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  1. The best cure for writer's block is going to a very out of the way quiet place. Lay a blanket out and stare up at the sky. Notice the clouds, the birds flying over head, or even the coolness of the breeze as it blows across your face. At night, do the same and enjoy God's little creations (stars) and the moon. All I am saying is get out there and put your heart at peace with the very things that God put His hand in creating. Once you get to that place of adoration, I'm sure He will fill your heart with the next twenty chapters if so be.
  2. Pain is but a trying of our faith to strengthen us to receive God's manifold blessings in our lives. I was robbed and beat up pretty badly just two months ago. I could barely walk because of the pain and couldn't understand why me. God had a plan for it and I believe that I was being tried to strengthen my faith. I admit that at first I was big time mad, then I became indifferent as to what would happen to the two that did it to me. Just a couple of days ago I had court for one of the two that robbed me. After court was over, I went up to the young man that participated in the hitting and kicking and told him that from the bottom of my heart I forgive him and that I hold nothing against him. I extended my hand to him and with a little hesitation he extended his to me. I told his mother that I hold nothing against her family. You see, pain is just a temporary part of what our eternity is made up of. After this life is joy unspeakable that we cannot even image. What is a little pain when it is compared to a lot of joy?
  3. Again, this isn't for a debate, just your honest thoughts.
  4. Do you think that if evolution weren't taught that crime would be lower? I have been placed in a place (Detention Center, ie. jail) as a Correctional Officer for the time being and have seen a different side to how people act. It seems that when the inmates are treated like "animals" they act as such because they truly believe they are no better than just that. But, when I go around I try to give them a glimpse of who they really are...a created person that God has a specific plan for and have had good talks with several "bad" boys. It seems that when they see that they have a purpose from something/someone greater than themselves they act a bit differently. Your thoughts. Could teaching creation change the direction of some of those in (I'd hate to reference just one people group, but this is a for instance) poor, lower class areas?
  5. I, without a doubt, believe that there will be a rapture of the church. I'm not going into specifics about the when part, but anyone that just reads the bible will get that at some point in time we will meet Jesus in the air, the dead and the living. Can't prove to me otherwise, with the bible at least. I guess that means that no one can change my mind because that's all I go on anyway.
  6. Sorry I didn't take the time to look over the posts after the OP, but my opinion on the matter is that there should be something set up in house for the church. I believe that it is a deacon's ministry to set up a program in which those that want to attend but cannot due to circumstances out of their control can attend. I think that a number should be given out to those in need, but that number has to be for the one in charge of the "pickup/take home" ministry. He/She should also set up a list of willing drivers to be on call for certain areas in the church's focus region. It's awesome for those that feel comfortable enough to give out their personal numbers, but, I would not advocate that as a former police officer. It's best to set up the ministry in the church and let those ordained to such a ministy handle it. Just a thought.
  7. I am thankful that I yet again was given grace to wake up and try again to give Him glory through my life. Thank you Lord for another chance to praise you!
  8. I am alive and well. I have a wonderful wife and three beautiful children. I had a horrible meeting with my boss and still can praise God for it. Food God's word (Food) Fans when it is hot People to debate with, it helps me grow All of you, both the Christian and the non-Christian, God's love you all and so do I.
  9. What are you thankful for?
  10. Identity of the invaders. Where is the land of Magog? It seems almost certain that these verses in Ez. refer to none other than that of Russia. Ez. tells us that the invasion will come from the uttermost part of the north. Josephus assures us that the descendants of Magog (Japheth's son and Noah's grandson) migrated to an area north of Palestine. Herodotus writes that Meshech's descendants settled north of Palestine. Ez. lists five nations who will join Russia during her invasion. These are Persia, Ethipia, Libya, Gomer, and Togarmah. They refer to Persia (modern day Iran) Ethiopia (black African nations ie in South Africa) Libya (Arabic African nations ie North Africa) Gomer (East Germany) and Togarmah ie southern Russia and the Cossacks perhaps Turkey). Reason for invasion is to cash in on the riches of Palestine (Ez. 38:11,12), to control the Middle East, in controlling the Middle East one could control that part of the world because it bridges all areas. The invasion is to challenge the authority of the anti-christ as well.
  11. I regret that this post turned the way in which it did. We are here to sharpen one another so that we can grow in Christ. I think that we all need to take a step back sometimes and look at the final picture of standing (or kneeling) at the throne of God before the Creator of the universe and be able to know that we tried our best to serve Him while we had the chance. "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." Proverbs 27:17
  12. I have probably read through the entire bible more than 10 times. Been a Christian for 15 years and started challenging myself to grab the concepts of it for counselling and lifestyle improvement. Funny thing is, when I read it through 7 times in that 13 month period, I actually started having dreams in KJV. When you dream with people say thou, thy, and ye it becomes a bit amusing. Besides, the more of God's word you have in your head, the less worldly influences pop in to distract.
  13. Just to name a few....pornography, creation v evolution, faith at work, money, gambling, and so on....this is an all encompassing topic from what we allow ourselves to do politically to what we choose to do everyday. I don't see the confusion from the OP, it's a topic about how we justify our actions before ourselves just so that we can do something that is inherently wrong societally or personally. Does the black and white of the Bible have to be turned to gray for us to sleep better at night?
  14. Why is it that when our opinions matter the most the infallibility of the Word of God matters the least? It seems that we, as a human race, can justify just about anything to sleep better at night and discard the very word of God as meaning something else to do what we choose and believe how we want to.
  15. Anyone still up on the challenge? I'm in 1 Chronicles 15 as of now and still going strong, where are you all at up to this point?
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