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Accuracey: fire, heaven, hell, evolution, death

Guest caz

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A Certain Concept and Explanation, known as the Synnegi Explanation

Paradise was made, in eternity and goodness. Then the bad entered, and so death was sentenced on the eternal paradise which was meant to be eternal for even you an I to dwell in forever. So by death, a new heaven and a new earth is being created. This current one is passing away. Death creates a desert, and deserts create dryness and the lesser capability for a man to thrive and survive.

As this increases, deserts increase and grow as heat and dryness increases; evaporating water into the sky, and creating more desolate areas. Then soon, as sure winter's end induces into autumn, when the heat of earth's body increases and such as the icecaps melt and it loses its winter era (I call it a global-season), earth will become on a grandiose scale a huge autumn. All life will dry out and die; it will overheat, and evaporate the water into the sky--and as sure as leaves in autumn dry, die, shrivel, decay, and fill the sky with white clouds without a hole in them, earth's demise will become dead, dry, and will overheat and like a chain-reaction cause all the water to evaporate up into the clouds. The ground now will become a hot, dry, dead molten desert, counted as another layer of earth's core, as the clouds become earth's new surface.

Earth will be remade new. As us as its children (but, more importantly, aside from earth, know that we ARE children of God--always), when the life of the soil dies, so dies earth itself. And as sure as we are reborn in heaven, so you see that death itself was sentenced to earth itself. It was forced to transform, or, die and be reborn. It is creating heaven. Earth will be solid white, as its new surface is covered in the evaporated water of the clouds.

The soil will be a hot, molten layer of the core--or, hell. Every mountain will melt away as magma. As sure as dry and dead autumn puts massive snow clouds in the sky, so earth's real autumn (or, end--its death) will fill the sky with clouds. Now the clouds, as water, will freeze. And so you see why ice expands. It is destined to settle in the clouds; and in order to cover the larger surface area of a sphere, as water it is compact down here toward the center. But up in heaven it must expand, because heaven is a larger surface area. So it will fill the earth and cover it. Heaven will be made.

And so the scriptures are true, "we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses," and, "Jesus is coming on the clouds of heaven."

Question and Answers:


So who do you suppose those witnesses are?


Angels, dead people, spirits, the people in heaven.


Ok, I'm just checking. Your post seemed so...well, you know, new agey.

So you're into the canope theory then? I'm ok with that. I don't think that we're going to have to wait that long, though. I think His return is close at hand.


No, that is not the canopy theory. My theory (synnegi), regards the end times. Furthermore, the scientific rebuttal of the canopy theory would be accurate since life still exists and would have existed then.

My theory explains earth's destruction; and if the soil now becomes another layer of the core as earth in its present form dies (the soil) along with us, it is recreated or reborn as the clouds of heaven. Another layer of the core, or, the slow evolving of deserts onto earth and heating it up would allow for the water to evaporate, raise up, and remain standing. As this layer becomes hot like the earth's inner layers, water cannot contend with fire, and so it would be impossible for the water to settle, or, snow and rain back down. It would simply float over the fire.

Water cannot contend with fire.


The canopy theory contends that a similar thing has already happened. In it, a canopy of water is overhead as in your description. It may not be exactly like your concept, but it's similar.

I'm not saying that my post has anything to do with the canopy theory. I was just asking if you had read it because it touches on the Earth as Hell thing.


Do you have a website about it?


No website, but with all this Armageddon stuff on T.V., it'd be nice to see them play with this concept.

My idea is this; humans do not know what they are or how they affect reality. A tree creates oxygen that transforms earth's being, physical bodies transform earth's structure and appearance--earth is one huge adaptable body. In fact, earth itself is more evolutionarily equipt than us. Whatever physical conditions affect it, earth responds and conforms to the environment. Sunlight, heat, cold, pressure, whatever.

As sure as trees create oxygen just by being alive, however, humans create death. How then does earth evolve or conform to this biological process? Well, since water and oxygen are necessities to life, and transform earth upon their intake, death, after you intake it and become it, it transforms into a clearer reality. You then see upon death heaven and hell, and how the clouds and the fire already exist. Time is just a growth period. You grew as a fetus to be born and you grew up until this moment. However you are still growing to die and will then see fully.

You are incomplete, so to say. Just as a child is much different from a fetus, or an adult from a child. An adult was all of these. However, a dead man is much more. As sure as earth accepts oxygen in its body and evolution (earth itself now literally possesses oxygen and has become oxygen and the effects it has on it), death was accepted. Earth has accepted death. However, as sure as you being a fetus makes you oblivious to the larger outward world that is life now, and you had to grow and conform to be in it, we are still oblivious to the outward world (afterlife) that we see when we die. Because you are incomplete and see things differently as a fetus, or a baby, or a child, and your perception grows and changes immensely throughout your experience, and lifetime, death itself is as enlightening and revealing or truer as when you were born.

See, you are clouded and an less conscious now just as you were less conscious as a fetus to those who were already born. As you grow throughout life you understand things clearer, and see things from a larger perspective and now know more about reality than you were as a child; although all were still available, it took the experience of life to wake you up. So, although reality and afterlife is available to us, the fact that we are not dead, we are still infants awaiting death to wake you up into the larger truth.

Earth itself already has death. It has become death, just as it became oxygen and other lifeforms. So, when you pass up to the mature reality of death, you will open your eyes to see what that means. So, for instance, if you look at earth from space now, you see it as green, swirling with some clouds, oceans, and beautiful scenery and effects that are earth--as earth's body and being itself evolved and adapted, or, ate and BECAME the elements. And you see how beautiful they are. Likewise, just as earth changed itself completely to this lively garden of green continents, and clouds, and rain, and snow, and living beings, and it has an amazing effect on earth, the deeper truth that beyond this death exists, earth in reality outside of time and observation has already become and evolved to the effects of death--or, at least it is doing so now.

So all life just as we are subject to oxygen and the oppression of other life forms and must conform to their very existence among us is also subject to the offering of death. So, as sure as all life is surrounded by the environment of other life forms and their effects on us, death itself is a physical effect that we as humans placed on it all. Instead of already being past death and time to see the beautiful well evolved and transformed earth to the element of death and introduction of it to it (all things will die--and thus will transform earth into, as I've explained through the synnegi concept, heaven and hell), just as we conformed to a living human likeness in the womb from a living human, we are still conforming and growing through earth itself into death to the dead likeness. Suppose a baby is not born correctly and dies before being born. It was not equipped for the more timely experience that we are at now, now was it? No. It died. It did not join the land of living, it never saw it. Instead returned to the dust which is recycled into new life, such as fertilizer.

So then if somebody is not equipped to live in eternal life, and they die in life unequipped or prepared, not being able to move up into the land of the clouds (which already exists, for death is true and you are just walking to it), you will be like a miscarriage and will not die (or, be reborn) as a healthy eternal being.

No, just as a baby returns to the soil if it is a miscarriage, and does not go on, you will not grow up like a seed who enters into the air as a towering tree far above where it once stood, you will remain down here on the ground, and will not tower above in the clouds. And since we know death already exists, we know then (as explained through synnegi) that after you stop growing, and die, you will be witness to earth itself as an element of death (just as we see earth as an element of oxygen now, and must continually intake it in order to healthily flower into the mature death, just as a fetus must flower into a mature baby to live as we live), and will see heaven and hell. So if you do not tower above and grow to be able to walk among the eternal living (just as a miscarriage cannot grow and walk among this mid-ground of living now), you will be just as a miscarriage in the soil, still here on earth. You will be earthbound. A ghost, by all means. Unable to ascend into the clouds.

And since we know through synnegi that death's effects on earth (earth adapting and evolving to death's very being itself--just as it adapts and evolves to oxygen's being and it transforms earth) make it fire and clouds, then you know that in the larger reality that we are still growing to be a part of (just as a fetus has to grow and become a part of this next step, which we call life) heaven, or, eternal life. And so if you are earthbound, and clouds and fire are the true reality, as earth is much greater than us and death itself as an element exists and has already transformed it all (because time does not exist, it is only a process or duration to lead you and prepare you for an eternal body, like 9 months or so are required for you to prepare a living body), then earthbound people or so to say will be down here, buried in fire. Or, hell.

Why? Because earth immediately transforms into whatever affects it. If a plant grows, earth immediately grows that plant. If you burn earth, earth immediately turns into smoke, and changes it elements and evaporates things and transforms to things. If sunlight strikes it earth immediately displays the light, and transforms into its effects. Furthermore, since a fetus is oblivious, we still are oblivious as we await death. For when you become dead, you will see the immediate transformation that death as an environmental stressor such as sunlight has done to earth. Since sunlight transforms earth into and creates night and day, death transforms earth into heaven and hell. You see? It's the same thing. Elemental environmental stressors and effects that earth, as a much greater body than us, has already immediately and strongly adapted and evolved to. So when you lift the veil of life and see death, you will see all that death has to offer.

How then do we know the effects of death beyond religious inspiration and God? Well, you can't, but you can use scientific observation and thinking and analysis to see it. Since oxygen on earth is oxygen on earth--regardless, then death on life as we see it now is death to life as we see it now. So imagine all life as you see it now as dead. Earth then becomes a desert, it dries, and evaporates the water to the sky, and earth is completely transformed into the likeness of death as heaven and hell. We are approaching its truth and likeness. I call the whole explanation, "synnegi" -- so feel free to use it, because it sure beats writing it all out and explaining it all over and over. synnegi is Greek for "cloud ground."

So, you see, we are become more aware of reality throughout life and time. However, just as sure as being inside your mother clouded the larger reality that is life now, although we know it exists, and existed, we could not see or perceive it as clearly as we did when we were born (left her body), then you know now that the larger reality is still clouded, and while the afterlife is already among us, looking at us like someone looking at you and feeling you kick while your mother was pregnant with you, we must die (be reborn) and leave earth's womb and body to see the larger truth that already exists, has existed, and always will. This is eternity. Its when you leave the processes and growth behind, such as when you were a fetus and making your mom pregnant, and now as you are making earth pregnant in life. So while growth exists, eternity also exists. It might seem like a really long time, but you are eternal, as God is eternal, the Creator, and you entering a womb, living, and coming out is hardly very long.

So endure hardship, and submit to God. For you never want to be in hell...and, furthermore, most effects of evolution take place upon the stressor of death. As sure as breathing in oxygen transforms you, or eating food, and you evolve or conform to it, with the introduction of death, the stage of growth of period between when you are born and when you die is much smaller in comparison to eternity. Therefore, death itself as a new stressor such as oxygen and other elements required to conform and takeon to walk among such (we eat living bodies and earthy material to walk among and be a living body and earthy materal--we conform to the environment) is much more important than these temporary stressors. Because, your mother's womb is not eternal, and so you would never put your trust in it since you know now how separate you have become, and how useless it is to your safety since your mother can die, so why would you put trust in earthy possessions and worries and things when you are really just working more importantly and desirably to have a healthy death. Death as a stressor is more transforming than birth as a stressor to the fetus who finds the new life.

Therefore as evolution is adaptation to reality and stresses, whereas fetuses conform to the point of birth and life, we are conforming to death and eternal life in heaven. Jesus is your spiritual food--the only way to the Father is through him. I know this. Know also the Holy Spirit. For I would know nothing without them; and so if I have taught you anything, know that. I server the triune God who nurse me toward eternal life, more importantly than my parents and relationships with people nursed me toward this life.

And so, since Eden once existed and death once did not, I believe it entirely possible that before death everything simply evolved and bloomed in their day without the effects of death--up until Adam brought death. I could be wrong about this, as Adam and Eve fell from Eden to animal flesh, and so death could have already existed, however, only among the flesh--and so Adam and Eve may have sank and so as we see we are still growing toward death and eternal life, they had to "reclimb the tree" to get back. This journey toward death is new realization and experience; new growth.

However, if death was brought by Adam to all life rather than all humans, then it would have stunted time and evolution that we see now, and so things are as we see them.

Whereas before it would have been easier to evolve and much more immediate and sudden in the environment, since you didn't have death as a stressor to have to conform to. So then all life could have evolved or immediately been born into the environment according to their kinds, until death came, and so as less evolved as a fetus is to us now, we are much more less evolved as those that are dead--because the spirit body is much larger and more important than our earthy bodies; or, the earth's womb. Because we leave it.

So then if you had evolution without death, there would be no reason to have death's stress and monkeys and men would have immediately formed and bloomed to their likeness. Then when death came, we were made as mere as a fetus in a womb, and so now we have the huge weight and stress of the afterlife that we are growing toward, and so this life and evolution in this womb of life is much less important as death itself. And so time slows down here as it did before, or, rather, evolution slowed down here, because out ultimate goal is death, and not earthy life. So while it is of some value to conform to the changing environment of this life, the more important region is the afterlife--so eat your spiritual food and serve God now so as to conform to the environment and afterlife and have a well grown and formed and evolved eternal body. Because the death as a stressor making heaven and hell are much more important than this current dying world. Because death is already true, you're just passing through the womb to enter it. The clouds and the soil as a fiery dry lifeless furnace (synnegi) is already true. We're just passing through time as we grow toward that which already exists.

Likewise, if evolution (creation) existed without death, you would have things being born to do this, or to do that, modeled after their kinds (the Bible says; according to their kinds.) So, if a monkey was born, and then according to its kind and its activity or the environment and stressors and changes involved in its existence gives birth to another animal, and all these animals are branching out and giving life (kinds) to new creatures, they will have formed to the changes in earth according to the stress involved in their, or, their parents' being. And so, evolution would quickly take on their various kinds to be and do what they do. Starting out "simple" in a simpler time, then giving birth to much more advanced kinds overlapping the previous kinds' existence.

Then when death came, we now see this huge veil as we all travel toward and conform to the death stressor, in order to be born and conformed to the kinds of the afterlife. However, death now as a stressor and reality takes its toll on life as we see it now--we see sin, and thorns, and other defense mechanisms and all kinds of terrible things in order for life as we know it now to be able to thrive and have a healthy death, or, afterlife. Evolution is involved not necessarily in earthy things, but the spiritual things. In order to thrive and evolve to this life, you must do so in order to grow and enter the afterlife--and especially to escape hell.


Though you be born, and are alive, and you learn, and grow, and experience, mature, and witness, and live also to die: so a maggot is born, and is alive, and learns, and grows, and experiences, and matures, and witnesses things for itself, and die. A maggot has no eyes to see its body, although I myself can look upon it and see,

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Accuracy (use spell check) It helps...

Speaking of which, your theory is inaccurate. I get all the accuracy I need with the Holy Bible and not some man made theory.

Good luck....the fish aint' bitin' here.

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Caz, who is Jesus to you?

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;):emot-hug:;) HUH? ;):):)



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Caz, who is Jesus to you?


:emot-hug: Excellent question!

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Lotta prophets poppin' up these days...

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  A tree also will grow and be, and we will look upon it and say,
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Yes definately stick to The Bible. It tells us not to lean to our own understanding, and this is definately not lined up with that one verse, much less the rest of The Bible that deals with interpretation, and learning about His Word. If He esteems it higher than Himself I recon we should take it as it is written,

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I call the whole explanation, "s...i" -- so feel free to use it, because it sure beats writing it all out and explaining it all over and over.

I suspect this might be the real reason Caz came here....to get people to talk about his or her pet theory and make a name for him or herself.

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