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Everything posted by Christ_Sheep

  1. No, I do not believe that some people will burn in hell for their sins, here's two short reasons why ... Nobody burns anywhere for their sins, since we all commit sins everyday whether we know that we do or not. Griping and complaining are definitely sin, how many of us complain from day to day? Though we may feel we have the right to, doesn't mean we ought to. People don't spend eternity with god, only because; they refuse to accept his free gift of salvation, and accept him into their hearts as lord. Lastly, hell and the Lake of Fire are two separate places. Hell and death and hades will be THROWN into the Lake of Fire, I thnk many people use the two places interchangeably ... when scripture definitely says they're different. Hell is a placeholder of pure torment, the lake of fire is where the eternal burning that most of us speak of will take place.
  2. Is God the author of evil? This is definitely an interesting topic, one that I bet has swam around the minds of many people at one time or another. I would be remiss to say that none of us here, at one time or another did not entertain that idea. I am 99% sure that we all weren't always saved, had a firm grasp on theology, and didn't have a spiritual connection with god. With that said, I think I'll answer your question this way to the best of my ability, or if nothing else, I'll simply give my response to it. Christ has all power, the evil deeds that humans drum up and create on this planet he's given us. Yes, given us ... because the lord gave dominion of the earth to man. We are the original cause of the sin we see in this world, and that really isn't god's problem. The problem is us. If the real question is, why did god make humans with free will, capable of causing all sorts of hardships (which I perceive it is), I say that because of your upfront inquiry about world suffering. God gave us free will for one purpose, to serve him and express love. He could not do that if we were restricted of a free will. With that free will we have two choices to make, good and evil. It is possible not to sin, or it was ...Adam made that impossible in his rebellion. God knows everything, and has all power ... we cannot understand god's rationale on dealing with people whom commit atrocities such as Hitler, Stalin, Dahmer, and any other heinous figure in history, but we do know that their punishment will be just when that event comes. God is not bound or obligated to work on a timetable. Remember in the bible, god always referenced events, when this happened, then this will happen, so on and so forth. Because god created beings in his own image, and gave them free will does not take away the fact that in order to receive proper love, he must expect hate,rejection, and carnage too. Odds were pretty high that among the billions, possibily trillions of people that have lived since creation, that not every person he created would bend to his will and accept him geuninely into their hearts and confess him with their mouths. Suffering is a part of the package of first our sin nature and for god to weed out whom loved him, and those that truly did not. God could have created a perfect world, which is the ONLY scenerio where you could see a world with a little less evil as you put it, but that would take away the free will of people. To me what it sounds like your saying is, "God strike down evil doers before they get a chance to stir the pot", but in most cases, that is not how he operates. Remember, we are still under the grace period where we still have time for god to atone for our sins no matter how large, small or quaint. To wrap up, the lord created the universe as a playground of sorts before the real thing- which is heaven. Earth is an exact replica of heaven in terms of the creativity of the planet. It grieves the lord that many people decide to sin and cause havoc, but in creating spirit beings that he wanted to respond to him a little different way than Johnny 5-0, that is the risk he was willing to take. He is not and did not cause evil, we did ... and no matter how small or great, god cannot violate how he chooses to deal with those who choose to sin against him.
  3. I, for one, am not afraid of atheist nor atheism, both are tools set up by Satan to tickle the fancies of those struggling with their faiths ... and to lead others whom are straddling the fences on what they believe away. Oh, sure, I will say this though, I agree with the one guy on this thread whom said that he isn't concerned by atheist, so much as he is concerned by their practical and logical way of viewing the world and working and influencing others. The atheists' biggest weapon, in my view, is appealing to the emotions of others. When god clearly said, do not be moved by the natural senses, but by the word of god. If there is suffering in the world, and enough camera's are around to catch it in the act, it is quite easy to convince a few hundred thousand, possibly millions of other people that a "loving god", would never let this occur, if he could be known and, if, he really existed. Head knowledge and reasoning will always support philosophy. We are called to walk by faith, and quite honestly, walking by faith doesn't and shouldn't make sense. You tell me how it made sense for god to tell Peter to fish during the day (at a time where fish would not be out) and let down his nets for a drop ... and for him to expect a huge catch? It didn't. Or when he told one of his disciples to go catch the first fish, open it's mouth ... and pay his tax with the coin he found in the fish's mouth? That too took faith and NOT common-sense. What I will say is, it is easy to persuade people when you are very well spoken, can form an articulate and catchy sentence and when you play on the emotions of others. Atheist many times, can do all three. It may be a slight stereotype here, but IMHO, most of the atheist I know or have been in contact with have college degrees. Now I am not knocking education, because I went to a pretty good college myself, but I am saying that there's a certain aura that oozes from many folks when they amass degree after degree. Many feel they have arrived and don't need a moral code, or a savior to depend on. Or as in the atheist's case, don't believe at all. Education and what doors it can open for a person in many instances, becomes their god whether they admit that or not. And that is cancerous and a detriment to society. As in anything, nobody really fears philosophy personally, but they are concerned about how, once spread, it can affect the thinking of others. Especially those whom are in a political position of power, those in the business of changing and legislating laws. No wonder they're trying to ease god or Christ out of the school system. I don't think there has been an age in recorded history not this one, that Satan has fought so vehemently on getting prayer out of public schools. Once again, he works through the spirit of atheism to accomplish his many of his ends.
  4. Is it wrong to drink? I know the bible says it is wrong to become intoxicated, and even in the bible Jesus and his disciples drank wine (probably plenty of times), but it was probably of a different potency back in those times. However, I was wondering is it wrong to drink champagne? Smirnoff? Wine, mixed drinks, things of that nature? Now, I know the first question might be ... have you checked your spirit about this? Or, why do you want to drink in the first place, but I already have. I was one whom many times drank in excess, but I have recently cut that all ou because I felt a churning in my spirit against it, and honestly have no real access to it. I believe its a poor choice to deal and skate by life getting drunk every chance I got. I do, however, enjoy the taste of some of the things I did drink ... and I was wondering should I cut myself off completely? Thoughts?
  5. I concur that the root of evil is the love of money. We live in a world where let's be honest, money can solve just about every physical ailment or perceived problem we may have. Capitalism is a very dangerous and shaky system. However, I will go a step further ... music, IMHO the most powerful and fervent power in the universe not named god, is a force to be recokned with as well. Check this, Satan before sin and iniquity was found in him was named Lucifer as we all know, and he was not only the first created angel, but the most honored. Morning Star, the lord once called him ... he was so beautiful and precious, pipes were built into him. That, in itself, made him special. When the lord casted him down, he lost his position, yes, but he didn't lose his abilities, as the god of this world, he, being the major influence on most of the popular music that makes a buck in this world...is highly clever and deceptive. Since the overall message is usually turned way down, to the point where it affects our subconscious, which, ultimately, is the part of us which influences the decisions we make. Music is the only created force on this planet which can bring two opposing sides together. Take someone whom grew up in the most dirt poor neighborhood and someone whom grew up pampered with luxury and affluence, I bet they just might have something in common per the right tune. What I am saying is, music definitely alters moods ... and causes all manners of behavior. Satan, in my view has a large influence on the secular music today. If it's not glorifying god, it's catering to some other spirit. The music itself may not be inherently evil, but the heart of the author or creator is what determines what it does or doesn't pollute.
  6. I will agree that the lord may allow certain atrocities to happen to people, but he certaintly doesn't cause them to happen. In my experience, I have seen many people either arrogantly or ignorantly asking why does god "bring" suffering into the world. The answer is, he doesn't. Our sinful nature has brought it into the world, and it has a circular effect going round and round. God wants us to accept the gospel as quickly as possible, we, as people, are expected to come to the truth without delay. Because you don't know if your pacemaker or heart will stop from second to second. Sounds morbid and eerie, however, it's true. There are a lot of folks whom play with sin never, at any point understanding what they're doing, but the longer they indulge in it, the worse off they will be. The lord can come back at any time, and we won't be able to say, "lord, I didn't have enough time". Neither will we be able to say, I didn't know the way. We are living under the grace period now.
  7. Once saved always saved? No, it is not scriptural as some have stated. Also, there would be no need for Jesus to say, "be watchful" if that were the case. Jesus would have no need to be married to the backslider, if, in fact, that were truly the case. Salvation is a free gift from god that no demon in hell, or principality can take away ... but humans can forfeit their own salvation by living a life estranged from the word of god. It is an ongoing process. Moreover, everyday we, as believers, need to stay prayed up and rapture ready. Some may say lord, this isn't fair, I've been saved for most of my adult life and, in one screw up you come back, and I don't make it into heaven. Since Jesus defined love by "action", it being a choice and not a feeling, consistency and predictability is important and expected of every believer. Once saved always saved is false.
  8. Well, I thinking looking onward to the future is important, yes, we live in a "here and now", but if the furture weren't important I am of the understanding it would not have been revealed to us in Revelation. We are to be concerned about what lies ahead, though I agree it shouldn't be our waking train of thought. About "worrying" about today, you may not have meant it in the sense of which it came across, but we as believers should not be "worrying" or being anxious for anything. Whether that means today or tomorrow. Take no anxious thought for your life, the lord says. There is no "problem" as far as he is concerned since like Christ, since we were made in his image, we have overcome the world just like he has. Why do I say that? Because we have eternity to look forward to. And to me that is far more imporant than anything that goes on here and now in this temporal place. God bless.
  9. I have a question or two, and that is this, I understand the New Heavens and New Earth and the Millienum Kingdom are different, however, I was wondering will there be death during the 1,000 yr reign? What I mean is this, will believers be able to physically die during that time period? We know that there will still be reproduction so we know- business as usual will still be going on with the earth being populated. However, it seemed inconclusive to me whether or not there will be actual death of Christians during that time. Not the ones whom turn their back on Christ, but the ones whom really stand by their man. We also know that people will age as the scriptures get into that, but there won't be any aging during eternity. Any thoughts? Also, I was just thinking once eternity begins I am not sure if this is said aloud in the scriptures but wouldn't it be reasonable to think that all Christians will be in their prime...meaning that we all will have a youthful look? So if you died old, your new incoruptible body shows you in your youth. To me it just makes sense since we will be in an eternal place where nothing decays. And aging, is apart of the decaying process.
  10. Is divorce a sin? It can be. But it is not always a sin, for instance, the bible states that people are only to divorce on account of infidelity. Under those terms, divorce is NOT a sin. Of course that is an extenuating circumstance. Getting divorced for the heck of it because two spouses argue a lot or, have trouble getting along IS a sin. For that hypothetical couple there is always Christian counseling to help them rework their marriage. You are divorced now you say? Well divorce is not unforgiveable. Blasphemy is unforigveable, which, simply, is denying the power of the holy spirit or saying that the lord works his power through the manipulation of Satan. That you are divorced now I would say don't remarry, unless of course your former spouse happens to pass away, god forbid. But remain single if that isn't the case and continue seeking after the lord. Hope that helps.
  11. Here is a question, as believers we all are looking toward to that glorious Second Coming of Christ and his rapture of the church, however, this question is not really asked too much, what are you most looking forward to when you get to heaven? I am curious. For me? 1. Being with Christ for eternity, getting to know him more and more. 2. Reuniting with loved ones. 3. Never having to deal with sin and frustration, usual and expected traumas in this life. What's yours?
  12. I was actually looking at a site and, in it, it stirred me to really give an account on a huge argument that many people may have, specifically atheist. I know many atheist whom are some of the most intellectually stimulating people I have ever known, yet, fail to grasp the purpose of gods' original plan as it concerns the creation of the planet that we live on today. Many people will say if god is so loving, all powerful and is divine and holy why didn't he create the earth to be perfect? That way there would be no wars, no hunger, no chasms between racial groups and hurtful differences in opinion. The answer to that is simple and if you apply simple logic and put on your thinking caps it is painfully obvious; god NEVER intended this current earth to be perfect. It wasn't like he plopped Adam and Eve in the garden in a perfect atmosphere, beautiful though it may be, but it was not perfect (remember Adam and Eve were free moral agents), capable of choice. With choice, also leaves the possibility of good AND evil. So, no, Christ created the earth as we know it today as a stage, if you will, for humans to declare their undying love for him or to reject his love. This earth is temporary and, being fleeting, never was designed to be perfect because we were never met to stay here. He just needed a place other than heaven to have humans make their decision. Pain and suffering, I like to say we live in a society full of individuals whom make choices everyday. Those choices affect not only ourselves, but others before or after us. Suffering entered the world through disobedience and sin...once again, a personal human choice. Many times we like to blame the decaying moral fiber of the world on "society" however, if we take a closer gander we ARE society. What is society? A collection of individuals whom make individual choices. Some good, some bad that affects all of us in one way or another. I am of the belief that in this life we are making our decision to give up some part of our autonomy in the life to come. How? In the world to come obviously it will be perfect. Therefore, that means choice or free will is exterminated, at least in some part. (No sinning) Just as Lucifer/Satan/Devil and one-third of the heavenly host locked their wills in place, as did the other angels during the heaven rebellion, humans on earth are locking theirs in place now. Essentially we are saying, lord, "I've seen the effects of evil, take all manner of temptation away later as I strive to overcome it now." That is a piece of our reward for fighting the good fight of faith, not being privy to sin in the life to come. The acts of ourselves, others and chance bring upon the suffering we see in this world.
  13. Well Vicki, I dont think theres too much to disagree on. While there may have been many "roads" so to speak, I think we are all on agreement on the same thing; tongues is not the mandate or prerequisite to being saved. It is merely ONE sign to know the holy spirit has been endowed upon an individual. And I really love your testimony about how you asked god for your prayer language, it is very uplifting.
  14. I think it's a pretty simple answer to this...people are hostile as you put it toward Christianity, why? Because we live in a very prideful world, the type of world that loves indulging in their favorite sins. And what is the nature of proud people? Know-it-all's, don't tell me how to run my life, and, oh, my favorite, you don't call out my sin and I won't call out yours. Jesus said to get through to arrogant and prideful people, those whom don't believe they, themselves, have personally committed any sins, you must show them the law, and that may include breaking out the trusty 10 Commandements, some people (gasp) don't even adhere or have even seen that. Once you show these types of people where they missed the mark, they're accountable. Well, they were accountable prior to you skipping down the road because of a little thing called the "conscience", but they are even moreso at this point. When you challenge the lifestyle of another individual, one that they happen to be completely and traditionally comfortable with, there tends to be all flavors of problems. Think about it like this, if you were an atheist and you were in a room full of not "church goers" because many claim to go to church but do little to live their love for god. If you were around people whom really loved and showed their affection for Christ, all they did was talk about god, his goodness and how they were once lost, you'd probably be a little annoyed. Why? because their light is causing your darkness to rest on its heels. There is something about their moral character that is a defect to your own. It kind of showcases and reflects your own sinful lifestyle back to you, shows it for what it is, wrong.
  15. Is it neccessary to speak in tongues? I was a guy whom thought that the only sure-fire way to know that I was a Christian was to be able to speak in tongues. And that lasted for quite a few years. I am 24 years old now, a far cry from being old, however, I will say this. It is ONE of the signs that the holy spirit has touched a person, but not the only one. Furthermore, I happen to speak in tongues and I can't really tell you the date of when it happened but it just did. Also in scripture it did talk about the gifts of the spirit, there are seven if I am not mistaken, and interpreting tongues seems to be the more valuable one, as it is mentioned in the scriptures that one whom speaks in tongues does speak to god directly yes, but the one who interprets benefits more people by their ability to sign out tongue speaking, which to me, lets me know that it is not a mandate; but nonetheless, it is beneficial.
  16. Hello Asa, Just saw your post, and, to a large degree, I found it to be very interesting. As a recently rededicated Christian/Follower/Servant of Christ, whichever term you'd apply what I have to offer may not be the "best" or "most effective" way of arguing my position that a god exists, and more specifically, that Jesus Christ is lord is this, look no further than your own conscience. Not meaning to come off condescending, but everyone has one. Man-made laws and statutes are "things" we, as people, never needed to see or read advertised before our very eyes to understand the basic premise of right or, wrong. It is very intrinsic, the thief when he or she has stolen something understands, without prior foundational evidence that he or she has done wrong. Your conscience, in fact, is, in my opinion, the leading factor that leads everyone to the truth or the good news of the gospel. You seem like a very humble person and to me it works wonderfully in your favor to begin searching for the truth. Because you can be taught, you seem willing to explore other avenues. Another point I will use is simply the world around us. Accidents or anything done hap-hazardly would, of course, look in great disarray...the world we live in is very orderly. There is a system built in place for everything. The seasons follow one another, consistently, might I add. Hmmm....my favorite quote, "What you can't see has created everything you can see." With that I'll use an example, the planets. By show of hands whom has created the solar system and, with it, everything that exists in outer space? Any rational and free-thinking person would never take the credit for such a feat, why? Because it would be irrational. It would be asinine to believe that one person can take credit for designing space, the galaxy and the other planets. It would not be too much of a stretch to believe that if someone wielded that much power and influence, that they could also control life on this planet as we know it, right? But we as intellectual people know that cannot be the case, otherwise, there in droves would be the solution to cancer, world hunger, racism, etc., and, really, there would be no need for a savior. However, that isn't the case at all. Lastly, what I will say is just this; the world has been majorly "religious" though, to me that is a misnomer for "spiritual" since the advent of time. Throughout history from the Romans to the Greeks, and every sect in between we, as a people have come to believe in some form of higher being. Because it is imprinted on our hearts, and we were created to understand that, by design. Now there may be a differing of opinion on the "name" of the god that most people in the world claim to recognize, and, or serve, but make no bones about it most people from the dawn of creation have professed openly their awareness of a higher spiritual being. And while I've never been one to drift on the side of popularity, the majority of people cannot be wrong, can they? That's just my take, hope it makes some sense.
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