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Reba Lynn

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Everything posted by Reba Lynn

  1. May we never forget those dark days. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem
  2. This isn't about racism , it's about national sovereignty and a nations right to control their own borders. CFR'S PLAN TO INTEGRATE THE U.S., MEXICO AND CANADA http://www.eagleforum.org/column/2005/july05/05-07-13.html
  3. http://www.sierratimes.com/05/12/08/AIM.htm Saudi Billionaire Boasts of Manipulating Fox News Coverage Sierra Times via AIM press release WASHINGTON -- Accuracy in Media (AIM) is urging a full inquiry into a report that a Saudi billionaire caused the Fox News Channel (FNC) to dramatically alter its coverage of the Muslim riots in France after he called the network to complain. The Saudi billionaire, Al-waleed bin Talal, is a friend of News Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch and controls an influential number of voting shares in the company.
  4. The Last Temptation of Christ was garbage. The Da vinci Code isn't anything new, it's been shown over and over with different names and actors. A summary of The Last Temptation Jesus is shown at the outset as a lonely, masochistic soul full of self-contempt, plying his carpenter's trade making crosses for the Romans to use to crucify zealous Jews. He writhes and agonizes in fear and doubt over the voices and visions to which he is subject, whether from God or Satan he knows not. At one point he is shown watching while prostitute Mary Magdalene services a string of clients. Finally, he is shown tempted to leave the cross for the life of an ordinary man who knows the felicities of marriage, sex, and family: this is the "last temptation" that nearly wrenches away the meaning of his sacrifice. Before that it was "Jesus Christ Superstar"........GARBAGE
  5. Ariel Sharon is one of the last of the generation that founded and fought for the State of Israel. The U.S. is their only ally and Condi pushed them hard to leave Gaza. She basically said they'd be punished if they didn't comply. Let's see what happens in the West Bank.
  6. WOW....very interesting article. Looks like more than just an embassy to me.
  7. I think that islam is definitely fitting into the endtime scene. Walid Shoebat, an ex- palestinian terrorist who has become a Christian, has done some very interesting research on islam and the final beast.
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