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Everything posted by mikado5001

  1. I have a $20 a month unlimited 3 at a time plan. So there are really no rental fees like that.
  2. I lost, unless it is found, a NETFLIX DVD I rented. I reported it lost and paid for it. THANK GOD FOR CONVICTING ME TO DO THE RIGHT THING! Now if I , or someone finds where it was lost, and returns it, will NETFLIX refund what I paid for it?
  3. Yet, to me, who is alone and extremly depressed about my life, HE does not always come in when we invite HIM after hearing HIM knock. I prayed today for HIM to come in to my heart and bring me peace. And I still feel as I did beforehand.
  4. I may not agree 100% with the illegal immigrant situation. But I love her turn of phrase in that letter. A brilliant analogy!
  5. Loved ones I have lost.... Fall of 1979 my father died April 1994 my Grandmother died September of 1995 my mother died November of that same year my Aunt died So I have lost loved ones. Sadly I, nor they, were saved at the time. IT HURTS IT SUCKS I FEEL ABANDONED I FEEL DEPRESSED I HAVE TRIED TO FIND SOLACE IN THE FLESH FOOD, DRINKS, MOVIES, THEATER, WHATEVER FOLKS TRY TO SOUND OPTIMISTIC FILLING MY HEAD WITH NONSENSE "THIS TO SHALL PASS" It's a death, not a kidney stone! "THEY ARE IN A BETTER PLACE" Yeah. Hell is a better place?" 28 years since my Dad died. 12 years since my Aunt and Mother died. AND THE PAIN IS STILL HERE!! JESUS! WHY DO YOU LET THIS PAIN STAY IN MY HEART??? HOW CAN I SERVE YOU LIKE THIS? AM I TO SERVE AS A WARNING TO OTHERS? I NEED ANSWERS!! NOW!! YEAH YOU HEARD ME JESUS, NOW!!
  6. Yup! I think I have actually seen this Pizza Place here in New YOrk City. And people wonder, from time to time, why I ask folks to the Carnegie, or Katz's Deli for dinner when they come to visit. It's not the cheapest place of all. But it's good old fashioned unpretentious food. I cannot stand to even think about paying that much for anything, let alone Pizza, in any city. And NYC has been notorious for this type of chicanary. See the $200 Truffle Burger for starters.
  7. One good piece of news MESSIAH COLLEGE has a federal code from fasfa. HALLELUJAH!! HE IS DIRECTING ME!!
  8. Hi, I got a small problem. Moody Bible School does not participate in Fafsa. See this link please: Moody Loan Info Is this a closed door from God? I don't know. Any thoughts, or suggestions, are welcome beyond belief. The door is not locked, just closed. I can still re-open it with a bank loan, perhaps. And here is the biggie.... How much difficulty will GOD put in our paths to see if we really want/need to do something? Will HE make us to jump through hoops and such?
  9. Ah good old civil debates with good people. I am in awe that we can debate like this. It is so awesome. PRAISE GOD FOR THAT. I again stand corrected. You all raise awesome points. It's funny, I myself do not mind serving. It was the myriad folks who can't for a good reason that brought about this topic. In the Jury Pool Room, there was a line for those who were trying to get out at the last minute. I made the Clerks day when I said to him "Where do the folks who just want to sit down, and get it over with go?" The smile on his face was so nice. I think I blessed him with that line. The scarier ones are those who have to serve and don't want to. There may be a rush to judgement. If anyone has ever seen, or read, 12 Angry Men. You'll know what I mean. The one guy who had to see the Baseball Game could not wait to be out of there.
  10. I see your point there too. But ones peers are still pretty well represented on the unemployment lines. I once got called to a job search verification meeting. And there was a Nurse, a former Burger King worker, and a File Clerk from a Law Firm.
  11. I was recently called to serve on Jury Duty. And while the experience, on the whole, was not unpleasant. I was wondering this. With plenty of folks who are sadly either unemployed or on welfare. Why can't the Jury Pool be filled from those not working? This way folks get to do a days work, and get paid for it. And those who are working, or in school, can remain where they are. And not need to worry about postponements for school, childcare arrangements, doctors appointments, or other complications. A Clerk should be stationed at the nearest Unemployment or Welfare Office and bring people to the Courthouse to serve. Just show up and say "We need (HOWEVER MANY) people to be questioned for Jury Duty." Those who want to volunteer to serve should be paid double the normal rate, as an incentive. And, for the length of service, the taxpayers do not have to pay those who serve to sit around and collect benefits. Instead, ironically, the tax payers will pay them to sit on a Jury. Those that are called to their respective offices to meet with someone can then get work. Even if it's for one day. In New York State, after a specific period on Unemployment Insurance you are called to come in to prove you have been looking for work. If you come there, why not do a days work as a potential juror? Some people might find the legal system interesting and pursue a carreen in that area. Be it as a lawyer, a para-legal, or whatever aspect they wish. With the constant rate of Civil and Criminal Trials plus the people out of work. This will mean that there will be no need to call those who are working to serve.
  12. Right you are peaches. But which should I go for. Does an Associates Degree make me an Undergrad or a Post-Graduate?
  13. Thanks Sierra21. I will check Taylor out as well. Here is a question.. I graduated with an Associates Degree in 1995. If I go back to school am I an Undergrad or a Post-Graduate?
  14. I just wanted to confess/put out there that my latest attempt to lose weight is not going to well. These past few weeks I have been sick with the flu and just plain depressed. Please pray, offer suggestiions on how to stay on the wagon. Thanks to all!
  15. Thanks all! I found one potential school. Messiah's College in Pennsylvania. I even signed up for am open house. We'll see what happens. Anyone heard of this school or better yet gone there?
  16. lately it seems I have been depressed. I pray out to GOD to lift this off me. And it seems to be getting worse. How many times do I have to cry out?! Depression, I have been told, is the work of Satan. Yet here I am praying to GOD and crying out to end the hurt. And bring joy to my life. Or at least clarity to see where I will find such joy living in HIS will. I've named out loud to HIM some of my troubles, addiction, and things of that nature. MY FOOD PORNOGRAPHY MY TURNING TO FRIENDS AND THINGS OF THE FLESH(MOVIES, TV, ETC.) And there is no lifting of my spirits nor abatement of the hurt. How can I think on the future? If I don't much want to go there!
  17. 1. What time did you get up this morning? 545a 2. Diamonds or pearls? diamonds 3. What was the last film you saw? Tenacious D:And the Pick of Destiny 4. What is your favorite TV show? Prison Break 5. What do you usually have for breakfast? Yogurt 7. What is your middle name? Barenfeld 8. What food do you dislike? eggs 9. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Blue Stone:A World Apart 10. What kind of car do you drive? Don
  18. Praise GOD!! You are a genious. Seriously, I did even think to combine that two. Thanks Iryssa. If that comes to pass I owe you and your husband a Corned Beef on Rye!! And to Biblicist. Being a Nouthetic Counselor sounds interesting. Thanks for turning me on to the idea.
  19. I am looking to go back to school on a full-time, live on campus, basis. I am sick of where I am right now in life. And I need to grow. Any advice on how to begina search....? My heart, and I think God's heart, lies in the areas of Theater, Television, Movies, and maybe being a Minister or Preacher. So also the question begs, where do I go? And what do I study.
  20. I can see some of your points. I did not view this film from the perspective of a Non-Christian. But rather saw it in my now Saved Christian point of view. Perhaps I should re-visit it. YOu are correct in that some expanation is a good thing. Especially to Non-Believers. I do not see anything wrong with people who identify themselves as Charismatics/Evangelicals. And I am not sure of what difference there is between them. I did not get the impression of young jihadists from this film. If anything ALL Christians can be labled as Jihadists. Just not of the Suicide Bomber variety. Considering the fact that there are no weapons in the film. Nor calls to violence. That is a good thing. In a way we are ALL Jihadists for Jesus. On a Holy Crusade to win souls through love and truth. Rather than the traditional Jihadist who uses Hatred and Lies.
  21. I loved this movie. To see kids as young as 9 year old Rachel and her older brother, Preacher to be, Levy on fire for the LORD is so encourageing and awesome. To see, in a deleted bit I think, Rachel go and win souls was shout out loud PRAISE GOD worthy. And the film was well made too. I am not a documentary fan. But this was HUGE for me. I would love to meet them. Especially the kids at the camp and the guy who had a mustache that lead a group to the Supreme Court Building. And to see speaking in tounges and such was a blessing. I have prayed for tounges for my life. As far as Harry Potter goes, or any book for that matter. I am of the opinion that if it has goodness in it, it is not all bad. Phillipians 4:8! And it is up to the parents, or other trusted adult, to teach what is the EVIL aspects in Potter, or any other book. Including Narnia or Lord of the Rings. Both written by Chirstian men. Narnia was written by CS Lewis who wrote Mere Christianity and Screwtape Letters.
  22. Nerd or not Iryssa. We still love ya' here!
  23. Then there are folks like me who are a bit scared that my WHOLE family will find out about my new found faith. And note to Iryssa. You are so correct.
  24. I see your point there. I agree with it 100%. I once thought that if someone was born via artificial insemination. That that child was not born in sin. Since original sin was not commited. I know now that I was wrong on that one.
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