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Everything posted by kevkeegsdad

  1. From the original article coming in at number 10... The movie, “Rise of the Guardians” points to 3 days of darkness starting 3 days before Easter and a great deliverance, including spirits being released from prison and the resurrection of the dead, taking place on the night of Easter Sunday. I'm not sure why this was added to this list of thirty...I think some of the arguements are interesting but this item and the one about the Watchmen movie make me scratch my head. Are we to infer that Hollyweird has some sort of inside information about the Rapture and is dropping hints? Or is it possible that the collective subconcious is aware of the impending Rapture and is finding expression in pop culture? Like I say it leaves me scratching my head.
  2. maybe we'll get lucky and they will be like in Matthew "and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many." Matthew 27:52-53
  3. Another interesting passage from 2 Kings 20 1-11 Hezekiah had asked Isaiah, "What will be the sign that the LORD will heal me and that I will go up to the temple of the LORD on the third day from now?" 9 Isaiah answered, "This is the LORD's sign to you that the LORD will do what he has promised: Shall the shadow go forward ten steps, or shall it go back ten steps?" 10 "It is a simple matter for the shadow to go forward ten steps," said Hezekiah. "Rather, have it go back ten steps." 11 Then the prophet Isaiah called upon the LORD, and the LORD made the shadow go back the ten steps it had gone down on the stairway of Ahaz. So here we are told that the shadows reversed themselves by about 10 steps...not sure how many degrees the sun would need to shift in the sky to actually move your shadow back 10 steps, but this would seem to indicate that there may have been a pole shift or reversal... I am inclined to think these passages (if given a "natural" explanation ) refer to a pole shift since I see no indication in the texts that the sun started rising in a different part of the sky or that there were other cataclysms associated with the strange sun phenomena. Kev
  4. Joshua 10:13-14 mentions something which may pertain to a pole shift or a reversal of the poles... "And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. [is] not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day." "And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the LORD fought for Israel." Not specifically mentioned as a pole shift... I'm not sure if this is a pole shift or pole reversal...and I hesitate to find "natural" phenomena that would cloud God's fighting for Israel... My son and I have often talked about the Bible and he asks some very interesting questions that as a parent I feel obliged to answer... "How did God do that?" "Why did God do that?" In the end if God wants to use natural phenomena to work or he chooses to step in with a more "supra-natural" intervention that's His prerogative... Kev
  5. I think we all know something like this is coming...and probably a lot worse as well. Jesus himself said, "How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! There will be great distress in the land and wrath against this people... He was speaking of Israel specifically in this passage but I believe there is a broader context as well... Certain things must come to pass for the fulfillment of God's will...this seems to be that life in the END TIMES will not be pleasant but that we should retain hope for the bridegroom will return for his bride. More specifically to Mr. Wilkerson's warning I can only add that myself and several friends and family members have all had dreams of people looting, breaking into homes and shooting all the men, and running wild in the street... The dream felt like a warning...so much so that I added an extra lock to the door...I see nothing wrong in preparing for tough times...can you imagine the chaos of three days of darkness in these tense times? As far as preparing for yourself and family and friends...I prepare for my family and suggest to others that they may wish to consider doing the same...you would be surprized at how many people are open to the suggestion. There is so much more to say... Kevin
  6. I did read it and it sparked this passage inmy head... 19They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will be an unclean thing. Their silver and gold will not be able to save them in the day of the LORD's wrath. They will not satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs with it, for it has made them stumble into sin. 20They were proud of their beautiful jewelry and used it to make their detestable idols and vile images. Therefore I will turn these into an unclean thing for them.21I will hand it all over as plunder to foreigners and as loot to the wicked of the earth, and they will defile it.22I will turn my face away from them, and they will desecrate my treasured place; robbers will enter it and desecrate it. 23
  7. I didn't read it that way at all, and it does make one wonder... I think one of the alarming things about this is the fact that natural disastears like this also help the spread and mutatioin of disease as water and living conditioins worsen. This coupled with the possible Bird Flu situation in Indonesia.... One of the things that seems to be missing in modern christianity is the wrath of God...and while Jesus does teach us to love others...when he returns people will die, and some will be condemned. And yes this can be used to reach out to those poor people in love...and to show the love of God. kevin
  8. In all fairness...I was almost with them at least as far as the human organ issue went...although it did seem rather like a body farm...it was when they made the comment about the human brain cells in these new creatures that I went ... that and the comment that this MIGHT raise some ethical concerns. Sometimes people don't seem to realize just because you can do something doesn't mean that you should, or that you have the "right" to do something... Kevin
  9. Don't they know when to stop? http://video.msn.com/video/p.htm?m=News%20...ellnet.msn.com/ Kevin
  10. ...other than Nebula's original post stated:
  11. Does anyone know how these two fit in with the new pope... 111. The next pope "Gloria Olivae" Translated: The Glory of the Olive 112. The last pope! "Petrus Romanus" Translated: Peter the Roman Kevin
  12. I am a big Clive Cussler reader, but this movie snuck out on me... I have been waiting to see it... thanks for the heads up. Kevin
  13. The movie you are thinking of is Logan's Run with Michael York... The movie used to be science fiction... I am glad to hear that something was done for this poor lady... Kevin
  14. Actually, if a tsunami were going to hit California I am more inclined to believe it would be the result of an Earthquake off the coast. This is not to say that the tsunami theory is false...are we really that far along in prophecy that the three days of night are coming? I believe the meteor would result in fallout obscuring the sun, moon and stars... Kathleen Keating had an "interesting " book that dealt with all this several years ago called the FINAL WARNING. Kevin
  15. I have read the book... as a request from some one who was non-christian and wanted to discuss the book with some one who was. It is a thriller that deals with the Holy Grail. It is based on several of DiVinci's works being in reality codes or messages pertaining to Christ. It is a really subversive book in that it starts to work into the thoughts and start speculation... It is not for everyone, and I would recommend if you have friends who wish to discuss either the theology or the art history of the book that you suggest either the Case for Christ by Strobel...or one of the many christian and secular books that explores the fabrication used to build the plot for this novel. I don't want to spoil the book for those who may be considering reading it, but if you are only inclined to read it out of curiosity I think I would find another book to read. Dan Brown has said repeatedly that this is a work of fiction and is not meant to be taken as fact, but the manner in which it is written and the subject matter made it prime target for the kind of media hype that has made it a bestseller for over a year now. Which is probably just what he intended. Kevin
  16. Nebula, part of that could be the population density of the area. i am not sure if you are talking the magnitude of the disaster or the actual deaths as a result of the disaster. It does seem like that area has more than its share of disasters though... Kevin
  17. I think the biggest problem I had was with the seeker oriented aspect of the Purpose driven church...once you are no longer seeking there seems to be a bit of a vacuum. For more info on some of the other comments about the movement I recommend John MacCarthur's Hard to Believe. ( someone on the boards here recommended it to me because I was having trouble with our churches Purpose driven model.) Also, Rick Warren makes available for a nominal fee of $5.00 a month sermons that you can download and use at Pastors.com. pastors.com Granted not everything I had trouble with was based on the Purpose Driven model... Kevin
  18. My wife and I are having difficulties with our church. It follows the Purpose Driven philosophy of pastor Rick Warren, but we have noticed the tendency to be more secularized so as to appeal to a mass audience... The problem comes with the understanding of making the church more relevant to people today so that they feel more comfortable with the church and more readly recieve Christ as their Lord and Savior...but when we asked about the fear of the Lord we were given blank looks. Also, the church seems to have this drive to grow as a building rather than expanding as a church body and then providing needed space...almost as if they have the cart before the horse. When the leaders and deacons were approached about some of these concerns they act unconcerned and want us to accept it as it is. When reference was made to the loss of some of the attendees who were regular members we were told that sometimes the tree needs pruning. In our eyes, the fruit is being pruned instead of the dead branches. We also discovered a resource called pastors.com that gives you a sermon so you don't have to worry with writing your own...we noticed that our pastor was using these sermons and it is troubling us. Anyone else out there following Rick Warren or have any advice or comment?
  19. God-man, I know Sean was a better Bond than Roger but don't you think your being a little hard on him? Sorry, I knew you meant Michael Moore...I just couldn't resist the Bond nod... God Bless, Kevin
  20. The geneologies give us a rough estimate of the age of the earth. These have also always given me a headache when I try to figure it out. Does Adam's aging take place from the moment of his creation or the moment of his knowledge and his awareness of death and expulsion? How long did Adam and Eve live in the garden? Who did Cain and Abel marry? Cain lay with his wife and she bore a son...Enoch. Cain was building a city he named after his son...a city? For at the most 8 or 9 people? These are the kind of questions that used to get me yelled at in Sunday school and kept me agnostic until my 30's. I have faith in God and Jesus, and understand that there are somethings I will never know in this life. God Bless, Kevin
  21. Martin, I am a little shaky on the verb tenses myself...from my understanding the past tense is non-specific as to length of time, and is only used as in "I made a pie." which gives no real time frame. And "I will make a pie." again I could make it tomorrow or next year. When it comes to "God made..." this implies he has already made them, but as you say from Moses point of view it is all past tense. I take it to mean that between Genesis 1 and 3 we have an event that has taken place that has no real time frame other than it has happened. If God brought into existence natural events such as the Big Bang, or even Stephen Hawkings' funnel with a bubble we have no real "time" from that and the passage of "His face moving upon the waters." As far as the use of yom is concerned it can be translated as Yod said as day or epoch...my guess is that the translator took it to mean day and supplied the 24 hour time reference. We aren't even given the celestial bodies from the Earth's perspective until "day" four. To me I don't see a contradiction between the Bible and science...from the perspective of the earth it is old from the perspective of human life it is relatively new...granted a lot of this is subject to the perspective of who is conveying the message. Am I making any sense? God Bless, Kevin
  22. Most of this information came from Purdue university physicist E. Carlson, and an unnamed astronomer. God Bless. Kevin
  23. Sorry, let me see if I can answer a little more succinctly. The all existed prior to light then Big Bang! The planets form. We change our perspective to the face of the waters on earth. we have the formation of rain etc through a thick atmosphere. we then have land masses on the surface start to appear through evaporation and tectonic plate shifting. Land and sea is formed. then we get the formation of plant life...probably nothing to tall as the planets surface is still under extreme stress gradually as things progress the plant life becomes more advanced as the surface conditions stabilize. then we get a glancing blow that traps the moon in orbit further cleaning up the atmosphere making way for the water to teem with living creatures. Most likely non-vertebrates at first then progressing into more complicated life forms. Then God creates the land animals...by this time both the plant life and the surface have become more habitable. Then after the animals are established and things progress...God creates man in his image. I am of course using yom to mean something other than a 24 hour period. I try to remember also that we have a man writing this who has no scientific knowledge and a vocabulary of roughly 3000 words...and at that he still seems to have got the progressive order right...
  24. I can try. "Now the Earth was formless and void, darkness was over the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." Genesis 1:2 As I said earlier God had already created the physical Universe. Now in 2 we are asked to change our perspective. God was hovering over the waters. This would indicate to me that "we" are now on the surface of the world after the formation of the cosmos and planetary masses. Water by whatever means you want to use be it meteorites with Ice or divine design is present on the surface of the earth. The Earth at this time is still dark because of the dense atmosphere and the remaining "dust" particles circling the sun. Slowly the light from the sun begins to hit the surface of the planet...giving us evaporation and cumulous clouds to provide rain. As seen in And God said, "Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water." So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above. I consider this to be the formation of the rain, thunderstorms, etc. Then on the 4th day the moon is captured in orbit knocking off an even larger chunk of the dense atmosphere thus exposing (or making it transparent) the planetary surface to a clear view of the heavens...giving us the sun and the moon and the stars in the heavens. God Bless. Kevin
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