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His Ambassador

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Everything posted by His Ambassador

  1. There is no Scripture saying the gifts have ceased. There are, however, "anti-tongues speakers" who say that gift ended with the disciples. Today we hear of people being healed and raised from the dead in third world countries. I wonder if that is because there people accept God's Word without reservation as opposed to in the U.S. and other progressive nations we are "too sophisticated" to accept it. How do you interpret this passage in view of the last of days we are in? 1 Co 13:8 8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. NKJV Love, Steven When Jesus returns those things will cease. In the meantime those gifts are available to Believers as God choses.
  2. I don't care how educated he is John MacArthur is wrong. There are at least two types of "tongues". Those used for testifying in corporate worship and those that are a private prayer language. My wife was given the gift of a private prayer language. I have never heard her prayer language and have never been given the gift of either. But there is no Scripture to support Mr. MacArthur's position. So perhaps this in bold isn't exactly helpful? Help me understand... One's education should have little or no bearing on the truth? We're all equal before God's eyes no? No matter how educated one is if what he/she teaches is not supported by Scripture then they have no business teaching it. Humans have a tendency to believe the teachings of one with degrees after their name is more truthful that others God may use. Most of the disciples would have been disqualified with this reasoning.
  3. I don't care how educated he is John MacArthur is wrong. There are at least two types of "tongues". Those used for testifying in corporate worship and those that are a private prayer language. My wife was given the gift of a private prayer language. I have never heard her prayer language and have never been given the gift of either. But there is no Scripture to support Mr. MacArthur's position.
  4. This question along with the question about the age of the Earth keep popping up and causing great debate. My position is that it does not matter and is not worth arguing about. I suspect those who defend it do so because they don't want their belief system rattled. There is absolutely no Scripture that says we must believe the Earth was created in six literal days or the the Earth is only 6,000 years old in order to be saved. These questions are often used by atheists to skirt the real issue that they need to accept God's plan of salvation.
  5. There is no Scripture saying the gifts have ceased. There are, however, "anti-tongues speakers" who say that gift ended with the disciples. Today we hear of people being healed and raised from the dead in third world countries. I wonder if that is because there people accept God's Word without reservation as opposed to in the U.S. and other progressive nations we are "too sophisticated" to accept it.
  6. 7angel posted this on another website forum and it was answered there also. I will repeat my answer here: From the CEV (Contemporary English Version) Matt. 10:24 "Disciples are not better than their teacher and slaves are not better than their master. 25. It is enough for disciples to be like their teacher and for slaves to be like their master. If people call the head of the family Satan. what will they say about the rest of the family? 26. Don't be afraid of anyone! Everything that is hidden will be found out, and every secret will be known" I think the problem is whatever version of the Bible he is using.
  7. Your friend is right in one respect--you need to be a part of a group of believers. No way is Christianity a personal odyssey. We are responsible to our brothers and sisters. We need to share our lives with them, and they us. This is how we weed out error that creeps in. We hold each other accountable and we encourage each other in the faith. Not belonging to a church is not scriptural, and not healthy...plus you deprive other believers of your gifts as well as yourself the benefit of good teaching and ministry. You need to come under the authority of leadership as God places it over us. Don't forget that we are "sheep"! We can go astray very easily! We need the Word of God taught by those older and wiser in the Lord, so we can grow to such a stature that we, too, become teachers of the Word, rightly divided. Church is a covering for us! Do not forsake the assembling of yourself together with the family of God---your family. One can be part of a group of Believers without attending the religious institution we have come to call "church". We can weed out error in meeting with fellow Believers outside the church and be held accountable to our fellow believers outside the church. There is no verse of Scripture that commands us to belong to a church. Jesus did not establish churches. He called out followers who became the Church. The assumption in your post that teachings in a church are "...good teaching..." and that those in charge of the religious institution are "...older and wiser..." is, at best, naive. There are leaders in fellowships outside the religious institution under whose authority we can submit ourselves. The "Do not forsake..." verse has been addressed elsewhere in this thread. You sound like a seminary indoctrinated pastor.
  8. What happens when the number of people who wish to come and worship with fellow believers becomes too large for a home to contain them? Just wondering. t. The people spread to the homes of those in the movement.
  9. The Scripture "Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together" was directed at the early believers to encourage them to fellowship with each other and was not a command to attend a religious institution ("church") as there were none. Believers met in homes. And Believers today can fellowship in places other than the religious institution. Yet even many pastors love to use that verse to insist the Bible says we must attend a church. And the phrase "...Lone Ranger Christian" is another attempt by some to intimidate us into the church building implying that one who does not attend the church building is alone. However, the Bible teaches us we are never alone as God is with us no matter where we are ("...I am with you always" - Jesus). Home groups are on the rise in the world either because of the persecution of Believers or, as is the case in this country, the general disillusionment with the religious institution. There are exceptions but generally the church has lost its effectiveness which is not surprising for a man-made institution that has attempted to be the center of a Believers spiritual life.
  10. You are not in the know when you read those scandal sheets as the stories are lies and fabrications. You are not a celebrity worshipper are you?
  11. You need to check your Bible dictionary or even a Webster's for the correct definition of "adultry". And the verse you quoted does not apply to this couple. A case can be made that Biblically the couple is now married (if they had sexual intercourse). They are just not civilly married.
  12. When Jesus suffered died on the cross He paid the penalty for our sins past, present and future. This does not mean we can deliberately sin continually and expect God to ignore it. But we don't need to worry about every sin as we struggle to grow spiritually. God knows us better than we know ourselves and He knows our hearts. Again, don't confuse "repentance" with "remorse".
  13. You are confusing "repentance" with "remorse". Repent means "turn around and go the other way" (in other words turn from your sinful life and follow God). Remorse is feeling regret or sorrow for something you have done. We know God has forgicen us because the Bible say when we repent (turn around) our sins are covered by the blood of Jesus.
  14. Hello cuteprincess: When God created the Heavens and the Earth He gave it to Adam and Eve. When Adam and Even sinned they allowed Satan to have power on the Earth. And since that time Satan has been trying to destroy all those who choose to follow God. It won't always be that way because the Bible promises us that God will create a new Earth and Heavens and destroy Satan (Rev 21). So, while there has been a spiritual battle going on for thousands of years we know that God has won the war. Until that time comes Jesus has said that He will never leave us (John 14:18-20) and He has given us Power (over Satan and sin) through the Holy Spirit who lives in us (John 1:33, 3:34, Acts 1:8 and others).
  15. "Grace" is not Biblically mandated. It has become a "Christian religious habit" that some feel is necessary. God knows our heart and whether or not we are grateful for the gifts He gives us. I pray before a meal at special family gatherings at which time I'm asking for God's blessing more for the family than on the food.
  16. Their marital status should have nothing to do with their service in the church. I am aware that there are those who use the verses in Timothy and Titus that "...an elder should be the husband of one wife" to mean that a pastor should not be divorced. But that is a gross misinterpretation. What it means is that in that day when polygamy was a common practice (even among some who became Christians) the church leader should have only one wife. But there are still those in the Church who try to make second class citizens out of divorced people.
  17. I believe that many of us, to some degree, are predjudiced for whatever reason. But those of us who really try to live for God do not act on those predjudices. And yes, I believe it is possible for those of us who feel that way to treat those of color with love and respect knowing that not all of them are numbered among those who create problems in our society. That does not make us biggots. Biggots are those who act on the predjudices by discriminating against those of other races or by belittling them. For me personally I harbor a certain amount of predjudice against groups of any color who demand they be treated differently than I am or be entitled to more than I'm entitled to because of the color of their skin or because they want to hold me responsible for injustices their ancestors suffered. In my present position I work around and supervise people of several colors. And there are warm and wonderful human beings numbered among these people. My son even has his on a lovely African-American young lady who works with my wife and me. I encourage him in pursuing that relationship. Especially she is a very strong Christian. For a biggot to claim to be a follower of the Lord is a contradiction, IMO. But only God knows their heart.
  18. When Jesus returns.
  19. We are put on this Earth to be of use to our Lord in reaching out to our fellow man. When we become so involved in "churchy" things and are only only interested in improving our "Christian" knowledge and standing that we don't do what we were put here to do we indeed ARE "so heavenly minded that we are no Earthly good" .
  20. From what you've HEARD? Unless you have proof don't spread such rumors or jump to conclusions. There are plenty of Christians out there who believe anything that doesn't agree with what they believe it is wrong. Go to your local library and RESEARCH the subject and don't accept someone else's word for it. You might be doing your grandfather a harm for no reason.
  21. I am "God's house" and visit with me every day.
  22. The "Scriptures" mentioned above are what we call the Old Testament now. They had no Bible. I will use Scripture when talking to a Christian as the Christian usually accepts the Bible as authoritative. Most non-believers do not accept the bible as authoritative so I will discuss spiritual matters in my own words. If we reach a point where the non-believer wants to know what the Bible says on a subject I will use it. "Bible-thumping" is a real turn-off to most non-believers.
  23. Boy! I'm sure glad this topic was brought up. I've been losing a lot of sleep over this.
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