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Are the 10 Commandments called "the moral law"?

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If a person who believes in Jesus as the risen Son of God, does not feel like resting on the 7th Day, does that mean the Sabbath of the 7th Day is not part of the New Covenant.  

Are you reasoning that it must not be part of the New Covenant, because - if it was, I would feel like doing it, because the Law is written on my heart? 

I don't feel like doing it, so it must not be part of the New Covenant. 

Is that the reasoning? 

Are FEELINGS a good guide?


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1 hour ago, JustPassingThru said:

Until the Millennium when it will be reinstituted again, ...everyone that enters the Millennium under the reign of the King of Kings, Jesus the Messiah will be saved believers, but the multitudes upon multitudes of their children will have to be taught about their sin and the sacrifice for their sins, ...remember, those who enter the millennium will be Jewish with a "mixed" multitude from the other nations of the world (sound familiar?), the Temple worship and the sacrifices will be memorial to point them to the Savior (the "Everlasting" Gospel is still in effect), ...the Messiah for the Tribes of Israel and the Savior of the Gentiles, ...who is "bodily" there with them, ...sitting on His Throne in His Temple in Jerusalem!

It's exactly the same as when the Tabernacle and it's sacrifices was erected in the desert, ...the ultimate sacrifice of the "Lamb of God" had "already" been sacrificed, ...before the foundation of the world Rev 13:8b 

An excellent "illustration" given by God to the lost, ...their Messiah, ...their Savior, ...is right there "with" them, ...Moses was told by God to construct the Tabernacle "exactly" like the model he saw in Heaven, ...after offering their "sacrifice" on the Alter, ...and the Holy Spirit illuminates them as to their sinful "state,"...all they have to do is walk a few steps into the Holies of Holies (the "veil" has been torn from the top down by God), ...go "before" King Jesus and ask for forgiveness, ...it's not that hard to see and believe...

Lord bless

Are you getting this from Ezekiel's Temple prophecy?  

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4 hours ago, Resurrection Priest said:

Are you getting this from Ezekiel's Temple prophecy?  

No not really, ...I'm "getting" it from comparing Scripture with Scripture, ...those that have been weaned from the "milk" of the Word of God. 1 Cor 3:2, Heb 5:12-13

Whom shall He teach knowledge? and whom shall He make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.  For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:  Isa 28:9-10

To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no Light in them. Isa 8:20

Lord bless

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9 hours ago, JustPassingThru said:

Until the Millennium when it will be reinstituted again, ...everyone that enters the Millennium under the reign of the King of Kings, Jesus the Messiah will be saved believers, but the multitudes upon multitudes of their children will have to be taught about their sin and the sacrifice for their sins, ...remember, those who enter the millennium will be Jewish with a "mixed" multitude from the other nations of the world (sound familiar?), the Temple worship and the sacrifices will be memorial to point them to the Savior (the "Everlasting" Gospel is still in effect), ...the Messiah for the Tribes of Israel and the Savior of the Gentiles, ...who is "bodily" there with them, ...sitting on His Throne in His Temple in Jerusalem!

It's exactly the same as when the Tabernacle and it's sacrifices was erected in the desert, ...the ultimate sacrifice of the "Lamb of God" had "already" been sacrificed, ...before the foundation of the world Rev 13:8b 

An excellent "illustration" given by God to the lost, ...their Messiah, ...their Savior, ...is right there "with" them, ...Moses was told by God to construct the Tabernacle "exactly" like the model he saw in Heaven, ...after offering their "sacrifice" on the Alter, ...and the Holy Spirit illuminates them as to their sinful "state,"...all they have to do is walk a few steps into the Holies of Holies (the "veil" has been torn from the top down by God), ...go "before" King Jesus and ask for forgiveness, ...it's not that hard to see and believe...

How 'bout they just come up to the Mount to watch a video of Jesus, all the way through to His death and resurrection.

Then have them repeat "My sins caused the death of God's Son."  You think that might do it?

It's worked for natives in jungles, and for people the world over, thanks to "The Jesus Film Ministry" - now translated into 1200 languages and dialects.

God's love letter to mankind was His Son.  No one "got" that, from animal blood.  Other cultures sacrificed animals. 

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38 minutes ago, Resurrection Priest said:

How 'bout they just come up to the Mount to watch a video of Jesus, all the way through to His death and resurrection.

I'm curious, everything we read in the Word about the "prophetic" future, ...doesn't speak about modern day technology, ...here is just one of many:

And He shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. Mic 4:3

We read in the sacred Word they will be "beating" their steel, ...with a sledge hammer, heating it orange hot in a charcoal fire and then beating into shape, reheating and beating it again and again and finally plunging it into liquid animal fat to temper it.

Instead of, ...placing their swords and spears into an electric cauldron and zapping them with 50,000 volts, ...then pouring the molten steel into molds to shape it and then taking it to container sized furnaces heated to between 3,600° to 4,100° to be heated "orange" hot and then shaped (beaten) into shape by either a electrical or compressed air 5 ton or larger hammer mill, ...tempered by the different elements added to the steel in the melting process... 

What 'bout this verse?

And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.  Rev 16:21 KJV

And great hailstones, about one hundred pounds each, fell from heaven on people; and they cursed God for the plague of the hail, because the plague was so severe. Rev 16:21 ESV

Reality check...

Do you really believe our modern day technology and infrastructure will survive 100 pound hail stones falling at 1,000 miles per hour or faster, ...do you really believe the steel electrical towers will survive, ...let alone the wooden telephone poles, do you really believe there will be electricity in the Millennium with videos and flat screens that will survive the destruction of these massive hail stones...doesn't it cause you to wonder why the population of the earth is hiding in caves?

1 hour ago, Resurrection Priest said:

God's love letter to mankind was His Son.  No one "got" that, from animal blood.  Other cultures sacrificed animals. 

The "Gospel" that I believed, ...the "Gospel" that I heard was all about Blood, the Blood of the God-Man, Jesus of Nazareth, ...sent to die in my place, ...the "Gospel" that guarantees my Salvation and tells me I have been "washed" in the BLOOD of the Lamb, ...making me, a former vile sinner, ...the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus my Lord...

I don't think any video can compare to, or give a correct representation, ...to a sinner presenting his sacrifice of an innocent animal as he places his hand on it's head as the priest cuts it throat, and feels the innocent lamb shaking and seeing it's blood gush into a bowl, ...and then, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, looking up and seeing the scared face of the King sitting on His Throne, ...from the beatings, the crown of thrones, the nail holes in his Hands, ...and then come to the realization what the act he had just performed on that innocent lamb represented, ...and realizing it was his sin that had caused those scars, ...dear one, ...if you have never been responsible for the death of someone and the emotions it causes in you, ...just think about what it means when you, me, every human since Adam to the very last one born, ...realizes we are responsible for the scars and the death of our Savior, King, Lord and God! 

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a "Bloody" Gospel and anyone that isn't moved to emotions of tears of despair and deep sadness, ...by what it "cost" God, ...the Word says these "emotions" reveal in the one:

For Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.   2 Cor 7:10

Godly sorrow, ...coming face to face of what we have done to God, ...realizing what it cost God to save us filthy, rotten, unrighteous sinners, ...the death of His Son, ...that "sorrow" is what causes us to "change" our minds (repent) and turn to Jesus for Salvation!

But to those that do not place any value in the ever atoning Blood, that don't assign or put any value in His Blood, ...that can skip over it as if it was nothing more than animal blood, ...of a lamb, ...the Word says their sorrow is worldly and will lead to death, ...reiterated by the Holy Spirit in His Gospel Message:

... ye have believed in vain. 1 Cor 15: 2b


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16 hours ago, JustPassingThru said:

I'm curious, everything we read in the Word about the "prophetic" future, ...doesn't speak about modern day technology, ...here is just one of many:

And He shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. Mic 4:3

We read in the sacred Word they will be "beating" their steel, ...with a sledge hammer, heating it orange hot in a charcoal fire and then beating into shape, reheating and beating it again and again and finally plunging it into liquid animal fat to temper it.

Instead of, ...placing their swords and spears into an electric cauldron and zapping them with 50,000 volts, ...then pouring the molten steel into molds to shape it and then taking it to container sized furnaces heated to between 3,600° to 4,100° to be heated "orange" hot and then shaped (beaten) into shape by either a electrical or compressed air 5 ton or larger hammer mill, ...tempered by the different elements added to the steel in the melting process... 

What 'bout this verse?

I believe "the rest of the dead" will "live again" at the 8th millennium.  I believe these will be human beings who lived and died in immaturity or ignorance of God, His Law, or His Son. 

These people will have lived during every decade from Adam to the Glorious Return.  Of course, they would have lived when "plowshares" were used, and "pruning hooks" as well as "swords".  These are the people - the "nations in the four corners of the earth" who will be governed by the "priests of God and of Christ" (Rev 20:5-6).   They will likely make implements for themselves, after they are resurrected at the 8th millennium. 

Eventually - those who do not choose to serve King Yeshua, will join together into the Gog/Magog Army.  When they do, will they not make weapons, with which to attack when they come up to overthrow King Jesus?   We do know they will be destroyed by "fire" from God. 

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18 hours ago, Resurrection Priest said:

How 'bout they just come up to the Mount to watch a video of Jesus, all the way through to His death and resurrection.

Then have them repeat "My sins caused the death of God's Son."  You think that might do it?

Jeremiah 3:16 "And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the LORD, they shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of the LORD: neither shall it come to mind: neither shall they remember it; neither shall they visit it; neither shall that be done any more."

 Exodus 30:26 "And thou shalt anoint the tabernacle of the congregation therewith, and the ark of the testimony."


The Tabernacle was "the Tabernacle of the Testimony", because the Ark was there - "the ark of the testimony". 

If the Ark of the Covenant will no longer be visited, or even remembered - doesn't sound like many people will continue to go there. 

Sorry if this sounds disrespectful, but it makes me think of "The Holy Land Experience" in Florida, the theme park where folks can go to see "the Temple" etc.  They visit, and get the visual experience,  but they don't go there three times each year.  


I can grant a Temple on the Mount, during the 8th millennium (not the 7th).  But not for eternity.  If the New Jerusalem will cover the entire Mount and the area promised to Abraham's Seed, where will a forever Temple sit?  It would have to be outside "the City" because John "saw no Temple there" in the New Jerusalem.  God and the Lamb will BE the Temple of that City. 

Regarding a Temple for the 8th millennium  - I do believe that Ezekiel's Temple vision was prophetic of that Temple. 

But I believe Ezekiel's Temple vision has a double meaning. 

It had a fulfillment at the return from Babylon, AND will have another fulfillment (a more perfect one) during the 8th millennium.

When the people tried to fulfill that vision after the return from Babylon, they got many things messed up.  They took the prophecy that no uncircumcised person would ever enter there, as direction to build a wall around the courtyard to shut out any believing Gentiles who might want to come there to worship, or to offer sacrifices.  Paul says that wall is demolished in Christ.  

The first imperfect fulfillment was literal - with literal animal sacrifices.  For the people returning from captivity in Babylon, it was NOT YET TIME to abandon animal sacrifices.  Messiah had not yet been "offered" - "once for all". 

The second perfect fulfillment - will also be literal - and the sacrifices will be spiritual.   The animal sacrifices of the vision, SYMBOLIZED the "spiritual sacrifices" which will be offered by Melchizedek priests serving under King Jesus, who is High Priest forever.

 The priests of God in the coming kingdom of Messiah on earth, will offer up “spiritual sacrifices” (1Peter 2:5).  They will also teach the law, judge, settle disputes and administer justice (Mal. 2:7, Exo. 29:35, Lev. 8:33-35 & 9:1, Deut. 17:8-12, Deut. 21:5 & 33:8, Ezra 8:7-8, Eze. 44:23-24).   The Apostolic Writings give several examples of “spiritual” sacrifices:

    1. praise and thanks to God (Heb. 13:15)    2. our lives dedicated to God (2 Tim. 4:6)  
    3. the service of faith (Phil. 2:17)                4. the bodies of martyrs (Rom. 12:1)  
    5. gifts to the poor (Phil. 4:18)    
    6. visiting the sick or those in prison (Matt. 25:34-40)      
    7. offerings in support of the ministry (1Cor. 9:13)

The people will offer spiritual sacrifices.  They will present themselves - as the "sweet aroma". 

Ezekiel 20:40-41, the LORD says, "I will accept you as a sweet aroma."  
We're not going to human sacrifice, so this must be talking about what Paul called, "present yourselves as living sacrifices". 
Yes.  It will be Temple that will be built one day.  It is clear it will be built AFTER the "whole House of Israel" are resurrected - which will happen at the SC.
The "whole House of Israel" will have to include all the grafted in Gentile believers, so the grafted in Christians will FAR OUTNUMBER the Hebrew descendants who are made immortal at the Glorious Return.
Only Zadok priests get to enter that Temple.  Personally, I think those priests will be "the faithful" who stood with Jesus. 


I have long thought this vision - given BEFORE the people "returned" from Babylon, had to be REAL for those returning at that time,
AND also symbolic/prophetic - for the future "return" of "the whole house of Israel".
Just my take on it


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4 hours ago, Resurrection Priest said:

I believe "the rest of the dead" will "live again" at the 8th millennium.  I believe these will be human beings who lived and died in immaturity or ignorance of God, His Law, or His Son. 

These people will have lived during every decade from Adam to the Glorious Return.

Sorry friend, ...I don't know of any verse in the Word that you can use to substantiate what you say, ...my Bible says:

 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:  Heb 9:27

All of mankind do die, ...and will be judged once, ...please show us the verse that says those who have died "without" Christ will have a second chance, ...do you realize you are saying the Pharaoh, Nimrod, King Herod who tried to kill Jesus, Pilate, Nero, ...and really consider this, ...Nephilim, ...the offspring of demons, ...will all have a second chance, ...then logically, ...if what you say is true, ...since God "is" Just and gave them a second chance, ...then satan and the demons will also have "second" chance!!!

Ya'll gonna haf'ta show me irrefutable Scripture to swallow that!   


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19 hours ago, JustPassingThru said:

Sorry friend, ...I don't know of any verse in the Word that you can use to substantiate what you say, ...my Bible says:

 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:  Heb 9:27

All of mankind do die, ...and will be judged once, ...please show us the verse that says those who have died "without" Christ will have a second chance, ...do you realize you are saying the Pharaoh, Nimrod, King Herod who tried to kill Jesus, Pilate, Nero, ...and really consider this, ...Nephilim, ...the offspring of demons, ...will all have a second chance, ...then logically, ...if what you say is true, ...since God "is" Just and gave them a second chance, ...then satan and the demons will also have "second" chance!!!

Ya'll gonna haf'ta show me irrefutable Scripture to swallow that!   


Nope - NOT saying those who knew - who had enough information to CHOOSE - but did not choose God, will be saved.  NOT saying that!  Just talking about those who died in ignorance.


Jesus said, "If you were blind, you would have no sin."   Paul says that God "winked" at times of ignorance.  It's only fair/just.  How is it just to condemn people to Hell, based on the LAW, based on belief or non-belief in the God of the Bible, if they never heard of him?  Any 10 year old will tell you that's not right.   The LORD has a plan to deal with those who died before any missionaries could reach them, and for all the little children. 


The debate about Nephilim being demon/human hybrids is a whole other thing.  I'm not convinced concerning the existence of such. 


 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:  Heb 9:27

Jesus said Lazarus was "sleeping" and Jarius' daughter too, and Stephen "fell asleep".  Dorcas was raised by Peter.  And the widow's son.  Several texts speak of persons who died physically, were resurrected, then died again.  At least we don't read that they were taken to heaven.  

  Jesus himself said, "The girl is not dead, but sleeping."  He said, "I go to wake him from sleep (speaking of Lazarus)."  Human beings are not "dead" to God, until they have died "the second death" - the permanent one in the Lake of Fire. 

Regarding the resurrection of "the rest" 1000 years following the SC: 

Daniel 12:1 "At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people-- everyone whose name is found written in the book [of Life]-- will be delivered. 2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt." (NIV)

So at least two groups are resurrected per Daniel.

Revelation says the Beast and the False Prophet will be thrown into the "lake of Fire" at the second coming (Rev 19:20).  Those are not just two people.  They are whole systems of falsehood and persecution involving many, many people.  One would assume they will be resurrected from their "sleep", judged, then executed.

There is a third group of people - called "the rest of the dead".  They are NOT resurrected at the Second Coming.  Revelation says they will "not live again" until 1000 years after the SC.  

Revelation 20:5  "The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were completed."  (NAS)


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May I recommend a great book "Ezekiel's Temple - A Scriptural Framework Illustrating The Covenant of Grace".  It was written by an architect, Emil Heller Henning III.  Available on amazon.  REALLY GREAT book!  Lots of diagrams and flow charts showing who enters which gates in which direction.  I learned soooooo much!  

I never realized the dimensions of the alter in the Courtyard of Sacrifices, are the same 20x20 cubits as the Most Holy Place of the original Tabernacle. 

Ezekiel's Temple is laid out in a perfect square.  Right in the middle of that square is the Alter of Sacrifice.  Wow!  The focal point, where everything comes together! 

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