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Everything posted by The_Patriot21

  1. pepper spray is an effective method, my wife carries military grade spray in her purse, however for me personally, I don't because I dont like carrying a lot of excess hardware (such as pepper spray and a gun) and pepper spray doesn't always work-there is a small percentage of people that pepper spray does not work on (roughly 4% so not high) So if Im going to carry something its going to cover all the basis-the appearance of a gun is enough to scare most criminals away, and the ones it don't, well I reckon thats why you carrry ammo in the gun. Now, don't get me wrong, theres nothing wrong with pepperspray-the chances of you running into someone whos immune it it are slim to none, Im just slightly paranoid, I dont want to spray someone, and then have to worry about trying to get my gun out in time if the spray doesnt work. As far as innocent people getting hit by a through and through, well that is indeed a valid concern, but one thats can be lessoned. They make special ammo for the air marshals, that are designed not to go through and through, though that can be hard to find. They also make in some calibers pellet rounds-instead of a solid round, its kind of like a minature shotgun blast, wont go all the way through someone, and if you happen to miss, won't go near as far as a normal bullet and wont go through a wall. The downside is very limited range. I personally prefer the slower moving rounds, my personal carry weapon is the .40 S& W which is a very slow moving round, combined with Hornandy Ballistic tips-they expand on impact, and even if they go through a target, they slow down very quickly, and even if they go through their intended target will lose so much momentum as to not travel far past it. There is still the chance of a through and through or a miss hurting someone-which is the reason if your going to carry a gun (or any sort of weapon) you should know how to use it. Pepper sprays not hard, point and spray, but with a firearm one should take it out and practice with it regularly to ensure that they are both comfortable and accurate with it.
  2. KJs more hip hop then rap, but thats still a cool site.
  3. my question is, where are they finding these numbers-I dont recall the Bible being that specific about where some of these things were located?
  4. No really, its a love song called Something Beautiful-by the Newsboys.
  5. lol and theres the other thing about end times prophecy, there are soooo many different ways to interpret it. I can literally, sit down and debate both a pre-millenial and a all-millenial viewpoint convincingly. With that being said, Im neither, Im a pan-millenialist, I believe it will all pan out in the end. I dont tend to enter end times debates often either, while I enjoy a good discussion, these often turn into a heated argument and then creates division, so I tend to avoid them-why create division over something that the only 100% way to prove anyone right is to wait for it to actually happen. . .
  6. I dont want to see anyone kill anyone unnecessarily.
  7. guns can be intimidating, especially if youve never been around them. But if your careful with them, once you get comfortable with them their really not that intimidating-once you realize that without someone holding a gun, its just a hunk of wood and steel.
  8. absolutly, last I checked only citizens are allowed to vote, I don't really think its a crime asking someone to prove it. Funny, if any other country required proof of citizenship such as a photo ID, no one would bat an eyelash. If America does it? and seriously, even if you are illegal making a fake ID is pretty easy these days. . .
  9. The thing about prophecy is that often times its not recognized as such until after it appears. Obama care to mark of the beast? I dont think so, If Im reading the Bible correctly, we will have a one world government first, and then the mark of the beast will show up, so the things arnt falling into play. And as far as the "micro chip" is conncerned, someones been reading waaay to much left behind. Granted, those were good books, but Im not convinced they got everything biblically sound, they put in a LOT of writers imagination.
  10. A gun is not a temptation in any means, if someone wants to kill someone, human kind has already proven more then effective at finding ways to kill people. Cain killed Abel with a rock, should we then outlaw rocks? That was a fine example of a rock being misused. Now on the other hand, we have king david who also used a rock to kill the giant goliath, which wasn't out of cold blood, but rather done to protect his people the Israelites, now imagine, if they had outlawed rocks, David wouldn't have been able to use it to kill goliath. Guns are just a tool evil people use to kill others-no more, no less. Would I use a gun in self defense, of either myself, or my family? absolutly I would, but I dont want to, nor am I tempted to just go out and shoot people for no reason. Another part, when people hear gun, the first thing that comes to mind is a weapon to be used to kill people, and while that is certainly a use for it, its not the only practical use for a gun. Some other, non-violent uses of guns: Competition shooting: to some people, shooting is a sport, to see who can make the best shot at the longest range. The only thing that ever gets hurt here are pieces of paper, and is no different then any other sport such as golf, football, socker, etc. Recreational shooting: friends getting together to again, shoot at targets (anything from paper targets to pop bottles to old junked cars) to target shoot-except without the competitiveness found in competition shooting, more of just a relaxing leisure activity. Hunting: many people, myself included, enjoy wild game such as wild turkey and deer, and to get wild game you have to hunt. Hunting in itself is an enjoyable experience, it gets you outdoors to enjoy the thrill of Gods creation, and it just the challenge of tracking and getting the game your after is enjoyable. Collecting: there are a great many people who simply enjoy collecting guns, to many collectors guns are like a stamp is to a stamp collector, each piece has its own intrisic value, its own part in history. So you see, violence isn't the only use of a gun, in fact, at least in the US I would dare say, voilence is pretty low on the totem pole for what guns are used for. I Know some areas of America have higher gun violence then others-but on a overall scale, I would say the vast majority of guns in America are never even so much as aimed at another human being.
  11. Correct, Jesus did tell him to put it away-however, Jesus did not tell him to get rid of it. All he said was he who lives by one dies by one-and like ive pointed out there is a difference between owning a sword and living by it.
  12. Thats awesome, I need to apply for mine soon. Its not required in my state-wyoming adopted constitional carry last year for all residents which means I dont need a concealed carry permit to carry concealed in the state, but I do if I leave the state and I travel enough that it would be beneficial.
  13. I can certainly see why they need a longer runway, but it seems to me since its a commercial space agency, then the space agency should be footing the bill, or at least part of it. Though in all honesty, when it comes to government spending 7 million really isnt that much anymore. Just my two cents.
  14. Ok all, sorry for being a bit late this week, but heres my pick for the week, Sixpence None The Richer-Don't dream its over. Hopefully someone finds it encouraging.
  15. Im goin old school this week, this songs old but still good Carmen America Again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rC1DrrV_oDw
  16. Im not opposed to people writing in a candidate, thats still voting, but my point remains that people need to vote. Even if your writing in daffy duck (who would do a better job then obama or romney together in my opinion) if everyone who refuses to vote "on principle" would just write in a candidate like Keyes, then perhaps candidates like keyes would stand a better chance.
  17. your guys point is that you need morals before you vote for them so since no one has morals then you wont vote. Well the problem is if fewer and fewer people vote, sooner or later the ability to vote will disappear altogether. The answer to the problem of no moral leaders is not to not vote-its to have moral people run, and there have been people with high morals run. Last election, and several before that, there was a man by the name of Alan Keyes-very devout christian, very high character. Would anyone vote for him, even in the primaries? no. Even the christians wont give him the time of day, because hes to outspoken. Refusing to vote won't solve the problem, voting for people who actually have morals, and there are those who run who do, keyes was just an example theres more then one-is the way to fix it.
  18. we should expect standards your right, adn youth ministers are a totally different ball park, a church can do without a youth minister for awhile till a Godly man comes forward, but the country needs a president, and christians should always vote-especially in the primaries where theres usually at least a few people with standards (there have been good christian men running for office) but if it comes down to two men, well then we need to vote for the lesser of two evils. If you refuse to vote, and the worse one gets in, then in my mind by you not voting is in itself a vote for the worst of the two.
  19. personally, I view at as such, if you dont vote then you have no right to complain about whos in office. Im sorry if that offended anyone, but thats how I feel, and I follow it-if I want the right to complain, I vote which I do. By not voting, thats saying I really dont care where this countries going, thats my two cents. Even in cases where theres no "ideal" candidates, well we dont live in an ideal world, pick the better of the two and vote for said person. I vote every election, and if the votes only for a lesser of two evils, then its for the lesser of two evils.
  20. hmmmm I dunno, thats assuming they used that software to scan the document, I would assume if these deputies were as good as they claim, they would have taken that into account before releasing their findings. Add that into the fact Obama never released it before he was elected in, and only a virtual one was released well. . .it still brings up the fact though if republicans throw this out the media and democrats will just call them a liar digging up old skelotons that arnt there (regardless of whether its true or not) and will just ruin any republicans chance of getting in. Thats just how it is.
  21. well, the point remains I cant stand obama as president, but thats not why you shouldnt put his face on the flag, its disrespectful, flat out putting anyones face on it. If she wants to accuse me of not being able to accept Obama as president-well, thats a true but seperate statement, but its not why Im offended at her putting his face on our flag. I wish Obama and all HIs followers would just move to some remote island somewhere and leave America to be free.
  22. not that it will make any difference. I honestly think, that while I agree obamas not a US citizen, at this point its not worth fighting over the democrats will just crucify anyone who points it out and make them out to be mud slingers. Hes done enough in office to get rid of him on his own theres no need to work on old news in my opinion it will just hurt the conservatives.
  23. Alrighty all, for my pick of the week is on a slower scale, but still good, those of you who are country lovers ought to enjoy it, heres Randy Travis Everything and All. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBJNWGBH0YU
  24. there is a difference between living by the sword, and owning a sword. For example, Peter owned a sword, but other then one isolated incident he didnt run around killing people with it, and even the one incident, he didnt kill anyone just cut off an ear defending his best friend. . .and lets look at the OT heros, such as King David, who fought many wars, yet was not killed at the end of the sword. I think the verse that talks about living by the sword will die by the sword refers to those who kill for no good cause-mercenaries, murderers, and the like-people who would use guns to hurt others. I dont think a christian who owns a gun is living by the sword (or by the gun) because while they may own the gun, it doesnt mean theyre going to kill people with it-there are several uses for guns that dont hurt others, such as target shooting, or hunting, which people do need food. And even if one was to use it for self defense, it would be just that-theyre not using it out of spite, theyre not using it because they want to kill someone, but because they want to protect themselves and their families from those who do live by it. Living by the sword and owning a sword are two different things. Another example is vehicles-lots of people own them, but not everyone lives off of them. Truck drivers, that vehicle is their source of income-and often times their home, they live by the truck. While, the wal-mart employee, may use his car to get to work, he doesnt live in it, and he doesnt make money with it. Now theres nothing in the Bible against living by the truck, I just use this to help illustrate a point.
  25. Just read the article, makes me sick how a guy can do this-make such comments against Palin with no grounds, and not get called out on it, but when Limbaugh makes a general statement (which everyone was thinking anyway) towards a democrat, hes all the sudden the bad guy. Im not saying what Rush did was right, but this just makes me mad at the general hypocrisy of our current politicians.
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