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Everything posted by WISDOM

  1. LOL- What I have found is how "truly amazing" it is, that she "KNOWS" things that our FATHER chose to keep out of HIS Word concerning our LORD/SAVIOUR's childhood. The book is a joke. *two thumbs and a Big Toe down*


    Dad Ernie: The feeling is, and always will be mutual. I have learned much from your threads/postings over the past few years. You are a valuable asset to this Board, my friend. Keep up the GREAT work! Now, respectfully....back to the topic at hand.
  3. There is also Psalm 103:12...."As far as the East is from the West, so far hath HE removed our transgressions from us." And Micah 7:18-19......"WHO is a GOD like unto thee, who pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of HIS heritage? HE retaineth not HIS anger forever, because HE delighteth in mercy. HE will turn again; HE will have compassion upon us; HE will subdue our iniquities; and thou will cast all their sins into the depths of the sea."


    Greetings Trinity, Unfortunately you are quite correct. They would rather have their ears tickled (others agree with what they say or laud THEM for their great ideas). I usually use the scriptures (since this is a Christian board), in hopes the authority of the scriptures is sufficient to sway them. Often when I ask for why they believe certain things, they either conjure up from their own imaginations; quote from others; or twist the scriptures so badly as to be unrecognizable. But I continue to try. Perhaps one day they will read the scriptures for themselves (like a good Berean should) and be enlightened from the Holy Spirit of God. Blessings, Dad Ernie
  5. Precisely.... People have been saying this for years with no substantiating biblical documentation.
  6. If we do question Rahab's action, what does that say about King David (murderer/adulterer); Samson (womanizer OUTSIDE the Israelites); Jacob (thief), Abraham (liar), Moses (murderer), and the COUNTLESS OTHERS we know nothing about? Gray areas? Hmmmmm....I don't think so. MOTIVES of the heart...now, there's an area only our FATHER knows the "who,what,when,where, why and how" about. I believe that's why HE gave us their examples to be viewed today in HIS Holy Word!
  7. Honestly....it doesn't matter whether you're Arab, Jew, European, American, African, etc. Why?.............Jeremiah 17:9; Matthew 15:16-20 Be DOERS of the Word, not just Hearers. (James 1:22-27)
  8. I've never used or seen anyone use "me and God" or "God and me" as one unit before . . . so I haven't got the foggiest! Because that's what the Bible uses. Actually, I believe Hebrew is one of those languages where nouns are masculinized or feminized. For instance, in Spanish, every noun is "el"-something or "la"-something. There is no word for "it" in Spanish. The same would be for Hebrew. Since God is used in the masculine, we use God in the masculine. Make sense? Nebula....you hit the nail on the button!
  9. Excellent book Dave. I read it last year. It really puts a "face" on the Enemy, and makes it clear the battle with him is daily - minute by minute.
  10. It was Dr Charles Stanley. The show you watched is entitled, "In Touch". He is the senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia (I was just there near it in Atlanta a little more than a week ago). His website is www.intouch.org
  11. Copper Scroll, Butero and 2 the Point: I just finished "scrolling" through this thread (no pun intended), and must say I truly enjoyed reading all of your well thought out posts. You covered quite a bit of ground, providing some invaluable knowledge I hope and pray has help many others both in and not in (seekers) the Body of CHRIST. Christians especially need to understand the false teachings of "soul sleep" and "annihilation", and that there's no biblical substantiation for its support. Excellent job carrying this on Copper! Again, it was a joy reading this thread.
  12. Very good post "Ready" Outstanding points "A Kerdos". Balance in the Christian life is extremely important.
  13. Avodah: what a wonderful, wonderful post you made! It is my hope and prayer that many will see the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT through what you've written here and follow his calling in all we/they post. "Love is PATIENT and KIND. Love IS NOT jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love DOES NOT DEMAND its own way. Love IS NOT irritable, and it KEEPS NO RECORD of when it has been wronged. It is NEVER glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the TRUTH wins out. Love NEVER gives up, NEVER loses FAITH, is ALWAYS hopeful and endures through EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE." 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
  14. They can and they will rebuild N.O. The WHOLE city wasn't lost (don't get wrapped up in the news drama...they don't always tell you the truth). Granted, the city is below sea level and right on the Gulf, but that doesn't mean anything. It is a MAJOR money maker and a US city with a strong history (although NOT always good). It doesn't really matter if they are above or below sea level, there are many Panhandle Gulfcoast cities that are in just as much danger as New Orleans of the damage, which can be inflicted by a natural disaster. By the way, concerning the number of hurricanes, which will hit the area in the future, you and I both know that no one in this life can answer that! I disagree that the city should be abandoned. This city is HOME to many of the scattered residents who are spread abroad across the USA. I hope and pray that many of them will have homes rebuilt there and families (of several generations) can be reunited. I understand the heartbreak of their people. I experienced Hurricane IVAN in 2004, and the pain you experience is indescribable as you watch your home being destroyed. Yes, I hope and pray they rebuild it and through what has happened in the interim, many will come to CHRIST as a result and bring more honor and glory to our LORD/SAVIOUR !
  15. Did two studies on it in the past. One through a Men's Study Group, and another as a Precepts Study. Lot of "meat" in it!!
  16. It can be confusing at times, because we as humans base so much on our natural senses. You may say to GOD you are sorry for doing/saying something very un-CHRISTLIKE. However, what you have to understand is GOD doesn't want you to depend on YOUR feelings. HE wants you to trust HIM at HIS Word (the Bible). First Poet, keep this in your mind - GOD CANNOT Lie. Unlike you and I, HE must always be truthful. It is HIS nature to do so, and one of HIS strongest virtues. If HE tells you in HIS Word that YOUR confession of a sin will bring HIS forgiveness of it - BELIEVE HIM (1 John 1:9). You may not "feel" forgiven, but GOD has taken it and thrown it into the "sea of forgetfulness". HE throws it as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12). My friend, that is a never ending straight line! After your confession learn to forgive yourself as GOD has forgiven you. Unforgiveness imprisons YOU in your past because it keeps the pain alive, and it hinders your fellowship with GOD. Along with that you unintentionally give a foothold in your life to the Enemy. Next, I want to say that I do understand YOUR struggle of NOT being able to understand GOD's comforting ways. HE cannot physically hold you as you identified (although one day in the future HE will), and this can be confusing. Those are the times though when you really have to depend on prayer (conversation with HIM, letting HIM know just how you REALLY feel) and HIS Word (the Bible). When we worship, praise and depend on HIM for comfort, we have to do so in spirit and truth. When you read Hebrews 4:14-16, you will see that EVERYTHING you and I "feel" as a human and child of GOD has been experience by HIM. So HE knows what and how we feel when we need comforting. That leads me to directing your thoughts towards following the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT. GOD sent HIM to guide you and I through life's "up's and down's" in order to help us in all things, including a growth and knowledge of who and what YOU are in CHRIST (John 14:16-17; 26). When you talk to GOD about your problems be honest about what you feel, NOT what others think you should feel. "GODLY grief" to one person may not be displayed the same as in another. Ask GOD to change your heart and make YOU more like JESUS. You never need an appointment or any special words/ritual to talk to HIM about anything, including the problems you wrote about in this thread. GOD is willing and anxious to listen to your prayers ANYTIME (24/7) you have the urge to talk with HIM. If you fall in the same sin over and over again, the only ONE WHO can forgive it is GOD. Now.... HE doesn't give you carte-blanc to continuously do it, but unlike man HE will forgive you of it. However, you should bear in mind this may not alleviate the consequences you may suffer as a result of the sin committed. But no.....HE isn't going to discard you. HE hates the sin, not YOU. The reason being sin will always break your fellowship with HIM. With that thought in mind, you should be forever thankful and grateful for what JESUS CHRIST did in dying on the Cross of Calvary, and shedding HIS precious blood in order that we could be reunited in fellowship with the FATHER through HIM and be forgiven daily by confession to HIM (agreeing with HIM it was wrong). Poet, the more you get to know your LORD/SAVIOUR, the more you'll grow in HIS grace and knowledge of thing, whether it's good or bad (Romans 8:28). GOD loves YOU more than you can ever imagine, and HE wants the best for you. Remember, you and I are finite beings dealing with an Infinite GOD. HIS ways and thoughts are higher than yours and mine, so HE doesn't expect us to understand each and every way HE deals with things pertaining to our daily lives. But HE simply asks you and I to TRUST HIM. The way you do that is to take HIM at HIS Word. Don't doubt HIM. HE gave us a wonderful "roadmap" (Bible) to take us through each and every issue life confronts us with, headed by the greatest "GUIDE" (HOLY SPIRIT) anyone could ever hope to follow. Continue to grow my friend, and keep asking those honest questions as you did here. Trust HIS Word....NOT your feelings!
  17. WISDOM


    Very good response....
  18. OC: Proverbs 3:5-6........Stay grounded and faithful in HIM!
  19. My issue is not with Christ or the structure that is descirbed. My point was simply that we are human and you may have the perfect system as Christ has prescribed it does not mean however that we as failable humans will carry it out the way it is intended. There is no way around it, running a church is like any other aspect of life. We like to think that our church leaders are being guided by Christ more than maybe we do from day-to-day but they are just as human as the rest of us. the Bible is full of examples and the human condition is the same now as it was 2000-5000 years ago.
  20. VERY good point! I pray that more minds would be open to clearly understand that. You HAVE to be IN the Word first and foremost. And the second point? Live It! It must become PRACTICAL for one to truly understand what the Christian life is really all about. All the knowledge of the Word will do you no good if you don't study and apply it to your daily living. In addition, everything you hear in church isn't always correct, however, it does not relieve you of the responsibility as a child of the LORD to line up what YOU hear with HIS Scripture. Our FATHER is fiercely PROTECTIVE of HIS Word, and the AUTHOR (HOLY SPIRIT) of the Book will guide you in all things if, and I repeat, IF YOU are sincerely seeking the truth of HIS Word. Be obedient in fellowshiping with other Believers, and under the guidance of a physical "shepherd", BUT again, like the BEREANS (Acts 17:10-11), BE RESPONSIBLE to search the Word yourself to see if the things you've heard/learned are true. No one knows a book better than the AUTHOR WHO wrote it! Make sure what you hear LINES UP with what HE says!
  21. Yes. That is why your daily prayer life is extremely important. We serve a GOD of the "heart" and HE knows how repentant one truly is, regardless of what men see outwardly (1 Samuel 16:7). You cannot hide what is in your heart (Jeremiah 17:9....Psalm 34:18....51:17). Go into your "prayer closet" daily and present your true inner feelings about such matters to HIM for HE alone knows YOU better than anyone else (Hebrews 4:14-16). If you feel you've ever misled anyone tell HIM and allow the SPIRIT to lead you in the direction in which you should go. A clear conscience is a soft pillow!
  22. WISDOM


    Good question jamie. What is meant by that is our FATHER acts/strives because of HIS grace/mercy AGAINST the high opinion of one's own worth (selfish PRIDE). There is a "good pride" that does not clash with Scripture, such as the pride in completing a hard job/passing a tough academic test or being proud of the obedience of your child in following your house rules. I believe the PRIDE our LORD is talking about is when a person has too high an opinion of their self and reflects an attitude of conceit. There's an air of haughtiness. And keep this in mind...this attitude appears in the saved/unsaved alike!
  23. Not if YOU line up Scripture (as did the Bereans in the Book of Acts) with whatever is being preached/taught to you. That is why it is so important to have a yielded life to the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT. Respect the leaders our FATHER has placed you under, but the acid test must ALWAYS be how what they say LINES UP WITH THE Word of GOD. That is YOUR and MY responsibility to perform as Christians (2 Tim 2:15)....denominations/non-denomination not withstanding. Also, BEFORE you join a church look very closely at their beliefs. What are the bedrock rules they follow? Does the church have a constitution/rules & regulations, etc. You aren't being a "detective" by doing so, just responsible. These are just a few little things YOU can do in advance. Don't allow yourself to get caught up in the "That's the way it's ALWAYS been Syndrome" either. Make sure whatever is being taught/preached to you in your church (or one you may visit) lines up well with Scripture. Men make errors (sometimes intentional), GOD's Word never does. Choose not to do so, and yes, you can build your house on sinking sand, and stay in that position in your Christian walk should you not decide to begin to build/rebuild on the solid rock of the Word.
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