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Everything posted by NikNak4700

  1. Lady C, Is this a game that others can find online? As a Christian, I also find it hard to find things to provide that fun "spark" without bordering on inappropriate material. I would love to find something like that for my husband and myself.
  2. I won't say that I feel a person's dream can signify things to come - I don't understand dreams that much! But I will agree that we need to focus on the important things. We need to pray and worship God in everything we do. We need to realize that whether a year from now or 200 years from now, the world is coming to an end at some point. We just need to make sure we are ready.
  3. Hi Healed! It's great that you have the faith to make a decision like that. Sex inside of marriage is a beautiful thing, and your future spouse will benefit from your decision as well. I admire your willingness to be upfront and try to encourage others as well. It is hard to be pure in an impure world... May God continue to bless you!
  4. Oh my word....the thought of cow tongue ice cream gagged me....especially when it was described as a mixture of vanilla and beef broth with red chunks of tongue....EwWwWw!!!
  5. Wow...Congratulations! I am so impressed by people who have managed to make it in this crazy world! I have been married for 6 years and pray that I'll have another 50!!! Tell us the secret, please!!!
  6. I have to say that Memorial Day this year reminded me that I need to spend time DAILY in prayer for those who are out there now, every day, fighting for me...someone they don't know personally...so I and my family can continue to enjoy the freedoms that we enjoy. I have a very close personal friend who did a tour of duty in Iraq, and I thank God that he returned home safely and pray for those who continue to fight as well as the families of those who did not. We all need to remember to pray for these soldiers and their families daily....and remember the emergency workers in our own country...our policemen, firefighters, etc. who help keep us safe as well.
  7. Random thought but came to me in study today...I'm assuming that translators put the chapter and verse divisions in the Bible. How do we know that they divided it/separated it correctly? I mean, could there be places that have periods or other punctuation that they shouldn't have? And that punctuation might change the meaning? Just wondered what your thoughts were on that?
  8. Sounds like you've gotten lots of great advice...just wanted to tell you that you are in my prayers as you figure this out and start your journey for the Lord!
  9. I just returned from worship this morning! It was especially encouraging as it was all about spiritual purity. I enjoyed it and felt revived when I left...and I know my kids enjoyed SS!
  10. I had a bad sunburn about a month ago...well, tanning bed burn...my whole backside was burned...in stripes from the bulbs! Anyway, I used Johnson's Baby Lotion with Aloe...it had the aloe for burn relief and also served as a moisturizer.... I can sympathize with you!!!
  11. The best thing to do is remain honest the whole time.....don't let him think there is any chance at all. Continue to pray that God will show you the right thing to do.
  12. Oh, it's ok....I didn't post that because I was upset. I just wanted to make sure everyone else knew what I meant and understood...i didn't want to confuse anyone! I was afraid that if you misunderstood me, others might as well!
  13. Ok, for Seashell's benefit (per our PMs), I need to clarify what I said. I would never say that you can be completely cured of an eating disoder...I mean, it is a mental disorder or a mind game you play instead of a physical disorder. I am not cured...but I am better....God helps me get through it on a daily basis....I struggle every day.....I want to binge and purge...I don't want to get fat, which is what I feel like I am all the time...I don't want to struggle with the scales...but I do. BUT....with God's help you can learn to cope and stop feeling so down on yourself...it's all about learning to love yourself the way you are....it's hard, but a person can get better. I just wanted to clarify that I'm not saying everyone should be able to be CURED...there is a difference between getting better and being cured.
  14. I think that is exactly what he is saying...or at least what I got from it. And I have to agree to an extent...I mean, so many people jump from the "popular" region to another - just because it's convenient because it's prominent..does that make sense? People become enamored with one televangelist and then switch ideas because that person fades to the background when another louder, more popular preacher pops up. And I don't mean this with any disrespect to any evangelist out there. I just mean that so many people want someone to TELL them how to be or what to believe and don't want to put the effort into finding anything out for themselves. Yes, we need teachers and preachers to tell us what the Bible says....but to take complete ownership of our faith, we have to be willing to study on our own and question that...we can't just take everything we hear and believe it...II Tim. 2:15 says, "STUDY to show thyself approved unto God, a workman needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
  15. I dealt with, and still deal with on a daily basis, bulimia. I would be more than happy to talk with you - we can talk every day if you want! I am still learning how to control my eating habits - I want to binge and still have that desire to purge....but I am trying to conquer that by feeding myself/purging myself spiritually. I read my Bible when I want to binge - and I snack on a heatlhy food while doing it. Then when I feel that need to purge, I pray - I ask God to purge me of those feelings and help me get on track. I also pray for any sins I may have committed....I just ask Him to guide me. It's hard - I deal with it every single day....and I don't always handle it perfectly....but I know God is with me and is working with me to overcome this. PM me if you want!
  16. Just a suggestion - if you don't have the time to sit down and read the Bible, why don't you consider getting the Bible on tape or CD...then you can listen as much as possible when in your car...it is not quite as focused as studying, but it would be a great starting point for getting into the Word. Just an idea!
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