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  1. What would the unbeliever be thinking when reading these posts? Does it matter what color the chair is that i am sitting in as long as i am sitting next to you? Does it matter what color the walls are as long as we are together in the same room? A large choir sounds lovely,in sync, and all together,yet a quartette allows me to see more distinctivly, the difference and quality of each sound.I believe this perhaps applies to the body of believers when they come together. whether they come together as a choir or quartette there con be advantages and disadvantages to both. If we are to encourage and edify one another, baring one anothers burdens and confessing our sins with one another ,praying for one another, this can only be done where there is love and trust. It is difficult to develope this type of relationship in a room of strangers of large numbers. We must get past just knowing eachothers name even and come to a place where we dare to step into eachothers worlds to conquer all those things that keep us hindered in experiencing what the 'body of Christ' is suppose to look like.Although Jesus walked among many, he spent much time with a few,preparing them and equipting them for times ahead.That not to say a person cannot develope good relationships within a large body of believers, as long as the opportunity is there. I can recall in Gods word reading about strength in numbers, yet I can also recall reading examples of what a few fish can feed. Again, lets not dispute over things that are controversal, but lets testify to the One that can bring together people from all different places ,races, and experiences in love and grace and peace. Lets cut to the chase if you believe a brother needs correction, by stating that which you are believing in such as; "Brother, can you not see that God only loves and moves and approves of those that belong to large congragations and beautiful buildings that have greater resources of money and wealth. After all God can ONLY move when he has these numbers "..........or, "Brother, can you not see that God sees ALL large churches as dens of robbers and thieves? All large churches and the people within are not worthy of being called my brothers or sisters? For All wealthy people are robbers of the poor, and All poor people are poor ,not because of anything they have done, but because of All of those others that are not poor?" Forgive the sarcasm. Just wondering if any of this fits. I know that as brothers and sister in Christ, we do not want to tear eachother down. I don't know much, but one thing I know is this, They will know we are christians by our love for one another. This fact must be stated over and over again. The world cannot show or tell of what this love is about, only we can. It is only by our love, the' Body of Christ 'on earth, that will cause unbelievers to wonder why we are different, and seek to know who Jesus is. love and peace to you all,b2
  2. You may say you are a christian, or recite a thousand verses from the bible, or speak with a thousand tongues, yet if you have not love, you are a clanging symbol, especially in my darkest despair. There are times when words are meaningless. Bare your brothers burden. Carry them if you can, for they will be more than happy to lighten their load, and will be most eager to return the favor once they're well again. I have failed at this in the past. Perhaps seeing one suffer, whether it be mentally, emotionally ,physically, makes me so uncomfortable,perhaps even fearful that I could ever have to deal with such suffering of my own, that I want to put their problem away as quick as i can,or even suggest that they deserve their suffering because of something they did or didn't do,so I may convince myself that I may not have any suffering of my own someday. What makes our God so distintive is the POWER OF HIS LOVE. HIS LOVE CONQUERS! Forgive me. I do not want to offend.I am thankful for brothers and sister like all of you. Peace,b2
  3. I believe this could be very good news. Perhaps some were bound by false religion.Perhaps many , in our society. I grew going to a church building every sunday,faithfully,yet never knew Jesus loved me.I didn,t know that God hears my prayers. I did not sense any fellowship.Many from the community sat in the exact same location in each pew, yet didn,t know eachothers name , week after week,year after year. I didn't know that I was allowed to read the bible.It was a holy book only beheld by the Religious authorities such as our priest etc. I could recite by heart the repetative prayers of the priests word for word ,but still no meaning,no life. Then I met this fuzzy headed, mexican looking guy that worked at the neighborhood playground.I was a chubby,little girl of about 12 years old. He was probably in his late 20's and wore one of those ' I Love Jesus' t-shirts.I can't rtemember word for word what he said to me that first time he noticed me, but I left the playgroung excited knowing Jesus could love me, knew me, and would hear my prayers. I couldn't wait to see this man again, that seemed to be such a friend of Jesus. He had such love.He didn't look like a priest,yet he could open his bible and show me just what Jesus thought of someone like me. I never met anyone like this before. I remember going to the playground week after week, hoping to catch just a smile from him. I always felt safe when he was visible somewhere on the playground. I knew if Jesus was anything like Ornesto, I will love Him too. And I did and still do. Jesus is not confined within the walls of a building some call 'church' It is those that met Him and love Him, His children, that are the church. And yes, we should not forsake coming together in love,to encourage and strengthen one another,for we are 'the body of Christ ,the church here on earth ,and we cannot keep such a great Love to ourselves.Gods ways are not our ways. Praise God! Ornesto, if your out there, thank you ! Thank you most of all my Lord and my Savior, my Friend, Jesus! b2
  4. I recommend renting the movie' LORENZOS' OIL This is a true story about a boy born with a very rare disease that leaves one eventually paralyzed,unable to speak or communicate,yet totally aware of all his surroundings.This disease would claim the life of its victims usually before they reach their teenage years. Lorenzo's parents would not except the facts from the medical community ,friends, family, that their was nothing anyone could do for their son.Many believed as they seen Lorenzo in a apparent vegitative state,that he would be better off to die. I will say no more about the movie other then this. Today,Lorenzo is alive and well!!! So is every child born today with this disease .At the end of the movie,you will see real pictures of those who live today because of this 'OIL'.not to mention a picture of Lorenzo. His father was a very tireless man,and was determined to save his son. Some thought he was behaving like a mad scientist. But he was driven by hope and and the love for his son. This movie was written for a secular audience,but there is no doubt in my mind God must have been moved by this fathers longsuffering and determination. FYI-If I remember correctly,It can be difficult to hear at times due to the strong accents-german accent if I remember correctly.It is well worth getting thru the accent! A MUST SEE!
  5. YES!!.....I am horrified at the number of suicides and suicide attempts! I work in a small rural hospital emergency room. The county ambulance is dispatched from our hospital. There is an astonishing rise in suicides in our area. The depressed and suicidal walk through our doors daily.Many seem to be methamphetamine addicts.We have had 3 different occasions of teenagers hanging themselves,which is generally a very unusual way to kill oneself,esp.among this age group.(in the last 18months-2yrs or so).This needs our attention christians. Our rural area is FULL of meth labs and they are springing up all over the U.S.! Recipes for making methamphetamines can be found on the internet.Meth labs are found in garages or homes or even in trunks of cars.Rural areas are perferred since this meth is highly toxic and sends out strong oders when being made,that is less likely to be detected in rural areas .My son says so frequently,that another friend is on meth.Last we we had a funeral for a young man(20's)that commited suicide by shooting himself in the head.My son said that when he was in high school ,this young man was not known to be a person that used drugs.His best friend is a buddie of my son,and he told my son that he had recently been using meth.My son says that all would agree,that if it were not for the meth, he would not have killed himself.I could tell you so many stories i have been told by those that are addicted to meth. This isn't anything to mess around with.Most say they were addicted to this drug from the very first 'high'.Most if not all will say they wished they never even tried it . This 'spirit'called meth causes significant brain damage.meth causes a surge of a chemical in your brain called dopamine.This surge creates an intense, long-lasting high.Dopamine is then depleted and when you come down off this high ,it is more like a CRASH! The only thing that eleviates this 'crash' is another 'high'.One continues to chase that feeling like they had with their first high,just to feel normal again.When I say 'crash',I mean a strong feeling of hopelessness,depression ands suicidal thoughts like you have never experienced before.Meth also makes you paranoid,Extremly paranoid.They often times think their best friends or the mailman is a 'DEA'.Strange behaviors are exhibited when using meth. I am surprised our hospital knows very little about the effects of meth even though we know the problem is there. I found a excellent website called'mothers against meth-amphetamine'or'mama' www.mamasite.net Meth is a spirit ,and I believe God is raising up an army for this battle as well.With Gods power and our prayers,thru Jesus Christ,We will conqeur this enemy!!! THERE IS HOPE!!! I HAVE FRIENDS THAT HAVE BEEN FREED FROM METH ,WHILE LEARNING OF WHAT A LOVING AND GRACIOUS SAVIOR WE HAVE .HE HAS THE POWER TO FREE ALL FROM THIS HORRIBLE SNARE!!PRAISE GOD!! The website has good educational materials.Materials are free if distributed to prisons.Some is free to all.Some requests a donation to cover shipping etc. Does your schools,churches,hospitals,clinics,homeless shelters etc. have material on hand to educate with? I would be interested to know if your local hospital workers have seen a dramatic increase in suicide or attemted suicides.Do you know any police officers that might share their observations or experiences.I think some of you may be shocked at learning just how big this problem is that seems to get little attention in our communities and from the media. Thank you and Gods grace and peace be with you. blessed2
  6. oh-no..,I meant to thank my brothers AND SISTERS .Sorry Nebula and Judran your sister in CHRIST, b2
  7. I want to thank you ,brothers, for demonstating such kindness and respect towards one another. It is very clear to see that none of you is insisting to be right in your conversation,but rather it is clear you are seeking only Godly truth and understanding,out of love and for eachother and The FATHER. Thank you again,and may Our Father bless you with the truth and understanding you seek. If you only knew how this has blessed me. love , your sister in CHRIST, blessed2
  9. Hi bros and sis's, Interesting topic.I have much understanding and wisdom to seek regarding this topic.But, may i interrupt and ask if any here could explain to me the term'mantle' when used in context with prophets or prophecy,as well as where in scripture I might find 'mantle' used. Thank you so much.I appreciate you all, b2
  10. Darling tludden, Do not let your heart be troubled.It is no coincidence that you are here at worthy boards.You are going to have many people holding you up towards your TRUE FATHER, in prayer,found in Christ Jesus.Please sit quietly in prayer before him, and you will hear him speak softly to your heart 'I Love You ' I Have A Plan For Your Life' My heart at this moment is aching for you.I know this aching is from our Lord and Savior .He knows every heartache and disappointment you have.He can and will supply your every need.It is You,his heart aches for.He was there with you when you lost your precious parents,and he understands the hurt feel when your told you cannot see your girlfriend.When we are so down and out ,and feel so empty inside,it seems as though thats when G-D draws near and causes unbelieveable changes to occur in our lives. Yes.. I know it doesn't seem as though G-D is present , but you ask any of your brothers and sisters in JC and they will confirm that he really really shows up when we're walking in our darkest and lonliest moments.Be patient and trust.Watch what the Lords does when we are empty .He will fill your cup til its overflowing!! Cry out to Him and He will answer you.I know ,I have cried out to him in great dispair one time in particular.He gave to me new friendships,a wonderful husband .My spirit was revived.Thank you Jesus,for you were there with me all of the time.Thank you my father and friend!!! tludden,if Jesus is the Lord and Savior of your life,then cast all of your cares upon him for he cares for you,his precious child.He has a storehouse of blessing for you. Watch and see the mighty things the Lord can do.He wants to do a new thing in your life.Let go and give your your cares to him.He has your future planned and wants to give you your deepest hearts desires.All we have to do is trust that his plan is perfect and he will guide your path.I have found that where I had weaknesses in my life and failings in my life and even tremendous tradgedy,G-D was able to salvage all of these things and turn them into strengths and successes. My saddness turned to joy!!! Hang on there little brother,Hang On.No eye has seen ,no ear has heard ,no mind can percieve what the Lord has prepared for those who love Him. You have gifts and talents given to from your heavenly father.These gifts, alongs with your life experiences will equipt you for the great commision G-d has planned for you.I believe G-d will use you to further his kingdom in a very mighty way.I know it! t ludden..........Your about to be blessed! Wait and see!!! Love and Peace to you my brother in Jesus Christ blessed2
  11. Thank You for your warm welcome Snowdove.Hope to share with you soon when I have more time on the keyboard. Love and Peace to you in Christ Jesus, blessed2
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