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Everything posted by Andrew007

  1. For statement 11 - I'd bring in my praise and worship and play it right along with theirs. For statement 5 - Teachers must teach it as a THEORY and you are allowed to tell them that it isn't proven. You can also tell them that creationism is a theory, and that you believe in that theory. But you can't tell them evultion is wrong. God created us. Don't believe that. But anyways.. I'd have no problem teaching the theory.
  2. I am Independent Pentecostal - get to make our own rules - woohoo! We follow the Assemblies of God doctrine pretty close, with a few moderations. I'm happy with where I am. I think the excuse "i'm not being fed there" is extremely lame - if you sit down and listen, you will be fed. I just thought I'd toss that in there.
  3. I am a wide eyed sanctified blood bought spirit taught bible totin' scripture quotin' satan bashin' sin trashin' Christ followin' pride swallowin' hard prayin' truth conveyin' faith walkin' gospel talkin' bonafide full gospel believin' holy rollin' pentecostal psycho freak saved by the blood of Jesus Christ.
  4. I am so grateful for Christs sacrafice. :il:
  5. If simpley trying to avoid him doesn't work, tell him that your mother doesn't feel comfortable with you spending time with him. If he objects to the fact of taking a break from each other because of your mothers wishes - then he isn't the kind of person you should be around anyways.
  6. Moms are smart. Esp. when they have God on their side to give them good advice.
  7. Thank you so much, WIP for your kind words. I would be so honored to be a guest in your home. :il:
  8. Let me promise you this - if you mother is a Christian - then all the decisions she makes for you are for the best of your life - whether or not you see that now or not. The spirit of discernment is in her and it is her duty to try and protect you from all things. Listen to your mom no matter what. She always knows whats best for your life.
  9. I'm right there with you - Adstar bro. I've heard it said many times that they wear the cross for a good witness. The BEST way to witness is to show the love of Jesus through your actions. Also to JP1 who said I dont think I want to remember the suffering that I made him suffer through for ME. I am so thankful for Christs sacrafice - but it saddens be that we as humans as a whole can do such a terrible thing to such a loving and caring person. I know it had to be done - but I'm just saying, the fact that we could do this to someone - anyone - completely and utterly makes me sick ot my stomache. It is, on the other hand, very important to know about. But I still feel that I don't want to remember the pain that I put my savior through!
  10. Blessings to all the newbies in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour. May your time spent here be in great fellowship with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Amen!
  11. Andrew007


    Icpguy - AMEN! So many of us Christians are just casual Christians. We are part of the crowd of Christians. When its cool me a a Christian - Church, Youth Conventions, Small Groups - and when its sometimes not cool to be a Christian - Work, School, when with a group of nonbelievers - the way we live our lives completely changes - for some. The same thing happened to Christ. When he first rode into town the crowd shouted HOSANNA! HOSANNA!! The very next day, the same crowd was shouting CRUCIFY HIM!! There was the crowd that loved to listen to Jesus tell the parables - and then there was another group - his disciples. His disciples didn't leavre with the crowd. Once the crowd was gone, they were the ones who were still yearning to learn more! They asked him what about this and what about that - they were so hungry for more!! We sholud be like the disciples every single day. Get your face in the word of God. Honger for the word like the disciples long for Jesus' messages! Today - and everyday - you have the choice. You can be part of the crowd, and go through the motions, or you can be a disciple for Christ. Which door will you walk through? Will you walk through the door that leads to the casual Christian life, or will you choose the door that will lead to the best experience of your life? I know what door I walk through everyday.
  12. I've always wondered if that is even his real last name.. That dude cracks me up - I watch his show just for kicks and giggles sometimes.
  13. First send your 10,000 dollar donation to my *cough organization cough* to further the kingdom of *cough GOD?!!!!! (no,21 actually just my wallet and size of jet) cough* and all these things shall me added unto you. Please send donation to: $10,000 Cash Donation c/o Andrew007 12345 I'm-going-straight-to-hell-for-stealing-your-money Ave. Beverly Hills, California. Please send overnight so you can recieve your blessings sooner.
  14. It is written that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle then it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. What does this say about rich people? Disclaimer: I am not saying rich people won't make it to heaven!
  15. all i have to say is....... i told yalls so
  16. He suffered FOR US. Lets just say - if you were living in those times - would you have went to the crucifiction? Same thing.
  17. I wasn't worried about seeing the movie myself until this thread popped up. So I went to the website and veiwed the teasers.... from what is shown in the teasers, it doesn't look that bad at all. Now I just think that article is completely blowing it out of porportion. I think, like Nebula, it depends on the child, and how much the parent wants to try and keep their children from seeing violence, ect. You cannot make your children live in a box.
  18. KJV Bible commentary on Galatians 2:16 Knowing that a man, any man, Jew or Gentile, is not justified by the works of the law. Justification the judicial act of God whereby He declares righteous those who trust in Christ. It is the reversal of His attitude toward the sinner because of the sinner
  19. Spend it upon your own lusts.... hhhmmmmmmmmm........
  20. refugepsa91-- Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Galatians 6:7-10
  21. I couldn't vote. In my most humble opinion, dating is not to be done until after High school. Kids should be focusing on their relationship with Christ and studies. Once the teens life is in line completely with God - and God takes the place of the longing for a girlfriend or boyfriend - THEN the right person will be there for you when the time is right. I think this also goes for single adults - but I don't know, because I'm not one. I might be a little niave on this subject, but I don't know. I just know that I have chosen NOT to date until after high school or when my life is inline with God. Also, I'd like to make the point that not many high school relationships end up in marriage. I understand that dating is essential to finding the right person, but I think thats better to be done in a group. Just my opinion... I dunno...
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