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Everything posted by dakota190

  1. i have seen a list of the names of "God" and in the bible he "God" refers to himself, i am the God of your fathers, i am the God of abraham, isaacc and jacob. where is God listed as his name?
  2. i realize we (america) probably can't really employ the attitude that i find myself carrying lately. maybe i am the only one that is sick to death of wasting the lives of our young men fighting the battles for the muslims, while they continue to hate us and want us dead. now i do realize there are muslims that perhaps appreciate what america is doing and i know their lives are better without alqaeda and saddam. i also realize our news (so called) services work more for the enemy than they do for us. they have not reported the news for a long time. they prefer to tell us what they think the news means and all with their slant. does anyone trust the middle east countries anymore. if there is a trade off of services please tell me, in this world of $3.00 a gallon gas. as un-christian as it may be i am beginning to feel that all of afghanistan and/or iraq are not worth one more american life. now if we are fulfilling some part of God's end time plan, as sometimes i feel we are and i have even intimated as much to others, someone please give me an amen!! otherwise i am listening, guide me to another awareness.
  3. lasere, it appears to me as you seem to be watching for replies so you can immediately address others opinions, that this episode greatly affected and angered you. it is as if you are wanting to argue over the matter instead of seeking general discussion or opinions. so you probably won't like this either. if a church or pastor upsets you go somewhere else, actively seek a congregation that inspires you. there are many churches and groups that are being misled. i wasn't there of course, or if i was there i obviously was not offended. since i can't know that without knowing where this occured. what i am wondering is if you are an austre person. do you resent any laughter in the church? do you think it should all be severe and bearing down, scowling and frowning or is there a place in the church in your eyes for levity. my minister is extremely serious about God and Jesus and teaching the proper gospel and serving the Lord according to what the Bible teaches and following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, yet he exhibits a wonderful sense of humor, even from the pulpit and we find it only enhances things and is not detrimental. God created and blessed us with a sense of humor. he created us in his image, with laughter. if what the minister said was truly distasteful and offensive then tell him, instead of spending all of this time cutting his throat. humor is defined differently by different people, perhaps he was out of line or maybe you are just too severe, if we weren't there we can't really agree or disagree. i encourage you to pray about this matter and to speak with this pastor about this situation, perhaps the two of you can can reach a mutual understanding in regards to this and learn from it.
  4. ovedya, do you have any knowledge in the belief of reincarnation? because that is what you are promoting in lifing up the song by stevie wonder. i have studied extensively in the past the false doctrine listed above. be careful lest you be led astray. this paragraph is directed to some of those that replied to you ovedya, not to what you stated. considering the debate that is raging in some of the replies concerning denominationalism. first, while we spend precious time fighting amongst ourselves (not knowing exactly what every church is teaching or experiencing) the devil is laughing his head off. while we are sniping each other we are not fighting the devil effectively. personally i attend a non-denominational church. we are not against denominations, we believe in what the bible says, ONLY what it says. if a denomination or home study is wasting their time criticizing us for that, then they are not spending enough time studying the word of God. if however you are following a different Gospel other than the one taught by Christ and the apostles, remember paul? (formerly saul of taursus) then we are concerned for your salvation and we will resist you and pray for you, that God will lead you onto the correct path. God Bless you and may God help you deal with your anger and issues against the church.
  5. i don't know what is wrong with you. i only know what works for me. i have attended many churches that left me cold, bored or confused, distrustful of ministers and the way they ran the churches they were entrusted with by God and how they chose to shepherd or not, the flock that came to them for salvation and encouagement. i am now attending a wonderful church in knoxville, tn. that inspires, teaches and counsels me, they have befriended me and the congregation is what i have always looked for in a church family. however, i don't sit on my backside and look for them to come to me to be all i want them to be. i go forward and search them out and try to be all the lord would have me be to him and to his church.
  6. hannah, instead of wasting your time considering what the world of psychotic psychobabblers say as to why you feel this way etc; think instead of this. God, the creator of the universe and all things we know in our finite minds can fathom, created you to walk in the garden of eden with him. that i think is pretty special. the devil on the other hand, remember him? he is the Loser in all of this, he wants us to think we are losers also. however, i know how the book ends. the devil is still the LOSER!!!! GOD DOESN'T MAKE ANY JUNK, and we can't lose unless we give up. God loves us so much he gave his son and he sacrificed his prophets and he wrote us a love letter to tell us how to spend eternity with him, because he loves us enough to have created us specifically for himself. not a bird in a cage or for us to entertain him, but so he could spend time with us. i think that is pretty special. DON'T YOU? God bless and keep you.
  7. it couldn't have been for the single reason of an interracial marriage that God got mad at solomon, because moses was married to an ethiopian woman. i didn't review everything as thoroughly as i should have before i jumped in here running my mouth, so to speak, but i do remember there were problems in the old testament with the jews being led away from the Lord whenever the jews married out of the faith. God would command the jews not to take the daughters of the peoples of the land, nor to give their own daughters in marrige to the peoples of the land. the jews ignored God again and do as they pleased and God would punish them over and over and over...
  8. the fact the legal action was taken by a subversive group of seriously deluded individuals should be sufficient to convince any lucid, rational individual to throw this trash out of the courtroom and not even hear this mess. if it isn't, that person doesn't need to be sitting on the bench. i would hope even that fool is california (i believe thats the 9th circuit that makes such rediculous decisions that he is overturned more than any other judge) would see that. why would any court even consider authorizing the tax exempt status for literature that involves sick sacrificial information and how to murder or further the demented mental status of anyone that would even consider a life of worshipping the devil? how smart can one be to willingly follow a defeated foe into his eternal damnation. i already know how the book ends, don't you? by the way does any not see the endtimes in the news today?
  9. now let me see if i understand this. if a muslim converts to christianity, he/she are murdered by their own family or "friends" they have lived with, around and at times depended on, in this "religion of peace". the christian that shared christ with the convert is accused of forcible corversion and murdered by the adherents or this "religion of peace". but somehow they don't see the similarity in their kidnapping a woman, holding her hostage and forcing her to convert to islam, through fear and intimidation (quite the accomplishment). ignoring the fact the christians (great satan) don't murder to force anyone to convert to christianty. on the contrary we do it by showing the love of christ. the holy spirit does the converting not the christian. we only plant the seed and or water the seed, God accomplishes the conversion by convicting the soul of the convert. the followers of islam that are not the obviously insane followers have stuck their heads in the sand and refuse to object in the least to these despicable cowards that strike out at children and innocent people, (they are described in the koran as non-combatants, not to be harmed even accidentally) these terrorists are just that, they enjoy inflicting fear and death, that is their only agenda. they don't want peace and their beliefs are fraudulant. if is not objected to by their fellow muslims they are just as guilty as the terorists. or is it that they are afraid of their fellow moslems, in their "religion of peace" dakota190
  10. it is about time someone explained to the u.s. govt. that we "do not" support the palestinian authority. which they are neither palestinian nor do they have (or exercise) any authority over the "hamas and or other terrorist, murderers". that operate from land that belongs to Israel. not to muslem fanatics that wouldn't know the truth if it hit them between their eyes. if it did on some subliminal level we know from past experience they would lie until they died. it seems to me that their faith is based not only on works, but on lies and denial. i owe no apology for supporting "Gods chosen people" nor for not being politically correct. i am tired of the u.s. govt. giving money to such self deceiving back stabbing fools. is our govt. that ignorent they don't see how wrong it is to give money to a country that is dedicated to killing us with our own money, while the elderly, poor and disabled in this country, either don't have medical coverage or they die for lack of assistance in purchasing the life saving medicines they need. i fully support israel in their being the only ones that really know how to deal with terrorism and actually know what life in the middle east is like for them, we don't america needs to stay out of the middle of israels problem with the terrorists. our govt. doesn't know what they are doing in this respect. do you think if some element in canada of mexico was lobbing bombs across the border or were blowing up our children on buses, that we wouldn't wipe them off the face of the earth. so, why do we expect israel to feel any different about the "hamas" etc;? former bush supporter, dakota190
  11. i thought by the header this must be about the islamic faith since they are definitely on drugs. no reality checks happening in that part of the middle east. dakota190
  12. from where i stand and in my understanding of the Holy Bible and the teachings of our lord Jesus, you are under grace, not the law. we are not bound to one specific day of the week to honor God, we meet him in prayer and study daily and talk with him throughout the day. just as we are not bound to the mosaic laws that prevented the jews from eating pork, we are not bound to the sabbath, as we are not bound to all of the various sabbaths and the mandated feasts and old testament laws. the commandants were to prove to us that none of us could live a holy, pure or sanctified life by the law, it has always been impossible. only through Jesus can we hope and believe that we would ever reach heaven. through his life and sacrifice i now know i will be in heaven, and look to the day. so in the teachings of the Lord the sabbath is not a mandate on those of us under grace. your brother in Christ dan (dakota190)
  13. My free speech comment was directed towards the person who said "I am disappointed that this is even being tolerated at all." And what do mean about your right to express your faith being trampled on? You pretty much summed up my beliefs about Jesus, LadyC. I don't believe he was the son of God, I don't think he was resurrected, and I don't think the Bible is the word of God, I think it is the word of men who followed God, and I believe that it should be taken symbolically rather than literally. And I would love to be as confident in my beliefs as some of you are. However, I was not indoctrinated into the religion, so I think I'm able to look at it more rationally and objectively than you. That wasn't supposed to sound hostile, I just couldn't think of another way to say it.
  14. correct me if i am wrong, but it seems a little too contrived to be about nothing more than some cartoons. even as seriously thin skinned as the islamics tend to be. it appears that anonymous sources continue to pour fuel on the fire and those in the streets are easily manipulated and seem to look for any reason to run the streets rioting. to them it may make sense, but to me and i would hope millions like me, their actions have destroyed any remote chance at being considered more than just crazy. or if you prefer, demonic. the ones enflaming the situation worldwide and sustaining the level of intensity, i would suspect are other muslims that want the west to attack them, thinking they would stand a chance. none the less they want the "holy war". no war is holy, it is only killing. i am not debating the right and wrong or war only the insanity of their stand.
  15. we already know society has declared open season on christianity. it is ok by their standards (as low as that bar may be) to criticize any christian act, speech, charity, movie, etc;, but just don't criticize the islamofascist state of mind that permeates the world today, don't criticize or offer an opinion against open homosexuality in public or on primetime tv shows or the liberal media and arts, (giving a true definition of liberal arts). if you are a christian and dare voice such opposition or even make a case based on biblical teachings, then we are intolerant. other groups can kill innocent citizens, including women, children and the elderly, indiscriminately and they can riot in the streets trying to burn down the city and somehow the secular world thinks this is ok, these people and their behavior are still preferable to us mean spirited, intolerant christians. we didn't riot and kill people when certain artists depicted Jesus in disrespectful and obscene ways. perhaps because we worship a God that can take care of himself, and will. we worship a loving God that can see and hear, that thinks for himself and lives in purity. we don't behave that way because that is not Godly and if it is not of God then it is of satan. the christian faith stands on its own merits, unlike the other religions that can't, because they are false.
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