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Everything posted by 50_Cent's_dog

  1. Maybe if Americans marched against terrorism instead of our troops being in Iraq our country would be more united?
  2. I love Israel. Join Christian Friends of Israel and support the Israelis as Syria and Iran are supporting the terrorists.
  3. I love Israel. I hope to visit and possibly live there someday. I wish that I could join the IDF.
  4. I don't know if it is possible to be a born again Christian and bear no fruit. What is fruit? Do others have to see this fruit in order to be a fruit bearer? Maybe this person is bearing fruit that only she can see?
  5. Would it benefit the people of the world to tell them about something that may or may not happen? Maybe it would just cause an unreasonable panic? I personally don't see any point in alarming the whole world at this point in time.
  6. I guess it would be wrong to say," Your loved one is in hell, but you can be saved."
  7. I guess many immigrants walked off the job for the day. I got my mail that day though. I expected it not to come.
  8. That would be nice if the world governments would do something positive for Christians.
  9. We are all human. Christians are no better than anybody else unless they let the Holy Spirit work through them. Until then we are all useless to God. Better off not saying anything at all. Wow! What a hypocrite I am.
  10. If only once we got saved we would have a new nature. My nature is still sinful. It is so much easier to do evil than good. I wish that it was easier to do good than evil. Where is my heart? Is my heart for God or evil? I wish that I knew.
  11. I saw that the other day on the news. It was called "Christian Yoga." You can not bring in Hinduism or any Eastern Religion and mix it with Christianity. I shook my head in frustration when I heard about Christian Yoga. Not all who claim to be Christian are Christians. It is sad.
  12. I met a really faithful young woman on here. She is a very good friend! Never fails to write to me and say at least "Hello" when she can write. So I made at least one true friend on here at Worthyboards.
  13. I am just glad that I have my Blessed Assurance. If I didn't know where I was going I probably would be scared.
  14. Like Stephen Baldwin said," He is experiencing the new life that Jesus gave him. His brother rejects Christianity because he is not experiencing it. When you are Born Again your life will change.
  15. Hey Suzana, I just wanted to say that you won't find the answer to your question on Worthyboards. Half believe you can lose your salvation and need to work to keep your salvation. The other half trust Jesus completly to forgive their past, present and future sins. I guess all you can do is pray. I do encourage you to remain in the Vine and let the Holy Spirit work through you.
  16. I have not walked with God at all this week. I sort of fell away. I feel so uncomfortable praying. I really feel like I should lose my salvation and go to hell. I really wish that it is just as easy to do the will of God as it is to do the will of Satan. To do the will of God takes work. It is a struggle to stay on the straight and narrow. Did I lose my salvation because I fell away from God over the past two weeks? What can I do to gain my salvation back again?
  17. I used to get so annoyed by what my great aunt would say. She was a Catholic and always tried to be tolerant and loving. She would always say," We are all children of God." I wish that was true. We are all creations of God but not all are His children. Like Butero said, only those who are Born Again (saved) are children of God. All others are just creations of God. On their way to hell.
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