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About ~Free

  • Birthday 08/20/1990

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    Ohio, USA
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    Coins, computers, jigsaw puzzles, working with children, animals

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  1. This is something that the Lord placed on my spirit yesterday that I thought I would put to words and share with you. I have no idea why He gave this to me, but I will use it to His glory to the best of my ability. Sorry this is so long; not sure if it will make sense or not, but I am going to be obedient anyway by posting it, praying that it will bless or touch someone in the process. Most of us know by now the codes for using the fire extinguishers in the event of a fire. The acronym PASS means Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Spray. Doing so will help you use the fire extinguisher properly so that you may fight whatever flames may be around you. Yesterday, the Lord gave me a new idea for this. Have you ever thought about other ways we can use this code? In Ephesians 6:16, Paul talks about a vital piece to the Armor of God by saying, “above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one (NKJV).” The enemy is constantly trying to throw fiery darts and battles at us Christians, but we must stand tall and strong, fighting back at Him with the faith that God is always with us and will fight those battles for us. This being said, the Lord gave me a new set of words for the code PASS: Pray, Ask, Seek, and Stand. As I thought about this, it occurred to me that this would work in just about any situation. We must always pray about any situation, whether we are praising and thanking Him for a blessing or praying about a serious situation that needs to change, or simply talking with Him during the day. Prayer is our closest and best communication with God, as it is a direct line (Jesus on the mainline, tell Him what you want!) between you and Him. He gave us the manner of prayer that covers all things that we know as The Lord’s Prayer. If you really study the Lord’s Prayer, it covers everything you could face throughout a day. It is something that my family says every morning before we even leave the house. 1 Thessalonians says to “pray without ceasing (NKJV).” That leads us into the next word which is to ask. According to James 1:6, we are to “ask in faith, with no doubting, for [she] who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind (NKJV).” I have been here before. I have doubted Him on my journey more times than I can even begin to count. Jesus says that when we ask, or ask in faith, we shall receive. He can answer our prayers the way that He knows is best for us and in His due time. A lot of Christians in this world have not learned and do not practice patience, and sometimes expect Jesus to become their Santa Claus, of sorts, or a genie. I heard someone once refer to Jesus answering prayer as a McDonald’s drive-through, where one can ask for something and have it granted to them instantly – Not so! My, how they were steered in the wrong direction! He will answer our prayers; it may just not be in the way or the timing that we expect it to be. Next we come to seek. Most of you know that my family just went through a period of a time without having a car. Because of the urgency of the situation and the fact that we had doctor’s appointments and such to get to, we began looking for a car immediately. We called everyone we knew for prayer and to see if they knew someone with a car in our price range. My mother and I were on Craigslist all day every day for a week and a half, and we posted all over Facebook looking for prayers and/or a car before we were finally blessed with one that was perfect for us. After we had the car for a day or two, the Lord pressed this upon my spirit: If we search that hard for a vehicle, lost car keys, misplaced wallet, or anything else we may lose, why can we then not apply to the same level of seeking into His word and building a relationship with Him? This started me on my newfound walk. I want to seek and search for Him and His word just as hard as I did for a vehicle. Imagine – if I apply the same level of seeking to Him as I did to this car, how much stronger can my relationship with Him get? Awesome stuff! Last but not least in this little novella of a post is the word stand. We have talked about praying, asking, and seeking so far. 1 Corinthians 16:13 says to “watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong (NKJV).” God is our ever-present help and our light in the midst of the darkness. If we stand upon His word and trust in Him, we cannot go wrong. We will face trouble, but Jesus is the conqueror over all the evil in this world. John 16:33, a favorite verse, says “I tell you these things so that in Me you may find peace. In this world you will face trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world (NIV).” We have all said that where two or three are gathered in His name, there He is in our midst also. If we truly stand in agreement one with another, God can change things. I cannot remember where I found it, but there is a verse that says the prayer of one righteous man sends 1000 angels to flight. If this is true, can you imagine how many angels we can send to flight if we all stand together as a group, praying for our nation and the condition that the world is in today; if we stand and pray for the situation in one another’s lives? My, what a mighty move God can make! My, how many mountains will move! I’m not sure if this makes sense and I apologize if there is something incorrect that offends anyone, but I thought it was pretty awesome when God gave it to me and I just had to share it. Pray, Ask, Seek, and Stand. Are you ready for the battle? Are you ready to fight the fire? Are you ready to be diligent in service and give it to God? I know I’m ready to go! May God bless and keep each and every one of you; I love you and may He keep a hedge of protection about you at all times.
  2. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12 Right you are, Joe. We are going to be persecuted for being followers of Christ just as Christ himself was persecuted by so many people. I hardly watch TV anymore, and when I do it is the Disney Channel (yes, I'm still pathetic lol) or TBN or some other station, because there is just too much out there anymore. Family station or shows are no longer for family. This is the price we pay for taking up our crosses and following Jesus. One day we will be in a place where there will be no more hipocrisy, ridicule, or persecution, and I look so forward to that day.
  3. I know that feeling very well! How blessed you are to experience it! I think it might have something to do with the joy of the Lord. It's an unstoppable unquenchable unending love and joy for others and for life and for all things. I recall a few years back when my husband and I were on a yearly motorcycle ride to see the spring flowers in bloom. I was so filled with love and joy that day that it was physically hard to stay on my bike! I was riding and singing and praising God and I'm sure all those who saw me thought me nuts. What an Awesome God we serve! Praise God! What an awesome God we do serve! I have been there before and I have experienced the world's reaction to it. What matters, though, is what you feel and you follow your heart and God's will in every decision set in your path; He has the right person waiting for you, and when the time is right He will reveal that person to you.
  4. Thats right You tell santa who's boss!!! Tell him no more breaking an entering, and stealing cookies!! Santa needs to know that we WANT our presents!!! Ha ha just kidding... anyway, I'm glad that I have blessed you today with this note.
  5. That's funny! Thank you all for standing in agreement with me - has been trying to attack my spirit greatly the last couple of weeks, and I wanted to make him stop!
  6. I have always loved Philippians 4:13 - "For I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Mark 4:4 - "Man shall not live by bread alone by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God." I also love this - It is my ALL-TIME favorite: "For the word of the Lord is right and true; He is faithful in all that He does. The Lord loves righteous and justice; the earth if full of His unfailing love." - Psalms 33:4-5
  7. Mathy, My stepmom has an eleven year old miniature dachshund, Molly. When my parents separated, Dad had no choice but to take my cocker spaniel/lab, Buddy to his house. Molly wasn't too happy with that, because she'd love the other dogs that stayed at the house but they all left and made her mad because there were no companions lol. We tried to bed thing, and that seemed to work for a while; I eventually got one of those combo leash things; I put them both on the same lead and put one leash and walked both at the same time on the same leash and she got used to Buddy. Now if we take Buddy somewhere and Molly doesn't get to go or vice versa they got really mad and leave a mess on the carpet. Anyway, not much help, but there's my experience.
  8. Dear Satan, I decided I would write to you today to tell you that you cannot control my life. I am living my life for God once and for all and I refuse to allow you to use my family to turn me against God. Just because you don't want to serve God does not mean that I cannot. You have ruled my life for the last time. Jesus Christ is my Savior - I believe that He came to Earth to teach us about God's love, died on the cross for the saving of my sins, and rose again in victory. You cannot take that away from me. I rebuke you in Jesus' name! You have used my friends and my family in every possible way against me, and I order you to stop in His holy name! You stay away from those people you are using against me - Those that are too weak to resist you - leave them alone! By His stripes I am healed, and I in no way intend to follow your footsteps. You cause destruction and torment, and that is not what I want with my life. If you want to get to me, you have to go through God first. May you stay where you belong. I am: Free 2 B Me in Christ and Christ only.
  9. Hi there-- I can tell you that I am starting college next fall, and when I was looking for colleges to apply to, I looked for a college that was not one specific denomination, but several so that I could not feel excluded in the practices. I wanted a college that would benefit me academically and spiritually. I think you are right to wonder about these things, though. I know that doesn't help much, but I tried.
  10. I am new to this post, so my post won't be in conjuction with the others, but I can tell you that we had a speaker about this at our church yesterday. She and her husband just returned from that Lakeland, FL revival - and she believes it is real. She saw what was going on the last couple of weeks with her own eyes and showed us a video. It is so amazing for God to work in the lives of people from all over the country - I hope it continues.
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