening to for HOURS that isn’t godly and wastes time? Since I’ve been basically “retired” and deal with long-Covid chronic fatigue, I have to rest alot and I get caught up in binge-watching shows on my smart TV, just to numb out and/or be entertained. I AM particular about the shows I like and will avoid those that are full of violence, explicit sex, profanity, etc. However, I am now feeling convicted of being hooked on a series that has great qualities in every humanistic, secular way (so I’ve excused the occasional profanity) but… it is basically Godless. The Word says we are to “be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Rom 12:2) and to live according to the Spirit and not to the Flesh. I believe that this type of entertainment is of the Flesh and to grow spiritually I need to get rid of it! What is your experience in this matter??
  4. Thank you! I’ve quit 3 times and started again under emotional duress. Trying to quit again, but not trying very hard. I keep telling myself I’ll quit next month or next week, but I’m lying to myself because if I truly WANTED to quit, I’d throw the cigarettes out right now. It’s just like any other kind of drug addiction. Unfortunately there aren’t 12-step recovery groups for smokers.
  5. I am chuckling to hear that Charles Spurgeon smoked. He suffered from severe depression at times too. Dietrich Bonhoeffer smoked too and no doubt hundreds of old saints. It’s just so socially unacceptable these days but the real reason to quit isn’t that.
  6. Bless you for the encouragement and I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband. 😢 I was widowed after 10 yrs of marriage, with his three children. I also quit smoking 3 different times and started again due to emotional stress.
  7. As with her older sister, her whole adult life has been completely derailed by physical and mental illness. There’s just nothing worse for a mother than to have to stand by, powerless, and watch her children suffer for YEARS and never have a “normal” life. 💔💔 💔 God, just kill me now. Addictions are pure evil, especially alcohol, drugs and (IMO) pornography. Satan’s specialty: killing children and destroying families.
  8. I’m back. I can only say that the Biblical word for addiction is “bondage” and there is nothing good about any type of addiction. I am currently helping my 42 yr old daughter get off of strong Opiate drugs and what this addiction has done to her completely breaks my heart. One day, one hour at a time, trying to trust God and “let go” is excruciating. Ten years ago she suffered from Alcoholism, and now this. She took the illicit drugs because of a painful physical disorder, got addicted and spiraled down from there. I pray and cry but part of me is also mad at God for allowing my BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER to suffer so much.
  9. No I have not been here much the last couple months. I have too many other distractions and honestly I make myself crazy with my Attention Deficit issues. thanks for asking ❤️
  10. This is a great subject for Christians to discuss by the way!
  11. Mainstream churches have been in the business of “accommodating” the mainstream cultural morals (or lack of) for the last 40-50 years, ignoring Bible scriptures that are black and white about what is sexually immoral especially. If you say outloud publicly that any sex outside of a married relationship between a Man and a Woman is SIN in God’s eyes, you will be laughed at. Preachers who are grounded in The Word and bold enough to preach true Biblical morality and consequences of sin and judgment, are fewer and fewer.
  12. Isaiah 48:10 New Living Translation: I have refined you, but not as silver is refined. Rather, I have refined you in the furnace of suffering.
  13. Thank you for that verse. It happens I really need it today. ❤️‍🩹🙏🏼
  14. I grew up in a smoking era. 1960s-70s. There were ashtrays on tables in our church fellowship hall! Ashtrays in almost every public place. In the 70-90s we all still smoked in bars and restaurants. Both my parents smoked and I’ve always said, if secondhand smoke is as bad as the so-called research says, I’d have DIED long time ago. I actually think my immune system, having to fight it off, grew very strong. I grew up around ALOT of pollutants.
  15. I’m down to smoking only 5 per day (from 20) but I have PTSD days in which I cry off and on for 3-4 hours and a cigarette is my only small, emotional comfort. I’ve quit everything else except coffee. If there was a Tobacco Anonymous 12 Step group I’d be a life-long member.
  16. Farouk I appreciate this. God knows I do beat myself up for all my bad habits because I “know better” but can’t change by myself.
  17. All the “Why”s about our existence (and inherited sin) that we can come up with are destined to blow in the wind, because our finite minds cannot even begin to grasp God’s Why. I can understand a little about Why He created lesser beings but how it is that we are each responsible for being SINFUL - after being born into sin, in a world system basically belonging to Satan - has never made sense to me. It’s like throwing someone into the ocean, then telling them they have to repent for getting wet.
  18. That’s not what you said at first but it’s okay. No hard feelings here.
  19. Marilyn, I don’t agree. True grief from the painful loss of someone we cherished is not sinful nor needs to be repented. I still feel grief over my first husband who was tragically killed over 35 years ago, leaving my babies fatherless. And over my oldest child who I haven’t heard from in 5 years. Most people who put a time limit on Grief have never lost a close loved one. Yes, Jesus’s bore our griefs and sorrows (and healed or diseases) but the reality is that we feel and live with these, often until we die and go Home.
  20. I am needing to quit smoking again. Have quit for long periods of time, then started again when there was an emotional crisis. It is definitely on my conscience every day because I am harming my body that belongs to Christ. I know the scriptures. I know it’s wrong but am addicted and there has been much emotional pain beneath it that He is still healing. I know He will deliver me from it again and ask for prayers.
  21. ❤️ Thank you Marilyn. Very good words. I don’t feel anger or bitterness toward her anymore, just the deep pain of her rejection. And have been bewildered. (I don’t understand because I could never just “dump” a close friend, much less a sister in Christ, unless they turned mean and were suddenly abusive, which hasn’t been the case.) I’ll be grieving this for awhile longer I’m sure. With God’s help, I have come to see that her rejection of me is not about me. It’s about where her own mind and heart are. Nothing I have control over. I was too naive and trusted that we’d always be close friends, without question. And it hurts to realize I was too trusting.
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