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  1. In 2 Corinthians 12:9, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." So when we're feeling low, that's when He's doing the most.
  2. While having a deep understanding of all the specifics is cool, at the core, it's about believing in Jesus and what he stands for – love, forgiveness, and salvation. Faith ain't about nailing down every detail perfectly; it's about having that heart connection. If you've got that belief in Jesus, you're on the right track. We all have our moments of doubt or struggle, it's totally human.
  3. Marriage ain't always smooth sailing, but when things get rough, it's like putting your faith to the test. Sticking around in a "dead" marriage can be heavy, but it's also about exploring every angle, seeking guidance, and trying to revive what's gone dim. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all answer, but trust your instincts and seek that higher guidance.
  4. The idea of heaven and hell being physical places with specific coordinates is not exactly how it works in Christianity. Instead, they're considered more as spiritual realms.
  5. That verse from Proverbs is like a golden rule for online forums and life in general. Words can cut like swords, but when we speak with wisdom and kindness, we bring healing vibes!
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