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Isaiah 6:8

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Everything posted by Isaiah 6:8

  1. Well the went away for an hour and came Bach with a vengeance and nothings working now!!! Grrr
  2. It worked!! Thanks I can get some sleep !?
  3. Well oops that s what happened did not chew well!! Pizza buffet and all. problem is I don't startle easy!
  4. Also they had a minute of silence. Every bus, every train every person stopped in the whole of Norway. Also they had a torchlight vigil held all over Norway 150,000 showed in Oslo, 15,000 in Kristiansand (Near bye us), my wife wanted to go but wound up having to work. Its quite the feeling over here. At the one in Oslo, they had an musician by the name of Alexander Rybok who plays the Norwegian Fiddle playing. He normally has a shy smile glued to his face, to see him play, and not smile, just about broke my heart. Norway's Innocence is lost.
  5. OSLO, Norway – Police have lowered the death toll in Norway's island shooting spree to 68, saying the overwhelming task of responding to the tragedy created confusion. Police had earlier said 86 people died when a gunman opened fire on retreat for young people on an island near Oslo. The rampage followed a bombing in Oslo outside the government's headquarters. Police raised the toll in that attack to eight on Monday. Police spokesman Oystein Maeland said that higher, erroneous figure emerged as police and rescuers were focusing on helping survivors and securing the area. That brings the new toll to 76 people; it is still one of the worst modern mass murders in peacetime. Anders Behring Breivik has confessed to both assaults but denied crminial responsibility for them and pleaded not guilty at his first hearing. He told the court he wanted to save Europe from Muslim immigration and warned that there are two other cells of his terror network. The court ordered him held for eight weeks while prosecutors investigate, four of which will be in isolation, saying Breivik could tamper with evidence if released. Typically, the accused is brought to court every four weeks while prosecutors prepare their case, so a judge can approve his continued detention. Longer periods are not unusual in serious cases. Breivik made clear in an Internet manifesto that he planned to turn his court appearance into theater, preparing a speech for his appearance in court even before launching the attacks, then requesting an open hearing in which he would wear a uniform. Both of those requests were denied. The suspect has said staged the bombing and youth camp rampage as "marketing" for his manifesto calling for a revolution that would rid Europe of Muslims. "The operation was not to kill as many people as possible but to give a strong signal that could not be misunderstood that as long as the Labor Party keeps driving its ideological lie and keeps deconstructing Norwegian culture and mass importing Muslims then they must assume responsibility for this treason," according to the English translation of Heger's ruling that was read out after the hearing. Breivik alluded to two other "cells" of his network -- which he imagines as a new Knights Templar, the medieval cabal of crusaders who protected Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land. At one point, his manifesto briefly referred to an intention to contact two other cells, but no details were given. European security officials said they were aware of increased Internet chatter from individuals claiming they belonged to the Knights Templar group and were investigating claims that Breivik, and other far-right individuals, attended a London meeting of the group in 2002. Reporters and locals thronged the courthouse on Monday ahead of the hearing for their first glimpse of Breivik since the assault. When one car drove through the crowd, people hit its windows and one person shouted an expletive, believing Breivik was inside. Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/07/25/norway-suspect-wants-to-appear-in-court-in-uniform/#ixzz1T9fCD8lv
  6. yeah, but how many sermons a year can you have from habakkuk. 56 verses in total so I guess one sermon a week with a few spares.. Seriously, I think you can base a sermon on one verse I know someone that got an hours teaching from...
  7. Yes church is for Redeemed sinners. Its for the body to grow and get fed, and at times disciplined. There is Biblical precedent for removing unrepentant from the Body. Jesus' Words You see, when a person sins and openly rejects correction, then sows discord among the church it becomes a bigger issue then one who stumbles. As Paul says... When it gets to this point it needs to be dealt with. I was at a church, who did not deal with a person in sin but allowed him to go, figuring "He needs the Church to keep him from sinning worse" This made it impossible for me to attend, as this person has made threats on my health and was doing drugs and is very unstable, I was afraid for me and my family, and yet, who should be allowed to go? We are all sinners but a person who brings division should not be allowed as they endanger others.
  8. Okay, its going off topic! Lets just keep this whole thing in prayer! I am closing it as I just wanted to report what was happening, not create a political thread!
  9. I have my iPod touch! I have 4 Bible programs, 3 of which are offline, I have many versions offline and it's great to carry with me, especially since my old bible got lost. I miss it as it went to Africa with me, but oh well, the words of the Word are most important!
  10. yeah, but how many sermons a year can you have from habakkuk. He he he I was being nice, I have seen people take 5 min to find Matthew, or Romans.....
  11. I would say you did well do remove them, as long as you followed the Matthew 18 approach, first one one one, then with 2 or more then before the congregation then removed from fellowship. If not done in this way it may have cause as much damage as the gossip and slander was before. Praying for you as I know this is not an easy thing!
  12. Personally I thing God loves all his creation, but he hates all sin. Therefore he loves the being Lucifer who he created but not his fallen condition. No scripture on this one, just my gut feeling. I know that is how he sees us, and yet if we do not accept his love, then we will join Satan in his punishment.
  13. Actually I wish everyone had one, it would make sermons go faster, as people would not be spending 5 minuets flipping through trying to find habakkuk....
  14. I think not. If you reprogram something, you manipulate the settings, add commands, change commands, alter commands. What he did was remove the OS by taking out the hard drive circuit board, fan, and wires. Then he went a step farther than just inserting a new hard drive, circuit board, fan, etc, he actually inserted the instructions for doing it, which went yet another step farther because the instructions told the computer how to rebuild those parts itself, with the parts being different from the original parts. well a computer can not do that. So lets use a robot. In which case yes you could reprogram a robot to do that, but then again we are right back to reprogramming. . Also, no he did not. it was more of sticking a stick drive into the machine that over wrote the basic commands. he uses the example of reprogramming a computer to a different OS. . . Again HIS example, not mine. you can tear apart the example all you want but that still does not mean he created life from non life.
  15. you don't understand this? No, you lied. Leaving out details is not explaining how he used the yeast cell to produce the DNA strand, or how the machine got it wrong to much. Stating.... Don Fanucci, on 20 July 2011 - 03:45 PM, said: It was DNA. Except for viruses, RNA generally does not exist as long molecules, and it wasn't injected into a living organism, it was injected into an empty membrane. Was an out right lie. He injected the DNA into a living Bacteria. You said it was not living because if you said it was alive, it would destroy your claim. I think its clear.
  16. while I cannot link to the video, (its youtube) he added markers in the gene that formed computer code, when the markers were read and the code imputed into a computer, it equaled text phrases.
  17. Viruses function precisely by injecting DNA into a cell, which takes over the cellular machinery to produce more viruses. Sounds pretty much like what Venter did, with the exception that Venter's DNA, which he assembled de novo from inanimate chemicals, in a specific sequence, destroys the resident genome. So he created life (a living organism) according to your definition, no? I saw this one coming. Yes Virus replicate by injecting Genetic material. However, the cell they attack does not change into a virus. It changes into a factory for viruses and is eventually destroyed. What Venter did, was completely reprogram a bacteria to behave differently. He did not create life.
  18. Actually he added computer code to the DNA that extrapolated out to phases. So DNA has been used to carry Computer data as I said, but again, why am I arguing about the illustration, Venter used, it I used it. Its not perfect, its an Illustration. Again if you don't like what the illustration says attack the illustration. The illustration explains the facts, but is not the facts. No, you lied. Leaving out details is not explaining how he used the yeast cell to produce the DNA strand, or how the machine got it wrong to much. Stating.... Was an out right lie. He injected the DNA into a living Bacteria. You said it was not living because if you said it was alive, it would destroy your claim.
  19. What you do not see is the heart. You see sometimes the only difference between a mass murderer and a normal person may be that one had the courage to do it. You see we never know the condition of the heart. being good is all relative. You see, you may be a good person, compared to the likes of Charles Manson, but how good are you if you compare yourself to someone like mother Teresa? Another thing your not getting is this. God does not send us to hell. He made hell for the Devil and his demons. We choose to go there or not. You see we choose our own punishment. If I told you that you were on a doomed plane and offered you a parachute to jump off and you refused, would your doom be on the hands that offered you the gift, or on yourself for refusing the gift?. You see since you brought up C.S. Lewis you must have missed part of his book, let me put it in his words. You see absolute goodness can not have any evil as any part of it, ever. So no matter how good you may have been on earth, you must have at some point in your life, both by thought and deed done some sort of evil. I know I have. I have hated to the point of wishing someone dead. Now most people would call me a good person, I follow the laws, I do good deeds etc. but that hatred I had in my heart towards a person, (not sin, as its okay to hate evil) then, the Bible, Jesus calls me a murderer. So by that definition, I have committed adultery (lustful thoughts towards , murdered, and done all sorts of crime, that no one would call "Good" in my heart. Now you see, what you see on the outside means nothing. Its whats in the heart that counts. Did you post three times with the same content so that you win? (just kidding ) Whoops, I'll delete those! I win anyway!
  20. Also, Jesus is the most important, Adam and eve is not.
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