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About rvanderwyst

  • Birthday 06/26/1974

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    Nova Scotia Canada

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  1. Just another way to take away our so called "freedoms" and track every move we make, this is a sad, sad time we are living in.
  2. I have a very bad feeling about the China Olympics. I am not saying something is going to happen, I just won't be surprised if something does. With the massive earthquake and the floods, and then all the problems and controversy around the torch relay and the Tibet problems, now the problems with the weather....not really a surprise when you think that this is one of the biggest government sponsored persecutors of Christians in the World.
  3. The only thing we can do is educate ourselves with the Truth concerning the deceptions that are portrayed in works like these. So that when we hear people talking about the falsities, we are well armed with the facts. We may not be able to convince others but we can surely plant the good seed, instead of ignoring the subject and walking away. The other thing we can do is stop supporting these types of things, don't buy the books, don't see the movies don't let anybody who is an adversary to our faith profit from us. If everyone who claims they are Christian stopped supporting and purchasing these anti-Christians products they would stop making them because there would be no profit in them.
  4. Just going to throw my two cents worth in on this discussion. Yes the book is presented as fiction, but Dan Brown does not do enough to relay that message to the masses. He allows people to think that it has an underlying truth so he can make more money. The book/movie is Blasphemy any way you look at it, even if it is presented as fiction, it is calling Our Lord a liar and a deceiver. It is bringing into question the accuracy of the Holy Scriptures. As Bible believing Christians we can see through this, however for non believers and new Christians the deception, presented as fiction or not, is used by the enemy to shake their faith. It plants seeds of doubt in their carnal mind. Books like this and movies like Zeitgeist are but out there as a Spiritual weapon, plain and simply. It doesn't matter that the things in these types of movies are debunked and refuted, the seeds of doubt are planted in the carnal world. It is our duty as Christians to defend the faith, standing by and allowing these deceptions to occur with our mouth shut is reckless.
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