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Everything posted by Hvnly1Rose

  1. Religion- a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices grnerally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects; the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices; something one believes in and follows devotedly, a point or matter of ethics or conscience. Atheist- a person who denies or dis-believes the existence of a supreme being or beings. Atheisim- the doctrine or belief that there is not God; disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings. By Websters definition being an atheist is in itself a religion....it is the belief that there is no God....they have faith that there is no God. I agree that evolution is hogwash, but I also believe that you can be a Christian and believe that the Lord brought us out of the muck. Now, that is not how I believe, but if someone does believe that way and they still continue to have a relationship with Jesus everyday then who are we to say they can't remain a Christian. I don't see it any different than when the rapture will happen (pre-, mid-, post-). We all have our oppinions on it, but that doesn't negate our relationship with the Lord. Non of this goes against Gods laws.
  2. Can the Aurora Boriales be seen this far south?
  3. I personally believe that satan knows human nature and we are creatures of habit so it is very easy for him and his minions to cause trouble for us without having to spend every waking moment with us. The rest I think we like to blame on him because hes a good scapegoat and we don't know who else to blame. Now I do believe that he has a hand in things that have to do with interfearing with your faith....like when you become a leader/teacher/pastor you have more spiritual attacks then when you are only responsible for your own spiritual well being...but even as you become stronger in the Lord the attacts become more frequent. I found the first Screwtape letter online if anyone wants to read it, now remember this is the point of view of the enemy. "The Screwtape Letters - Letter I My dear Wormwood, I note what you say about guiding your patient's reading and taking care that he sees a good deal of his materialist friend. But are you not being a trifle naif? It sounds as if you supposed that argument was the way to keep him out of the Enemy's clutches. That might have been so if he had lived a few centuries earlier. At that time the humans still knew pretty well when a thing was proved and when it was not; and if it was proved they really believed it. They still connected thinking with doing and were prepared to alter their way of life as the result of a chain of reasoning. But what with the weekly press and other such weapons, we have largely altered that. Your man has been accustomed, ever since he was a boy, to having a dozen incompatible philosophies dancing about together inside his head. He doesn't think of doctrines as primarily "true" or "false," but as "academic" or "practical," "outworn" or "contemporary," "conventional" or "ruthless." Jargon, not argument, is your best ally in keeping him from the Church. Don't waste time trying to make him think that materialism is true! Make him think it is strong or stark or courageous
  4. Have you asked her what is wrong? Or if you could help. Let her know she is hurting you by the way she is treating you and ask her if there is something specific you can pray for her about. Ask her if you have done something to upset her. Do anyone of these things in love and she will respond, pray before hand so as to have the guidance from the Lord and He will also soften her heart to hear and share. Trust the Lord.
  5. -SI AMIGO'S-- :alien: :alien: :alien: And is ever watchful-----fer E-VILE-do'ers--- Ya'll are a hoot!!! As for the conspiracy, I have heard it spoken of before. I do believe that we are all part of a much bigger picture. The only thing we can do about it is pray and ask for guidance. Otherwise we need to just watch as the Lords plan unfolds. Not that we aren't doing something about the problem because when we are involved in politics and keep an ever watchful eye on what laws are being passed, we have the ability to slow their progress. But thats only by Gods will also. I guess we have to TRUST that God is going to take care of his children. Nuf said.
  6. I got this from my weekly K-House e-News Letter also check out related links: THE F.C.C. AND THE F-BOMB Television shows are becoming noticeably cruder with each passing season and varying levels of profanity have found their way into sitcom and television drama scripts. In the name of "free speech" vulgarity has been allowed to infiltrate television and the airwaves with little effort to stop it. However, American families are growing weary of the noise pollution and have started to shout in protest, and the shouting is being heard. It has gotten so bad that when U2 singer Bono dropped the F-bomb on live television at the Golden Globe awards last year, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) blew it off as no big deal. The FCC argued that, "the performer used the word as an adjective or expletive to emphasize an exclamation." Since the word was used as an adjective rather than in a sexual context, the FCC ruled in October that the word could be permitted on broadcast television. Then, during the live Billboard Music Awards in December, Nicole Richie of the Fox TV reality show "The Simple Life" threw out a couple of foul words. While the words were bleeped out on West Coast feeds, they were broadcast live to those watching on the East Coast. In response to the FCC's ruling that permitted even the most offensive words to be used without penalty, and especially in light of the language used at the Billboard awards, Focus on the Family petitioned the FCC to "clean house" and deal with the problem. "This latest assault on American families is just another indication that the FCC does not take its job seriously," said Tom Minnery, vice president of public policy for Focus on the Family. "Each year, TV broadcasters grow bolder and bolder, but the FCC acts as if nothing is happening." Focus on the Family did not stand alone. A large number of family groups protested and millions of Americans wrote to the FCC to reverse its ruling and to take its responsibility seriously. The American Family Association sent its corporate attorney for FCC matters to meet with FCC Commissioner Michael Copps. After the public outrage and with some legal encouragement, FCC Chairman Michael Powell reversed an earlier position he had made and last week called on his fellow commissioners at the FCC to overturn their October ruling. A couple of congressmen have also taken the issue in hand. In December, congressmen Doug Ose (R-Cal) and Lamar Smith (R-Tex) introduced a bill, the Clean Airwaves Act (H.R. 3687), which defines eight words and phrases that the majority of the public considers profane and indecent. Under the Act, television and radio broadcasters would be penalized if they allowed any of the eight words or phrases to make it out on the air. "I regret you gotta be specific, but apparently there's somebody out at the FCC who needs that kind of direction," said Ose, the father of two young children. The Act is already being criticized, however. One free speech lawyer argued that it could hinder legitimate live news broadcasts. At the same time, Rep. Smith encouraged the FCC to go through with reversing its October ruling. "Profane language on our nation's airwaves is a growing and disturbing trend," Smith said. "We should discourage its use and promote values that strengthen families. Parents should not have to cover their children's eyes and ears when they turn on the television." Related Links:
  7. Cats, I completely understand that you are thankful for EVERYTHING as you should be. It just pains us to see others in pain and if there is any chance that the Lord would see fit to heal you completely and you had no more pain through our prayers then it is a blessing to us. Its hard to watch those that we love or have grown fond of suffer in pain. But most definately be THANKFUL for ALL things!
  8. AMEN AMEN AMEN jmelrok. That is one of the many reasons we were led to Homeschool our 3 children. And AMEN to you too Dad. AMEN to the Lord for giving us the tools we need to raise our children properly.
  9. I am so glad we got back to the original post on Spiritual gifts. Praise God! When I was a new Christian I went through one to one discipleship and was given a questionnaire that listed the spiritual gifts....it is called the Modified Houts Questionnaire. At the time I found I had (in order of strength- lesser to more) Discerning of spirits, giving, leadership, knowledge, exhortation, hospitality, helps, faith, service, & martyrdom. There are a lot more that I didn't have then. I haven't redone it recently. I did receive tongues later, and I use it for personal private prayer, that is until the Lord has me do it in public. I need to do it again to see if anything has changed.
  10. One Accord, There is a great book that I think truely gives a wonderful understanding of Agape Love and puts it into perspective when it comes to our natural love. This book is called "The Way of Agape" by Chuck and Nancy Missler. Here are some bits and pieces I got from this book: "Agape Love is and unconditional giving of yourself for another with no strings attached. Loving with God's Love is a Love that keeps on loving even when the object of that Love ceases to please or even tries to stop that Love from coming. God's Love is patient, kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud, never haugthy or selfish or rude, does not demand its own way, its not irritable or touchy, doesn't hold grudges and will hardly even notice when others do it wrong, its never glad about injustice, but rejoices whenever truth wins, loyal whatever the cost. An unfailing love. God's Love can do these things because it is not a human love. It is a supernatural Love. It is not dependent or based upon human understanding, desires or emotions nor upon the other person's responses or the circumstances we are in. In the Greek language, God's Love is called Agape . Agape represents something greater than what most of us can even imagine because Agape is God, and no one can really fully comprehend God. Everytime it is used in Scripture it means, without exception, God's pure and divine Love. Besides the Bible, there is no other usage of the word Agape in literature. God's Love is: unconditional because it loves no matter what one-sided because it doesn't have to be returned to be kept alive freeing- it frees the person loving from his own expectations and presumptions and frees the one being loved by making no demands upon him and allowing him to respond from his real feelings and not from his defenses other-centered because it always puts the other person's interests above and before its own." I would like to type out the 3 chapters of this book that cover God's Love and the three Natural loves (storge, eros & phileo) a little bit at a time and put it here for you all to read. Do you think that would be a problem or wrong? Let me know what you think. Rose
  11. Yes, the kind you eat, ie:non molded variety, although in a pinch.... LOL!!!! I truely prefer Chala bread...but usually get those broken up round crackers, I don't even know what they are called.
  12. Cat & Snow, I had no idea that you both were going through these debilitating ailments. I do however believe God and His promise, "by His stripes we are healed". So where God is, there is a way. Prayer is always primary. Hey, lets go back to that gifts of the spirit thread and look for those with the gift of healing. I wish I had that gift, I would pronounce you both healed right now in the name of our Lord Jesus. That the both of you could reach out and touch the train of his robe and be healed. Lord, bring your healing upon both of these faithful women. Let their healing bring glory to Your Name. You are the great physician Lord in whom we trust. Father hear our prayer, hear the groaning of your children suffering in pain. Holy Spirit we trust in you to pray on our behalf because we don't always know how to pray. Give us wisdom and discernment Lord to do the right things when it comes to our bodies, Your temple. We are wholy devoted to You Lord. In Jesus Name........AMEN Well Ladies, I agree we do need a forum that deals specifically with physical ailments and one for eating disorders. I separate them because I believe that one is not directly related to sin (physical) but the other is (eating disorders). We chose how we eat...we don't chose to get any of the ailments you both have or what others have. Now if weight is a direct problem of a physical ailment and not because you aren't eating healthy it needs to be delt with differently than with those that are making the choice to eat improperly. I certainly see my weight problem as a sin problem...I know I can lose it, its just making that conscience choice to do what is right. Am I wrong? Well lets see if we get anything about it from George....Hey maybe we should Poll it.... With Love, Rose
  13. Hey Cat, have you tried water aerobics? It is very theraputic and puts no stress on your body. If you can afford to get a Y membership they have water aerobic classes that you can do...then you can take your body and put it in the hot tub for a while....aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh ....sounds great! I can't afford the membership myself but it would be great to be able to add that to my excercise list....and my kids would love it. And if you have your own pool (heated woud be good) there are books that you can get showing you different exercizes to do in the water. I have one for when we lived in Florida called "The Complete Waterpower Workout Book" by Lynda Huey and Robert Forster, P. T., and there are some great photographs (underwater) to show you what you need to do. They have a complete section on Water Healing. It sounds as though you are eating healthy and I would think that would be a tremendous help. Eating several small meals a day seems to be the way to go. You are never so hungry that you gorge and by eating the right foods at each meal it actually turns that metabolizm back on. I have all the tools that I need to do the job, it's just getting the job done. It all comes down to my sin of laziness.
  14. Wow Snow, I am truely stunned. Sorry if that may sound strange to you, but it never occured to me that anyone would try to sleep to keep from eating. Are you taking the sleeping pills for another reason? Like your an insomniac? I too am carrying a lot of weight. I am 5' 1" and 260 lbs, I should weigh no more than 125 lbs but want to be back to 115 lbs...I was there many years ago, I miss it. Well, anyhow, I agree with you about the forum. We can share information on what is working/or not working....how much we lost how much we gained and encourage each other when we do lose or gain And also pray for each other and with each other. Let me start with this, it is not necessary to go for long periods of time. If you can get yourself to walk for 10 minutes everyday and gradually increase that as you start feeling better I think you will be more inclined to continue with it. Don't try and do 20-60 mins all in one shot, because you will quite as soon as you start to feel the pain, I know cus I have been there also. Start little and slowly increase. This is what I can't get through to my hubby, he wants me to do 60 mins in one shot daily, ain't gonna happen with this out of shape blob...lol :x: Once you get into a habit it will be easy to increase to 15 then 20 etc. Now....if I can take my own advice I will be doing great....DICIPLINE.....guess I need a cheering section that spells it out for me....Give me a D.....Give me an I......Give me a C.....well, you get the picture. I don't think that stapling the stomach is the way to go...because if what you say is true you will have it stretched out again in no time. As for your limited budget, you don't need a lot of $ to lose the weight. And its great that you live in a trailer park because the blocks are usually shorter. So you may be able to get around it in 10 mins. And if 10 mins is too much...then start with 5....whatever will get you out there! If you are interested in a specific weight loss program and you can get it in book form....such as Body for Life (that I mentioned before) or Dr. Phil's diet (not to sure about that one), there is also the South Beach Diet thats all the craze right now. Whatever it is you can either get it from the library or ask God for it and it just might be bought for you. I can say that the Body for Life has a very inexpensive eating plan even though you eat 6 times a day. And you don't have to buy special food products. They do sell protien shakes and stuff but they never say you have to have them to be successful. Here is their web page BodyforLife.com. If anything you can see testimonies and get some easy recipes from there. Now for prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I praise your name for you are a wonderful loving God that does not want to see any of His children suffering. Lord I just ask you now to forgive us for not submitting ourselves to your will when it comes to how we treat our bodies, Your temple. Lord help to change our thoughts into constructive, productive and God pleasing. Help us to be motivated and give us a burning desire to make Your temple beautiful once again. Make us healthy creatures for our time here in this world and that we may be a witness to someone who is struggling and be the inspiration they need. Lord be our inspiration today, everyday, moment by moment as we trust in you for the strength to get up in the morning and make the decision to Walk for You....to Eat for You.....to Glorify You in all that we do. Lord You are my Rock and Salvation. Thank You for the promise to complete a good work in us. Thank You for Your Son, and Your Holy Spirit who dwells in us. In Jesus' name..........AMEN! GBU Snow, Rose
  15. I am truely excited about this actor/director seen as a worldly mans man making a movie that is to glorify the Lord and that his entire desire was to do that very thing, glorify the Lord. It also makes me happy because I like Mel Gibson as an actor, and thinking that he was not saved or didn't know the Lord, then come to find out he has such a desire to be a witness for the Lord and in the process have many people working on the set get saved as well as (I am sure) those that go see it. God must have His hand in it somewhere. I can't wait to see it.
  16. Snow, I totally understand what you are going through. I too have a problem with obesity. I have the desire to lose the weight but have a problem with discipline. I have a problem with walking on uneven pavement because of my weight so I avoid walking, I make excuses galore not to excercise. So what I did is begged for a treadmil for Christmas and was acutally dissapointed that I may not get it....well I was totally surprised when I got it. I am very excited about it and I have used it, but I can't seem to get myself into any kind of regular rutine yet. My husband has not figured out how to be supportive, he is more accusitory and judgemental, like I am not losing the weight to spite him. Never as it is a struggle for me, sin. Maybe he's right, but that's another story. I have tried so many things myself that I have almost given up on everything...there is one program that is really good and you see results right away. Its a book called Body for Life by Bill Phillips. I lost 12 lbs on it in just three weeks. It requires a 12 week comittment and you are never hungry because you eat 6 times a day and you eat healthy. But as I said, I have a problem with discipline, I didn't stick with it. Does this sound at all familiar? Well, I guess we both need prayer on this issue. Maybe we need a weight loss support group forum? Well, at least prayer. Rose
  17. There is another thread in the Ladies lounge "kids forum 15 lower" that I posted this in: It is a place that my 16 year old goes into and it is monitored quite well. I thought it would be a good place for them to talk with kids their own age. So far she says no one has tried to contact her through that message board so I don't even know if they are following up on the threads they are posting here. But I thought we could lead them to a Christian message board that they would have more in common with the people. Trying to Help, Rose
  18. OK, how did you get through life without knowing a thing about Sesame Street? Oh My Goodness!!!!!!!!
  19. Sane, Be encouraged, we all know what you are going through and it is a daily struggle for many of us. Let me tell you there are many Christian music artists that you will enjoy listening to and be uplifted in the process. This was a concern for us when my husband was saved....he too needed to substitute his secular artists with Christian ones....he listened to the sample CD's at Christain bookstores as well as asked other Christians what is out there that is comparable to what style he likes....which is many. There are still some secular artists that have songs that are not against what the Lord whould have you expose yourself or your family to. You still get your music man! Be excited! As for movies and TV....that is hit and miss. I totally agree with what neb said: There are many seasoned Christians here on the worthy boards take everything into consideration and ALWAYS pray about it so God can give you the dicernment to make the right decisions. If you have any questions on music that you can listen to daily don't hesitate to email me. Gods blessings and wisdom be poured out on you and your family.:a2: Rose
  20. I do certainly see that there is a wealth of Love here on the Worthy Boards. It's nice to see the depth of the relationships here. I know that what ever God gives us, no matter what amount it's because He knows that we will put it where He wants it to go. I just know as creatures that love to creat we love to dream big, but we should only expect and accept what God allows. He will never give us more than we can handle....good or bad. Gee...I love God!!!
  21. WOW! You guys are great. I too agree that we are all wealthy in God alone. Don't get me wrong, I truely am blessed beyond measure even though I cannot give (mostly to my children) what I want to give. And God always meets our needs. I can honestly say we aren't hurting but until the head of our home is totally in God's will then we will continue to have personal financial struggles. I would just love to be able to give to others as well. Thanks for replying and keep um commin!
  22. As for me, I would most definately give to whatever God places on my heart. Unfortunately right now, with my season in life I have not been given a great desire, other than to make sure people in my general location get fed, clothed and housed. I can say though that I would love to give many opportunities to the Homeschool community that they don't currently have. I'm sure if I really thought hard and prayed about it I would have a list quite long. As for what I would do for myself and my family. I would make sure my mother and sister were well taken care of as well as my husbands family. I would finally own my own home and have a second vehicle (one that wasn't breaking down constantly). My kitchen would be well stocked so that when someone asks me for something I have it to give or to offer. That I don't have to wait months to get clothing essentials for my children, myself or husband because there are holes in them. That I could take my family to a movie and dinner once a month or more. Have a normal, comfortable life and still be able to give to my hearts content. When I see someone in the line at the grocery store that had to put stuff back because they didn't have enough to pay for it, to be able to pay for it so they can take it home would be a blessing to me. These are simple things I would do. My husband on the other hand has much bigger thoughts...like to build a home for the homeless to help them get back on their feet and into a job. I think we both have a soft spot for the homeless because we were once without a home of our own. God allows things to happen in our lives to give us an understanding and desire to carry out His work. Oh, and my husband would probably want to open his own skydiving Drop Zone (DZ) as now that he has tasted flying there is no turning back.
  23. Well ya'll, I know I posted this question in the Joyce Meyer thread but I was just curious what everyone would say to this question, so I thought I would start my own topic. (Wow, my very first topic, I'm excited!) Ok, so what would you do with and insanely ABUNDANT blessing? Ya know, you gave and gave and God gave more, because you can't out give Him. And you had so much wealth that you could do so much with and have plenty left over, what would you do? Would you continue to live the way you do now, or would you splurge? :x: And what ministries would you support, what has God put on your heart?
  24. Yeah, but there are times we don't see a Christians fruit, because we just met them or other circumstances. So I think it would be quite cool if we got an invisble mark that only true Christians can see.
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