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About Heiress2theKingdom

  • Birthday 03/28/1985

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    New York State
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    Kayaking, Hiking, Camping, History, Reading, Teaching, Dancing, Chocolate

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  1. Great choice of words. Those were Obama's words when he was interviewed by Rick Warren on National Television...Lol!
  2. I was shocked to hear that...well maybe not shocked... anyway.... Obama voted down a bill requiring doctors to give proper medical care to babies who survive attempted partial birth abortions...not once...not twice...but 3 times. At first I was buying into Obama's prayers and open faith, but his values don't connect. How could I ever vote for a man who thinks its okay for doctors to murder babies that have already taken their first breath, as if abortion and partial-birth abortion weren't horrific enough. This is why questions like "at what point in conception do fetuses gain human rights?" are above Obama's pay-grade...he doesn't even give the innocents rights when they survive attempted murder in the womb and are born alive! Appalled, SP Please pray for our nation! PLEASE!
  3. Kind of surprised at the results to be honest. McCain obviously speaks from more experience, and seems to have a better fit with most Christians' moral/ethical values, however, it was Obama that really put forth a strong answer when asked what it means to be a Christian in every day life. Hmmmm.... Still considering boycotting the vote at this point...especially since both seem to think that the quality of educators can be accurately measured to determine pay (i'm a teacher, a good teacher, but still scared).
  4. Tomorrow night Pastor Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life is hosting an interview of Barack Obama and John McCain. Rick Warren says that he is not taking a side, but is planning on challenging our presidential contenders to consider domestic issues that matter to evangelical Christians beyond abortion and gay rights issues. In his Saddleback Church, Warren has been trying to refocus evangelicals on pursuing God in their life rather than focusing on political issues (like taking public stands against abortion or gay marraige). Instead, his goal for the church is to create relationships with Christ, draw in new people to the church, and let the Lord heal them from the sin in their lives. The interviews will be held on FOX news tomorrow night at 8 pm. Eastern Time. http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/08/15/influential-pastor-to-host-faith-forum/ (I know I'm watching...how about you???)
  5. So...news media is biased and worthless to you, and research based and peer reviewed data reports aren't worth reading because they may support a viewpoint that could be other than your own??? Will anything suffice??? I was just offering an unbiased source for finding more information, if you can't listen to reason, there is no point in continuing this loop of controversy. It will never end and is a waste of our God given time, because people don't look to real data, and if they do they choose not to trust in its reliability. You know...it is okay to have faith in unbiased and reliable science...thinking is a gift that God has given mankind as well..."transformation by the renewing of the mind".
  6. Does America really want to see oil rigs off the coast when they go on beach vacations? yawn* This oil crisis is the perfect time for us to unite and overcome our dependence on oil once and for all...but instead America loiters on couches and watches the news absentmindedly.
  7. Actually, God is the steward of the earth, not man. Adam was originally given stewardship over the Garden, not over all creation. Creation and its maintenance is solely God's responsibility. Where do you find in the Bible that man was given "stewardship over the earth?" There has alwasy been enough and there is no shortage, and we are not even on the verge of a shortage. Are people more attracted to Christ because we wear a certain brand of clothing or listen to certain type of music?? My point is that we are incapable of "attracting" people to Christ and we are not even commanded to "attract" people to Jesus in the first place. What are commanded to do is to hold to a moral character that does impede the advancement of the gospel. People come to Christ because of the leading of the Holy Spirit and the preaching of the gospel, not because you are a consciencious recyler or something. Trying to pretend that you can using being "green" as hook to attract someone to Christ is at once both lame and futile. People would be coming to Christ left and right if we were anything like him. But people do not take a stand for the right things in the right way anymore. We are called to be a light, that shines into the darkness. We are supposed to naturally be attractive to others because of our Christ-likeness. Jesus stood up for what is right and what is true. He did not a preach a "every generation is for its own" kind of message. Its not our devotion to any one problem that hooks people...its the motivation, ingenuity, and dedication to solutions that will. As a church we fail in this area...we point the finger...but don't solve the problems. The whole Bible exemplifies Christ's passionate pursuit of his people, and throughout the Bible there is a chain of events, each generation's choices bring good or bad consequences on the next. If we do not make wise choices and take responsibility for our over exertion of the earth's resources it will catch up. Perhaps you do not realize this, but almost all of our water supply has been dirtied. Yeah... what comes through your kitchen faucet is wastewater that has been sifted down to microbial levels, diluted by natural bodies of water, and then "purified" with chemicals. At some point...there will be no more diluting. It is ridiculous to proclaim that there is no problem. That's like saying that if you fill your fridge with groceries at the beginning of the month and winnow away at it for 3 weeks, by the end of the 3 weeks everything will still be plentiful and safe for consumption. Oh and by the way...God charged all of his GOOD creation to us TO TAKE CARE OF: Genesis 1:28-31 It was our choice whether or not to have a good governance or not...this is only a small part of who I am as a Christian but I want to reign over creation for the better...for we will be judged in the final day for all that we were put in charge of. 28 Then God blessed them and said,
  8. Actually, God did NOT place Adam in charge over ALL the plants and animals of creation. God specifically stated that He created the Earth to be used and dominated by man. He placed Adam in charge of a small piece of creation, the Garden of Eden. God told Adam to tend to the Garden...that is hardly a command to maintain the Earth and its creatures. And yes, animals are important to God...but yet Jesus himself said that God holds man in higher regard. I agree that they should be separated...but that doesn't mean you just throw out the financial issues. I would also disagree that God 'entrusted the Earth to our care.' That is not biblical. In fact, God did leave the Earth to our disposal. He created it for us to use and dominate and subdue. God wants us to be fruitful (that is to produce ALOT), he wants us to multiply (populate the Earth), and have dominion (that is to use, subjugate, subdue) the Earth...to our fulfillment...and His blessing. You are comparing Gods love for people...to creation. This is exactly the message that the religion of environmentalism preaches. It is false. God loves us MORE than he loves the created thing. And while you are correct that God never promised to keep the Earth in any condition...it is absolutely wrong to think that He left us in charge of keeping it in its original condition. God desires that ALL men come to Him...He has NO such desire for the Earth to last forever. God never said (or intended), "Here is a World with tons of resources....don't touch them, don't use them, and don't mess up the place." God gave us these resources to use, to our benefit...he doesn't care if we displace dirt, and rock, and water to use it. There isn't one shred of biblical evidence that using, or physically damaging the Earth (i.e. dirt, stone, water) incurs God's wrath. God is concerned with men and their souls...everything else is secondary. see ya round, axx Hi Axx, God delights in all of his creations (see Genesis- he proclaimed everything to be good)...but just because he created us in his image and loves us (humanity) more- as you say, does not mean we are to selfishly absorb the assets of this world for our personal gains. I'm not saying that we should put all creation on an even level with us and fast from water because it isn't accessible. I am saying that God blessed us with the honor of dominion over the earth and charged us with the responsibility of good stewardship. This means using only as necessary, and taking every possible advantage we can to avoid harming the earth and its creatures. I also agree that the most important thing to God, really is his relationship with his children. In order to reach as many people and generations with the word before Christ's return, I think it is important for Christians to demonstrate that they have concern for future generations. This should start with the most basic things, making sure that there will be enough food, and water for them, and work on towards spiritual provisions. Do you think we attract people to Christ by denying that there may be a problem with the way we wastefully consume water and energy? Don't you think it would be a heck of a lot more attractive if the Christians were the ones who provided solutions and results for the problems? DeNile /De-Ni-al/ is not just a river in Egypt my friend.
  9. Bull. I dare you to find actual evidence for this. And no, your personal ideology driven speculation doesn't count as evidence. The figures didn't come from Time. They came from the government. The EIA. It amuses me that you put more faith in your own wild speculations than in actual information from professionals in government. It explains a lot. If you would rather read a research based/ peer reviewed article about what goes into creating our gas prices you may look here: http://www.luc.edu/law/activities/publications/clrdocs/vol19issue4/tyson_slocum.pdf There are also several research articles about Asymmetric Pricing if you look on Google Research. To me, the evidence demonstrates that the price of gas has very little to do with the demand and rate of oil production, and very much to do with politics and public education. Why is it that we are tolerating such high prices at the pump to begin with? They didn't in the 1970's with the last gas outrage. I believe it is because we now acknowledge that gas will run out at some point and we are all to willing to pay the high price for it because we are dependent on it. We are also taught to believe that prices are based on supply and demand. The demand for oil is high but production is supposedly low. This belief is what spurs on the acceptance of promises that if we drill more the prices will be lower. Anyone who does considerable reading knows better. The prices are not based on supply and demand, but are based on politics, and part of the politics are the fact that the "little people" in the world power nations are ill educated and don't learn for themselves what is going on. The regulation of oil has decreased, the producers and manufacturers of oil based products have gained powers and made coalitions, and can inflate prices as they please. The time article agrees, the cnn article agrees, and the research based articles agree. As for your thirty cent drop....you may wish to look at the cause of that and the result of it. Your prices now are about even with that where I come from (my sources say between 3.99 and 4.15). Whopp-de-doo its the same as the rest of us now! Secondly, that thirty cents may have been a reduction in taxes specific to your area. If your price reduction had anything to do with new drilling it would have effected all of us not just your locality.
  10. (Not a laughing matter but the 3 cents by 2027 makes me giggle). http://money.cnn.com/2008/03/13/news/economy/gas_gallon/index.htm It's all politics- this article says that crude oil can be as low as one dollar per barrel in Saudi Arabia, yet we pay $110 per barrel across the board. You can drill for more oil, you can find alternative energy, but can you overcome world politics and governmental action?
  11. Just a few thoughts... 1. The Lord placed Adam in charge over the care of all the plants and animals of creation and the bible repeatedly speaks to our stewardship of all that has been given to us (not just money). Therefore, it is our biblical duty to maintain the earth and its creatures. If polar bears and jungle critters weren't important to God, he wouldn't have told Noah to get 2 of EVERYTHING. 2. Financial issues need to be separated from moral issues. To allow finance to effect your ethical choices is the epitome of greediness and poor prioritization. It was this same pitfall that allowed slavery to be perpetuated in our nation for 100 years or so (pre-revolution included). Slave owners knew it wasn't the greatest situation but it was necessary to maintain financial responsibilities to that generation and future generations. Have we learned nothing? We need to care about the earth because God entrusted the earth to our CARE...not to our DISPOSAL. 3. To say that God is the maintainer of earth and no matter how much we consume he will keep the provisions coming is to deny the true character of God. That is like saying that God loves all people so no one will have the consequences of hell. The bible says "the wages of sin are death." God never promised to keep the earth in its original condition, he gave that responsibility to Adam, thus we have extinct species, and changing landforms in our wonderful world. We have chosen to deface environments to get the oil we rely on, what scripture is there to say we'll not have consequences for plucking this fruit? 4. When it is God's time and in his plan, the earth will be renewed (as per revelations...not an easy or enjoyable process), but until then I believe that we should be caring for everything that God has blessed us with. I'm Out, H2thK
  12. Do you guys think that the fundamentalist jihad would attack us again if we withdrew at this point? Just curious...
  13. Yeah, you sound like you are thinking objectively and maturely and are guarding your heart- Good for You! Just continue to place your concerns before the Lord, if your fiance is not right for your and you are entrusting things to the Lord he will surely let you know! Cheers Sis, Sarah
  14. I just got out of a serious relationship about a month ago (we were supposed to get married this coming weekend), and what I have really felt deeply this time around is that I should not do the whole rebound thing. I think that God wants us to turn to him to fill the hole that our partner has left in our life. In fact, few relationships work very well when you feel that you NEED to have that other person by your side. The idea of love and marriage is to have the added blessing of a partner in everything you do. The trouble with rebounds is that once you find someone that you make "like", what's really to prevent you from dating them? I mean right now your heart is fairly vulnerable (yes even if you are a guy), and you might be a little less picky about this rebound chick, but then what if you eventually do "settle" and date her and she really isn't the right person for you? Rebounds may help, but I think eventually they often just add on to the heartache you are already experiencing.
  15. That one's SO important...I know my reflexive reaction when my family didn't like my ex was to want to prove to them I could change him and make it work. I could have saved myself an awful lot of trouble if I'd just gone "maybe you're right...maybe he IS treating me badly and I shouldn't waste my time." I think my College friends sorta picked up on that and therefore didn't repeat themselves (my mom and dad were at me all the time about it...they meant well, and now I understand, but it was just making me dig my heels in at the time). That was the same exact thing for me too. I just refused to accept that my parents were right, I wanted to prove myself as a capable "adult".
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