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Everything posted by glorywatch

  1. Yes, Christianity is intolerant, because it
  2. There is so much anti-American press that I just wanted to share this. In case we start believing all the anit-American sentiment and negativity, we shoud remember the words of former Prime Minister, Tony Blair. When asked by one member of Parliment why he believes so much in America, he said: "A simple way to take meausre of a country is to look a how many want in .... And how many want out." Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you: 1- Jesus Christ 2- The American G. I. One died for your soul, the other for your freedom.
  3. Oh pulllllleeezzze. Here we go again. The spoiled Hollywood elite might throw a fit and leave if they don't get their way. I don't think Susan thought her statement through....she assumes we care and she assumes we want her to stay. I say "Bon Voyage."
  4. In Romans 3:9, Paul tells us that sin is a real force. It dominates and enslaves. Verse 10 moves on to prove his statement by quoting from the Old Testament, then having stated that both Jews and Gentiles (V9) are under sin, he clinches the argument by the Jewish Scriptures which they could not deny. Man left on his on would not seek God. We would wallow in sin enjoying every minute of it, if not for the conviction of the Holy Spirit, that draws us to God. The Jews thought they had an advantage because they were entrusted with the oracles of God. Jesus was hated by the Jews because He showed them the errors of their belief. Paul is hammering this home in Romans 3, that there is no advantage to being a Jew, because ALL are sinners, Jew and Gentile alike. They did not want to hear this.
  5. Zero, I can only say if you knew Jesus you would know the answer to "why". It's just to wonderful not to share with others. Maybe some Christians don't have the best approach to sharing and its puts non-believers off. I understand that part. I can only speak for myself when I say that I cannot keep silent to those I meet. I have to share Jesus with them. What they do with Him is their choice. No one "forced" me to believe. Someone loved me enough to share the Gospel with me and I chose to believe. It really comes down to loving others enough to want the best for them. However, it still is a choice. I just know that I want everyone I know and come in contact with to experience the joy that only comes from having a relationship with Christ. It cannot be explained it has to be experienced.
  6. Oh heck. lets just go ahead and let whoever wants this mess we call the USA have it. Brazil has tapped TWO oil pockets in the Atlantic and are now idependent when it comes to foreign oil. BRAZIL. What a shame this country, that is so rich in oil and other natural fuel resources chooses (by our leaders) to sell out to foreign oil so we can "save the environment." At this rate the only ones who will be around to enjoy it will be the polar bears and the trees. I wonder how much money our leaders have recieved personally to salve their consciences. I hope it was enough. That could be the only explaination as to why anyone with half a brain would forcebly stop using the resources here in the US, allow a communist country (China) to slant drill 50 miles off our coast line, buy oil from a Arab countries who would like to blow us off the map, have foreign sources guarding our ports and outsourcing American jobs to third world countries. Ben Stein said we started out as a colony and the way things are headed we will be a colony again. Boy, do I agree with him.
  7. As disturbing as that report was on Glenn Beck I have to agree with Dan. Save the humans first.
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