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Everything posted by dakota190

  1. i understand his own country is about to start reeling the sprayed cockroach in a bit. he has an alligator mouth and a sparrow backbone. i think he just likes the attention. i know he is always trying to point the finger away from himself and Iran whenever he is up to something. so this is typical ahmadinejad. if we would ignore his constant postulating, perhaps he would shut up for a while. NNNAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! i doubt it. just imagine, once again he is pointing his finger at Israel, while pretending to be a choir boy. what a surprise, huh? i just couldn't imagine. at least until he completes the work, the Lord has for him to do.
  2. gee it could be because the muslims, are a religion of the devil. you can say what you want about Jesus in your limited way while trying to slide past the fact that the muslim faith denies Jesus as the son of God. your bretheran are beheading christians and jews on the media and blowing themselves up killing innocents, elderly, children and women, just because they are jewish, or actually they don't care what they they just murder them. while more of your muslim bretheran dance in the streets, cheering. and in all truth, we are not trying to help anyone steal land from the palestinians. the land belongs to the jews, the palestinians, are liars and frauds and like other muslims, are trying to rewrite history. lying with every breath, trying to deny Israel ever existed in the land. all the while hauling away jewish artifacts, from beneath that atrocity sitting atop the temple mount. this board has become so wimpy, as to allow someone such as this an avowed hater of God, whose religions' stated purpose is to wipe out Gods' people and destroy christianity and by force take over the world, and whose cowardly heroes the Hizbollah, hides behind the skirts of women while launching rockets into the civillian population of Israel, at the behest of Iran, another fanatical baby killer, who is trying desperately to start a war in the middle east. and people here waste their time welcoming and trying to reason with someone that is cursing your God and spitting in your eye. instead of calling it for what it is. this board is dying and it is because of this kind of wimpy behavior. where are the christian soldiers of God. when will you stand up for your God as you plead for him to stand up for you. you have allowed this board to be overrun with athiests' uninterested in conversion, unbelievers that like the athiests' are not here to learn they are here to destroy, and they have, they have destroyed worthy. now this. just for the record i don't hate muslims per se, they are blind and confused and they worship a non-existent God. i do however hate islam, because of its' adherents thousands of people have died, been murdered by insane persons for no justifiable reason, other than insanity. they also murder anyone they can that professes christianity in a muslim country. if someone converts to christianity, they will murder them especially, family members have been killed mercilously by brothers for leaving the faith. unless someone is searching for the truth that is one thing, but this person is attacking you and christianity and our God, and you think you can reason him out of his attitude. by making him welcome you open your door to the enemy. i am certain this post will be deleted by some wimp that does not have the courage to say what needs to be said. when you do, don't bother banning me, i will be gone so i don't have to smell the stench of the carcass.
  3. takuma, well said, i agree. further i won't read anything dan brown writes simply because he claimed to have written a book of fiction, then he tried to represent it as fact, by taking old beliefs, (some of which are still believed and practiced to this day) that are anti-christ and anti-christian and seeding doubt in the hearts and minds of millions. personally, i think anyone that was entertained by such trash needs to examine their christianity. the way to heaven is a narrow road, the way to destruction is a broad way. when you entertain such trash in your lives and minds, you are disrespecting God. remember in the old testament when the kings did not pull down the high places as God told them to when he made them the king? when they failed to do as he instructed them to, they wound up worshipping at those altars. whose altar, do you worship at when you disrespect God? God severely punished those kings, do you think he will treat you any differently. i am not just talking about a book written by some unbelieving scoffer. i am talking of only one symptom of the disease of this world and how easy it is one wrong act at a time to slowly walk away from God. no one can take a christian out of the hand of God, but you can very easily be misled and led away. osas, does not apply when you willingly walk away.
  4. ...and that ladies and gentlemen, is the rest of the story!!
  5. what are the chances that what we christians refer to as the last supper, from which we draw the communion tradition was a seder? the timing is right with passover. the reason i ask this is it seems obvious and natural to me now, but growing up in the southern baptist church, (which i have left) i never heard this mentioned. (the reference to the seder i mean.) as to the wine, what difference does it make? the reverence for the Lord in our hearts and actions during this time is the point, honoring the Lord as he commanded.
  6. why would they list their friends and possible allies as terrorists? anyway, scripture already described these types of loyalties.
  7. God forbid, they come out better than when they went in. the title "federal judge" pretty well spelled it out.
  8. that is what i was taught also. the tower of babel was built in an attempt to reach heaven and be closer to God. they exceeded themselves in their arrogance. so God punished them. check out, Genesis, chapter 11, verses 5 through 11, God confused the speech of the peoples and sent to the corners of the world. the nkjv, doesn't say anything about their trying to reach God, it says they built a tower whose top reached the heavens, and God confused their languages and dispersed them, because after the completion of the tower, nothing would be denied them. it could be infered, that man could not handle this level of accomplish at this point in history. mans' attitude would be hindered. however God has not hindered or stopped man in his achievements at this point in history. perhaps he should in the morally challenged field of genetics research. floatingaxe, did not say, we could not reach God. she said they were trying to reach God by their own hand, (paraphrased) ouside of Gods' will and way.
  9. in answer to your original question. no christians do not fear science. personally i view science as an inconsequential collection of theories, when they try to address the facts of creationism. when they address things of biology, earth sciences, things they can put into a test tube, i have no problem listening to them and admitting their possible expertise in those areas. if they don't believe in things they can't see, then they shouldn't comment and/or publish theories on said topic. if they wish to write about their unproven theories, they should list them as "working hypotheses" and not try to pass them off on the unsuspecting as fact. since many uninformed persons like to take those hypotheses and run around expounding on them as if they were fact. when actually they only sounded good to them and made them feel vindicated about their own issues.
  10. lets see if the flying of the spaghetti can save your backside at the appointed hour. if you visit someone elses house do you treat them with the same disrespect you show here?
  11. pushmar, if i stood on my side of the property line and shot a number of your family members in your house or yard, that had done nothing to me, except believe differently from me. although i felt i had the right to shoot you, because in my opinion you did not have any right to your property, that had been deeded to you. would you want to stop me, which would require your having to kill me, because i am not going to quit otherwise, i have sworn to kill all of you. would you pray for me or kill me????? NO CEASEFIRE, until God call for one.
  12. Your statement is very contridictory (Tell him Sylvan!!! - I'm sorry, I just really want to debate you... But I believe you are scared God might give you a heart of flesh and you will be converted??? - You are actually the main reason I'm still hanging out here... LOL!) By saying that God is Omniscient and yet doesn't know everything is illogical. By very definiton of the word, your statement is wrong. om
  13. what bible are you quoting out of? the verse listed above in my nkjv, says,i form the light and create darkness, i make peace and create calamity; I the Lord do all these things. it does not say, evil in place of calamity. so please, fill me in, is this a bible quote or half a bible quote and the rest, your wording. your personal interpretation. i would like to read this myself.
  14. dance like its' 1967!! if the muslims, allowed their children to go to school, maybe, hizbollah could have read about the 1967 war, and the other 2 wars the arabs over there fought with Israel. naw, they would have changed that history to. i guess once a liar, always a liar. ignorence can hurt!!
  15. wink; wink; wink; when i look up trust, i just don't see Iran there.
  16. it is about time the man stood up and made his/OUR feelings known. as it relates to our support of Israel.
  17. well Chirac, might let it go. again Shiloh, i am in your corner!! O"Dannyboy, you also, are quite correct and on the money.
  18. read the bible, it's in there. pray for the wisdom to understand his word. it will all be revealed to you. God is a gracious God, he will reveal things to even non-believers, if you read the bible and pray. i guess if maybe you are afraid, if you studied, the bible and tried praying, you might suddenly, meet God face to face, then what would your friends think.
  19. This is exactly the reason why I and other athiests have been asking about the Biblical ideas of God being all-knowing, all-seeing, all-good and all-powerful. If it is logically impossible for him to be any/all of these things and still keep with what scripture has said of him, then the message of the Bible is suspect. So far, though, the big hang-up is omnibenevolence: Christians who've responded to those particular threads have been divided on whether or not this term, or one like it, is intended to apply to God at all. Some people have said God is all-good; others have said God is capable of hate. Sorry to chime in - it's just this was a very well-phrased, condensed version of what's been being argued in other threads, but which, I think, had been getting misunderstood a bit. we already know you and dd, are in error, so why should we worry about what you think of the bible. we certainly don't expect to gain any enlightenment from either of you or the many trolls that bring the same questions here again and again. we know what you are trying to say, but considering that to most of us, you people are suspect. we are not confused about the bible or what we believe, some do not have as much biblical knowledge as others, therefore they are more easily led into your round about word traps or into needless, worthless, unimportant debates, regarding matters that don't and will not matter in the eternal scheme of things. that is where our focus should be. not wasted on needless debate, with the hopelessly lost. your statements of why you obsessively spend so much time here are suspect to those paying attention to such things. your purpose appears to be for no other reason other than to discourage and attempt to draw away, baby or weak christians from the Lord. when more people realize that, perhaps your days here, being allowed to continue your work, will be short. i may be counseled for saying these things, but i feel they are long overdue being said. it is time the absolute truth be told.
  20. the destruction of Damascus, is found in Isaiah, ch; 17, v-1. that is the "ruinous heap" prophecy for damascus. to answer your second question. would damascus be destroyed in this war, or later. i am not qualified to answer the question with biblical authority. however, i do think, that if lebanon is forced into this war with Israel, by Hizbollah, by Syria or Iran. Israel will not only, waste Damascus, but that loud mouth in Iran, may find himself holding the tail of a Lion, wishing he knew how to let go. the lion he may find himself holding may or maynot be Israel. it could also be, "the Lion of Judah". Iran and Syria, don't want to fight Israel direct. they fight using proxies. the Hizbollah, and Hamas, Plo, whatever, or any fool willing to strap on a bomb and kill himself for an idol. if i was allah, and these terrorist groups represented me, i would have squashed them years ago. they are an embarresment. however, if you are a false god, i guess you take what you can get for followers. God Bless!!!
  21. i have been part of a pentecostal church in the past also. i was raised in the southern baptist church. i attended one of those you could classify as the "frozen chosen". i felt absolutely no fire in that church. i was told it was not the preacher, but the congregation had beaten him into submission, years earlier. the pentecostal church had plenty of fire, but they began to veer off track, in my opinion. i am now non-denominational, we still, raise our hands in the air in praise. no one dances in the aisles, but they could if they wanted to. i think some churches are afraid to really let themselves go, and they would have to accept they were wrong about some scriptures, such as tongues, (if performed according to scripture, not as a sideshow) and dancing before the Lord, and being inspired. personally, the holy spirit makes me cry, at times. during praise, or sometimes when reading a story of salvation, or miraculous healings. etc; the final authority, on praise, how to, is the Holy Bible! look there for approval or disapproval. do be careful though, the devil is busy today. he knows his time is running out.
  22. i greatly disagree with you. when i gave my life over to Jesus, there was no glory grabbing. i don't know what type of experience you had in accepting the Lord as your savior. mine was humbling, it was a final surrender of my will to my Lord. the decision to surrender does belong to man, whether you like it or approve of it. it definitely, is not a grabbing of some of Gods' glory. God will not allow that anyway. he will not accept you, if that is why you are on your knees'. the verse that states these truths may not be written so precisely, that they come right out and say it, but the message is there. if you get ran over by a big truck, does someone have to run upto your car and tell you it was a tractor trailer, or can you figure that out for yourself. i am not trying to be snotty or insulting, but too many people on this board like to argue a concept into the ground, that is obvious from the start, just because the actual sentence is not phrased out for them. that is all part of reading comprehension. it sounds like your sour attitude towards "man" is affecting your judgement toward scripture. by the way in another post, where you drug snow4jc, over the coals calling her and her post self rightous, and that according to her views she must not have friends. well in your above post, where you continue in your rant, stating, how blah, blah , blah, "can't even be comprehended by most in our humanistic culture." it must be tough being so intellectually above everyone else. this may not be self rightous, but next time you decide to shame another, reflect on your own pomposity. ask yourself, is that a Godly trait. while you pat yourself on your own back, reflecting how dumb everyone else is, being outside of the Luthern church and all. by the way humbling yourself, repenting, and accepting salvation is not a work of man. it is according to Gods' plan.
  23. I will probably draw the wrath of many here, but your post is one of the most self-righteous I have ever seen on any Christian message board. You "don't associate with folks who don't do as Jesus did?" You must have a real small group of friends! You are definitely riding the glorious hot air balloon dear soul. As I've commented before the measure of a Christian is probably more the realization of just what a sinner he/she is rather than how good they are and how they need to build a barrier between themselves and the world we live in. Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. Better to be of a humble spirit with the lowly than to divide the spoil with the proud. You invited my thoughts and you have them. I hope you see them as helpful at some point in the future rather as an attack. sw while dragging her over the coals, you forgot to answer the question, sport!
  24. Actually, according to scripture, the main reason people reject God is personal sin and rebellion. Ungodly actions by churches give those people excuses to use for their rebellion I don't see the church giving them any reason not too. When people see the sins of the church, why would they want to be part of that? Christians have a reputation of being very judgemental. People don't like to be looked down upon and they connect that negative christian attitude with the church. I agree, it is personal sin and rebellion but when you take a look around at the church, what else is there? read what you just posted, and tell me how you differ from what you just criticized. perhaps, that church you blasted so hard, needs a little guidance, as you might. (i don't intend to hurt any feelings, we all need guidance, just making a point.)
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