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Everything posted by exrockstar

  1. As soon as GOP candidates come to the realization that they can’t get their reelection message out via social media as impactful as Dems they’ll panic.
  2. For now it is benefiting the party that is going to be in control so I’d be surprised if there’s any action.
  3. Blacks were forced to drink from different water fountains because Jim Crow laws were implemented with the idea/belief that blacks were an inferior race. They were not to enjoy the same privileges that whites had such as drinking from the same fountain or sitting in front of the bus. This was a form of segregation.
  4. You are somewhat correct. You are one individual in a whole site and maybe your objective or purpose may come off as disrespectful- who knows. However, to censor millions because of their point of view or beliefs is different. Once upon a time, whites could drink from a water fountain in the front of the store while blacks had to drink from the one in the back. You can say that the business was a private company and it can make its own rules so it can do what it pleases. Eventually it took all types and forms of people to pressure the government to step in which they did. You know who didn’t like it? The racist whites that believed they are a superior race. We'll see if the ruling party will step in and get involved or will they look the other way because, in their eyes, things are fine the way they are and their policies and views are superior than those who do not think the same. And no, this is not a stretch. edit-to say that this will be a back and forth discussion til lawyers bring in lawsuits. I got a business degree 25 years ago so I can barely remember the argument of business discrimination. FB provides a service but if that service is provided on American land, employees drink public water and use public roads to get to work etc etc then they fall in violation since American laws supersedes their TOS. FB also pays taxes so the government has a hold of them so it’s a matter of tightening it. Not 100% sure to be honest but this is why I feel something will come to a head.
  5. To be fair, Facebook and Twitter are private companies so they could regulate speech however they want so in due time the government will step in - That will eventually happen. What is interesting is the story of Babel (Genesis 11:1–9) where God stepped in and dispersed all of its people because they were too busy concentrating on the building of a tower that can reach the heavens. God gave them different languages as a hurdle for communicating. Social media unites many languages, people and countries in one platform that bridges what God broke by having the ability to translate and connect. The application admins are digital gods. Just a thought...
  6. Riots have been happening throughout 2020 causing billions of dollars worth of damages (and lives) yet the one being addressed, and of concern, is the one that occurred last week. Lol yeah I’m sure you’ve heard of the group Occupy Democrats. Not the nicest of the groups if you are looking for political unity. Why are they there? Isn’t demeaning memes also part of raising the temperature? It only takes one meme for someone to say “yeah they are taking IT away therefore I must do something.” Then an unthinkable act happens. by the way, “walk away” was all colors of life that had posts how we were once democrat but we walked away from it and why. Your post had to get approval before it can be seen. I’ll take a guess, and a good one, and say that it’s because it’s a gathering for conservatives therefore it must be dispersed. I’ll guess that if you post a picture wearing a MAGA hat then you must be an enemy? Lol wow
  7. I’m just waiting for progressive Christians to tell me how this is a conspiracy theory and it’s only in my head.
  8. I always try to look back in the Bible and see how all this will accumulate to something. COVID, censorship and politics. I dunno...people have been saying “the end is near” for decades. But things are not right.
  9. I was part of a positive conservative group called “walk away.” It was mostly stories from all sorts of people how they are now conservative. No memes and very positive. I never read bad mouthing about democrats. Facebook closed it. Sorry but that’s not right to go around censoring people. Then I had an app called Parler that I joined a month ago and heard that Apple has shut that down. Yep it doesn’t work. Yeah something is not right about all this. It shows you how people can be quickly disconnected from one another on devices we have learned to depend on.
  10. That is the perfect scripture OneLight. If I may add, my friend and I grew up studying the bible and we took in reading many biblical commentary books. I went the conservative way and he is conservative but votes democrat. After everything we have talked about he will vote democrat and I don't understand it. One day I finally understood as we were talking. He believes he is fighting evil or doesn't want to side with "evil"- no different than what momma-bear thinks. For sure this election tested the American Christian. Holiday Christians will toss back and forth or be easily swayed. But those that have studied well, i believe, it's not a huge deal. Or if it really bothers one then just don't vote.
  11. You have to obey Jesus to be saved and devils are filled with the Holy Spirit ...lol ... which church do you go to do I can avoid it? -Rev
  12. I won't answer with scripture - I'm assuming you just want some general answers? When i was younger I used to want to know how many guys my girl was with. Then I'd find out and it would bother me. Bother me enough to dump them. As years passed by and girls got dumped I found it best not to ask. I know it was my fault. -Rev
  13. Sept 23rd prophecy believers rapture roll call. whos missing? -Rev
  14. Anyone know which time zone this thing is happening? -Rev
  15. I recently (yesterday) heard that the church was conceived on Pentecost and will be "born" during tribulation. That's a pretty ridiculous claim. That would mean the bride is an infant. Unforunately there were plenty of "Amen's" in that Youtube video. -Rev
  16. exrockstar


    No. A water baptism is not required for salvation.
  17. Revelations has plenty of "then's" which tells me one thing occurs THEN the next thing follows. So there is some sort of sequence. i.e. Rev 11 "19 Then God’s temple in heaven was opened,..." -Rev
  18. I finally caught up on the videos last night. I've heard about it for a few years by eternalrhythmflow (Scott). I'm going to say that I am not 100% convinced. If we are to conclude that Rev 12 is going to happen this month then what about all the things that are supposed to happen in Rev 11 (two witnesses being killed etc.) and before Rev 12? Again I'm not 100% convinced. It is interesting though. -Rev
  19. Fear isn't necessarily a bad thing - confronting it creates courage -Rev
  20. Good call on my end. The Trump winning part - not the Revelations trumpet part. -Rev
  21. There are 7 billion people on earth. My suggestion would be to make new friends. -Rev
  22. Listening to the poll tally - it seems like I'm going to be voting for Trump in November. -rev
  23. You must be new to politics. -rev
  24. Obama opened the doors for Trump - star power, swag walk, jay-Z, fist bump, shoulder brush, and a chameleon- talks proper in front of suits and ebonics in front of minorities. I recall Europe celebrating his victory. Open pandora's box and you'll pay the price. -rev
  25. Well, it's getting a nominee and it's own party doesn't like it. "best" is subjective. -rev
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