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Everything posted by sierra21

  1. Once in a while before I vacuum the carpet I sprinkle baby powder all over and let it sit for ten minutes. It soaks up all the smells in the carpet and once vacuumed up leaves a pretty scent in the room. It last about three vacuums too!
  2. Is it quite learned indeed? Do you intend--without excuses or qualification, or exceptions--to STOP FORNICATING? Do you intend to follow the Bible's command and "FLEE youthful lusts"? To me your voice in this thread has been one of 'fear you've been caught,' and NOT one of genuine repentance for breaking God's heart with your sins. I agree with Leonard here. You need to change your living situation with this girl and STOP HAVING SEX, or get married. Those are the only two options here since you've openly admitted that you cannot handle the temptation. And frankly, it really isn't appropriate for a couple to live together before marriage, and I'm sure you know that without me even saying it. I can't remember it exactly, but theres a verse that says that even if you aren't entering into sinful behaviour, if others think you are based on your actions in public, then you may as well be committing the sin. I'm sure Leonard would know which verse I'm talking about... I really hope that you take this experience to heart and change your relationship with christ. You've made some mistakes, but this is the perfect oppurtunity to make things right. I will pray for you.
  3. This is my best advice: Quality over Quantity!
  4. (Sinning just means you made a mistake? )hum...Interesting response. I wonder if the Jews who crucified Christ thought that "they just made a mistake?" (You will sin everyday? )hum....So try not to sin everyday. Sure, if you've made an error in judgement.....That's understandable. But if you can stop a direct, purposeful sin from happening.....why not think through it with God's help? What ever God puts in your heart that you have wronged someone or even wronged God......IS SIN! (You can try sining less, but you'll never stop sinning altogether) hum? Which would you choose if you had a choice, sinning less or sinnning all throughout the day?....That's what I thought! Try it......It just might work for you....It does for me! First of all, you should try taking things less personally. You asked for peoples opinions, and that's what I gave you. Since you didn't like my opinion you chose to tear it apart. It's funny because you clearly CHOSE to react this way, when in fact, it wasn't the most Christian way to act now was it? It kind of goes against what you're saying in this thread doesn't it? i stand by my post. Have you ever done something really stupid, by choice, and then thought about it after and said "WOW, that was a really huge mistake on my part". Well, this is exactly what I'm talking about. You chose to sin, but it was still a mistake. Even murder is a mistake if the person looks back on it and realizes what they've done and asks for forgiveness. Every single thing we've done wrong prior to becoming a christian was (yes you guessed it) a MISTAKE, or a SIN. Ma'am, nothing personal taken. However, I was searching more for Biblical structure more than man social opinions. Please refer to "Topic!" You said, "Even murder is a mistake if the person looks back on it and realizes what they've done and asks for forgiveness. " Not sure what Book of the Bible you pulled that one out of, but that's not what God acknoledges as a "mistake." And while you may be forgiven by God for committing murder, YOU MAY NOT BE FORGIVEN, if your hearts not right, and that's something only God can see! Thanks anyway? My post does have biblical structure. I'm not going to reply anymore to your topic because its quite obvious that you only want responses which fit what YOU think is right.
  5. Who ever said the church was going to preach at them? Come and play then you just invite them back sunday. IF kids want to play video games they should play them at home or at an arcade. The church is for learning, worshipping, and honouring Christ. i really don't think playing Halo 3 is going to achieve any of that. Fine then go play with them at the "arcade". And what's the churches job? to witness. remember that the church building is not the church and is not the house of God the Christian is. We already talked about that. Most of us believe you don't need the latest secular form of entertainment to draw new people to church. Besides, its not about quanitity, its about quality.
  6. (Sinning just means you made a mistake? )hum...Interesting response. I wonder if the Jews who crucified Christ thought that "they just made a mistake?" (You will sin everyday? )hum....So try not to sin everyday. Sure, if you've made an error in judgement.....That's understandable. But if you can stop a direct, purposeful sin from happening.....why not think through it with God's help? What ever God puts in your heart that you have wronged someone or even wronged God......IS SIN! (You can try sining less, but you'll never stop sinning altogether) hum? Which would you choose if you had a choice, sinning less or sinnning all throughout the day?....That's what I thought! Try it......It just might work for you....It does for me! First of all, you should try taking things less personally. You asked for peoples opinions, and that's what I gave you. Since you didn't like my opinion you chose to tear it apart. It's funny because you clearly CHOSE to react this way, when in fact, it wasn't the most Christian way to act now was it? It kind of goes against what you're saying in this thread doesn't it? i stand by my post. Have you ever done something really stupid, by choice, and then thought about it after and said "WOW, that was a really huge mistake on my part". Well, this is exactly what I'm talking about. You chose to sin, but it was still a mistake. Even murder is a mistake if the person looks back on it and realizes what they've done and asks for forgiveness. Every single thing we've done wrong prior to becoming a christian was (yes you guessed it) a MISTAKE, or a SIN.
  7. This makes the most sense throughout this thread. I do have one question though. The post at the very beginning, left by cajun, I wonder how that is any different than what they teach in Anger Management. Not to say that cajun is a rageaholic, but it can be argued that while indeed setting his mind on God all day had helped him in several situations, it wasn't actually God that helped but the fact that he had conviction enough to focus on something other than the issue. They teach the same method in Anger Management. I also wonder if "Satan" is just an excuse to feel a certain way, like irritation or anger. Cajun, you mentioned "Satan setting his teeth in". But you have control, correct? You have control over what you feel and why. If you get irritated at another driver, its your feeling, brought on by things you dislike about idiot drivers. Blaming it on "satan" only misplaces responsibility. Its as though "satan" has more power over you than you. Is that true? Does "satan" have more power over us than we do? If so, that would make him a god, or demigod at least. We dont believe that do we? Do we? It's interesting that you would bring the latter part up because we actually had a whole discussion about "blaming it on Satan" in controversial. I'm gonna look for the thread and post it here. Okay HERE it is.
  8. This makes the most sense throughout this thread. I do have one question though. The post at the very beginning, left by cajun, I wonder how that is any different than what they teach in Anger Management. Not to say that cajun is a rageaholic, but it can be argued that while indeed setting his mind on God all day had helped him in several situations, it wasn't actually God that helped but the fact that he had conviction enough to focus on something other than the issue. They teach the same method in Anger Management. I also wonder if "Satan" is just an excuse to feel a certain way, like irritation or anger. Cajun, you mentioned "Satan setting his teeth in". But you have control, correct? You have control over what you feel and why. If you get irritated at another driver, its your feeling, brought on by things you dislike about idiot drivers. Blaming it on "satan" only misplaces responsibility. Its as though "satan" has more power over you than you. Is that true? Does "satan" have more power over us than we do? If so, that would make him a god, or demigod at least. We dont believe that do we? Do we? It's interesting that you would bring the latter part up because we actually had a whole discussion about "blaming it on Satan" in controversial. I'm gonna look for the thread and post it here.
  9. Who ever said the church was going to preach at them? Come and play then you just invite them back sunday. IF kids want to play video games they should play them at home or at an arcade. The church is for learning, worshipping, and honouring Christ. i really don't think playing Halo 3 is going to achieve any of that.
  10. I personally don't think getting frustrated in traffic, or just frustrated with people in general makes you a bad christian. You have a choice in how you handle it, and if you handle it badly then you are sinning and need to ask for forgiveness. Sinning does not mean you are less devoted to Christ, it just means you made a mistake, and you WILL sin everyday, no matter what, for the rest of your life. It's human nature and attempting to try and stop sinning altogether is next to impossible. You can try sinning less, but you'll never stop sinning altogether.
  11. Okay this just made me think of something. It's pretty gross so I warn you now. A couple weeks ago we were down visiting family and were at my cousins house (who are "lukewarm christians" if you know what I mean). Anyways, the women were sitting in the kitchen and my cousin (whose married, with two girls, 5 and 7)- told us a story about something that had happened a few days before. Apparently the four of them were laying in bed on a saturday morning when her husbands hoo-haw I guess made a public appearance to which the 7 year old said "EWW!". Rightfully so I think. Anyways, my cousin went on to say that she told the girls it was nothing to be disgusted with and it was called a Penis. She said that she really hates it when kids call genitals something that they aren't and want them to know the right names for it. This really really grossed me out. First of all, when I was growing up we never saw our parents private parts EVER. Why does everyone have to be so darned liberal about this kind of thing?? What's wrong with a 7 year old calling it a pee pee or whatever?? Do you think she'll never learn the correct terms?? I'm so tired of parents thinking they have to explain every little thing about the human body to the point that its actually weird. Why she even told us this story is beyond me.
  12. Way out of control. May I ask the year you graduated high school? Something has to be done like I said this way to bazaar and way to young for this type of exposure. Let kids be kids till the are ready. I graduated in 2003. But I also live in Canada, which can sometimes be more liberal with these types of things (although apparently not in this case, but who knows what they're being taught now).
  13. I am not exactly qualified to give advice or anything here (I'm only 16) but I think that you have the perfect attitude to deal with your situation. You are willing to make sacrifices for your unborn child (and praise the Lord that you do not want to abort him/her!!!) and I know that you can get through this. I would try not to drop out of college if you can avoid it, but of course, your child has to take precedence over college. You said you were working 30-35 hours a week, so there is only so much more you can do there. Make sure you are willing to accept help, you said your fiancee does not like the idea but you sound like you are going to need all the help you can get. Make sure you tell your parents, I understand how hard that will be, but I am certain the results will beat trying to keep it a secret from them and despite them being angry and disappointed, I am sure you will be grateful for their help when you desperately need it. Your situation won't go away without some hard work, but I believe you can do it. Remember to pray about it often, and I will pray for you as well. God Bless, Keilan I really don't want to drop out of school. I'm about to get my associates in pre-physical therapy and will move on to a local university for the final 4 years of my Master's. We have so many people who would be absolutely overjoyed to help us in any way, I feel so blessed. We will tell my parents, once we find out for sure. I'm done with secrets. I've had so many problems stemming from them. Thank you for the prayers. Yeah I was just going to say the same thing. Before you start worrying and turning your whole life upside down- find out if she's really pregnant. This whole thing could be God's way of straightening the two of you out! If she turns out to not be pregnant I suggest you either change your living situation or get married. And for goodness sakes STOP having sex until you're married! If she is pregnant- you need to get married. And then you need to start working your little butt off to make some money. If you are in a low income wage bracket you could be entitled to medical assistance. And if not keep in mind there are cheaper alternatives when it comes to birth. If your fiancee is comfortable with it you could have a home birth with a midwife which is a very safe option if the pregnancy is low risk. No matter what you decide to do you need to stop making mindless mistakes. You're both christians, you're both adults- start acting like it! She had periods for the first few months of her last pregnancy as well. This is why we're worried. We are looking, well I am looking, into ALL available assistance options we have. She's not doing it because she doesn't need the stress right now. I'm calling and emailing everyone I can. Don't know much about home birth's though. I'm just a good writer. I've always been. I was always a little ahead of my class until college, where I thought I could get by doing the same things I did in high school. One ironic, if I can use the word, thing is that we just started being leaders in a youth bible study, regarding troubling issues teens go through, divorce, drugs, all that. We watch a video and then break up into small groups by age and sex and just talk with them and try to get them to open up. I like it. But I feel like a horrible example for any kid. My problem is that I don't trust God enough. I need to do everything on my own, all the time. I'm trying to fix that, and get closer to God. Man, I could talk forever. I hope all these quotes and whatnot don't bother anyone. I'm doing good. Stuffy right now from crying. He/She IS completely surrounded with love. I think the exact same thing you said. Both of our families don't know each other well. I think this is a chance for me and Athena to get closer to my family. Her family knows more about the present ME than mine does. I wish that the instant shock would last a very short time and we can move on and do what needs to be done. I'm not going to be asking for everything I need from my parents. I'd rather go super small budget but give my child everything he/she needs than burden the rest of my family, who have helped me with so much, with more problems. I know for a fact my dad will be so proud to have a grandchild. I know my child will be beautiful. And damo.. That's one scary story. I pray that you find your kid and he accepts you and loves you back. In a perfect world, parents and children would never be separated. You are definitely in an uphill battle, with the birth certificate nonsense, but you have faith and that will get you what you desire. I'm happy my fiancee had dreams of homeschooling and not working. Not to say women don't belong in the workforce, ladies we're all equals. At least she didn't have her dreams of being an astronaut smashed because of us. I'll end it here. Here is US I wish I could put the pics right here but here are links to them. http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/274/athenamq4.jpg Athena http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/9310/bryan1mt3.jpg Athena and her cousin's baby, Bryan, who I love like a son. http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/1573/bryan2cn0.jpg He's so silly http://img158.imageshack.us/img158/1403/bryan3lt6.jpg These are all old. Give you some new ones later http://img158.imageshack.us/img158/6948/usqq4.jpg And... us Okay, I don't mean to be negative- but MAN- despite what everyone else is saying here I really think you're showing a great deal of immaturity on this whole issue. Do you have ANY IDEA how much babies cost?? And it's not a one time cost- it last a LIFETIME! Also, I really think you're being unrealistic about your schooling. I really REALLY doubt that you'll be able to go to school fulltime, work fulltime, and on top of that parent and foster a loving marriage. It all takes a LOT of time- and if you think its going to be easy- its NOT! You're 21 years old! You have a lot of time ahead of you so I suggest taking your gf to the doctor, finding out if she's pregnant, and then taking the appropriate measure. If she is pregnant, you're going to have to start lookiing at your life a little more seriously- and so is she. ANd if she's not pregnant- STOP HAVING SEX! THis junk about "oh well its so much temptation"- thats CRAP! It's up to you to make sure there is no temptation. Move out into your own place and start having a relationship that will honor Christ. If you don't want to stop having sex, then get married. But what you guys have going on is just plain ridiculous. You're not so young that you shouldn't understand the potential consequences of having sex- especially considering YOU ALREADY GOT HER PREGNANT ONCE! Wasn't that mistake enough??? I'm sorry, but clearly someone needs to be the bad guy. You gotta change your life because you're so off track it isnt even funny. Start making the changes NOW.
  14. Okay, when I was in grade 5 we had "sex education". But it wasn't really a bad thing. They seperated us based on gender and we talked with the public health nurses who showed the girls what to do with pads and tampons and whatnot. They also touched on the male reproductive system, but it was very tastefully presented. I think this was a good thing because some girls don't have parents that are willing to explain the whole period thing with them, and really, we should know at least a little something about what the opposite sex is going through as well. But I think it can be presented in an appropriate manner. I should mention that we were also given waivers that had to be signed by our parents in order to attend this "sex ed class". Then in grade 7 health class we learned a bit more. We were together (boys and girls) and the teacher explained both reproductive systems, pregnancy and contraceptives- but abstinence was promoted as the only way to avoid both STD's and pregnancy. We were not shown how to use any contraceptive materials, but were given handouts on it. And throughout my middleschool/highschool career condoms were never offered to us, or provided in the washrooms. Although the teachers did have pads in middle school (in the even that someone started their period in school). I find it pretty disturbing that the school would provide condoms to 11 year old KIDS. When I was 11 my head was so far from sex it isn't even funny! But I think the best prevention against sex starts in the home. Letting your kids know that you do not think teenage (or premarital, for that matter) sex is acceptable and it will not be tolerated. I would not have even attempted sex at home in fear of what my parents would do if they ever found out (coupled with the fact that I just was not interested in it). I also have to point out that a big problem which is leading to pre-teen and teen sex is the parents letting their kids date too soon! My parents didn't let me date until I was 16, and it was always public dates, usually with other kids. We were NEVER allowed alone in the house, not even if they were home. I didn't have my first serious boyfriend until I was 18, almost 19, going to university and living on my own. By that time I had developed a standard for what was acceptable to me, based on the teachings my parents provided (biblical). I really don't know what I'm going to do when my little one is in middleschool/highschool...seems like this whole sex issue is getting a bit out of control.
  15. The "pack leader" should always be the HUMAN OWNER. It's up to your daughter to straighten the dogs out. It may take some time, but eventually the dogs will get used to the cats around. But your daughter should be the one taking control of the situation. I'm assuming there are no aggression problems in the dogs and that your daughter has a good hold over them.
  16. Yeah I was just going to say the same thing. Before you start worrying and turning your whole life upside down- find out if she's really pregnant. This whole thing could be God's way of straightening the two of you out! If she turns out to not be pregnant I suggest you either change your living situation or get married. And for goodness sakes STOP having sex until you're married! If she is pregnant- you need to get married. And then you need to start working your little butt off to make some money. If you are in a low income wage bracket you could be entitled to medical assistance. And if not keep in mind there are cheaper alternatives when it comes to birth. If your fiancee is comfortable with it you could have a home birth with a midwife which is a very safe option if the pregnancy is low risk. No matter what you decide to do you need to stop making mindless mistakes. You're both christians, you're both adults- start acting like it!
  17. I don't see miricles. I have prayed years for one, and it isn't happening. Yesterday i found out that i have to go in for surgery this morning, Again, and i am tired. God doesn't heal anymore, and i am getting to the point of believing he doesn't care anymore. Keep praying. Matthew 21:22. I know it is hard to keep faith when we don't see things happening in front of our eyes, but you have to know that God is doing his work in one way or another. You need to be patient...even though things can sometimes seem hopeless- they aren't. I will pray for you.
  18. I don't think the issue is so much WHAT video game is being played, but the fact that a video game is being used as a way to draw kids into the church.
  19. That's exactly what I did this morning. I just basically said that I don't know what the peramaters of my job are and it needs to be laid out because I don't know how to bill and whatnot. Today's issue surrounds one client, so I just basically asked if I was to include today's work as a couple of sessions for "billing purposes". The manager I was talking to just said that we would meet tomorrow so that we could go over the contract and verify who it is that I'm supposed to be talking to about all this (they still haven't made that clear). And when they asked about todays plans all I said was that I had made previous plans which I could cancel- but again would need to know how to bill that. All of a sudden it wasn't all that important that I come in.... Like I said, I absolutely don't mind volunteering and helping out, but when the job can only be done by me and others are getting paid for similar work I don't think I should be taken advantage of. Anyways, thats what I think and I'm gonna stick to it! Tomorrow I will tell them that if they'd like me to do volunteer work that they need to indicate that clearly so that I can make an educated decision about whether or not I'm going to do it because I do have a life and when I make plans to do something I'm not really going to cancel them unless it's an emergency or they're willing to foot the bill. Otherwise I just think I'm being a fool...
  20. Okay, I never "attacked" video games or anything of that nature. All I'm trying to get at is that we should not have to utilize secular employs as a way of drawing youth into the church. There is a reason God provided us with the Bible, and we should be utilizing this tool above all else. If you read my other post you would see that I don't believe that videogames will ever truly "recruit" youth into the church. Those who are there to learn about God will learn about God and those who are there to play video games will play videogames. End of story. I think I've made this same statement about 3 times already...I don't think I could be more clear...
  21. Sierra...like you, I had a Christian family who went to church and we acted appropriately during church. Unfortunately...not alot of kids have that. As a former youth pastor I can tell you that I had MANY children come to church regularly without their parents. I considered it part of my ministry to be such a force in the lives of the children that it would be a positive witness for their parents. It works! We would have many fun nights, but there was also a time for learning and sharing and growing. Playing videogames, or listening to music, or watching a movie doesn't disrupt that. Its not about being a 'spectacle' or "bribery"...its about reaching people where they are. You know as well as I do that you won't reach ANY kids by going up to them and saying "cut your hair, put on nice clothes, come inside and be quiet, unless we sing." Now I realize that is an extreme representation of your view...but you should realize that words like lure, bribery, and spectacle create an extreme representation of my views. Just because you had a solid christian upbringing doesn't mean that everyone does...and it also doesn't mean that because it worked for you, it will work for everyone. Videogames are no more extreme than tag (I wasn't allowed to play tag either, BTW.) I can absolutely appreciate what you're saying here, and I commend you for your efforts. I agree that kids should be allowed to fellowship, including all of what you say. The thing I have a problem with is using this "fellowship" (I'm going to use this label instead since you've taken offence to the other labels I've employed) as a way to draw kids in. As I said in my last post- kids aren't going to learn about God unless theyre truly interested. I think many youth programs are wasting their money on "fellowship" because it's not going to draw people unless they want to be drawn. Does that make sense?? I'm sure I was more clear in my previous post, I'm not sure if you've gotten a chance to read it yet though (I think we're both posting at the same time).
  22. I addressed what eric said and it doesn't make any sense ...let alone 'complete' sense. How is a videogame "weakening the foundation of any church?" Thats as ludicrous a statement on this topic as there is. I submit that if a videogame is weakening your church's foundation...your church didn't have much of a foundation to begin with. He's also the one who introduced the word "lure" into the convo as if churches are child predators. He's also one of the ones who miistakenly assumes that people who play videogames don't "get off their backsides indoors and get out for some excercise and fresh air." I think I've addressed his misconceptions fairly well. Actually 4given1 is the person who presented the idea of video games as a "lure". I think you've taken that statement out of context as she is clearly meaning that we shouldn't have to employ the use of entertainment as a way to get kids to come to church. Furthermore, the idea that a church should need a video game to get people to come DOES weaken the foundation of your church because you are no longer utilizing the bible as an evangelical tool, but a secular game that was never meant as such. If a church can't get people to come without a videogame there is clearly something wrong with your worship team because you are not able to clearly defend and exemplify the meaning of Christianity. Besides that, I really don't believe that a kid who has no curiousity about Christ and does not want to learn is going to magically become enticed through the use of a videogame. I think those kids are gonna come to church, play the games, sit through the mandatory 20 minutes (or however long) of the "church talk" and then skip all the way home having enjoyed an evening of video games. Let's remember that good old saying "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink". Somebody who is interested in Christ and becoming a Christian is not coming to church for the video games, theyre coming to learn about God. Somebody who is interested in video games is coming to church to play video games. 'nuff said. And there is statistical evidence between kids who play video games and obesity. I don't want to stir the pot, but perhaps that is because they aren't "getting off their butts and enjoying the great outdoors".
  23. DOn't ya know axeman, church is supposed to be solem, no one cracks a smile, you must be in suffering to be good enough. kids are to be seen and NOT heard. i can't count the number of times i was told that as a kid in church by church people. I'll tell ya, if you can't get the kids into church your church is dead. It cannot grow and is useless. The thing is, church isn't an arcade, a movie theatre, or a gym. Church is a place to connect with God, fellowship with others, and grow in Christ. I am not an "old person" and I still think church is a place that we should respect God, and those who are there to worship. Kids can learn a lot with the self discipline sometimes required within the church. That does not mean that church has to be boring, but there are times when its appropriate to have fun and be wild (for example, most churches encourage this during their musical worship), and there are also times to be silent so that you and others are able to fully hear and feel the word of God. I'm sorry, but if we as parents cannot get our children into church without the use of bribery (ie video games) then we have a serious problem. Back when I was a kid, when our parents told us to get dressed for church and be apropriate during the service, we listened. And *gasp* they didn't have to use any type of entertainment to get us to do it. Would I say that I'm a better christian for it- Absolutely. Church is a time for praying, learning the word of God, and respecting those around us. Call me old fashioned, but Church shouldn't have to be a spectacle in order to get people to come. That wasn't how it worked in the bible, and that shouldn't be how it works now.
  24. I think you should go up and re-read Eric's original comment. What he says makes complete sense- I'm not even going to try and re-phrase it because he says it as frank as it gets.
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