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Everything posted by S33k3r

  1. CO2 has nothing to do with any of it. It's HAARP. https://twn.my/title/twr125k.htm
  2. It is an array of extremely powerful electricity-(radio wave)-generating devices that resemble antennae, but are used for sending signal/electric waves, rather than receiving and is very easily capable of altering weather patterns all over the world via the heating of air in and around weather fronts to direct storms and even increase the intensity of existing storms. There are multiple sites around the world and they've been in operation since pre-Katrina. AFD-111103-026.pdf
  3. HAARP is not off-topic at all. It is a very legitimate variable in the equation of a Climate Change discussion. *Nobody argues that it doesn't exist in multiple places on the earth. *Nobody argues that it is not functional. *Nobody argues that weather control has not been an aspect of military experimentation for well over half a century now. Why does this topic get deaf-eared every time it is brought up on these discussion boards? Is anybody here a real person who cares to discuss the real possibilities for what is going on in our world?
  4. In the Grand Scheme of things, yes. But God isn't controlling those who are meddling with His Creation, nor with the weather which He created to work more precisely than a fine-tuned timepiece - just as He isn't controlling those who do unspeakable things to children, and innocent people, all over the world every day. He even refers to those people as the children of the devil; and He doesn't control their profoundly sinful actions. He allows it for a time, but He does not control it. And if He controlled those who love Him and desire to be in right-standing with Him, then we would be automatons. He doesn't want that. That's why He gives us all Free Will, even after we have been saved. We are free to walk away at any time.
  5. Yes, He certainly is. Eh, for the most part. He still expects us to speak of, and expose, evil though.
  6. Yes, it's just Alka Seltzer, folks. Nothing to be alarmed about. Flouride in the water for your teeth, and antacid in the atmosphere for your heartburn. The good of the people is in our best interest!
  7. Yeah, I hear he's hard at work planning to play sweet melodies upon the HAARP to appease the weather gods in hopes of them having mercy upon our suffering world. Maybe some good weather for a change, please? https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTUyMzE1NTkxN15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDQ0NzU2MjE@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg https://i2-prod.edinburghlive.co.uk/incoming/article17259489.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200c/0_pjimage-14.jpg Hmm ... all indications point to NO. https://img.memegenerator.net/instances/62841327.jpg
  8. Ha. Yeah ......... ..... but you don't really believe that. If they really thought that, or even wanted us to think that, they'd make it front page News and be waving their Save The Earth flags to appear as the heroes of the day. Instead they claim nothing of the sort is happening at all. "Those aren't chem trails, they're just normal condensation trails from normal planes. Nothing to see here."
  9. How do you mean? You mean they're claiming to be doing something positive with the chem trails while refusing to admit there's any such thing? Who are these "Climate scientists"? The Powers That Be do what they wilt with the weather. They need not appease any Weather Prophets to know what will, or will not, take place.
  10. Well, pollution does kind of fall under their argument for actions that need to be taken against Climate Change, though. With pollution from air contaminants to water toxins, they kind of do lump it all in with effecting our world, and climate, in negative ways. Not that I agree necessarily, but that's their argument. They say air contaminants are negatively effecting the ozone, and this, that and the other, while liberally spraying very obvious gases into our atmosphere on a daily basis, via military jets, that are so toxic they're not even willing to admit it's even happening while the entire world can see it with their own eyes in the skies right above their heads many times every day. They blame us for pollution leading to dangerous Climate Change while they are actively geo-engineering our world for plans they won't share with any of us.
  11. Note: It was presented with the dramatic title of Global Warming, but because that wasn't the exact effect that most were witnessing all over the world, they had to change the name. Now, they have declared that it is no longer Global Warming, but Climate Change instead. That gives them carte blanche on any and all unusual weather events being claimed to be part of the current dramatic Changing of the world's Climate. Fear, fear, alert, alert. Something must be done so we must all do what they say to do or we won't be able to save our rapidly changing planet! Poppycock, I say.
  12. The Climate is changing, or at least the weather, drastically. There is no doubt. As to the cause, we have been told nothing officially that is the Truth on the matter.
  13. Yet the sentiment was accurate. The True Gospel is not being preached. There are a lot of old threads here. New members only have the option of starting new threads or commenting on older ones. Do you believe the Truth of God's Word is being widely preached publicly today?
  14. There is more than one Law in the Bible. The 10 Commandments are God's Law. They were spoken aloud by Him on Mt. Sinai. They were written with HIS finger in stone, ... twice. They were taught, and obeyed, by Jesus Christ upon the earth. There is no mention anywhere of Christ obeying any of the extensive 613 Laws of the Jews. On the contrary, Jesus ridicules them. One set of Laws is said to be against mankind. One set of Laws is said to be perfect and to liberate mankind. One Law is based on sacrificial ordinances. One Law defines just how to love God and love our neighbor. One was placed inside the Ark of the Covenant. One was placed on the outside of the Ark. One Law was done away with at the Cross. One Law was not. There are TWO Laws in the Bible. Jesus upheld God's Law, the 10 Commandments, and, as Christians, we are to do as He did and obey what He obeyed. 1 John 2:6
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