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Everything posted by Jacqueline

  1. Laterly I've found myself thinking about this word, complacent. Its run through my mind so many times that I've begun to wonder it that's what I've been feeling for the past few months. The definition of complacent is satisfied, smug, unworried, content. So much has changed in my life since I've come home to Christ. Come home.... that's how it feels to me. Like the parable of the lost son. I once wanted the world and in finding it I found that it was never met for me. That I like my brothers and sisters are set apart from it even though we like all must dwel here for a short time. When I came home to Him I craved Him. His touch, His grace, His words, His people, His heart, His thoughts, His works, His guildances, His protection, His will in my life. My whole being was centered on Him. I couldn't get enough, I wanted more of Him. I wanted to be like Him, speak like Him, love like Him, think like Him. And now I find myself complacent..... complacent. I still want to learn of Him, speak like Him, love like Him, think like Him, but it's different. It's not in the intensity that it once was. In finding my way home I've somehow got used to His mercy, love, protection, forgiveness, exceptence, guildance that I feel as if I've forgotten my first love, Him. I've somehow forgotten to cherish and revenrence Him and not the things that He's provided for me. I think its sad that some of us get to a point in our walk with Him and become satisfied with what we've learn, content to dwell in the place that was only meant for us to go through, never desiring the fullness of Him, but settling for little droplets of Him. I thank God for allowing me to see this in myself now. I've could have wasted so much time, time that is so valuable. Thank you Father. I was compelled to write this. Maybe some of you can relate. May God bless you Jacqueline
  2. I've decided I need an other source of income and I was thinking about working from home. I've looked into it on the internet and was given so many different avenues, but I don't know which one is for real and which ones just want to take you for a ride. Do anyone know of a business that I can do at home that will actually bring in income and is not a scam? Any help will be greatly appreiated. Thank you. May God bless you Jacqueline
  3. Hi Prcfighter God has used dreams to show me things many times in my life. Like you He's used it to show me things in my behavior that needed attention. I am so happy to hear that you have heed His message and applied it to your life. I do want to caution you about dreams. Dreams are a tool used not only by God, but by our enemy as well. Pray that God will give you the meaning behind your dreams and never settle with your own understanding. Upon receiving your answer from God one way or the other do not let anyone or anything steal it from you for in every word spoken from Him is a lesson worth treasuring. I've learned that people are always trying to put God in a box of their own making. The only problem with that is God is to big and great to be keep in that box. Your right God does Rock and He brings me to tears quite often. May God bless you and keep you. Jacqueline
  4. I hear a lot of Christains talk about this mark. From what I understand no one will be able to buy or sell anything without this mark. That means that satan will be in control of the world, right? If that's right wouldn't that mean that when this mark is actually forced on people God's children will not be here? We are going to be taken out of this world before satan takes control correct? I think we should learn about the mark, but not because it will affect us. Only to prepare those who are left after we are raptured. I don't know... will someone please enlighten me? Thank you. God bless you Jacqueline
  5. A few months ago I was laying in bed watching a movie. I closed my eyes listening to the scenes play out in movie. All of a sudden a clear picture entered my mind. It was a mountain top. A man appeared. He had just reached the top of the mountain and started to make His way down again. I watched for what seemed like minutes, but it happened I know in just seconds. I couldn't see His face because the sun was positioned behind Him. A few weeks later I was laying in bed again and I closed my eyes and I had another vision. The same mountain, the same man. This time He was standing on top of the mountain. The sun was once again positioned behind Him so I couldn't see His face. But this time He wasn't alone. This time there was other men with Him. Some of them where just standing a little below Him, others were moving around almost as if they were trying to get close to Him. I don't know why these vision came to my mind just now, but I thought I would share. It's weird, visions are not like dreams. There completely different. In dreams you are a part of them, but visions your more a witness of what is going on. God bless you Jacqueline
  6. This week has been very stressfull for me. I've stated a new project that's going very well. Last night I was really stressing over a new problem that had occur and I kept reminding myself that Jesus is in control of everything. For me bedtime is at eight, but at quarter to twelve I was still up telling myself that Jesus is in control. You know those moments when you can't see how things are going to work out and yet you know that Jesus is working it out, but you still don't feel at ease. Any last night I was running this problem through my head for what seemed like a million times when I heard someone knocking on my front door and calling my name. At first I ignored it thinking that the person would realize what time it was and go away, but they kept knocking so I looked out the window and there was no one there. I laid back in bed and I don't know why, but I said is it you Lord. I laid there for another few moments, remembering that in the past I spend so much time sitting out there just talking with Him. Me, the stars and God. So peaceful. I got up and went to stand out side looking up at the sky and I just started talking to Him. As I talked the less stressfull I felt. When I went to bed that night I looked at the clock and thought I would never get up on time in the morning. I said a prayer that God would wake me up so that I wouldn't be late. This morning I had the strangest dream. I saw myself laying in bed and as I watched a hand came down from the sky and touched me. The moment it touched me I woke up. 7:27am. I woke up a few moments before my usual time. I always knew that God woke us up everymorning, but I never imagined that He actually reached down from heaven and touched us each morning. He's amazing to me. Absolutely amazing.
  7. I've been sitting here back tracking through the pages of the general discussion broad. All the things that I've written since becoming a member. It's surprising how as the years has past my posts as changed. Right before my eyes I see a scared baby in Christ change into someone so different. Fear... brought me home to Him, but love... an amazing love for Him as kept me. Me.... I say love for Him as kept me, but it wasn't my love it was His. He's kept me. Every step of the way He's kept me. In the moments when I've wanted so badly to give into my fears I've felt Him. I've heard Him. Have faith He'd say. I'm with you. I am your strenght. In Me you are free. Don't look at that, look at Me. So many words... so many times. I've become a weeping willow. Just the thought of Him makes me cry. What He did for us on the cross, what He continue to do for us today. He's right. He is my strenght. I have faith only because it's placed with in Him. He is alway with me. And I am free. The most amazing thing I've found is that none of these things has any thing to do with me. Not my love for Him, not want I do, not want I say or how I live. All of these things and so much more is mine because of Him. He kepts me. He allows me to see Him, learn of Him. What a gift. What an amazing gift. I bless Your holy name Father. You are my light. In the mist of darkness I see you. You are my light. Thank You for allowing me to see You. God bless all of you Jacqueline
  8. When ever I hear about what Jesus did on the cross one thing seems not to be told. I've had a glimpse into this and it's not something that I'd wish on my worst enemy. Jesus choose to be separated from God. That might not seem like a big deal to a lot of people compare to the beatings and other things He went through, however; I've found that that was the upmost sacrifice. Can you imagine what it felt like for Him to be completely cut off from His Father? For the first time in eternity He didn't feel Him. Is there any wonder why Jesus cried "Father why have you forsaken me?" Completely void of the presence of God... and not for something that He's done, but for us. What love? Thank you Father. Just thought I'd share whats on my mind. God Bless You Jacqueline
  9. I've found that there are times when God needs to empty us completely in order to fill us with Himself. Our hearts is what He looks at and it is there that He begins to change us. God bless You Jacqueline
  10. Thank you. I think we all need to hear that every once in a while. God bless you Jacqueline
  11. What I do when fear hits is to remind myself that God has not giving me a spirit of fear so my fear is not coming from Him. In remembering it helps most of the time, but in the times that it doesn't I plung in anyway because I know that He is with me.
  12. My plans..... Letting go. Stop looking back and start looking forward. I'm tired of feeding on the past. It's time to live. And the amazing thing is He keeps showing me that I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. God Bless You Jacqueline
  13. Thanks Liss and Felix for the replies. Felix that makes perfect sense. Thank you. God Bless You Jacqueline
  14. I take with me to church a lot of kids. Some are family members some not. Theres this one little girl who loves going. Infact she even signed up to be a junior user at the church. I'm so proud of her. She really wants to know Christ. Infact... one sunday her bible teacher told her about Moses and the stick. How God turned the stick into a snake. She was so excited that when she got home she found her own stick and tossed it on the ground absolutely expected God to turn it into a snake. She was heart broken when the stick remained a stick. But I explained that God turning the stick into a snake for Moses was for Moses and that He choose a lot of different ways to saw Himselves to His children. That was just one of them. This little girl's desire to learn about Jesus is so amazing. Last weekend was her first meeting for the junior users. Now... I know that she was wrong... absolutely wrong... She got mad at her great grandmother and she told her to shut up. Absolutely wrong.. she deserved to be punished, but to keep her from church? I don't agree with that. How can you keep her from the very person who will teach her to respect not only her great grandmother, but others as well? I don't get it. I want badly to tell her mother that she's wrong, but that will only upset her and she will stop her daughter from going altogether. What do you think? What would you do? God Bless You Jacqueline
  15. A few months ago God showed me something about myself that really surprised me. It got me wondering how many of His children do this without even knowing it? Anyway... He showed me that the baby in me who is a part of Him is strong, but I'm allowing the baby to feed off of the part of me that is dying. The part that has no place in Him. I wonder how many of us do that? He's made us new... born again and yet we allow that new being to feed off of our old selves? Feed off of our old fears, old pains, old habits, old sucesses, old dreams, old relationships? How many of us are so busy looking back that we forget to look forward? Feeding off of the very things that He came to free us of? I can't help, but wonder. God Bless You Jacqueline
  16. I've understood this dream for a while now. I've decided to tell you want I've learned. It's amazingly simple. In the dream when the man and the boy read the scripture from the toy thier hold face seemed to light up. Their joy was the word of God. I listen to them read those words surprised and then again not surprised. My joy came from realizing that the word[/b] was written on a MacDonald toy. When I was comfronted by the demon in my dream I tried to remember the scripture that the man and boy read and when I couldn't I tried to remember any scripture. But once again I couldn't. Because I couldn't find the words to rebuke what the demon was saying I became afraid and I ran. It's funny... I love Him so much and even though I do my joy came not in Him, but in the appearance of Him. Since God has allowed me to understand this part of the dream I've prayed oh how I pray that His words will be my joy. My pastor reminded us of this the other day. He said... When you read the bible.. your not just reading a book. The words written between these pages are alive. In them is life. In them you will find Him.. (Jesus) I've learned so much about Him since coming home to Him and yet as close as I've become I still yearn to be closer. God bless You Jacqueline
  17. I'm helping my niece who is in the 6th grade with a report that she's doing for school. She has to write about Christianity and the decline of the Roman Empire. Now I'm good with writting about things that I understand, but I don't know any thing about this topic. Can anyone help direct me to a good source to find information regarding this. Please remember that she's only in the 6th grade. Thank you so much God Bless You Jacqueline
  18. All this stuff reminds me of a scripture in the bible that says that before Christ comes back there will be a whole christianity without Him. Very sad....very sad indeed. God Bless You Jacqueline
  19. I read this and it really surprised me. But it doesn't matter what this article says I'm not reading any of Harry Potters books. I saw the first movie and that was enough for me. Finding Christianity -- in Harry Potter Author John Granger sees religion amid the witchcraft. Friday, July 15, 2005 By JOHN A. ZUKOWSKI The Express-Times John Granger says he knows why people love J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books. "Her books are stuffed with Christianity and fall over themselves with Christian meaning," he says. Wait a minute. Aren't these the same books some Christians continue to condemn because they're supposedly packed with witchcraft and the occult? But wizards, magic wands and magic schools aren't so important, Granger says. Look closer, he says. The books are loaded with everything from resurrections to allusions to specific Bible passages, he says. Whether readers realize it or not, one reason Harry Potter books are so popular is because people are responding to the Christian symbols in them, he says. "Everyone's heart is designed for that message." Granger didn't always feel that way about Harry Potter. Granger -- who lives in Washington state and whose parents live in Fogelsville -- read the first Harry Potter book reluctantly. The classic languages and literature scholar labels himself a "snob" and a "traditional Christian." So Granger banned his seven home-schooled children from reading Harry Potter books. He assumed they were either flaky New Age books or "Dungeons and Dragons"-style fantasies. But a friend gave Granger a copy of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." He started to read it to his daughter. Just to show her why it wasn't a good book. But he kept reading. He got to the part of the book in the Forbidden Forest, when Harry and Draco see the Dark Lord drinking unicorn blood and Harry is saved by a centaur. "When people think of a unicorn they think of stuffed animals, they don't think of literature," he says. In literature and art, unicorns represented Jesus, he says. And centaurs represent the ideal man or Jesus. Then he came to the part when the centaur says the unworthy who drink blood will be condemned. "It hit me that it was First Corinthians in the Bible," he says, thinking of a passage that warns that "unworthily" taking Communion could result in damnation. Then he read something that suggested a resurrection. "Harry gets into a death battle and then rises after three days in the infirmary," he says. Soon after that, Granger lifted the ban against Harry Potter books in his home. "I got three copies of the latest book when it came out and you still had trouble finding a copy," he says. "You'd go to the bathroom and a book would be gone." Granger recently released the book "Looking for God in Harry Potter," where he outlines Christian symbolism in the Rowling books. Granger's book signals the second wave of Christian books defending Harry Potter. A few years ago, author Connie Neal led a campaign to say Harry Potter books didn't promote witchcraft and they contained worthy virtues and moral decisions. Granger is part of a new group of authors who believe Harry Potter books aren't just acceptable for Christians, but are Christian-based fiction. It's a fad to look for Christian and spiritual themes in pop culture. And everything from "The Simpsons" to "The Andy Griffith Show" has been analyzed for spiritual content. But Granger says the Christian symbolism is really in Harry Potter. And author Rowling has pulled off a coup, he says. She's smuggled Christianity into the books without any controversy surrounding it because of the witchcraft debate, he says. But is Granger stretching too far to make the Christian connection? Granger's heard that criticism. So he makes his case with both his credentials and Rowling's history. First the credentials. Granger admits to being a "Great Books" devotee who has studied classical languages and shuns popular culture. He doesn't have a TV and was so out of touch with pop culture that when someone mentioned Ned Flanders from TV's longest-running show "The Simpsons," he didn't know what it was. "I though it was a reference to an obscure 17th century novel or maybe it was someone in the novel 'Moll Flanders,' " he says. "But I did an Internet search and found out what it was." He's also researched the woman who wrote the Harry Potter books. Rowling has a mythologized past of being an unemployed single mother writing the first Harry Potter book in a caf
  20. This guy is not a member of my church, he's just someone that I know. His wife doesn't know because she stays at home alot. I've known this person for about twelve years and have only spoken to his wife once and have only seen her about four times. I know what he's doing is wrong, but is my reacting to him wrong? and another question the person he's seeing is not married is she in God's eyes just as wrong as he is? God Bless You Jacqueline
  21. I know this man. He's married. He's messing around with someone else that I know. When he comes around my family welcomes him with open arms. I don't agree with what he's doing so I don't sit with them and laugh with him like every one else does. I don't speak to him unless he speaks to me. It's not that I don't like this person. He's really a funny guy and a easy going guy, but I feel with every thing in me that what he is doing is wrong and I just can't be around that. I know your thinking I should tell him that what he's doing is wrong and against God. The thing is he knows the bible better then I do. My little sister confronted me today about it. She said something like I'm suppose to be this really churchie person and yet I'm judging him. I don't think that I'm judging him. I just can't.... I really can't sit around this person and pretend as if I agree with what he's doing, I just can't. What do you think? Am I wrong? Should I welcome this person? Should I push the feelings that I shouldn't be around this situation inside me and just.... I don't know... act like everything is all right? Maybe that last questions was stupid, because I know... with every thing in me that what he's doing is wrong. What would you do? God Bless You Jacqueline
  22. I had a weird dream the other night. In part of the dream this woman injected something into a baby using this needle that I haven't seen before. In size and appearance it looks like a regular needle, but instead of one needle point it had two. The situation in which she injected this baby in my dream was really weird. I'm just wondering if this type of needle is really out there. God Bless You Jacqueline
  23. Liberation of the Temple Mount and Western Wall by Israel Defense Forces Historic Live Broadcast on Voice of Israel Radio, June 7th, 1967 "JERUSALEM DAY" on IsraCast.com Tranlation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is Mordechai Twersky reporting from Jerusalem: What you are now about to hear is perhaps one of the most riveting recordings in the modern-day history of Israel. I refer to the dramatic sounds of Israeli Defense Forces entering and liberating Jerusalem
  24. I read this at israelinsider. Just thought I would pass it on. I really enjoy when America and Israel is seen side by side. The Haj to Sloan-Kettering and Hadassah Hospital By Irwin N. Graulich June 30, 2005 Everyone and everything eventually gets sick. It is actually a good thing, because it reminds us to take care of ourselves and appreciate our good health when we have it. People, religions and ideologies all have their illnesses, aka fanaticisms. Jews who are sick may be overly obsessed with drinking kosher seltzer, eating specially checked vegetables or being blind observers of virtually all 613 commandments without any real understanding. On average, once every 50 years there is a lone, evil nut with a skullcap who murders a prime minister or shoots innocent people. Christians have their meshuganahs (crazies), who may blow up an abortion clinic or become a David Duke. And there are those secular fanatics who would allow a human baby to die rather than kill a pig for its heart valve. However, these are all aberrations, rare cases to say the least... that is, except for Islam. The Islamic world has a cancer that has spread throughout its body politic, affecting many millions in its path. Their illness represents a serious percentage of adherents located throughout the world. Unless Muslims begin to recognize the problem and go for aggressive chemotherapy and radiation, they truly risk an unwanted massive radiation treatment from an unexpected source. How did these evil "cells" begin to metastasize? Before displaying an antisemitic, anti-Americian streak, there was a certain romanticism with much of Arab and Muslim cultures. Lawrence of Arabia was a hero to all of us. It is Islamic society under the influence and rule of the Koran that has become the trigger mechanism for the tumors to grow. Conquering the infidel, being the strongest religion in the world, honor and saving face are the most important values within a Muslim society. Thus, an extreme sensitivity has developed for anything critical of Arab-Muslim culture. The Jews will never, ever be forgiven for getting their original land back and defeating the 5 strongest Arab/Muslim nations in the wars of 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. Talk about being humiliated. To rub Islamic noses into the sand further, this tiny, weak group of Holocaust surviving Zionists built the most successful technological country and strongest military force in the history of the Middle East... and so, every Muslim nation "covets Israel," an emotional jealousy so dangerous, that it actually is forbidden by The Ten Commandments. To complicate the entire matter, American Christians, using Judeo-Christian values created the ultimate paradise on earth, and the supreme powerhouse of all time. How can another religion that considers itself superior to all, ultimately live with that reality? America and Israel make every single Arab/Muslim country look bad; that is the problem in a nutshell. Muslim leadership understands that the only way to defeat the truth is through the propaganda of repeated exaggeration and outright lies. Saddam's "mother of all battles" was truly a cakewalk. There have been greater battles fought in gang wars on the streets of Brooklyn. Yet the rhetoric in the Arab/Muslim press was astounding through its depiction of the ferocity of the fighting during the Gulf War, the Iraqi invasion of 2003 and Egypt's supposed victory over Israel in 1973, where there is even a museum in Cairo today portraying this fictional nonsense. Since Islamists have come to the inevitable realization that they have no chance of winning a real war, they are attempting to win Jospeh Goebbels style, through rhetoric and hyperbole in the press. The two recent humiliating routes of the strongest Arab/Muslim nation -- Iraq, and the capture of their modern day Saladin, Saddam Hussein, was a rather painful experience to the masses, even though he mass-murdered fellow Muslims. Now, the Arab/Muslim street praises suicide bombers as brave and strong freedom fighters. The truth is these heroic (sic) murderers are not able to reach Jews or Christians, so they wind up blowing up their own innocents. By substituting words for actions, the Muslim leadership and press falsely glamorize the evildoers to the uneducated masses, who need to hang on to their dreams of power and world domination. One of the most important concepts regarding government is the separation of church and state, meaning that the Koran/Muslim ideal can never successfully govern a society under its present terms. The only successful Muslims who are truly free today are ruled by Christians in America or Jews in Israel. By living in other societies, Muslims realize that these countries want all of their citizens to succeed in life and practice their religious or non-religious beliefs freely. This concept is an affront to "Islam," a word meaning surrender to God, which for the most part, does not permit other religions to exist in their midst. Why were they afraid to permit American soldiers to have Christmas trees in their Saudi Arabian desert tents? When the religion you cherish fails you by continuously displaying a flawed approach, the human being will defend it by blaming others for political, economic and quality of life problems. "Everything is falling apart around me because of colonialism, Zionism, imperialism, the occupation, American hegemony and other convenient excuses." To make things even easier for the Islamic world, these ideas are supported by Western leftists with Marxist ideas that help reinforce the blame game of Muslim intellectuals and their obedient press. The Osama's of the world actually believe that they will return to a more glorious past where they can confront the world on their own terms. The only two things standing in their way are America and Israel, two quite immovable objects. To call America or Israel an occupier, when one looks carefully at the reasons for going into Iraq, Gaza or the West Bank, is akin to blaming the doctor for the cancer, simply because you walked into his office. These types of lies are among the root causes of world evil today. Unfortunately, decency is irrelevant throughout the Muslim world. What is most relevant is Muslim and non-Muslim. Doesn't Ted Kennedy or Shimon Peres ever get it? God Bless You Jacqueline
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