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Everything posted by Clio

  1. Again, to assume such a thing usurps the role of the Father and Jesus. Suicide is between Abba, Jesus, and the sufferer. I'm just thankful judging such is not my job. What True Jesus will speak into the soul of a human being not even the angels know. Gabriel is the only one given to speak "well-beloved of the Most High" into any human soul other than Jesus and Abba Themselves. And he stands in the presence of the Most High. How can we presume to know what Jesus will speak? We must be careful not to cause the loss of even one precious soul by the words we speak. To speak such can engender such despair and desperation and pain that we could drive them to do that very thing which we, secure in our faith and Royalty through the Blood Covenant would never even consider. *shudders* Would not want that kind of blood on my hands through usurping or assuming something that the Most High and my Saviour reserve unto Themselves.... Yikes! Clio
  2. Uh... No, deadman, and the rest of you. In James, it is made quite clear. Faith comes first, and from a heart of faith, filled with love, comes obedience. Romans is very well studied by Seventh Day Adventists. They tend to have a heavy works focus, and struggle with the concept that only faith saves. But what they, and most everyone else on the face of the planet seems to miss, and it's made extremely clear throughout the book of James, is that obedience from a loving faith filled heart is also necessary. You cannot do one and not the other. James tells us that just as works without faith is a dead thing, so is faith without works. Now, as to the Sabbath... at the moment it is not a salvation issue. HOWEVER, when a form of worship becomes mandatory, and it will, then obedience to Abba in the day of worship will become a salvation issue. The reason is that pesky mark of the beast. See, the beast system, while it has economic, military, and governmental manifestations, is going to come down to one thing. False worship. The mark, received in either the hand or the forehead will identify those who have compromised their worship. They no longer worship the Creator, they worship the Beast. Well, the side of Abba will also have a mark. One that is visible to all, that seals the Law. Just think about what a seal embodies. It's a sign of the authority by which the One doing the sealing has the right to seal whatever they're sealing. What is the right of Abba Father? His Authority as Creator. Read Exodus 20 again. Read the Three Angels messages in Revelation. Why are we called to worship Abba? We are called to worship Him because He is the Creator. The Sabbath was sanctified and hallowed at Creation. In the 10 commandments it specifically says, Remember...... because in 6 days the Lord created Heaven and Earth and all that is within them. The Sabbath will become the equal and opposite to the mark of the Beast. Now... about those first day of the week verses. Remember, all the NT writers are Jews, products of the culture in which they live. For the Jewish people from Creation to now, the first day of the week begins at sundown Saturday night. "The evening and the morning were the first day". The assembly to which Paul preached took place on Saturday night. He preached until midnight, got up the next morning and traveled on. He did NOT attend a gathering churchlike service. The same with Jesus. When the women reached the garden, it was dawn. We are told the first light of morning. Jesus rose from the dead sometime after sundown Saturday night and before Sunday daylight. Even in the tomb He rested. There is NO biblical support for worshipping on Sunday because that's the day Jesus rose. The day of worship is not to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus. Because it's not His resurrection that's important. It was the spilling of His blood accomplished through His death that brought us into Blood Covenant with Abba Father. The resurrection is the sign the Covenant was accepted. Not the mechanism of salvation. Since it is creating a right relationship with Abba Father, the Creator that is all important, and Jesus came to bring us into Blood Covenant with the Father, then worshipping on the day that He identified, that identifies His authority as Creator, is going to be crucial. It is the outward sign of total surrender to His will, even if you don't agree with it. It is the outward sign that the believer has chosen the authority and rule of Abba Father over the religions of man, over their own ideas and beliefs, and reaches out with a loving heart to be obedient to His will. Something as explicit and important as the Sabbath would have been explicitly and specifically changed. It wasn't. Clio
  3. 6 years. He now walks with Abba clothed in Jesus righteousness. Clio
  4. As Abba's children, we are not tasked to help only those who deserve it. We are told to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the prisoner, give water to the thirsty, shelter the homeless, shoe the shoeless. We were not told to do it only if they are deserving. We are told that in doing so, for the "least of these" we have done it for Jesus. Period. Deserving and choice has nothing to do with it. Only in our human perspective does being deserving enter into the equation. I am not deserving of salvation, but I am certainly worthy. Jesus Himself deemed me worthy of His very life. He deemed every single "undeserving" homeless person worthy. It may be that through the undeserved kindness they receive from one of us, that the homeless person finally has their eyes opened to True Jesus and what He wants/did/does/will do for them. I will not, by my actions or thoughts, assume that anyone my Beloved deemed worthy of dying for is unworthy of my help. Clio
  5. Since suicide is the murder of self, and no murderer will inherit the kingdom of heaven, those who commit suicide will spend eternity in hell. This is absolute falsehood. You are making a judgement which only Abba Father who knows all hearts can make. Abba Father is in the business of healing, and there is no one who needs healing more than someone who is in such pain that they take their own life. It may truly be that they are in such pain, they no longer understand or know what they are doing. Besides, an eternal hell is not biblical. You are placing boundaries on the limitless. Clio
  6. Dennis - I am here because Abba has led me here. Time is very. very short. There is no longer time for loss of focus. There is time enough left to do what must be done, but there is no longer time for a "Plan B". Now is the time to be stepping out about Abba Father's business, for it is HIS plans in jeopardy when I fail to do as He asks. Never, ever will I allow it to be said that something I was tasked with caused His plan to have to change. I have received my raiment and armor, the traditional gifts of a Blood Covenant, and I have purchased the eyesalve and the faith of Jesus, the fine gold. Time is short, shorter than many would like to think, much less believe. I will stay as long as Abba wills it, but it will be no longer than 15 months when I get off the internet permanently. There is someone here Abba wants me to meet. We shall see. Continue to be the watchman on the walls Dennis. A watchman who fails in his duty has the blood of the city on his hands, but if he does his duty, and the city scoffs or rejects his warning, then the blood be on theirs. Clio
  7. Hi... What you're describing sounds like a stronghold. A reaction that we've developed because at one time it helped us to cope with something else, something more basic. When Abba and the Spirit were first working with me on these kinds of issues, They brought into my life a book called "Shattering Your Strongholds" by a lady named Liberty Savard. 4 times They brought it to me. Three times I thought, "That's nice, but I don't have any strongholds, I have sins". and gave it away (I'm a little dense at times ) The fourth time that book was given to me, it finally dawned on me that I was supposed to read it. So I did. There is a way out, and the Spirit and Abba and Jesus will do the work for you, you just have to surrender and understand the principles Ms. Savard lays out. I prayed through that book once, then did an online study with a group of people from around the country, and now, whenever Abba and Jesus decide I have a particular issue with which I need to deal... out will come that book, my Bible, and my tears of repentance. In about 6 weeks, sometimes less if I'm really motivated and Abba has been kicking my tail pretty good. When I have some more time, (I'm running late as it is), I'll be glad to discuss it more with you. Abba bless you. Clio
  8. You are very wrong. Almost all that you list has been brought into the church by man. Please note, that the church age is ending and will have fully ended before Jesus is in the skies over the planet to take me home. We are told that only a remnant shall be saved of those left alive at the end. A remnant is a very small, teeny, tiny bit of selvedge left at the end of a bolt of cloth. If you apply that to how many people will be saved out of those alive at the end, it will not be enough to even be called a denomination. It will be people scattered in hiding all over the globe because they refuse to follow a false worship system. The time of churches being on the side of Abba Father is ending. Do not be one of those who refuses to "come out of her, My people". We follow the direct lead of the Holy Spirit. Not man. We seek, study, and carefully exegete for ourselves. And Jesus Himself told us how to establish the truth of something... It's found in Matthew 18:16. Out of the mouths of two or three shall all things be established. Study, study, study, find the biblical basis and then wait for the witnesses. Clio
  9. We stand for the King. I am a Daughter in the House of the King, sealed in the Blood Covenant with the shed blood of True Jesus. I am so Homesick, I can hardly stand it. Clio
  10. Hi All. I'm new, and this is my first post. I was going to introduce myself first, but this thread caught my eye. I'm married, and usually have my teens with me when running errands. Several times in the last 4 years, Abba Father has demanded that I stop and assist a homeless person. One of the most memorable was in the Sam's club parking lot. There was a man holding a sign saying he would work for food. At the time, we had a small business, and not a lot of cash. And I drove right past him. The truck was full of me and the kids, as well as groceries, and I didn't really have time. But just as I pulled even with him, the Spirit shouted, "Stop!" in my ear. Well, I called home and told my husband that Abba had an errand for me and it's with a homeless man, and I might bring him home, I just didn't know what the Spirit had in mind. I circled the parking lot and went back to talk to him. I explained I didn't have any money, but that I could provide shelter for the night and sharing a meal with our family in exchange for help cleaning out the garage. He rejected the offer, but the Spirit wouldn't let me leave. I dug around in my truck, and emptied out my wallet, and could only come up with $5. Still the Spirit wouldn't let me leave. So I left my name and telephone number and told him to call if he changed his mind. Finally, the Spirit let me leave. The kids and I completed our errands, and about half-way home, my husband called. He told me that I needed to go back and pick up a red-headed kid where I had seen the homeless man. I went back. The homeless man had given my name and number to the kid (he was 19), and the kid wanted off the streets. I picked him up, and talked to him on the way to our home. My kids visited with him too. When he said his name, I knew immediately I had to call our pastor. The pastor had announced from the pulpit the week prior that this kid was somewhere in XXXXXXXX and his parents were searching desperately for him. Turns out, I had him sitting in my living room within a week. He worked in our small business, took on an additional part time job, stayed with us for a year. During that year, Abba truly blessed us. My husband nearly died, and had I not helped this kid, my husband would have died. The kid was there and able to help at one of the most critical junctures of my life. I listen now, when I feel impressed to help. I don't always hand out money, nor do I always bring them home. I have volunteered at shelters, but find that just talking to the homeless on the street, finding out who they are, SMILING at them, SEEING them, not allowing my eyes to shift away in discomfort, and being friendly will do amazing things. If you're uncomfortable, perhaps you have a Christian friend you can tell about how you feel like you're being led into this ministry for the over-looked lost... Perhaps when you have a buddy with you, you can try just smiling and speaking to someone as the Spirit leads. Clio
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