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I Stand With Israel!

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Ok, I just have to ask, because this is killing me. I apologize in advance for being off topic.

But WHY is everyone up in arms against me when I talk about Islam, but as SOON as Judaism is in the same boat with it people are defending Judaism? I mean, that's great, because I agree. The Jews have some great teachings, and I think they are following many of the same guidlines God has sent us. Same with Islam.

What is the distinction being made between Judaism and Islam? Neither one believes in Jesus as God, so wouldn't that technically make them anti-christ in the minds of Christians? I have heard many times on these boards that if you aren't for Jesus you are against Jesus as a way to demonize Islam. So what makes Judaism any different?

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Guest shiloh357
Ok, I just have to ask, because this is killing me. I apologize in advance for being off topic.

But WHY is everyone up in arms against me when I talk about Islam, but as SOON as Judaism is in the same boat with it people are defending Judaism? I mean, that's great, because I agree. The Jews have some great teachings, and I think they are following many of the same guidlines God has sent us. Same with Islam.

What is the distinction being made between Judaism and Islam? Neither one believes in Jesus as God, so wouldn't that technically make them anti-christ in the minds of Christians? I have heard many times on these boards that if you aren't for Jesus you are against Jesus as a way to demonize Islam. So what makes Judaism any different?

Who is defending Judaism? We are defending Israel, not Judaism, against the violent intolerance of the Islamic world, which declares that Israel is an illegal entity and does not have the right to exist. We are standing up for Israel against the maniacal psychopathic adversaries that each Friday in Mosques all over region, call for the destruction of Israel. I do not support the religion of Judaism. I support the nation of Israel.

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Guest shiloh357
This is a spiritual war...the battle for souls...taking place in the heavenly realms...we are a mist here today gone tomorrow...For those who accept Jesus Christ and his way he waits with open arms and eternal life...for all mankind.....Jews, Muslims....everybody...I'm as concerned for the Muslims as I am for the Jews...if they don't accept Jesus Christ..their souls are accepting eternal damnation...right now we have a major spiritual war taking place in the United States...the enemy has slipped in and we are jeopardizing our favor with God by glorifying sin...Jesus was quite clear on people (whether Jews or Gentiles) denied him...he said dust off your feet and move on...Vengence was the Lord's ...the Jews don't want him...the Muslims don't want him.......Jesus came for Isreal and his messages started and blossomed there...they don't want him and they don't love him....they hate him...

The Church has done nearly everything it could do to reinforce that unbelief. Christians have been the chief obstacle to the spreading of the Gospel in that part of the world. There are more missionaries to the Muslims than there are to the Jewish people. People like you whine and snivel about Jewish unbelief, but you don't really care. Most Christians couldn't care less. There are few missionaries to Israel than any other single country in the world.

Persist in unbelief...over 2000 years later...that is not persistance?
Yes, and Christians have made sure that the gospel is repulsive the Jewish people. You burn the candle at both ends. You complain about Jewish unbelief, but display the very hatred that only demonstrates why Jews can't see the Messiah. Jesus is not the problem; you are.

Children of the Devil...our Lord Jesus calls them Children of the Devil...because of their unbelief...If God calls them Children of the Devil.....they are....remember evil always destroys evil...that whole area worships the devil...that is why they destroy one another...
Try reading your Bible. Jesus only referred to his enemies in the Sanhedrin as children of the devil. He did not make that accusation against the Jewish people as a whole.

I realize you may lack the competency to make the distinction, but Jesus' criticisms of some of the Pharisees, were not meant to be understood as applying to the Jewish people as a whole. You need to pay attention to story. Jesus NEVER called the Jews the children of the Devil. Nazis, Muslims and any of your garden variety, anti-Semtic morons do that, but Jesus never did.

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1 John 2 NIV

22Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist

Edited by Press Forward
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Guest shiloh357
Everybody that denies our Lord Jesus...is the anti-christ=serving satan=enemy....do you all feel...the jewish people have some sort of get into heaven free card...I showed you scripture after scripture after scripture...you've been hanging around Jewish folks to long...your in denial...
No one said anything about the Jews getting a free card into heaven. Perhaps you need to actually read what is posted instead of trying assign false values to your oppenents.

According to this holy scripture...if they deny our Lord...dust off your feet and move on...by signing and getting involved...your basically going against God and his scripture...
No, that is not what the passage said, but far be it from you use anything that remotely resembles a competent handling of the Scriptures.

Funny, no one advocates your approach to other peoples who reject Jesus. If they reject Jesus, if the erect obstacles to the gospel, we create more ingenious, innovative means of reaching them with the gospel. But if it's a JEW who rejects the gospel, you are ready to throw the in the towel and let him slide into hell. Yet, you think you a Christian...

I'm talking about folks that hate Jesus and want no part him or his ways...and deny that Jesus is God...your problem is you don't comprehend...that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life...God brought a new covenant...and the old is obsolete...Isreal = all believers in Jesus Christ...
What a bunch of nonsense. Israel is Israel. The Church is the Church. Israel is not the Church, nor vice versa. You peddle nothing but sloppy theology.

It is like the jews were literally looking for Elijah and they couldn't understand John the Baptist was Elijah....now many christians believe the jews still have favor with God...we became Israel...and if Jews don't get over their hard heartedness...they will suffer the wrath of God...Everybody thinks Almighty God was excited about having his Son slaughtered...Jesus did it for us fools....because he loved us.....us screw ups...that didn't realize what we was doing....he didn't want to lose our souls...the wrath is coming...and it is for everybody that didn't take his son seriously...now that is a crying shame...

the only reason I even posted in here...is because i see a lot of people getting rich off books and such...telling everybody..we must support Israel or God will destroy us.....God may destroy us not because of Israel but because we are making the same mistakes as Israel...it's called glorifying SIN.....just remember there are many, many false callings in this world...that is y Jesus wants the personal relationship....if you don't know his word ...you may fall for anybody that says the name Jesus......

As Israel goes, so goes the world. Those who curse Israel will be cursed, and those who bless Israel (I mean the real Israel, not your fake, "church" Israel) will be blessed. Unfortunately, you have chosen the former. You want to condemn Israel's unbelief, while you arrogantly wipe the dust from your feet. You once again, demonstrate why Jews find Christianity repulsive. You and those who agree with you are the kinds of Christians who keep Jews out of heaven.

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Guest shiloh357

1 John 2 NIV

22Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist

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Guest shiloh357

1 John 2 NIV

22Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist

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If the Chief Priest and the group of the Sanhedrin had not commissioned Pilot to put Jesus to death on the cross, where would we be?

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It seems that we have moved from Christianity into the unsavoury world of politics although it is....

Interesting that the followers of Darby & Scofield et all and his new dispensationalist theology is the only good theology of the modern era, anyone else is a peddler - methinks some doest protest too much.

It appears that once again a perfectly good thread has been allowed to disintegrate into distasteful squabbling, which my delicate sensibilities cannot suffer.

Make what you will of the following but the intent is that it may cause no further contention or dissent amongst brothers and sisters in Christ.

"Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple." Romans 16:17-18

"Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come."Eph 1:15-21

"Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. For certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ." Jude 1:3-4


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The attacks really need to end otherwise I'll totally clean up this thread.

For those that do not understand the petition, it's simply a petition saying we as "Christians" stand with the state of Israel against her Islamic enemies and we recognize Israel's place in the Scriptures and her right to the land eternally promised to the Jewish people.

If there's a specific point in the petition you disagree with -- then mention that point and we'll discuss it. Every point was referenced by Scripture and thus we can discuss each point as they are revelant.

Honestly, this petition is meant to show solidarity with Israel and her right to exist. If you have a problem with the nation of Israel existing, then by all means let's discuss why you'd like to see the democratic nation of Israel destroyed.

Otherwise, all other discussions really need to be done on separate threads.

God bless,


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