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JB Horn

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Everything posted by JB Horn

  1. There is - as always - a difference in man's standards and Gods. You are right that most people start their work week on Monday. International standard ISO-8601 (International Organization for Standardization (ISO)) has standardized Monday as the "first" day of the week. In my opinion it is just one more secular, worldly way of attempting to usurp God's authority. In Genesis we are not told that on Monday God created the heavens and the earth and He said "Let there be light" and that was the first day, then on Tuesday He separated the waters from the waters. Then on Wednesday.......etc. No, it just names each 24 hour period as "the evening and the morning were the first day", etc. In Hebrew we find that Sunday is known as Yom Reeshone, or First Day, Monday is Yom Shaynee, or Second Day, Tuesday is Yom Shlee'shee or Third Day, Wednesday is Yom Revee'ee or Fourth Day, Thursday is Yom Khah'mee'ee or Fifth Day, Friday is Yom Ha'shee'shee or Sixth day, and Saturday is Shabbat or Rest. The days are from sundown to sundown, so the first day is actually sundown on what we call Saturday to sundown of what we call Sunday. Shabbat begins at sundown on what we call Friday. This is the day of rest. The Sabbath has never changed no matter what man tries to do to it. <>< ><> Nathele Calendars are secular Nathele even the names of the days come from pagan gods. Work six days and worship. JB Jb, you want proof that Saturday is the seventh day? Go look in a dictionary. Show me proof that Monday is the first day of the week. 1) God did not write the dictionary. 2) God did not name the days of the week. 3) Rom 13 tells us that everyone must submit himself to the governing authority and that authority has set Monday as the start of the WORK week for it's employees and that is why the post office closes on the seventh day because the work week starts on Monday. 4) God tells you to keep the seventh day holy counting from the first day of work. 5) If you really want to use the DICTIONARY as your proof explain this: Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This week
  2. The bible says Jesus rose on the first day of the week,that is why the disciple gathered on Sunday and that is why we do as well. So you have not just changed what day the Sabbath is,you change you entire calender around to try and justify it,Crazy. The problem I have is that my Bible is broken and no where in it is the days of the week named. There is no Saturday of Sunday or any other day of the week. My Bible only says that you work six days and on the seventh you rest and keep holy. My calendar is broken like my Bible and only has the days numbered 1st day, 2nd day, 3rd day, 4th day, 5th day, 6th day and 7th day the Sabbath. True that my calendar is a man made calendar like the calendar most common where the days are named after pagan gods but I am never late for work or church. JB
  3. There is - as always - a difference in man's standards and Gods. You are right that most people start their work week on Monday. International standard ISO-8601 (International Organization for Standardization (ISO)) has standardized Monday as the "first" day of the week. In my opinion it is just one more secular, worldly way of attempting to usurp God's authority. In Genesis we are not told that on Monday God created the heavens and the earth and He said "Let there be light" and that was the first day, then on Tuesday He separated the waters from the waters. Then on Wednesday.......etc. No, it just names each 24 hour period as "the evening and the morning were the first day", etc. In Hebrew we find that Sunday is known as Yom Reeshone, or First Day, Monday is Yom Shaynee, or Second Day, Tuesday is Yom Shlee'shee or Third Day, Wednesday is Yom Revee'ee or Fourth Day, Thursday is Yom Khah'mee'ee or Fifth Day, Friday is Yom Ha'shee'shee or Sixth day, and Saturday is Shabbat or Rest. The days are from sundown to sundown, so the first day is actually sundown on what we call Saturday to sundown of what we call Sunday. Shabbat begins at sundown on what we call Friday. This is the day of rest. The Sabbath has never changed no matter what man tries to do to it. <>< ><> Nathele Calendars are secular Nathele even the names of the days come from pagan gods. Work six days and worship. JB
  4. Irregardless of what your calender says, Sunday is the first day of the week, and other than a Work Day Calender I've never seen one that has Monday as the first day of the week. Are you telling me that you know the exactly how many days ago our Creator said, "Let there be light"? If you do please tell me and I can divid that number by 7 and we will know for sure what day is the first day of the week. Unless you can do that you are going by a man made calender that has nothing to do with God. We have been commanded to work for six days and worship on the seventh. Now most people work from Monday to Friday at a paying job and work Saturday around the house, worshiping on the seventh day Sunday. Ex 20:11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. Work six days and rest on the seventh, get it? If your man made calendar is what you base the sabbath on, I would suggest you us the calendar I do, also made by man. From Wikipedia If you would like to buy a Monday first day calendar I sell them for $2 to Calvinist, $5 to Arminians and $65 to SDA. JB
  5. My calendar starts the first day of the week on Monday, Sunday being that last day of the week. As God did I start my work week on Monday and honor the Sabbath on Sunday. If you can prove that God did not start His work of creation on Monday then I will buy one of your man made calendars and worship on Saturday. Until then I will use Monday as the start of my work week. IHS JB
  6. There is no salvation in charity alone. You can do good works for the wrong reasons. Faith without works is dead. Love is forever. So why does a Christian do good works? He does it because of his love for Christ and his love for his neighbor. A Christian does not do good works because it is required of him but because it comes from his heart which is not the heart of man. There are good men that are not Christians that are very charitable. But this charity without faith gives no glory to God and has no salvation in it. Mans good work without God is still mans work and nothing else. I don't think you can separate faith, real charity and real love, they are cause and effect. One from the other.* IMHO JB
  7. Can one that is bound by flesh be Omnipresence? JB
  8. From where I stand, respecting all the answers given above, salvation/redemption is not complicated, nor is the subject of 'works. Hebrews 9 makes things quite clear: "Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us." In the OT, as a temporary measure which had to be continually repeated, sacrifices were made, and those who with a clean heart identified themselves with those sacrifices were cleansed of their sins. In the NT, as it says, salvation is obtained once and for all by those who with a clean heart identify themselves with the once and for all sacrifice of Jesus Christ. That's it. Done and finished. Then, and not before, those who identify with and accept in spirit and in truth that they have obtained eternal redemption by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, will find find themselves opening up to the love of God, and the eyes of that love will find them seeing all sorts of need and oppression around them which they want to do something about. That's how it seems to me, thank God. When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
  9. JB, The works that the bible speaks is not just for the love of God and our neighbors. Sometimes that's what people think it is. That we take soup to them when they are sick, etc. Our works is our obedience to the gospel of Christ and keeping the commandments in the NT. I am obedient to God because of my love for Him not from fear. If you are obedient for some other reason I would be interested in know what that is. JB
  10. Yeah that's the way to prove to everyone that the Christian faith is the one they should follow just throw them off the property after 23 years because they were to Co-Host the service for the first time. Sounds like the Baptist didn't want to share the glory and have the spotlight taken off of them. I'm sure God must be so proud right now. Their argument that it's because non-christians would be attending has no merit because as the story says they've held this service for 23 yrs. with no problem until they were to share running of the service. Also what purpose does the church hold if it's not there for non-believers to come and learn about christ?? Sounds like those Baptist read the Bible and take it for the Word of God. Christ never taught political correctness. For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? JB
  11. JB Horn

    Judges 11

    You're welcome KeilanS, Remember that Judges is believed to have been penned by Samuel who was also given by his mother in a Nazirite vow with a burnt offering. So there would be nothing strange to him for this to be done with the girl. But a sacrifice that would have been an abomination to God I think he would have mentioned it. We don't know but if you get to heaven before me just drop me a note and let me know what really happen. JB
  12. JB Horn

    Judges 11

    I believe you will find that she was given in a Nazirite vow not a blood sacrifice. (Numbers 6:21) No priest could accept her as a blood sacrifice because as you said it was against the law. But a life time Nazirite vow was acceptable. Most likely there was also a burnt offering of some kind to seal the vow. My opinion for what is is worth. IHS JB
  13. If you search for: CODEPINK Shows Senator Feinstein Waterboarding in google video you'll see water boarding actually being done as a demonstration. Oh it's just terrible, so gory and outrages LOL And no police there to stop it, outrages I tell you just outrages.
  14. So you are saying that prison incarceration is worst than water boarding. Good I'm glad you agree. Do you justify incarceration because it may save lives or is it a punishment as defined in torture? Or do you disagree with the use of prisons in modern society? Sin never stops being sin. Now what is your definition of sin? It depends on the circumstances doesn't it? What are the circumstances of your shooting? JB I agree with you that sin never stops being sin. But isn't murder, by it's nature, a sin? So how can murder to save 100 people not be a sin? As to prison being considered torture, I already addressed that in a similar response on page 8 The Bible tells us that murder by God's commandment is a sin but killing is not. Do you know the deference? What are the circumstances of your shooting, did you murder the ten or kill the ten? In your opinion is abortion murder or killing? Can you tell the defrence between good and evil? What is a sin? JB
  15. Oh Hamburgers! the thing I take away from this discussion with you is that you are incapable of distinguishing good from evil. After all you are a man and not a god. Hope you never see it up close. I'm gone His Grace JB
  16. So you are saying that prison incarceration is worst than water boarding. Good I'm glad you agree. Do you justify incarceration because it may save lives or is it a punishment as defined in torture? Or do you disagree with the use of prisons in modern society? Sin never stops being sin. Now what is your definition of sin? It depends on the circumstances doesn't it? What are the circumstances of your shooting? JB
  17. That is why we were given God's word and His Spirit. Mistakes by man will be made and that includes the use of water boarding. So what it causes no harm mental or physical? We do it to our own troops. Why? What does it mean that you have to be convicted of your sins before you can become a Christian? A man will never come to Christ until he admits he is evil. That is a stupid question and it shows that you could never in this fight. Again I don't care what the terrorist or other non-believes believe. Did God come down and show you with 100% proof or did your conversion (assuming you are a Christian) come from the faith that you received by His grace that you believe? People who sacrifice their children to the sun god believe that they are doing good, they are not, they are doing evil. These terrorist have no problem in sacrificing their children to their false god. They are evil! And I don't care if they know it or not. They are set on the defeat of Christ and we are called to stand in the gap. Listening to God's word would also be torture to them, would it not? Agreed! But they would not. By your definition incarceration is torture. Note of your sarcastic view of His words is taken. So now getting a billion dollars is torture. Your thought process is beyond my understanding. Look my brother water boarding is a tool that can save lives. Any tool can be misused and it will probably happen with water boarding just as it happens with police officers that misuse their guns. But the police officers guns save lives also. The thing about water boarding is that it is safer then throwing a dodgeball at someone. Yes if you offered water boarding to prisoners in exchange for doing time the prisons would be empty the next day. JB
  18. I don't care what the father of the terrorist thinks nor what any other man thinks, they are not my master. What does God say about them? I do not judge them but God has. God has also said He will judge any country that sides with them. Paul tells us that we have been grafted to Israel, and this war is about Israel, so says every leader of every terrorist group in the middle east. If you are a Christian you are part of this war and if you can not tell which side is evil and can not find in the Scriptures where God stands on this war and who and what He considers to be evil, then I can't help you. All Christians have their roots in His people and His land. As far as water boarding being torture, it is no more torture than being put in a 8X8 cell and being kept away from your family and society. In fact water boarding only last a few seconds while detention can last years. Where do you draw the line on what you call torture? These people are evil and God says that He is going to destroy them and He won't do it by throwing water in their faces. JB http://inhisword.net I would like to see what would happen if we offered freedom to any prisoner in any country if they would go through 3 minutes of water boarding.
  19. First I do think that God looks at sin as evil. What makes these people go from being 'sinful' to being 'evil'? The book of Joel for one. It's only three chapters you can read it in ten minutes. JB Only God can truly know who is evil and who isn't. Men can't look into someone's soul. True only God can see in a mans soul but man can see the evil works of other men. And man can read God's word and see if He judges those act to be evil. I repeat that you should read Joel it is addressed to us in our days. JB http://inhisword.net
  20. Posted above read the book of Joel. And I don't worry about want any man about how you see it.
  21. First I do think that God looks at sin as evil. What makes these people go from being 'sinful' to being 'evil'? The book of Joel for one. It's only three chapters you can read it in ten minutes. JB
  22. And who are we to determine who is evil and who is not evil? Did God tell you that it was ok to torture these people? Did God tell you that these people are evil?
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