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Everything posted by Blessed567

  1. I simply consider JW a dangerous cult that have fanatical missionary zeal based upon a conditioned fear. They believe that the chances of attaining their place in heaven are directly proportional to the number of doors visited. This absolute fear is instilled in any new convert they take from the doorsteps and so the vicious circle continues. It also directly contradicts the bible which teaches it is not by works that we receive grace. This is the marked contrast: JW's are all about works followed by fast-track brainwashing of new initiates. There is only one day to deal with JW's and that is to shut the door and break this vicious circle. Do not enter into any conversation. They've spent hours memorising psychological techniques to open the conversation further and then undermine your faith. Shut the door.
  2. I know of people who have tried this. The great benefit is if you get online you have access to 50 million people at once, which obviously means many more nutcases, but also many more shots at finding Mr (or Miss) Right if you haven't found that person. I feel a great many people are phobic of technology in this thread, because technology itself is harmless. All it does is dramatically increases the number of people you can reach. If it wasn't for technology people wouldn't be able to make negative comments about the implications of extremely similar technology on this thread! Yes I accept people can hide behind computer screens, and people can be predatory, but doesn't this all happen in real life already? We've all met someone at some point in our lives who doesn't seem to be who they say they are. I support internet dating for those that wish to try it. Just approach any prospective partner with the same caution you would in real life.
  3. Satan provided a quick fire alternative.He provided the easy solution, he said don't work for it, just get it, don't aspire to be it, just have it handed to you, he hated everyone and everything that was a creation of God, he provided snakes and fake ladders when the route up was heaven but the route down was hell. he burned his bridges but he wanted everyone to persish. his masterclass was to create the illusion that the bridge he walked and so foolishly burned was there for other men. he created such a powerful illusion that millions walked in his way putting their first foot forward with his confidence yet falling down into the pit when they realised his confidence was illusion. He's a fallen angel, which is why now he is prince. He knows how not to fall into hell for he has already done it. He teaches the opposite. As the flames swallow him up he reaches up his clawed hand and grips the ankle of the human race who do not yet know christ. His last triumph before annihilation is to take as many of us with him. He deceives because he was deceived. He knows the truth now as he hurtles downwards, so he wishes to take as many as possible with him Barbara.
  4. Santa isn't your enemy, captialism is, and if what it is force feeding you now sickens you the future will dismay you unless you understand what is to come. Personally, santa annoys me, but he's just the vehicle to make the quick buck over this period. Watch your TV when it goes to valentines, then Easter "eggs" (from birth, particularly in witchcraft, make kids fat on chocolate, sell millions, jesus who?) then Haloween and be sure to catch yourself before denouncing haloween as the root of all evil . It's a bit more simple than that. 1. The bible says you cannot serve God and mammon (yet the whole world is doing it), and 2. The one dollar bill has the illuminati pyramid on it clear as day. Money is your enemy, Santa is a mere proponent of money or mammon. He's one of many vices, and since man fell, there are many, he's not important enough to become associated with the beast. In the future, the mark will be electronic storage of biometric data that allows money transfer. Look into surveilence culture, biometric storage, freedom of information, then you're closer to antichrist. Barbara
  5. I never quite understood gayness, it never happened back when I was a wee bairn, not openly. What does the bible teach on this? surely it isn't normal practice? Barbara
  6. For the record, here's my comment. These websites slam the stable door shut after the horse has bolted. They're too little too late. They blame satanic rock music for something that's already a cancer in its advanced stages. Let's get things into real perspective as Christians, in other words, let's nip what we don't want to ever happen in the bud. This means a good stable upbringing, decent schooling and hands on parenting without any shirking of responsibilities! From personal experience, if this is done properly I can guarantee children won't be seeking out the spirit of destruction elsewhere because they have the opposite at home. How easy it is for us to blame disgusting characters like Manson, and how difficult it is by comparrison for us to realise he's just an opportunistic croupier in a busy casino which specialises in raking in those we couldn't help ourselves!? Uncomfortable reading this may be but let's get it right, let's slam manson and his hordes of satan worshippers only when we're without a plank in our own eyes! I abhor the likes of androgenous Manson and his disgusting inverted morality, but I have to accept that as a woman, as a mother, if my kids or if the kids of anyone I know end up there, I've failed them. Children are born innocent, they never choose satan, they're only ever victims, so shouldn't we be concentrating on preventing more victims to this occultic opportunisim by taking people away from the edge of the cliff before they have that choice put before them? It seems to me that blaming the vultures that circle that dark place for taking away our kids is a bit like us all pretending we never SAW our kids walk all the way to the edge of that cliff, lost, alone, disillusioned, and now they're there, it's Manson's fault, and we never knew, we just sat watching TV and never once realised our kids were in the grip of the occult because it meant we'd get to work the next day on time?????!!!!!!! This is a total delusion. For one thing rock musicians are 100% committed to our kids, so if a quiet life here and there means we fail them by comparission, who on earth are we to judge? We're no better, in fact, we're worse, we just think we're better and blame those who are more committed to our kids (avowed satanists) for our own shortfallings. It's time to wake up, to commit ourselves to our children, to stop blaming other people to get ourselves out of it!! Let's take responsibility for our actions. IN other words, before we condemn the music of despair, let's look a little closer to home and make sure we don't herd more innocents to that place. Satan doesn't care if he claims friend or foe. WE, on the other hand, as Christians care. Is retrospect the best way to look at people within rock culture? People who are esentially victims in part due to our own failings? My daughter came to Christ a year ago from this background. I failed her, the church failed her, God alone saved her from a culture that provided counterfeit answers to my own failures. Barbara
  7. Yes, this is about time. I fear it may be too little too late. How about cutting off aid altogether!!!? why arrange for the hand that feeds to get bitten, and it will be bitten when Israel's reactions draw in the US. Hamas is a terrorist organisation. The fact that its formed a government doesn't make it any less of a terror threat or its members any less terrorists!
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