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Again, its not about condemning him as a soul. Its a good thing for Christians to speak out against what he does. We should be the first to expose him and tell a lost and dying world that this is not what Jesus and his gospel is about. Instead, he just becomes another hurdle we have to jump when attempting to witness to someone and explain why they need to become a Christian. Respectfully, I must say to you, most of us don't even need to hear a personal account from a former BHN worker as mind boggling as it is. We merely need to turn on TBN and open our eyes and ears to him and its quite evident. He is using God's name to manipulate people. This is a type of whitchcraft. We need to be the first to call him out on it. Not the secular media. They will just lump us all together. I wonder if more Muslims would speak out against the radicals in their religion, there would be less suspision on all of them. They don't and they tend to get stereo-typed. The lost world and new Christians really really need to know that BHM is not what Christ is all about and the more Christians that make that point the better. I want Hinn to go to heaven. I dont hate him. I just hate what he does. I don't know what other attitude we can have. He really needs to knock it off!

God Bless


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I wont get into my illness because I have no monopoly on cronic illness. If nothing else, it has made me understand how easy it is to want to believe in ministries such as Benny's. Thats what makes for so many easy targets for this man. When you don't have your health you don't have much life and you can fall prey in weak moments. I haven't been healthy for 6 years and things aren't looking up. I have prayed and prayed. It has effected my marraige. kids, work and even my relationship with God. I'm a bit hypersensitive to it I suppose. I agree that it shouldn't be a main topic all of the time. It was mainly this big network piece that was done on him that brought this all on. Its bad for me but far worse for others I know. Kids...I wish I were wrong about Benny. I wish it were true but its a fable and it is very painful to see this man do what he does. Perhaps it is time for me to let it go for now.

I'm glad to have talked to you. We'll chat again.

God Bless


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Precious Brother keith, i read your posts and i agree with you. But if now is not the time to be the watchmen on the wall so to speak then when is it ever time? I was in one of Hinns crusades back in the late 90's and sang in the choir.

i come from the assembly/God background.I will admit it. i have holy anger for what Benny does, not unlike Yeshua turning over the money changers tables in the temple. Forgive me please, I do not judge benny Hinns salvation, just his deceptive ways.

May I ask a ? You may not be able to answer and thats okay. You know the guy on dateline who was made up and his voice altered who claims he works in the BH ministry? Do you have an opinion on why he would expose Hinn like he did and yet continue to still work in Hinns ministry?

I just thought it odd. Could it be the money he makes? Well I thought you might have an opinion on why he continues to work for Hinn.

Thanks again for sharing your story.

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Guest Gladiator4God

God? really? you mean Lord Mammon? He got them honest? Really??????Legal maybe...but honest? I didn't start this thread but since it is a GENERAL DISCUSSION I think its

bottom line is you have nooooooooooo idea how he aquired anything....all his purchases are approved by the board ..... as i stated i am neither for or against hinn

besides we should trust the media and what they report to the letter right? :noidea:

if this was something you were for i bet you would be saying right on way to go..but since its something your against you stopped by a tortch n pitch fork sale on the way to post on this thread......this is the last i will post on this thread it simply isnt worth to conflict and IMHO it needs locked b4 it gets out of hand

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bottom line is you have nooooooooooo idea how he aquired anything....all his purchases are approved by the board .....

Yea..the old oath of poverty thing...right

besides we should trust the media and what they report to the letter right?

Actually...I figured out he was a scam from watching TBN. Who needs the media? Just watch the show.

torch n pitch fork sale

Thats pretty funny! 2 for 1 and there sharp! Don't gladiators use pitch forks?

.....this is the last i will post


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  I wont get into my illness because I have no monopoly on cronic illness. If nothing else, it has made me understand how easy it is to want to believe in ministries such as Benny's. Thats what makes for so many easy targets for this man. When you don't have your health you don't have much life and you can fall prey in weak moments. I haven't been healthy for 6 years and things aren't looking up. I have prayed and prayed. It has effected my marraige. kids, work and even my relationship with God. I'm a bit hypersensitive to it I suppose. I agree that it shouldn't be a main topic all of the time. It was mainly this big network piece that was done on him that brought this all on. Its bad for me but far worse for others I know. Kids...I wish I were wrong about Benny. I wish it were true but its a fable and it is very painful to see this man do what he does. Perhaps it is time for me to let it go for now.

I'm glad to have talked to you. We'll chat again.

God Bless




I'm sorry to hear about your illness. You've been lifted up in prayer. You're right, those who are chronically ill tend to be very easy "targets". People would do or give anything to be whole again. I've been in that situation myself. All I can tell you is that it may appear that some people are getting away with "fleecing the flock", but God has a very long memory. We all have an accounting to make.

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Ok.  :::sigh:::  I really did not want to enter into this discussion.  I don't like these kinds of discussions.  Be it right or wrong on my part, I try to stay away.  I don't like speaking ill of anyone, whether I like them or not.  I am nobody's judge and I have a difficult enough time keeping myself right before God.

But, I have some first hand experience with Benny Hinn Ministries, having been a regular volunteer at their crusades for a time in the mid 90's.  The little bit of information I have, I am going to try to give as neutrally as possible.  I will state, however, that I have nothing more to do with BHM and haven't for quite some time. 

I was always placed on the floor during the crusades.  (As opposed to the bleacher seats.)  I assisted in the aged/handicapped area, which was always right behind the "elite seats" at front row center.  These were always reserved for family, friends, invited guests and the wealthy.  This was my usual assignment and I greatly enjoyed assisting these precious people.  (The aged/handicapped.)

I never saw one verifiable/verified healing although many claimed to be healed.  Noone ever followed-up with those that said they were healed.  Nobody at BHM had any records of these healings.  I know because I asked.  I do believe people have been healed by God through his ministry though.  If not because of Benny, because of God or themselves. 

Some people would get out of wheelchairs and say they were healed.  Wheelchairs were provided by many of the arenas as a courtesy to those who had trouble walking, or the elderly.  I saw many people get out of these particular wheelchairs.  I cannot attest to all of them, however. 

I would also assist with the line of people that would wait to get on stage to tell Benny they were healed.  We asked these people what they were healed of.  The person who gave the OK to go on stage made that decision based on the person's answer.  Most were never asked any other questions.  Most of the people in line just wanted to get on stage and get "touched" by Benny Hinn or the Holy Spirit so they could "be knocked down", "fall out in the spirit" or whatever phrase you want to use.  Many had not been healed but felt that if they could get on stage with Benny, they would be healed.  Those who went on stage were ushered out of the auditorium to the back where someone would "counsel" them and give them a booklet on "How Not To Lose Your Healing."

Before the crusades, Benny would have a short "Partner Meeting" with the volunteers.  We were under the strictest of orders to not talk to the press.  We were to refuse all interview requests.  At these meetings, and other Partner Meetings open to those who gave financially to BHM, Benny usually did two things.  Talk about money and "prophesy".  He would stand before us for 20 minutes at times and give prophesies that he said would all come to pass "within the year."  I wrote them all down.  Always.  Not a single one ever came to pass.  Not one.  Ever.  After these meetings, his partners would rush to the stage and ask him to autograph their Bibles.  He did.

I also helped count the offerings at his crusades.  We were under very, very tight supervision.  This is to be expected though.

I joined Benny on one of his crusades to Africa.  (At my own expense.)  I worked near the stage.  I did not see anyone get healed, or even claim it.  The day after the crusade, Benny had breakfast with us and told us that a man had been healed that only had one leg.  His other leg was cut off at the knee.  He said it grew right back right before his eyes.  He also said a child with a withered leg that had never walked before was healed and his leg stretched out whole.  None of us saw it or heard about it before he told us.  Benny arrived barely on time to get on the stage and left long before people knew he was gone. 

Benny did provide enough food, called "mealy meal" for what he claimed was 300,000 people.  I helped load the trucks, unload the trucks, and hand out the food.  Benny was there only for the picture taking.  It wasn't enough to feed that many people, but there was a lot of mealy meal!  I tried it.  Not bad actually.  Kind of like a Malt-O-Meal/Grits combination.

When in Africa, Benny saw to it that we were all introduced personally to Nelson Mandela.  I appreciated this honor very much.  I appreciated my experience in Africa very much.  It changed my life and taught me what humility means.

Benny does have body guards and is VERY well protected.  That is to be expected though because the same can be said of many "famous" TV evangelists.  They receive death threats on a daily basis from just about any group of people you can think of.  Yes, God could protect them, but there is wisdom in having protection, too.  (I also used to work at Chuck Swindoll's church in Fullerton, California.  Chuck is the dearest man I've ever known.  Beyond friendly, always generous and courteous.  Never allowed himself to be put in a compromising situation.  This dear man received death threats.  He had one body guard but wasn't concerned about needing him.  He said nobody would get past God if God didn't allow it.  He refused to get a bullet-proof lectern.)

Benny's preaching became very vicious, angry, condescending, accusing and mean spirited.  (As were his appearances on TBN.)  By this time I was having doubts in my spirit.  This didn't feel right to me anymore.  I had spoken to Benny Hinn many times and got to know his crew/cast very well.  Benny knew me and called me by name.  (It was familiarity, not friendship.)  Those at BHM that I respected have all left the ministry.

I got to the point where I would feel nauseous around him.  It was time to go.  I did speak to Benny about why I was leaving.  I will leave the details of that conversation out, as well as his response...

These were my personal experiences with BHM.  Take what I said with a grain of salt, ignore them, believe them or distrust them if you wish.  I am not trying to convince anyone of anything. 

Having said all that, I would like to add my own two cents about one thing.  I hope sharing my personal experiences has earned me the privilege to do so.

Please, be careful to mind your attitude while you are "exposing" someone you don't like.  Mind what you say and how you say it.  There is a right and wrong way to do it.  Be sure your motive and attitude are correct in doing so.  It's easy for it to turn into blatant hostility and self-righteous gossip.  Don't sin in the process.  Some people are better at "exposing" false teachers, etc., than others.  Maybe it's a type of gift or calling, I don't know.  If it is, I sure don't have it.


thank you.

you have at least spoken to him about something that bothered you about his ministry.

you did answer one of my questions....



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thank you.

you have at least spoken to him about something that bothered you about his ministry. 

you did answer one of my questions....




I'm glad something I typed helped. I struggled with posting my experiences because I am not someone who enjoys finding fault with anyone. I believe in exposing false teachers and swindlers, but I try to always be careful if I do. I try to remember that I don't know everything and that God can use anything/anyone, regardless. I would rather find ways to edify the body. I'm not very good at the "exposing" stuff, but if its necessary, I won't shy away from it either.

An important thing to remember with giving to any ministry is to not give out of emotion. There are a lot of ministries who will yank on this chain to get people to give. And always measure what's being taught with the Word.

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Precious Brother keith, i read your posts and i agree with you. But if now is not the time to be the watchmen on the wall so to speak then when is it ever time? I was in one of Hinns crusades back in the late 90's and sang in the choir.

i come from the assembly/God background.I will admit it. i have holy anger for what Benny does, not unlike Yeshua turning over the money changers tables in the temple. Forgive me please, I do not judge benny Hinns salvation, just his deceptive ways.

May I ask a ? You may not be able to answer and thats okay. You know the guy on dateline who was made up and his voice altered who claims he works in the BH ministry? Do you have an opinion on why he would expose Hinn like he did and yet continue to still work in Hinns ministry?

I just thought it odd. Could it be the money he makes? Well I thought you might have an opinion on why he continues to work for Hinn.

Thanks again for sharing your story.


Hello Yahsway!

I apologize for not answering your post this morning, I looked at the time and realized that I had seven minutes to catch my bus!

I agree with you about the need for Watchmen. I just don't make a very good one unless its necessary.

Holy anger is where people's exposing and criticisms should come from. Its when they operate under unholy anger that things get dicey. I understand people's holy anger with BHM.

Regarding the man on Dateline who exposed Benny and still works there, I can't comment with any authority. I don't have television so I didn't see it. I can't imagine why a Christian would expose him and still work there unless God has him there as a watchmen or something. ??? I can tell you that I'm sure BHM will do everything they can to find out who this person is and it won't be pretty. I don't know if he's staying for the money because I don't know how much BHM employees make. I was a volunteer.

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