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Everything posted by artsylady

  1. Where does it say I am closing a thread? Lol Wow, see? I will leave now and maybe you can take some time and reread what I have said so you can understand what I mean.
  2. "The bible does not say that all those refraining from meat are followers of the antichrist, but that it is one of the things the antichrist will demand from those who follow him. " Where does it say such a thing? Please!
  3. I grew up on a farm. I had a friend with a dairy farm. I know what happens. I turned a blind eye as a kid. It was just what was done. You are only feeding those animals to kill them. If you are on a factory farm, you KNOW what a dairy cows udders and like. You know they cry for their babies for day. I can see why you are defensive as your livelihood depends on it. There are many former animal farmers who are changing their minds. Maybe God is calling you to also. ?? Do you understand what I mean about hermeneutics?
  4. Please go back and reread and stop being so defensive. You are not understanding, reading too quickly and jumping to wrong conclusions. Where does the Bible say the anti Christ and followers will refrain from eating meat? Stop making things up. You know that's not true, not matter how you word it. With that I'm done for now. We are to exercise wisdom. I hope people can understand that things have changed since bible times in reference to our treatment of animals.
  5. I was making a point. I am saying it's a matter of hermeneutics. The Bible condoned slavery. The Bible condoned polygamy. The Bible gave verses not to eat lobster. Today...... factory farms have some of God's creatures confined their entire lives in a small cage so they can't do anything but stand and lie down. For others their babies are taken and killed immediately. Male baby chicks are ground alive. Dairy cows of today can barely walk with their udders so full of milk due to hormones. Their babies are taken away as the mother cow cries for days. The babies are killed days later. This is touching the surface and the reason people are becoming vegan. I could actually go on and on, but already some will be getting defensive about the truth that I am speaking of. Meanwhile, remember the story of God allowing Balaams donkey speaking to him about beating him? Has the love grown cold? Can you look at the reality of todays farms and typical practises? If Jesus Would Jesus was walking the earth today, would he stand alongside someone at a factory throwing live baby chicks into a grinder? There used to be a song "God sees the little sparrow fall". I know it's uncomfortable to think about and some will refuse, but it's the reality of what is happening. Maybe some will decidedly open their eyes to the horrors and find compassion. Personally I think Christians should be leading the way.
  6. So people need to eat meat to stay Christian?
  7. It's not an 'agenda' Davida. Let me explain. It's something I hope people will consider for once. I thought exactly the same way you do now, only 1 1/2 years ago. I finally decided to sit down and watch some videos and educate myself, so that I would at least know that I was in the truth, no matter what the outcome. I am smart enough to know that in this lifetime I won't get it all right. I will get to heaven and learned that I am wrong on some things. I merely want to get as much of it right as I can while I am here. And that means sometimes giving thought and consideration to long held beliefs, such as that man needs meat and God actually wants us to eat it. At the same time, I always thought it was weird that we can eat cows in the western world and people in Asia can eat kittens and dogs, yet both find the other to be morally reprehensible. ?? Anyway.. I knew when I sat down to watch some videos, if the truth seemed that I was wrong, I would have to 'sacrifice' and change and grow. But I decided that I would be prepared for that. Again, I wanted to be in the truth, not matter how uncomfortable it might be to let go of long held beliefs. Incidentally, I did change my mind, I did see things a different way, and instead of feeling like it was a sacrifice, I feel like it was more of freedom, an epiphany. It's the ultimate in compassion. Love. I see animals as companions and friends that God put on earth for our enjoyment, not consumable goods. We are to be caretakers. I am a more gentle person. It's hard to explain. I only wish to share it with any who have ears to hear, if there are any at all. I hope you will try to understand. I can see with pop ups that as I write there are others who are jumping in and have a funny feeling people aren't jumping in to say "well I never really thought much about it and maybe I should". lol. I think its likely the opposite. So in that note, I will likely just leave things for at least a few days. God bless.
  8. Really need Biblical reference for such an outrageous statement as your first one. Especially considering the references of not eating meat, in the book of Daniel and in Genesis at the creation of man. So at least one verse to support your statement please.
  9. I am very rich compared to MOST people in the world. Again you miss my point. But then again, you don't want further clarification either. My question is then, why do you keep posting? I am confused.
  10. Ok so you all really don't realize why there are so many cows in Texas?
  11. I kind of had that feeling about you , but thought I should ask anyway, just to be polite and give you the benefit of the doubt. But you ARE misunderstanding me.
  12. Regarding your meme. First off, even before I decided to assume a mostly vegan diet, I thought that meme was ridiculous. One has good bone structure, good lighting, professional makeup, professionally done hair and possibly good genetics. One has none of those things. So if you can rest your case on that? Well, I tend to dissect things a little more. I am not sure how many times I can say this but I don't endorse Peta, and most vegans do not either. Can we just stop with the PETA? Maybe it was one of those things that started as good, but like so many other systems, ended up corrupted or with major faults, like the welfare system? In any case, I find people can simply point to PETA mistakes or all out sins and therefore reject everything they ever stood for. Do you not see the same kind of parallel with Christianity? Non believers can point to tv evangelists, shake their heads and say they want no part of it. Vegans can thrive on a vegan diet. Vegans can live to be 100. Google vegan body builders. If you would like to see more about anatomy of humans and comparisons I would be happy to show you.
  13. I mean that people like you and I, in the western world, or other places, are 'rich' compared to those in many other countries. I don't think you are understanding my point, unfortunately. It has to do with the ratio of land used to feed animals compared to the ratio needed to feed humans only. I will try to find you info..
  14. Yes, humans are breeding cows. Lots of them. Especially in Texas. I am not referring to people as cows. ?
  15. That makes absolutely no sense. The starving of the world could be fed if people did not share the attitude that you seem to have. Unfortunately the rich of the world seem to have to indulge in meat all day every day. It's sad. The love has grown cold.
  16. The push is not to 'get rid of cows'. The push is to stop eating them because factory farming is indeed cruel on many levels. I hope you will look into it.
  17. Here's what is crazy. The hungry of the world could be fed, if the rich of the world stopped breeding and eating meat. We are using far more acreage to feed animals in order to feed humans. How do you feel about this, as a Christian? Is it something you would think about or research?
  18. I have no problem admitting that I don't know it all and am prone to mistakes. That makes them relax. lol Remember, it's not US versus THEM. It's us (as in humans) versus the powers and principalities of darkness.
  19. I won't defend Peta. Most vegans do not. You don't need meat to survive. In fact, there are many studies showing both meat and dairy cause cancer. Would you watch Earthings, a documentary, with an open mind?
  20. I think we are all lactose intolerant on some levels because we shouldn't be consuming the hormonal fluids of another mammal. It's weird and unnatural but it's been a part of our culture so long, we no longer see it this way.
  21. God told Noah he could eat living things ONLY after the flood. Was this meant to be provisional, due to the fact that after the flood, there would not have been vegetation to eat? It's clear that Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego thrived on a vegan diet. Looking at the physiology of humans, I think it's clear were were designed as plant eaters. Our intestines are long and winding, but the intestines of omnivores are short and wide, meaning the food can be expelled quickly. Vegans rarely suffer from constipation. Vegans can live to be centenarians. Vegans don't have sharp incisors. Our incisors are similar to plant eaters.
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