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Everything posted by Emily~Anne

  1. Ok, now, bear with me a I try to express my mumble jumbled thoughts here on this. Those who stand for truth are the ones who are most going to be disliked. Jesus accused the pharisees of desiring man's approval not God's. People who lean towards the views of for example, women as pastors, tend to rely more on human reasoning and opinion and I do wonder if maybe they try to be politically correct? The word of God stands true no matter what, and should reign supreme, no matter what our experiences may be. I truly admire the Christians who boldly stand for truth and God's word no matter how politically incorrect. I stand for truth, but I am not as bold as I could be. An area I need to work on.
  2. who said anything about stepping out of the will of God? Let me ask you this: where is the will of God having someone pound human conformity into the heads of Christians? That's what people do here....they pound and pound on the hearts and minds of people....that's not the will of God. That's the will of people and their expectations that someone else would want to be just like them...ewww! What human conformity are you speaking of? Could you elaborate please? sure, it is in the first posts of this thread. It is in many of the threads that exist through out this entire forum. It is the pounding of the hammer upon the heads of many who don't fit into the boxes of a numerous amount of "Christians" through out the church who make it quite clear that if a person doesn't look, act and speak as they do they aren't Christians themselves. It's about overburdening people with rules that are man made from idle speculation and assumed intellect.....and then get really mean with others who don't agree, in an attempt to intimidate them into following in their footsteps. 'Look, act and speak' I've still no idea what you are speaking of. Are you speaking of homosexuality? Are you speaking of cursing? Are you speaking of not dressing in sexually provocative manners? What are you speaking of?
  3. who said anything about stepping out of the will of God? Let me ask you this: where is the will of God having someone pound human conformity into the heads of Christians? That's what people do here....they pound and pound on the hearts and minds of people....that's not the will of God. That's the will of people and their expectations that someone else would want to be just like them...ewww! What human conformity are you speaking of? Could you elaborate please?
  4. Proverbs 3:5-6 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
  5. She may be too young for the Ladies Lounge?
  6. No kidding!!!!! Me too! (provided there's no creepy heebie jeebie stuff)
  7. Why is acupuncture of the devil? What's the connection?
  8. We 'petition' God AND we be willing to trust and surrender to whatever plan he may have for us. If I dont get what I pray for I dont throw a temper tantrum.
  9. Yeah, I love my aunt very dearly, but right now the Mama bear in me wants to come roaring out. I'd be lying if I didnt say I am angry with her at the moment. I am trying to remind myself that it is not flesh and blood we battle with, but the unforeseen evil forces in this world (Ephesians 6). My aunt and uncle are victims. They are greatly deceived and they are blinded to that. But my children come first, I will continue to do what I can for them, but not at the sake of compromising my children. I have been considering starting a blog. I know she'd look at it. It's a way she can see how much God blesses us and a way she can see the light of the Holy Spirit working in our lives.
  10. 1 Corinthians 15:33 33Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character." Could you please share your thoughts on this? I read the whole chapter, but it almost seems like the verse doesnt quite fit in with the rest of the chapter, kind of misjointed if you know what I mean? Can you help me understand this verse in proper context? Jesus ate with sinners.
  11. Tsth, you make an excellent and very true point. My aunt is so not open to the gospel AT ALL, and in fact tried to encourage my children into some of her Wicca stuff, asking Tyler to touch her crystal ball and giving him innapropiate books and such. Where is that verse about dusting off one's sandals? I was just trying to find it and cant find it.
  12. Because: "....left him in a soiled hospital gown without a wheelchair "! Oops, I read it wrong at first! *blush* For a paraplegic to be without a wheelchair is so absolutely wrong. They MUST MUST MUST have a wheelchair. (or at least crutches if this is a lower level paraplegic in good health) I hope someone has helped this man and I certainly hope he has a wheelchair by now.
  13. You bought another verse to my mind Scarletprayers, Jude 1:22-23 22Be merciful to those who doubt; 23snatch others from the fire and save them; to others show mercy, mixed with fear
  14. Matthew 9, I believe that is from the part where Jesus was eating with sinners, and this was Jesus's reply. And that verse is the one I had in mind when I went to visit my aunt's house. About John 13, yes, we are to love our brothers and sisters in Christ, I believe we are also to love those who are not brothers and sisters in Christ. I am in great sorrow for my aunt. But I cant compromise my children for her and I need to make sure whatever I do does not compromise my children.
  15. Ah yes! Thank you Biblicist! I will be sharing these with my husband and children today. We have been spending alot of time lately discussing God's word and looking up verses. Also, I believe there are places in the bible that says God desires obedience over sacrifice? I need to make sure I am not choosing making sacrifices over obedience.
  16. Last night as I lay in bed thinking about this, it dawned on me that many verses have not been posted in this thread. I believe Butero is the only one who has posted any scripture. My desire is to handle this in the most biblical manner possible, so therefore I am going to come back later today and post some scripture and some thoughts. Including how Jesus ate with sinners, but also how the bible says do not be deceived, bad company corrupts good morals. And also Matthew 18:3-6 and the role of children in all of this. And also, which are we to teach our children, truth or tolerance? Are truth and tolerance compatible? Or only to a point?
  17. The song, it exactly explains my fear. I dont want to shut the door. I have to look out for my children, yet try not to close the door.
  18. I think with humility comes wisdom.
  19. He did like her at first, alot. Our impresiion of her now is so very different than when we first met. (We were out of contact over 20 yrs, then resumed contact two years ago) How do I explain to her though that we are more comfortable staying in a hotel? I think maybe the thing to do is request that she come here from now on. I can say it is because we have two children and two dogs and it is much easier for them to just come here. I am not sure yet if we'd want her to stay in a hotel though. She has been here before and the trip went well. This was when we first reunited. But then again we have been to her house before this last time and that went ok too. (we have stayed at her house twice) I am thinking a shorter visit would be best. For example, 4 days versus two weeks. And certainly not until we have had substantial 'recovery' time from our last experience.
  20. I have another son too, and he is the one she seems to have singled out for favoritism by my aunt. His name is Tyler and he is ten. She even went up to Tyler when he, his little brother and my husband were sitting at the table coloring, put a hand on Tyler's shoulder and said, "You know Tyler, you are my favorite." This made Tyler cringe. Our boys have a very close sibling relationship.
  21. Hmmm.. I started a debate. Guess I should have known. My aunt is flesh and blood, but so are my children, and they are of higher priority than my aunt and I will look out for their needs first. I love my aunt so, so, so dearly. And believe me, my heart does break for her. But I must do the rght thing by my children. God has entrusted us with a great responsibility with our children. I intend to do my best. We were in her house for 10 days. I prayed and prayed and prayed. Me and my husband would pray while everyone else was in bed, we went on a walk every day and prayed together as a family. We prayed and prayed and prayed. Galen, who just turned 4 a month ago, started having nightmares. He was terrified of all the faeries and mystic type dolls she had all over the house. They werent scary looking, yet Galen was terrified of them. He had nightmares ever night and started having temper tantrums every day. He would scream and cry and say he was going to throw up. We cut our trip short and got out of there. We had no money and 1/4 a tank of gas, as money was not to come through for two more days. We pulled up to a gas station on 'E' and no money. (and we were 1300 miles from home) We prayed in the van and the money came though. Since that day we left, Galen has been a happy bubbly little boy with not a single temper tantrum. Before this trip, we had some trouble with getting Galen to pray with us and be respectful of prayer. But since this trip, he now closes his eyes and bows his head for all prayer. We are not going back there again. My children are much too important. Now I need to figure out what I am to do about phone calls and is she welcome to come here?
  22. Just wondering, if you had a relative, whom you love dearly, yet she is wiccan, where would your boundary be in the relationship? Pretend you have two children to think of. Would you be willing to stay with your family at her house for a week or so? Or would you only want her to stay at your house? Or would you use a hotel when you went to see her or had her come see you? Would you allow her to talk on the phone wth your children? Would it depend on the spiritual maturity of your children? How would you go about it?
  23. That is terrible. Question though, why was he dragging himself on the ground if he had his wheelchair?
  24. Agreed Kari, Evil spirits, ghosts, demons, whatever you want to call them...all they want to do is bring fear into your life, and that is definately not God. They also want to give false hope and comfort. Ever hear of John Edwards the psychic? Kari, I agree. I do think there are supernatural happenings and such, but the source is not what many think it to be.
  25. Satan does not want us to believe in God, so he uses psychics and mediums and such. It is a way of keeping our eyes off God. And it has been very effective with many people. It is a false hope that many people cleave to.
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