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Everything posted by spiritman

  1. Very encouraging to know that there are still caring people out there
  2. Luker, if you're going to ridicule my evidence and sources at least get it right ok. anyone who reads the AIG article, can see you haven't listed all the information so I'll do it for you. References C.G. Weber,
  3. Remember in an earlier discussion on radiometric dating how I gave you a little grief over citing your sources, this is an excellent example of why that's important. The AIG article you blindly linked to essentially claims that because coral can grow up to 414 mm. per year the entire Eniwetok formation could have formed in <3500 years. You'll notice that they provide a single reference for this claim which is a study done by J. Verstelle in 1932. . .yes, that's right 1932. Is this seriously the best data we can find on coral growth rates? A study from over 70 years ago? Is there a reason more recent studies that look at indicators such as growth rings are completely ignored? Certainly none of the problems mentioned earlier in the article would significantly affect it other than the fact that it yields growth rates of 0.7 to 3.3 mm per year which is too slow for a young earth. Lurker I Yes there is a reason; We don't trust the evolutionary scientists conclusions; at least in my case for one reason. 1. Their findings have to agree with evolution, if not they will get kicked out of their jobs ( The Love of Money is the root of all evil) . Remember the news articles I gave you some time back, about what happened to well educated scientists with PHD's by their names, if they refuse to come up with in their prospective fields anything but conclusions that agree with evolution? You people are told what to think, how to think it, if not you lose your jobs, your paycheck, your creditability. Think I'm wrong Lurker, prove me wrong, go into your school tomorrow, and tell your students that Evolution is just a theory, and that creation science should be considered as well. Let's see how long you keep your job.
  4. That's one big issue I have with the evolutionists evidence; most of the time they like to present some of the evidence, and give you just enough to make you believe their side of the story; leaving out the part, that would show that their evidence is presumption, and not fact.
  5. "Evolutionists 1 Creationists 13" So I guess by that logic the score would now be: Evolutionists & Geologists: 1 Creationists: 13
  6. Coral only grows a fraction of an inch a year, so a reef that's over 4,000 feet thick couldn't have formed within 6,000 years. Lurker As Paul harvey used to say so many years ago; " And now the rest of the story" Click here
  7. Well I guess in 2020 if you have to have one of these chips in your brain in order to use a computer. I will be ditching my computer. they can keep their chips.
  8. Next thing you know It will considered illegal to imprison them.
  9. I guess my point is; please explain how drlling for coral has anything to do with proving an OEC
  10. I'm a guy so let me just give you my angle on this. 1. be honest straight out. Tell him your not really interested in him. He will respect you more for that. He might get a little hurt at first but he will lick his wounds and move on. After all it's a singles group right, you're not the only fish in the sea.
  11. Thanks for posting this nebs The shroud is an interest of mine, and I love getting any new updated information. I think it's interesting that when in doubt the skeptics just pull out the old Radiometric dating card.
  12. I almost found my self replying to that " Is it just me" thread by darkest red. that thing has been circulating since like 2004.
  13. The Evolution yahoo's are afraid the truth will get out.
  14. One problem with the science that theists perform is; there is no way they can prove their theories, because in order to do so, they would have to incorperate Historical science. There was no one from the scientific community in the past to confirm whether the conclusions science comes up with is constant. However Christians have the God of the Bible, Who was present at the time of the begining and left us His notes, The Bible. Most Scientists have to eventually change their theories because most of them are evenutally proven wrong. Why do you place your faith in such an unstable system? How ever in contrast the Bible has never been proven wrong.
  15. Sure, Transitional forms, there are no air tight transitonal forms. Therefore no scientific proof for Macro-evolution.
  16. Well firstly, it was a very slim probablility but it was bound to happen being that the universe is unarguably huge. 2nd, I will not label the human ignorance of information as a god. Science has done a great job of digging answers out of the earth and universe alike. Earth had the right conditions for life-forms to thrive, mostly just bacteria at the time. Some kind of evolution must have happened at somepoint, I will not accept the magical answer. Macro-Evolution which is one species transforming into another does not happen nor is there proof that it does. Micro-evolution we see happening all around us. such as for example changes brought on by hereditary traits, environment etc etc.
  17. That would be awesome. Just pondering though, is that a conclusion that scientists are able to reach? Exactly; if these scientists are anything like the ones that pursue evolution, then; even when God is the only answer, they will more then likely thrown Him out.
  18. Ok, so what happens if bad things keep happening, your whole life, and you've repented of everything you can think of, and you simply cannot take your life anymore, and you finally break down and get really mad at God for allowing it all to happen in the first place? Oh, and when you are blessed with depression and anxiety to the point where "trusting" God and "enduring testing or discipline" is impossible? I have been to this point before; God is asking us to completely trust in Him even unto death. As a matter of fact, there are things going on in my life right now, that I could be snuffed out anytime. But God has so far protected me from these people. But I must trust Him, and believe this one verse. Romans 8:28 (KJV) 28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. And if I should die, God will be waiting for me as he promised on the other end.
  19. Ok, well I won't go into a lot of detail, but there was a situation a couple of years ago, where I felt my family was in danger, and that we needed to get out of this neighborhood. So we packed up our bags and moved to Corpus Christi Texas. We stayed about 1 month, and my wife was getting ready to settle down in a job, and I had gone through the interview process at a local business. We had a house that we were in the process of getting a loan for and everything. We were going to start a new life. I wasn't really 100 percent sure this is what God wanted me to do. But I did it anyway. It had occurred to me that maybe what I was going through back at the old house, was God wanting me to grow in the faith more. So, One day I began to have severe pain in my side, and I had to go to the ER. The doctor told me that both of my kidneys were completely stopped up with stones. I set in my bed and prayed to the Lord, I said; " Lord if you want me to move back to Ohio, please show me by letting me be healed of this.". Just then I had to go to the bathroom. The doctor told me I had 4 stones in my kidneys. while I was in the bathroom, they came out, 1, 2, 3, 4 just like that. The doctor did a new scan, and all the stones where gone. so 24 hours later I got to thinking too much, I said; " Maybe this was a coincidence; bad timing, so maybe I won't go back". I was laying in bed in a trailer, my wife laying next to me, and all of a sudden she jumped out of bed, and started to panic, her face began swelling uncontrollably. I prayed and and asked the Lord's forgiveness, and her face went back to normal. I don't know whether or not anyone else on here has experienced this kind of discipline but it's not pretty.
  20. John 3:16; " 16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. I believe He died for the entire world, however that's not to say that the entire world will accept the free gift. That's covered in John 3:17-20.
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