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Everything posted by DieForTheOneYouLove

  1. i think the bible is very interesting, but to be quite honest, i think its just a made up story. people dont know that the bible was written when it says it was. someone could have just decided to write a fictional story about 'God' and 'Jesus'. i know that the bible influenses many people, and i dont mean to offend them, but i feel that the bible is fake.
  2. thank you for all your replys and it does seem to be very similar to the last post from 'josh-13', very very similar. once i was woken, it felt as though someone was shaking me, trying to wake me up. then a force seemed to pull me out of bed and seemed to sort of show me where to head and where to go. i ended up outside, walking to my friends house, where i found her laying on the floor clutching her chest. she lives alone so no one would have found her if i hadnt have been woken and gone to her house. i do hear voices aswel. sometimes they arent very clear, but other times i can really tell what hes saying. its definately a man and he tells me to watch out and be careful in the forthcoming day, and funnily enough something happens the next day. its really strange. and it may sound wierd but he sort of tells me whats going to happen, sort of warns me if something good or something bads going to happen so that i can try and prevent it or be there to help if it happens.
  3. he keeps me from sleeping, he talks to me, tells me things. i know it should be a good thing, but its not, i'm always tired because of these late night hearings. can anyone let me know if theyve had an experience similar to mine? just PM me.
  4. Psalm 9:1 NIV I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders.
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