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Everything posted by MeCajunboy

  1. My question is, "We know God grants certain gifts as in the gift of Discernment, where I might have the ability to use this gift by having insight into a person's delema or problems in order to gain their trust and confidence to begin helping them. " Do you think that satan might have certain powers that he can bestow on his allies to allow them to do his devious works? I personally have a feeling that he DOES possess these powers to portray them off on others that will do his bidding! Mind you, I'm not referring to the same gifts that God presents as a Postitive in HIS behalf or for our benefits but for satan's benefits or progression!
  2. Negative effect, without any reservations or question. From the rather shallow view, "Marriage" by definition is an institution, defined and ordained by God as one man who leaves his father and mother and cleaves to his wife. A man who leaves one woman tears apart a marriage and the only thing he can do from that point on is to commit serial adultery. What Sodomites do is not "marriage" because it does not fit the definition of marriage, and it certainly is not sanctioned by God. If anyone calls it "marriage", they are deceiving themselves as much as a person who sees a horse and calls it a tree. So in the one sense, the language is deconstructed and the institution is torn from its proper context and made profane. If everyone is cool with that, then that is a negative effect on American culture, yet another step from God, and yet another attempt to mock Him. That said, it is important to see that Sodomy is not congenital, nor is it strictly "learned". Paul, in his epistle to the Romans opens up in the first chapter by declaring the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men. We then finish the first chapter by seeing a pattern of rejection of God, then God through a judicial handling moves the sinner to a greater level of dispair. What we render "gave them over" from the Greek is literally a judicial act of metering out punishment. The Bible declares God's eternal Law. With this law, like any other well formed law, there is also the judgment. For instance, if the legislature passed a law declaring that a certain rate of speed travelled through a school zone was a crime, and then failed to indicate what the punishment would be for those who were guilty of such a transgression, theoretically a judge could either say "there is no punishment" or in theory say "here is a million dollars to spend, have fun" or on the other extreme say "you will be executed before sunset today." God is not like that, and for each law, there is a judgment stated so that those who are guilty will not be surprised or treated unjustly. Given that, we go back to Romans and read in v23 about the sin of blaspheming God and instituting man made religions (eg. Secular Humanism, Global Warming, etc.). God sees this sin, ajudicates, and then meters out the sentencing, which in v24 means that the punishment was "vile passions". Then these folks commited the sin of worshipping their false religions, turning upside down the things of God. Where the Bible says that man is to take dominion over the earth, man says, man must sacrifice himself to the earth. God then sees the crime, judges the crime and then administers the sentence which is pornography, sodomy and other sexual deviancy. Read the rest of the chapter to see where this all leads. Now one can probably get into a food fight over whether God actually causes them to do these things or if man just does it on his own, I just remind everyone that our personal feelings aside, v27 and 29 are sentences, IOW, they are punishments, and like any other punishment, they are adminstered by the judge and not administered by the guilty party. Just as no one is likely to execute themselves for a captial crime, neither are those who are found guilty of sinning against God going to willfully punish themselves. Read "the wages of sin is death" and then read Romans 1:32 "deserving of death" and then remember the penalty or the sentence for sin is death. God wrote this law, defined the sentence, and is our ultimate judge, jury and executioner. Sodomy is punishment for sin. And as Paul writes, sinners are recividists amping up their crimes only to be sentenced to even harsher penalties until it ultimately leads to death. When any society sees an increase in the sentences, then it simply means that God is handling more and more cases in His court. When Pat Robertson and others talk about natural disasters being God's judgment against the Sin du jour, they are missing the point. We don't have to pretend that a tsunami is punishment, for the whole creation groans because of Adam's sin, the tsunami, like the tower of Siloam are just reminders that the earth is cursed and man must repent. The actual judgment against Sodomy is not specified in Scriptures as large scale disasters that take in the just and the unjust, the judgments are targetted at the actual transgressors, and Romans 1 fully spells this out. Sodomy is not a cause, it is a consequence. Sodomy is the result of a preceding sin. Sodomy is not something "one is born with", neither is it something that "one is taught". Sodomy is God's judgment. Therefore, when we see more Sodomy, according to Romans, what does that mean? It means that there were more of the preceding, predicating sins. When we see our legislatures "inventing evil things" (v30), what does that mean? It means we had more Sodomites. So to answer the question, so-called "same sex marriage" is a produce of an "inventor of evil things". Since we are seeing more of this kind of evil legislation, it means that the previous sins must have been peformed and ajudicated. Since we see this at the tail end of Romans 1, it can only mean that we have reached the zenith of God's Wrath. Turning to Leviticus 18 we read that Sodomy is a sexual sin (among others). The sins appear to start simple "don't see a close relative naked (other than spouse)". The sins then escalate up to Sodomy and end with bestiality, both capital crimes meriting the death penalty. Then we get to the interesting part: "Do not defile yourselves with any of these things; for by all these the nations are defiled". What this means is that prevalence of this sort of thing has a social rather than just a personal effect. "The land is defiled...and the land vomits out its inhabitants". Now before one says "that is just for Israel", look closely at v 28 "lest the land vomit you out also when you defile it, as it vomited out the nations that were before you." This is proof that Sodomy is hated by God, and will be used to destroy any society, any nation that tolerates Sodomy is going to be vomited out by the land. This is supported by v29 which offers a solution to prevent being vomited out when individuals receive personal judgment from God - "the persons who commit them shall be cut off from among their people" Now it appears that instead of "cutting Sodomites out from the people", or as what we used to do is shame them into the closet, we now endorse, and legislate our approval. God is not mocked. (Gal 6:7). Any nation that tolerates Sodomy and institutionalizes and rewards their activity, especially through the mechanism of profaining God's earliest holy and sacred institution, that nation should expect to be "vomited out" by the land. I strongly recommend that those who are wise make ready their escape route for when this will ultimately happen. Sorry, but I have to disagree with many of your points here. I do feel that many mimic the pain of "homosexuality" that was forced on them in their earlier days, and I do feel that some FELT they have and had little or no choice in their decision to be or act on their sexualities. Not much different than YOU feel the urge to act on your sexuality. But I do feel that they still can choose to NOT act on their homosexual tendencies, as I have had to do most of my growing life. I am in my mid 50's now and if I tell you that I am not tempted or that little evil one tries to slip into my conscious at times, I'd still be lying to you and myself, but I do know how to handle him and those thoughts satans tempts me with. Unless you've had similar feelings, or your own bout to deal with, it's very different to pick "words of wisdom" from others books or use an array of combined knowledge to tell others "the way it actually is." I usually tell those who "were born" possibly with two sexualities ( male and/or female genitals or homones) to simply make a choice of the stronger sexual orientation and get on with their lives, because you do have a many of people in the real world who are dealing with two sets of genitals and have to some to some kind of conclusions in their own minds and lives. We may very well have Christians here who may want to speak out in the name of God who may have had to deal with this or similar decisions or pains in their lives. For me, I just had to let go of all the abuse and sadness and anger I had on others and allow myself to heal and forgive! And I did. 37 years later, I'm a proud father and grandfather and husband and quite adjusted and doing the work of the Lord God, as HE wills it! Blessings Cajunboy
  3. Have you ever noticed that with what we know to be present day statistics in America or even in other Countries, that when you try to make "Christian" or Christian-like comments, just how many people try to veer away or stay clear of your comments or the subject. Particularly at work where you spend most of your waking day, when you just feel like fellowshiping with others, isn't it sad that you or they just don't feel comfortable holding a conversation about God or the Bible in fear that you will disagree or you will offend someone. What is that all about? Makes you wonder if many worship the same God you do? I know they must have read the same Bible at time or two, since I live near New Orleans, but i just get this very cold shoulder from most, and that really hurts when me when I just want to spread joy, or love around the work force. Well, I risk it many times and be the foward one, in the case that many or just shy or being "careful" at work. I just feel that God will protect me and my job while I roam the earth fellowshiping in HIS NAME....Amen? In God's Love Larry Cajunboy
  4. Well I can see you received some tacky responses at best, so I'll try to give you some structural answers to your question. While the Catholic Religion face soem dire reconstruction, one of the things that distances itself from other religions is that it has seven other books incorporated in its beliefs that even the bible doesn't recognize. And that's where it appears to venture off into "false doctrine" when compared to Christian beliefs. For instance, the Roman Catholic Religion, acknowleges Mary , the mother of Jesus as also the Mother of the Chruch and therefore allows its community to "pray" to here to reach her Son, Jesus. The Bible does not entertain this premise, as it teaches to pray to God through Jesus, God's Son! Catholics also revere and pray to Saints mentioned in the Bible for certain request which the Holy Bible doesn't acknowledge as well, and there are many more beliefs that the church supports that the Bible seems to disagree with although we really don't know if God approves of some of them or not! Once of a time, the Catholic Church appeared to discourage the reading of the Holy Bible because it claimed that "most could not comprehend" or discern its meaning or interpretations to begin with. That was probably its biggest mistake with me and many others who distanced ourselves from the Church many years ago.
  5. I have to disagree with that premise! America can and should always take into consideration the success or failure of other countries before incorporating such moralistic efforts into their own arena. Remember, we are nothing more than a "melting-pot" of many other countries to begin with. And if I'm not mistaken, the U.K. who is one of the most Liberal coutries has been "reinventing" themselves and restructuring their Parliment after near failure!
  6. I have to disagree with that premise! America can and should always take into consideration the success or failure of other countries before incorporating such moralistic efforts into their own arena. Remember, we are nothing more than a "melting-pot" of many other countries to begin with. And if I'm not mistaken, the U.K. who is one of the most Liberal coutries has been "reinventing" themselves and restructuring their Parliment after near failure!
  7. Oh, I think it's a bit worse than you're pretend it not to be, but to each his/her own?
  8. Do you think Same-sex Marriages will have a positive or a negative impact on America ? IF negative, what types of negative impacts do you forsee?
  9. I can see that you are well educated so I'll get right to the matter. I'm not so concerned with definitions as much as I'm concerned with What God says about the WORD. And God is very clear in several of HIS Books that He does not condone HOMOSEXUALITY. He does tell us to love the person who commits any and all sin, but to discourage the sin. I am one who believes that YOU have the power within you to change practically whatever course is set before you and in the area you question, I am a testimony that it can be accomplished. But all of life is a journey and a path of choice , even to the person who may have mixed sexual organs or hormonal differences. And I'm not convinced that much of this difference is not from man himself and his ability to use his "free will" for the wrong purposes and against God's commands. But had I continued on my journey as a youth, I would probably be dead today or at least a very confused and broken mind. Instead, I chose life eternal and have never looked back to question or confuse myself again. As for Conservative or Right Wing! Just be yourself and allow God to lead you and you'll do fine! In God's love Cajunboy
  10. I can see that you are well educated so I'll get right to the matter. I'm not so concerned with definitions as much as I'm concerned with What God says about the WORD. And God is very clear in several of HIS Books that He does not condone HOMOSEXUALITY. He does tell us to love the person who commits any and all sin, but to discourage the sin. I am one who believes that YOU have the power within you to change practically whatever course is set before you and in the area you question, I am a testimony that it can be accomplished. But all of life is a journey and a path of choice , even to the person who may have mixed sexual organs or hormonal differences. And I'm not convinced that much of this difference is not from man himself and his ability to use his "free will" for the wrong purposes and against God's commands. But had I continued on my journey as a youth, I would probably be dead today or at least a very confused and broken mind. Instead, I chose life eternal and have never looked back to question or confuse myself again. As for Conservative or Right Wing! Just be yourself and allow God to lead you and you'll do fine! In God's love Cajunboy
  11. For a very long time I've often felt like sometimes God is more distant than others in my everyday walk through life and in God. I would ask that each of you search your hearts and examine if you have similar feelings? In my daily walk, I might go days just fellowshiping and talking with God all throughout the day, then for some reason, it begins to grow into a few time during the day , then a few and eventually God will draw me back to HIM and get my attention and mind back on HIS tasks that I am committed to accomplish. And occassionally, satan will distract me for a day or two in an effort to distort my routine. But I never get too very far from God and HIS word that I don't realize what satan is trying to do. But more recently, when I was praying and worshiping, God told me to simply, "Imagine or pretend that HE is right there beside me, and imagine that I see HIM when I talk with HIM, or like now when I'm typing on the P.C., or when I'm driving back and forth to work, or when I'm fellowshiping with a beliver or someone who doubts God's validity.....just imagine that God is with us and holding the conversation with HIS there beside me. After receiving this message I can tell you that it greatly imporved my attitude and the feeling that God is always near! And it definately fills in those sometimes lonely days when I am alone and I would like someone to fellowship with! Anyone else? In God's love Larry
  12. I discovered a very old thread with this topic but would like to revisit it. When the above poster stated, "the majority of atheists and agnostics is we've already been down the christianity road," I thought of several friends of mine. Many of which were raised in Christian homes, said they were believers, got baptised, went to church, and are now pagans, atheists, or witches. Some actually went to Christian schools and know the bible pretty good yet are now unbelievers and sceptics. Once a believer, is it possible to be un-converted from Christianity? This topic has been stuck in my head for some time. Thanks for responding The only problem I have with this atheist, is she/he reveals what I have questioned about them for a long time. By not stating directly the poster revealed that they were "expecting" something and/or in the way of evidence of God's existence. For as long as I can remember into my childhood, I've always known God existed and never had to ask for evidence or signs or miracles for further evidence. But that's just my experience! Even when I gave Testimony about my early age sexual abuse and reaching out to the Father whom I already knew would see me through what most humans think now is "orientational behavior" and MUST be genetic , and cannot be redeemed from, God healed my soul and heart and mended me and remolded me into a man whom many would come to respect and love. I give all my devotion and trust to God as HE has had it from "Day One!" To sum up what I believe, the biggest mistake one can ask God is for evidence of HIS existence. This is not only blasphemy, it is also calling the God of the Bible a LIAR! And for that, I can quite understand why some would resort to atheism. It's the only way to save face in a Human existence where wealth and presteige, and power is in control for many.
  13. I discovered a very old thread with this topic but would like to revisit it. When the above poster stated, "the majority of atheists and agnostics is we've already been down the christianity road," I thought of several friends of mine. Many of which were raised in Christian homes, said they were believers, got baptised, went to church, and are now pagans, atheists, or witches. Some actually went to Christian schools and know the bible pretty good yet are now unbelievers and sceptics. Once a believer, is it possible to be un-converted from Christianity? This topic has been stuck in my head for some time. Thanks for responding The only problem I have with this atheist, is she/he reveals what I have questioned about them for a long time. By not stating directly the poster revealed that they were "expecting" something and/or in the way of evidence of God's existence. For as long as I can remember into my childhood, I've always known God existed and never had to ask for evidence or signs or miracles for further evidence. But that's just my experience! Even when I gave Testimony about my early age sexual abuse and reaching out to the Father whom I already knew would see me through what most humans think now is "orientational behavior" and MUST be genetic , and cannot be redeemed from, God healed my soul and heart and mended me and remolded me into a man whom many would come to respect and love. I give all my devotion and trust to God as HE has had it from "Day One!" To sum up what I believe, the biggest mistake one can ask God is for evidence of HIS existence. This is not only blasphemy, it is also calling the God of the Bible a LIAR! And for that, I can quite understand why some would resort to atheism. It's the only way to save face in a Human existence where wealth and presteige, and power is in control for many.
  14. I discovered a very old thread with this topic but would like to revisit it. When the above poster stated, "the majority of atheists and agnostics is we've already been down the christianity road," I thought of several friends of mine. Many of which were raised in Christian homes, said they were believers, got baptised, went to church, and are now pagans, atheists, or witches. Some actually went to Christian schools and know the bible pretty good yet are now unbelievers and sceptics. Once a believer, is it possible to be un-converted from Christianity? This topic has been stuck in my head for some time. Thanks for responding The only problem I have with this atheist, is she/he reveals what I have questioned about them for a long time. By not stating directly the poster revealed that they were "expecting" something and/or in the way of evidence of God's existence. For as long as I can remember into my childhood, I've always known God existed and never had to ask for evidence or signs or miracles for further evidence. But that's just my experience! Even when I gave Testimony about my early age sexual abuse and reaching out to the Father whom I already knew would see me through what most humans think now is "orientational behavior" and MUST be genetic , and cannot be redeemed from, God healed my soul and heart and mended me and remolded me into a man whom many would come to respect and love. I give all my devotion and trust to God as HE has had it from "Day One!" To sum up what I believe, the biggest mistake one can ask God is for evidence of HIS existence. This is not only blasphemy, it is also calling the God of the Bible a LIAR! And for that, I can quite understand why some would resort to atheism. It's the only way to save face in a Human existence where wealth and presteige, and power is in control for many.
  15. I discovered a very old thread with this topic but would like to revisit it. When the above poster stated, "the majority of atheists and agnostics is we've already been down the christianity road," I thought of several friends of mine. Many of which were raised in Christian homes, said they were believers, got baptised, went to church, and are now pagans, atheists, or witches. Some actually went to Christian schools and know the bible pretty good yet are now unbelievers and sceptics. Once a believer, is it possible to be un-converted from Christianity? This topic has been stuck in my head for some time. Thanks for responding The only problem I have with this atheist, is she/he reveals what I have questioned about them for a long time. By not stating directly the poster revealed that they were "expecting" something and/or in the way of evidence of God's existence. For as long as I can remember into my childhood, I've always known God existed and never had to ask for evidence or signs or miracles for further evidence. But that's just my experience! Even when I gave Testimony about my early age sexual abuse and reaching out to the Father whom I already knew would see me through what most humans think now is "orientational behavior" and MUST be genetic , and cannot be redeemed from, God healed my soul and heart and mended me and remolded me into a man whom many would come to respect and love. I give all my devotion and trust to God as HE has had it from "Day One!" To sum up what I believe, the biggest mistake one can ask God is for evidence of HIS existence. This is not only blasphemy, it is also calling the God of the Bible a LIAR! And for that, I can quite understand why some would resort to atheism. It's the only way to save face in a Human existence where wealth and presteige, and power is in control for many.
  16. I discovered a very old thread with this topic but would like to revisit it. When the above poster stated, "the majority of atheists and agnostics is we've already been down the christianity road," I thought of several friends of mine. Many of which were raised in Christian homes, said they were believers, got baptised, went to church, and are now pagans, atheists, or witches. Some actually went to Christian schools and know the bible pretty good yet are now unbelievers and sceptics. Once a believer, is it possible to be un-converted from Christianity? This topic has been stuck in my head for some time. Thanks for responding The only problem I have with this atheist, is she/he reveals what I have questioned about them for a long time. By not stating directly the poster revealed that they were "expecting" something and/or in the way of evidence of God's existence. For as long as I can remember into my childhood, I've always known God existed and never had to ask for evidence or signs or miracles for further evidence. But that's just my experience! Even when I gave Testimony about my early age sexual abuse and reaching out to the Father whom I already knew would see me through what most humans think now is "orientational behavior" and MUST be genetic , and cannot be redeemed from, God healed my soul and heart and mended me and remolded me into a man whom many would come to respect and love. I give all my devotion and trust to God as HE has had it from "Day One!" To sum up what I believe, the biggest mistake one can ask God is for evidence of HIS existence. This is not only blasphemy, it is also calling the God of the Bible a LIAR! And for that, I can quite understand why some would resort to atheism. It's the only way to save face in a Human existence where wealth and presteige, and power is in control for many.
  17. I discovered a very old thread with this topic but would like to revisit it. When the above poster stated, "the majority of atheists and agnostics is we've already been down the christianity road," I thought of several friends of mine. Many of which were raised in Christian homes, said they were believers, got baptised, went to church, and are now pagans, atheists, or witches. Some actually went to Christian schools and know the bible pretty good yet are now unbelievers and sceptics. Once a believer, is it possible to be un-converted from Christianity? This topic has been stuck in my head for some time. Thanks for responding The only problem I have with this atheist, is she/he reveals what I have questioned about them for a long time. By not stating directly the poster revealed that they were "expecting" something and/or in the way of evidence of God's existence. For as long as I can remember into my childhood, I've always known God existed and never had to ask for evidence or signs or miracles for further evidence. But that's just my experience! Even when I gave Testimony about my early age sexual abuse and reaching out to the Father whom I already knew would see me through what most humans think now is "orientational behavior" and MUST be genetic , and cannot be redeemed from, God healed my soul and heart and mended me and remolded me into a man whom many would come to respect and love. I give all my devotion and trust to God as HE has had it from "Day One!" To sum up what I believe, the biggest mistake one can ask God is for evidence of HIS existence. This is not only blasphemy, it is also calling the God of the Bible a LIAR! And for that, I can quite understand why some would resort to atheism. It's the only way to save face in a Human existence where wealth and presteige, and power is in control for many.
  18. I discovered a very old thread with this topic but would like to revisit it. When the above poster stated, "the majority of atheists and agnostics is we've already been down the christianity road," I thought of several friends of mine. Many of which were raised in Christian homes, said they were believers, got baptised, went to church, and are now pagans, atheists, or witches. Some actually went to Christian schools and know the bible pretty good yet are now unbelievers and sceptics. Once a believer, is it possible to be un-converted from Christianity? This topic has been stuck in my head for some time. Thanks for responding The only problem I have with this atheist, is she/he reveals what I have questioned about them for a long time. By not stating directly the poster revealed that they were "expecting" something and/or in the way of evidence of God's existence. For as long as I can remember into my childhood, I've always known God existed and never had to ask for evidence or signs or miracles for further evidence. But that's just my experience! Even when I gave Testimony about my early age sexual abuse and reaching out to the Father whom I already knew would see me through what most humans think now is "orientational behavior" and MUST be genetic , and cannot be redeemed from, God healed my soul and heart and mended me and remolded me into a man whom many would come to respect and love. I give all my devotion and trust to God as HE has had it from "Day One!" To sum up what I believe, the biggest mistake one can ask God is for evidence of HIS existence. This is not only blasphemy, it is also calling the God of the Bible a LIAR! And for that, I can quite understand why some would resort to atheism. It's the only way to save face in a Human existence where wealth and presteige, and power is in control for many.
  19. Fabric I can deal with. The fat guts of a hairy old men, topless on the beach, I can't deal with! OK. From what it sounds like, healingoil, you're offended simply by the idea of underwear. Weird. I really can't relate to that, since I don't see anything offensive about underwear. I find it interesting to see the differences in views between the old and the youth of today! I have to wonder if you ever thought that when your first child and you were walking down the street. Let's say your child was about 5 years old, and you passed a person who's pants were about to come down to his knees and expose him because he didn't even have underwear on, Would it then bother you? That's where I found myself having to explain to my grandchild recently......and that's why I was offended and embarrassed for her!
  20. These studies and college are just a small passing in time for you, but it's what you do right now that will help to determine what you will be and show how much you love God and man! So make your choices wisely, as this very day is shaping your future. You may be fighting with evil spirits within you which tells me that you are not allowing God full occupancy to work within you. Don't treat God and HIS works as a task or a subject that you just have to pass with the best grade you can get out of it. Put your entire self into HIS works! Take time out during Spring Break to assess your love and devotion for God . Perhaps you may have someone who you may be able to help whom you are very close to right now at school or near hope. Someone who is worse off than yourself. If God is leading you toward this person to give assistance to, it might help you to take your mind off yourself , which is what God doesn't want us doing, and focusing on others, who need us more and is exactly what God wants us doing if we are able. I hope this helps and I will begin praying for you if I may? Prayers In God's love Larry
  21. In my backyard! When I'm off work for a few days, and I can read and study God's Word, and just give Thanks for all the beauty of Springtime! Amen!
  22. Oh eric! That one was a bit , "Off the cuff! lololol Oh, you people are all just a RIP!! ......no , I mean a PIP!
  23. Oh eric! That one was a bit , "Off the cuff! lololol
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