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Everything posted by abm

  1. Easy to read, and accurate translation can be two different things, depending on what verse you happen to be looking at. EVERY translation has hard verses to understand, and in EVERY translation the translators made the best possible approximation to the Hebrew or Greek behind it. Pointing out two or three hard verses is easy to do from any translation. The best thing about the KJV is that it has been around long enough that the errors in translation (man's attempt to understand God's Word) are well documented, which is not so for any new version out there. It will be decades before a new version has had enough scrutiny to make it reliable. When it comes to God's Word, in which pivots our entire faith, I would rather use something that has stood the test of time.
  2. If you liked the previous post's information I strongly suggest visiting: http://www.av1611.org/kjv/kjveasy.html -abm
  3. The following is from: http://www.wayoflife.org/fbns/isntthekjv-hard.html
  4. Personally, out of sheer frustration of trying to understand the finer points of Scripture I have resorted to studying Hebrew and Greek. I am to the point where I can use the manuscripts a little, but I have a LONG way to go. But, I recommend this to everybody because if how much is not translated in a word for word translation. Simple euphemisms are not easy to translate, so unless you use something like the Amplified Version they are not usually included. (Usually, meaning if you have a word for word translation instead of a thought for thought, and even with a thought based translation some "small" stuff is left out in order to preserve "readability") So, all in all, any translation is just that, a translation. For the complete picture of scripture one will eventually need to learn some Hebrew and Greek. Blessings, abm btw, I gravitate towards the KJV.
  5. Hi all! I have a question about using Macromedia Flash, and if you use the program maby you can help. I thought I would through this out here, so here goes . . . I want to create a preloader, and I just can't figure out how to do it. Ether I want to make one of my own, or use somebody elses, ether way is good. I just can't figure out how to make it work. I have tried to use some preloaders off of the web, but when I try and put it into my Flash presentations it does not work. HELP! LOL Blessings, abm P.S. My web site is: www.abmpic.com and if you go there you will see why I need a preloader.
  6. abm

    Boycott Ford

    I've always been a Ford guy, but now I'm not too sure. This is very sad. btw, another supporter of the gay community is Wells Fargo. Blessings, abm
  7. abm

    Kill vs Murder

    Thanks! I think this is the best responce so far. Simple, concise . . . what I need.
  8. abm

    Kill vs Murder

    I come from a military family also.
  9. Thanks. I wonder what the original Hebrew says. It says, Pro 26:5 ענה כסיל כאולתו פן־יהיה חכם בעיניו׃ Pro 26:6 מקצה רגלים חמס שׁתה שׁלח דברים ביד־כסיל׃
  10. they are not interchangeable. a Prophet is one who speaks for God to the people. Most prophets were not also seers. Many of the prophets of the Bible spoke God word concerning future events but they represent a very small number of prophets in the history of Israel. Well, a Prophetic word can come in two ways: foretelling or forthtelling. Both are Biblical, but forthtelling is more frequent. Why? It is not our future (foretelling) that is our biggest need. It is in our present (forthtelling) that we need the most communication from God. Waling through life with Christ takes care of the future, but it's the now that we have problems with most.
  11. Ahhh, being a seer. Well, there is a gift of prophecy and the office of a Prophet. There IS a difference. A seer typically (in OT terms) is speaking of the office instead of the gift. This office is something that has been truly missunderstood this day and hour. A true Prophet of God is much different than people think. A Prophet is not a pastor, not a teacher, not a missionary. A Prophet is mainly used of God as an instroment of His will, and whatever is nessisary for His will to be accomplished is what the Prophet must do/go through. I had the privlage of meeting a Prophet once. Not one of those people who proclame to be one, but one who has been proven to be one over time. He NEVER said he was a Prophet, but he had an authority and weight to his words that I will never forget. If you are called into this ministry, it requires a complete dedication to a level of relationship with God that most people will never experence on this earth. This relationship comes at a price. It's all about relationship. To serve the King in His cort you must be prepared to live by His beck and call, forsakeing all for the sake of His will. Every Christian wants to serve God like this, but only a very few ever get there. Pray much. Fast much. Read the Word. If the Lord has truly called you into this life and office He will teach you directly. Be Blessed!
  12. abm

    Kill vs Murder

    I agree completely. I also agree with this. It's wording it in such a way that it can stand on its own and make it through the language barrier. Good word.
  13. abm

    Kill vs Murder

    Hi all! I'm new here, but I had to post something. So, I thought I would bring up a topic that has been posed to me of late by a Christian Ukraine immigrant. The Question is this: How can Christians in America support killing (war) when the Bible states that we are not to kill. And for argument sake, here is the specific questions that he gave me to answer:
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