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Everything posted by jeffnevins

  1. Just curious. I read through the useful parts to me of a book called Conquering Chronic Pain from Injury, but I'm not sure if I should wait to heal, or pursue another way to beat pain, such as neurofeedback/therapy for the brain. God doesn't want us in chronic pain, but I wonder what He wants us to do. Well, thanks for any insight.
  2. Thanks, Jeff, for a good topic. What captures me on this topic is Paul telling us to forgive as we have been forgiven (Col 2:13; Eph 4:32). I think maybe we focus on offenses to us, instead of forgiveness of us. My insight would be that a felt sense of appreciation and gratitude for God's forgiveness of ourselves, would lead us to forgive our enemies. You're welcome. Glad folks enjoy the topic. And good insights people.
  3. Mat 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. Just wondering if anyone's heard preaching on this, has studied it, or has insights. The Bible says what it means, so we should do it. We also have a right to self-defense, etc. I'm thinking we should really treat our close friends & people we live with in love, if we need to do so for enemies. Doesn't seem to work that way always, though. Well, thanks for insights. Glad to post here.
  4. I used to love going to church. Today I had a breakdown there. Post-concussion for one year (sorry to keep bringing this up). Hurt my left hip & lower back on my office chair Wed., and today- -banged my right hip on a wood armrest (stupid things- wish they weren't there) sitting in a seat today. I was crying, nauseous, and couldn't stand for the second song. I forgot to pray for protection in church. I had to leave as the sermon started. Hoping God does not allow this latest pain to last a month or lifetime. I guess I shouldn't have gone. I even had earplugs to protect the brain & teeth nerves from the amplifiers. Awaiting eternal life & out of this body. I encourage everyone else to go. Thank you for the church, Lord God.
  5. Thanks for the reply, Leona. I actually wanted to do jury duty. I found the L.A. courthouse to be facinating, and I was looking for work at the time. And wanted to help. Ah well. And Joe, as always. Prayer is vital. It's nice. As long as the temperature doesn't go above 90. I live right near Heather Farm Park. I did chrio & accupuncture just down the street. Sending out a prayer for police & military that face death often in their work-
  6. Maybe this is an odd question. I really wish I'd been more careful in life. Some stuff I couldn't avoid. Fell over in first row of church as a kid (heat exhaustion), head hit the hard floor, and went unconscious. Was carried out. This may have set me up for head trauma to follow- Mugging by blow to head. Mugging by group at knifepoint. Mugging at gunpoint (in coat pocket?). But I didn't leave my heart in San Francisco. Car accident- whiplash & physical theraphy. Saw someone run over by a big rig. Bumped by car as pedestrian. Collapsed outside courtroom during jury duty. Unconscious ambulance ride to ER. Slight blackout after walking into a metal hook. No chronic pain until 1 yr. ago: sneezed & hit head onto wood chair backrest. I could've had a lifetime of chronic pain & frailty to wouldn't have allowed me to travel, run, dance, etc. Instead it has only happened for a year. Maybe God's hand of protection finally lifted. I realise now what a blessing every minute of our life is. Though I've disliked the physical pain of the past year, there have been many blessings. II Corin. 1:5- For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ. Thanks for reading.
  7. Thanks for the replies very much. My prayers go out to miz & all others who have had to deal w/this sort of thing longer than I. Not giving up is important. God may be allowing very slow healing. Slow is certainly better than nothing- Can't dwell in the past, though I miss how much easier everything was. Had no right to complain back then. Keeping my eyes on Christ as much as I can, and trying to avoid more accidents while this body's brain heals (latest was a painful bump to the shoulder blade (they really stick out)). Philipians 4:7!
  8. I am so thankful for Christ's sacrifice to cover our sins. No sin is too big if we sincerely turn to Him. And the promise of life eternal is such an amazing hope we have. But it strikes me how a common mistake of sneezing while sitting & reading can have such dire consequences (not skydiving or being reckless). Not sinning. Not someone else sinning by assaulting us or hitting us while drunk driving (like some brain injuries). Forgiveness is a moot point. It seems so random. Is it part of God's plan? A broken world? My one-year anniversery is 7/15. I hope one year will be enough chronic pain for the head, teeth nerves, and now left foot and right shoulder blade. New injuries pop up & take a long time to heal or never seem to. The world's doctors are clueless, too expensive, or unreachable. Is it God's will to go to a special Wellness Center? The true challenge has been to keep serving & lifting up His name the past year. Not to be defined by the injury. Life is less fun & enjoyable, but the focus remains the same; Christ & other above myself. Just had to type something. Thanks for listening. Never sure where to post (not G.Discussion...)
  9. I see. Thanks for that insight.
  10. jeffnevins

    Psalm 51:8

    Never sure whether to post these in Gen. Disc. or here, but: "Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice." The first half I like: when we find it hard to feel joy, we can ask God for help. I've been needing the joy lately. But the second half? Who's breaking whose bones? Thanks for any responses!
  11. Good tips- I've been meeting for one-on-one bible study & prayer for a number of weeks, but would love to get to actual services more (went yesterday).
  12. There's a great church near my home I used to attend, but since the concussion, I don't go too often because of the loud, amplified worship music & even sermons. There's great content, but it triggers tooth nerve & head pain. Going once in a while is good (always sit in the back), and listening to sermons online til this is over, but I thought about earplugs as well to dampen the sound. What I'd love is a service w/o amplifiers. I'm 37, and like powerful music, but am cautious about amplified drums & guitar especially. I know someone that doesn't attend because of of this as well. Kind of sad- Thanks for reading!
  13. I've especially enjoyed animated TV shows over the years, and was blessed by having the chance to work on an obscure one (Poochini). Thankfully, it didn't have sunject matter that conflicted w/my faith (unlike a potential job that turned up some months back, which I passed on). If you can minister to fellow fans, it seems like a good thing (as mentioned by others). 'Course, certain shows are just plain wrong for Christians. But some out there have a lot of quality (including some animated ones).
  14. Thanks! Diagnosis was there's no fracture, thank God. This accupuncture/Chinese medicine may have really helped me. I picked up some herbs in tablet form as well. I'm praying for protection & healing for all that need it here as well. "And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus" Philipians 4:7
  15. Thanks for the tip on tape, Nebula. I'll have to look into that. MG, thanks for the reply. Just got new glasses recently, so that has helped. Equilibrium is doing better thanks to the dizziness fading & accupuncture in the past few weeks. Thankfully, I have one more appointment today w/the accupuncturist. So I can see a doctor that doesn't get ticked at me & perscribe Naproxen. Part of post-concussion syndrome is your brain is too busy healing to move your body how you want it to. So I do everything slowly & cautiously. I move as if I'm twice my age. We can't be perfect. But I'm very cautious. I don't get hurt every few days, but am now down to every few weeks. Still too often. Being underweight (though I'm trying to gain weight, of course), makes it tough. What's not right is mistakes of the past & a broken world. I realize I am a grown man. Thanks!
  16. Thank you, Nebula. After walking (that hurt), I took a look at it, and it is swollen & discolored. Used to love walking. I hope that I can do so again w/o pain. I want to treat this temple of the Holy Spirit w/care, but every accident seems to border on disaster. Too many in the past 11 months. Whatever happens, I fear & serve the Lord.
  17. Hey- it's been a while, but unfortunately: After feeling good for a while, my post-concussion headache & tooth nerve pain got worse when I tripped hard enough to jerk my head (but didn't fall) on the metal strip bottom of the baby gate at the top of the stairs. The toe can bend, and is roughly the usual color. Nail isn't split, but the toe seems a bit turned in more- Hurts in the left hip due to the forse of the blow- knee is popping a bit. Any experience w/this. I've been looking online for info as well. Concerned because I need to walk to the grocery store today. Focusing on God as always & praying that His will be done. Thanks very much for responses-
  18. What a bizarre statistic. I wonder if other fast food & retail makes up another 25%, government jobs another 24%, and 1% for other?
  19. I've been single my whole life, and am 37 now. When I was younger, it was more difficult; I thought I needed physical contact with a woman every three years (no interest in sex or nudity makes life easier). eHarmony was nice some years ago. 10.5 months of chronic pain (including headache) has drastically reduced interest in a relationship. I may be called to singleness for until death, but perhaps not. I'm unsure of God's plan.
  20. Eph. 5:20- Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; Giving thanks for all things seems really hard when you consider some of the horrible things we go through. 1 Thes. 5:18- In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Specifically I have a hard time giving thanks for 10 months of chronic pain, but maybe this is building character in Christ to a huge degree, and there is some purpose to this yet to be revelaed. Phil. 4:7 has been encouraging: And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. I'm keeping this somewhat short. Thanks for any insights & help!
  21. Whoa- Thanks for the heads up. I don't follow the news on TV, so I appreciate reading it here. Personally, things have been bad the past 9 months. If things went bad at the same time nationally it'd be pretty surreal.
  22. Did the art, animation, some level building & testing of this indie video game. All thanks to great art design of David Kurcina. It was the hardest project of my life due to post-concussion headache the past nine months, injuries to my right thumb, forearm, teeth nerves, and more. I really hope this does well. So much depends on it. Gotta have faith- If anything, feel free to check out the intro by clicking on Menu on the bottom, or just starting the game. You'll notice there is a Christian theme underlying it. All four of us on the team are Christian. Or play as much as you want- the ending has some very labor intensive animation & BG art. Thanks very much for your support. http://www.shockwave.com/gamelanding/dungeon-run.jsp
  23. I hear you. Christ demonstrated compassion for those in pain. It can be rough when trying to get to sleep among other things. Praying for you-
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