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Everything posted by martyr

  1. Antichrist or not, I wouldn't worry too much about how many letters are in his name. The so called Bible code isn't real. All a Christian needs is the Holy Spirit, discernment is available from Him.
  2. Cat, I'm with you. It would be condoning their behavior to let them share a room in your house. It would be different probably if you explained your position and why you held it, and let them sleep in separate rooms. However, if they choose not to do that, I'd find them some hotel rates in the area.
  3. I understand that you stated you didn't think of Hal Lindsay as a prophet, but the fact is he keeps on making prophecies. To be an expert on Biblical prophecy, you'd think he'd realize that even one false prophecy makes him a false prophet. I don't think I would rely on teachings of an unrepentant false prophet. The ELS(equidistant lettering system) that he uses as one of his tools is also faulty. I agree that everything we need to know is in the Bible, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you have to crack some secret code to understand it. The secret to discernment and understanding is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
  4. Hal Lindsey an expert on prophecy?????????????????
  5. Excellent post, Yod! No matter how "good" someone is, without Christ in their life they will not be totally happy nor full. It is said that to starve to death, you must first reach the point of not being hungry. We must wake these people up to the realization that they are spiritually hungry, so they won't die in starvation.
  6. Dr. Steve, I disagree, as I feel you do, with the statement concerning lack of faith being the direct cause of lack of healing. As a born again Christian able to discern by the power of the Holy Spirit, I don't see backing for the belief that our health is based on our "performance". If that were the case, I guess the Apostle Paul really didn't believe what he was writing in all those letters. Also, the people that go to the stage shows that pose as revivals would be healed because they do have faith and belief. God bless you all.
  7. Whatsitmean, instead of cynicism and conspiracy theories, maybe you ought to adopt the joy that Paul talks about in the book of Phillipians.
  8. I guess the main difference would be His methods of teaching. He never altered the message to either group, and that is why the Jews hated Him. By acting in true love, He was embracing all of humanity. However, what one group may have perceived was definitely not what the other group perceived Him doing. I thank God that I am not one of those that have been embraced by His love, only to shrug Him away.
  9. WM, I just finished reading John 16:29-John 17:26, and I don't see how you can imply that 17:14-17 apply to your point. By your interpretation, verse 18 of chapter 17 could not be correct, since Jesus went up to Heaven to prepare a place for us, and He didn't stay in the grave.
  10. Kiwi, First, concerning the employment issue, I would like to briefly paraphrase a story I heard Tony Evans tell once. When he was in college/seminary, he had to take a night job to pay the bills. He went to work for Greyhound bus company. Since most of the "big" bosses weren't there late at night, a lot of his coworkers would take naps after break while at work. Tony didn't know what to do, and he didn't tell. He just continued to do the best job he could. After a while, all the ones, including his supervisor, that took naps had been fired. He found out later that the management had sent in "spies" to pose as passengers. Tony Evans dedication to doing the Godly thing, that is the best job possible, ended up with him getting promoted to supervisor. For the second issue, you could go directly to the Bible. I can't recall the exact passage right now, but it is concerning Christian people living with unrepentant sin. The pattern is to go to them in love, and tell them what the Bible says about their lack of faithfulness. If this doesn't work, go back in love with one or two other close friends with the same plea. If that doesn't work, then break off fellowship with her until she repents. As I said, I can't remember the exact passage, but I will try to find it. Also, her husband definitely deserves to know.
  11. Whatsitmean, if I were you I would be very careful about judging. When the Bible says not to judge, it is talking about an issue just like this. We humans don't have any say so on who gets to go to Heaven. Just because someone's tree isn't sagging from fruit doesn't mean they aren't Christian, it just means there's a lot of pruning left to do.
  12. martyr

    A question

    Rafter, I have never viewed seminary as a place to gain a "title", rather it is a place that trains and teaches people to better understand the Word of God. I would love to go and learn at a seminary or Bible college. Greek/Aramaic/Hebrew, and a myriad of other courses would be very beneficial in my Christian walk. However, if you're called by God, then you don't necessarily have to go to one of these. Keep on doing what you're doing----PRAY. May God be with you in your decision.
  13. It was just recently brought to my attention an interesting concept. In the Bible it says to resist the devil, and he will flee. Imagine that, all this time spent in active aggression against the devil, and the Bible is telling me not to attack but to stand my ground.
  14. Godrulz, I haven't read any of his writings, nor have I studied him. I did hear a well known pastor once say that to read Finney's writings you will see him deny belief in crucial doctrinal issues. I may go check some out to see if he matches up with the Bible.
  15. If Bill Hybel is as good an author as he is a pastor, you're in for a treat Wisdom.
  16. Okay wordsower, it was just confusing considering the older brother talking about being with the Father from the beginning. I just took that to mean that he never rebelled and backslid like the younger son, thus he remained faithful to his father despite his eventual jealousy. I kind of see your implication now, though.
  17. Hypnotism and the WordFaith movement tend to go hand in hand. You should be wary of both of them. Psychosomatic symptoms can be changed, and there may even be some short term "healing" for more serious matters, but in the end original sin and human mortality will take over. What the world really needs is spiritual health. May we all be evangelists in the mission field where God has placed us.
  18. Refuge, Good for you, sister. As wonderful as it is to do the Lord's work, He doesn't want any of us to overdo our physical limits. Studying through Scripture, you see there is a pattern that even the Lord followed. On the seventh day, He rested. We all need rest, and there's not a thing wrong with saying no sometimes. That is, as long as you're not saying no to God. May God continue to bless you with wisdom and maturity.
  19. 2 John, vv. 8-9(NAS) Watch yourselves, that you might not lose what we have accomplished, but that you may receive a full reward. Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God; the one who abides in the teaching, he has both the Father and the Son. First, I would like to open this topic by stating that I believe the Bible supports eternal security and the inability to lose salvation. I am interested to see the exegetical viewpoints concerning this passage, especially concerning the "full reward" phrase and the v.9 mention of "abide in".
  20. WM, I was just giving you a 2,000 year old definition of a day. There is also the possibility of Maundy Thursday being the day of crucifixion. No matter what day the crucifixion occurred on, I rejoice that Jesus Christ beat death by rising again.
  21. That makes it sound as if the Christians alive prior to the tribulation won't get raptured, while people that get saved during the tribulation will enjoy the feast??????????
  22. The Jews considered a part of a day as a whole day, therefore, 72 hours didn't have to elapse in order for this prophecy to be true. Passover Friday, Saturday, and Sunday equals three days and three nights if you do research according to Biblical times.
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