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Everything posted by Skeeterbugs

  1. I do not drink tap water because I have gotton parasites from our city water plus bottled water is so yummy when it first taken out of the fridge
  2. Jews responsible for 911 and Katrina. That is so stupid. I can tell you alll I am a jew and if I or my fellow jews had that power. don't they think we would use it to benefit Isreal by getting rid of the terrorists.
  3. I discovered something also strange and that is the name Judah is Y'hudah in Hebrew and the name Judas tansslated is also Y'hudah
  4. tests the spirit If the spirit will say that Yeshua/Jesus came in the flesh, did and reserected then they are from G-d. If they won't say it then they are from haSatan/the devil
  5. Most important thing is a Christian will never convert a jew unless the jew trusts a christian. if you come at them all gangbusters and start preaching at them you have turned them off. Jews do not like or trusts Christians. you have to take the time to be their friend first. Also better be ready with a Bible and know all the prophcies of the messiah
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