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Everything posted by ~SPIRITBLADE~

  1. if God says 'not", why would that mean something different to anyone-? i mean, if you say 'no', i know what that means. if i say "no", you know what that means. why is there ANY contention concerning God's meaning-? why would you chastise me, for advocating God's Word-?
  2. of course, but that isn't the 'why', that is the RESULT. again i ask 'WHY-?" kinda wierd, both of you being named Eric-lol my agenda is TRUTH, (that should be EVERYONE'S agenda)- however obviously not i am COMMANDED RIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT, i accept that even i alone, may be the only Christian who observes the commands of his Father. if i speak falsely, it wouldn't be accepted, (THAT MAKES SENSE) yet i speak the Word of God, and it isn't accepted, (that IS evil) why can't scri[pture be honored on the forum why is the WORD of God, made as though dead-? i'm confused, and i pray you are aswell, (because if you are CERTAIN THE WORD OF GOD CANNOT BE DISCUSSED HERE-yes, i would questuion alot more than just a forum posting...
  3. of course, but that isn't the 'why', that is the RESULT. again i ask 'WHY-?"
  4. my Bible says not to learn the 'way of the heathen', that means anything-anywhere Forgive me, perhaps there are sub-contexts in another Bible, i'm not aware of. But what does it mean to learn the ways of the heathen? Does that mean anything a heathen thinks of to do? I mean, where do you draw the line? Even the internet on which you are posting may have been created by the heathen? To me it comes down to if something is sinful. I have no reason to believe it is a sin to have a Christmas tree, if that is what you are refering to. At the same time, it is a great sin to bow down to idols. the Command is God's. draw the line as you have...
  5. yes, but WHY-? It is not the type of question that I believe he was wanting a yes or no answer to. It was a question given to make us think. He knows the answer to all things, so he certainly doesn't need for us to clear things up in his mind. People will go more and more into heretical end times doctrines, and it is to make us think when we see this coming to pass. Look at the next verses from 1 Timothy 4:2-5 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their consceince seared with a hot iron; 3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. 4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused,if it be received with thanksgiving: 5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. The point is that people will depart from the true faith in the end times. Not everyone, but likely a great number if not the vast majority. yes, i agree, the question is posed TO MAKE YOU THINK. Having said that, WHY-? SOMETHING HAPPENS, (or rather doesn't happen) to make that an earnest query, why is there a great falling away- why-?
  6. my Bible says not to learn the 'way of the heathen', that means anything-anywhere Forgive me, perhaps there are sub-contexts in another Bible, i'm not aware of.
  7. don't get caught with your pants-down. it isn't 'global-warming'-true science reveals increased hurricanesd when th earth cools. the coronas of every planet in our solar-sustem have incereased 200 %, since '91 it's solar-warming
  8. a degre different in the universe-we wouldn't exist a degree closer to the sun, we wouldn't exist one further, and we wouldn't exist if the other planets in our system were off a fraction, we wouldn't exist if the air-quality, water purifaction, weather,geology, rotaion of the earth, the sun's temperature, the earths temperature,the gravitatiopnal forces, magenetic, electrical, thermo-voltaic, thermal-ractive, quantity of resources, adaptation of the human physic, our ability to heal,reproduce, any of these altered one iota, and we cease to exist. i have the greatest faith, of any man i've met- reams of resources PROVING my faith. However, i would be quick to point-out, that ANY PAGAN has GREATER FAITH, in what he cannopt prove- compoared to me, and what i CAN prove.
  9. see, for me, i'm the only one on earth, who has a Bible equipped with these passages, (or at least OBSERVES them)-how about you-?
  10. "When I return, will I find FAITH-?" i know the answer, however that isn't doing you any good- (and apparently i'm not allowed to answer for you).
  12. This makes sense. I'll buy it. Two questions though: 1. Is this scripturally supported? 2. Two "dating" teenagers sharing a kiss is premarital sex? I guess the answer to my first question was No and the answer to my second question was Yes. Thank you. np Bro', collectively, it's OUR job
  13. and to this, iwould say, (in my tiny lil' Christian mind)- If i love God with ALL MY HEART, wouldn't i CHOOSE to KEEP the WHOLE LAW-? or do i show all my love by SELECTIVELY living as commanded-? do you think i can show the love of ALL MY HEART, by disregarding whatever I FEEL GOD doesn't want-? or do i show "All the LOVE in my HEART" by IGNORING HIS WORD-?? kinda more rhetorical, i guess-
  14. being a simplistic lil' Christian, i have found that anything dealing with depression, (this is that)- is IMMEDIATELY CONQUERED, as soon as you commit to truly helping someone else. works EVERYTIME, AND your 'self-esteem' will go through the roof. ciao'
  15. if you succumb to paranoia, disregard this: Personnaly i believe the reasons are dark, and two-fold: 1.the enemy desires an accurate accounting of the best lab-rats 2. " " if it can be had- of the 144,000
  16. Of course... but the question was what constitutes sex? Does the Bible speak on this issue? The OP was disgusted at the sight of seeing two females hold hands and finding out they were "girlfriends". Since premarital sex is wrong too, might the OP be disgusted at a guy and a gal hold hands if they are unmarried "boyfriend and girlfriend"? sin is sin, if it ain't it ain't, if it is, (according to God) then it IS, (yuck). i wanna expound on this topic, (ears open peeps) a homosexual MAY IN FACT BE BORN THAT WAY, (my biggest argument against evolution, 'gays' average lifespan is 45 years) My childeren, were in fact sinners from the womb.i didn't have to teach them to lie, (they knew that ALREADY) i didn't have to teach them to steal, (they knew how already). like HOMOSEXUALITY, i had to teach them how NOT TO. many are 'indoctrinated' to homosexuality, (no argument there)- but many are LITERALLY 'born that way' as an addendum, "unnatural affection", is sought for dominence, and control- not 'love' ....which brings us to the 'definition'. Something sounds very 'Clintonesc' here:if you are physically gratified, you are engaging in sex. as simple as a 'kiss', or as involved as the Oval Office. sex is phsycal gratifaction- and my definition for the word 'is'- IS well, staight-up, i'm with doctor laura on this, two teenagers SHOULDN'T be kissing, (unless engaged)-hello No teenager is qualified to support another, so there is no-room for 'practicing' to be married- Also, we were all kids at one point-hello, (i honestly never kissed a girl without wondering if i could go further....) a kiss on the forehead, denotes 'honor' a kiss on the cheek, denotes 'frienship' a kiss on the lips, denotes 'love' the more appropriate question my friend, does the Bible 'support' dating-? answer: no
  17. to the best of my knowledge, there is only one city on earth called 'Babylon', it is a sneeze outside of New York. The 'Mystery", is the confusion in the Christian circles, (no mystery for the pagan populace). The 'drunken-whore', is the present day 'church', Jewish where applicable/Catholic where not. i say these by name, as they're self-appointed ideals have continually strayed from the Word. Letting this or that be, when it should have no place, before God, (or His kids). as an addendum, whereas i liked the tid-bit on Mecca, but i would take small apportion of Islam being the greatset waster of the Christians. a very-small tid-bit for you..... 17 MILLION Christians were killed during the Holocost, i don't want to take-away from the Jewish sacrafice, but there you go.
  18. consider God's love for you, (then consider dropping the drugs) "sorcery" = psychotropic drugs, prosac/mylaryll/ u name it millions of people consume psychotropic drugs daily, (many Christian) i personally cannot carry conversations with these people, because they have a very limited grasp of truth, (what i noted in your lack of conviction). You must beg God for deliverance, (you already have it- biut you must act on it, or it will never be 'real' for you). if i were taking 'acid' daily, all here would know that wrong prosac is no diffferent in God's eyes. Go to God, give-up the medicine cabinet, because- hello... it ain't medicine.
  19. Of course... but the question was what constitutes sex? Does the Bible speak on this issue? The OP was disgusted at the sight of seeing two females hold hands and finding out they were "girlfriends". Since premarital sex is wrong too, might the OP be disgusted at a guy and a gal hold hands if they are unmarried "boyfriend and girlfriend"? sin is sin, if it ain't it ain't, if it is, (according to God) then it IS, (yuck). i wanna expound on this topic, (ears open peeps) a homosexual MAY IN FACT BE BORN THAT WAY, (my biggest argument against evolution, 'gays' average lifespan is 45 years) My childeren, were in fact sinners from the womb.i didn't have to teach them to lie, (they knew that ALREADY) i didn't have to teach them to steal, (they knew how already). like HOMOSEXUALITY, i had to teach them how NOT TO. many are 'indoctrinated' to homosexuality, (no argument there)- but many are LITERALLY 'born that way' as an addendum, "unnatural affection", is sought for dominence, and control- not 'love' ....which brings us to the 'definition'. Something sounds very 'Clintonesc' here:if you are physically gratified, you are engaging in sex. as simple as a 'kiss', or as involved as the Oval Office. sex is phsycal gratifaction- and my definition for the word 'is'- IS
  20. actually it isn't fulfilled until the penalty is paid. Did you come to faith in the prison? no, was blood-bought and born again for years BEFORE i went to prison, which is why i know ,(again from personal experience) that you can literally be 'born-again', and yet continue to commit sin, (in ignorance). i was a (edited by moderator)-orphan, aside from attending school/working, i had to do 'second-story' work to provide for myself. trusting that all was taken from me in my youth, i BELIEVED my thieving was excused of the Lord. God allowed that, because there were those in prison i needed to visit. a 'Born-Again' prisoner, something that was ONCE uncommon, shall soon become the 'norm'
  21. Being the hopeless cynic that I am I have to cast doubt on the integrity of the "law enforcement officers" for wanting this dna. The stated motive (i.e. to prosecute whoever impregnated the child) seems worthy enough, but having a sample of phoetal tissue also provides a sample of the girl's own dna. Now why do law enforcement officers want this? Can they be trusted to destroy it after their stated purpose has been achieved? Is what it says in the article the ONLY MOTIVE for wanting a dna sample from phoetal tissue? I fully expect a response of "How can anyone doubt the integrity of someone trying to help children". But it must be realised that things are not always what they seem. the key to answering the afore mentioned query, is remebering what Yeshua said about our time-frame, ("as in the days of Noe'). Simple enough. Space-'Gods', transgenic species we're the 'norm', Noe' was the last of the pure blood-line, (genetically sound). The more you research Noe's day, the more it reads like the Wall Street Journal. ~have a nice day~
  22. The word "fulfillment" as it is used by Yeshua in Matt. 5 means, "to bring to fullest expression." Yeshua set about to do just that. He says, think not I have come to abolish the Torah or the prophets..." Yet Christians turn around and say that He did exactly that. In Matt 5:11-12, "fulfill" and "abolish" are used as opposites. The grammar, even in English demands that we understand them as being opposite. What is the opposite of abolish?? Abolish means to destroy. Therefore "fulfill" as it is used here, means the opposite. It means to build up, to support. Yeshua fullfilled the 'curse' of the Law, the 'requirement' for sin. the Law didn't go anywhere. Yeshua didn't make the Law dead, rather the oppisite. As an x-felon, i can assure you- that the Law itself isn't 'fullfilled', until the Judge's gavel sounds.
  23. Of course... but the question was what constitutes sex? Does the Bible speak on this issue? The OP was disgusted at the sight of seeing two females hold hands and finding out they were "girlfriends". Since premarital sex is wrong too, might the OP be disgusted at a guy and a gal hold hands if they are unmarried "boyfriend and girlfriend"? sin is sin, if it ain't it ain't, if it is, (according to God) then it IS, (yuck).
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