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Where is the Lord`s Own Throne?

Marilyn C

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Where is the Lord`s Own Throne?

We know from God`s word that the Lord has a throne on the earth, in the New Jerusalem and also in the highest realm. The word `throne,` indicates authority. So where is the Lord`s own Throne, His seat of Power and authority?

I believe God`s word tells us that the Father has set His Son on Mount Zion in the angelic realm, the highest heaven.

`I have set my King on my holy hill of Mount Zion.` (Ps. 2: 6)

And we see in that this Mount Zion is in the angelic realm.

`you have come to Mount Zion and to...angels.....God ...to Jesus.` (Heb. 12: 22 - 24)


We are given the details of the Lord`s own throne in the highest heaven.

`Behold, a throne set in heaven and one sat on the throne. And He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance;...` (Rev. 4: 2 & 3)

This is the throne the Father has SET for His Son. It is for a kingpriest. The throne represents kingship while the stones represent priesthood, for they are the first and last, incorporating all the others, on the High priest`s breastplate.

The jasper stone was for the tribe of Naphtali, (Ex. 28: 20, last stone, Num. 10: 27, last tribe). The meaning is prevailed, (Gen. 30: 8).

The sardius stone was for the tribe of Judah, (Ex. 28: 17, first stone, Num. 10: 14, the first tribe). The meaning is to use the hand, power and authority. It is from this tribe that the kings came.


Here are the two meanings - kingship and prevailing, conqueror.

`Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals.` (Rev. 5: 5)

Thus we see that the Father has set His Son on Mount Zion as the highest KingPriest, who prevailed and conquered and thus is worthy to bring judgment.


There is more to discuss however that is a start. What can you contribute?

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Why tell us JESUS was in the middle of The Throne unless It was talking about The Cross (Revelation 7:17)? "For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters:"

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The Godhead enjoys co-equality, co-existence and equal fellowship within Itself. But within the Godhead there is also Government - an order to achieve goals. God the Father is the Planner, God the Son is the Executor, and God the Holy Spirit is Applier of that which was planned and achieved. In the matter of the Government of the universe God the Father has a throne. This throne (in which our Lord Jesus presently sits is "far above the highest heavens" - Eph.4:9). But in this domain of the universe there is a planet with problems. The governor that God initially set over this planet - EARTH, rebelled,held his citizens in prison, wasted his riches and thought to usurp God's position (Isa.14, Ezek.28).

For this problematic planet, God built a totally new creature called MAN. He instructed the man FIRST to eat from a certain Tree, and then gave him the duty of first SUBDUING the earth, and then RULING it. It was expected that the man, built in the image and likeness of God, and having taken in the fruit of God's Life intrinsically, would subdue and rule as if God was subduing and ruling. Die to disobedience, this man refused the duties and was led into a pact with the previous Ruler - an angel.

God is very long-suffering, but He will not indefinitely leave a festering wound in His universe, so in due time He sent His Son in the form of a Man, to recover His plan. The Nation that was supposed to be instrumental in this, Israel, refused both the King-Messiah and His offer of the Kingdom. The King - Jesus, then retires to heaven to prepare another people for the task, for God is all-mighty and His councils cannot be overthrown. To give His Son Jesus the best conditions for achieving His plan, God sets Him in His Throne in the highest place ans Seat of authority.

In due time, when the New Man (corporate) is ready, God gives the command to His Son to set in motion heavenly government on earth. For this, our Lord Jesus receives His OWN throne. This throne carries the authority of the Father for bringing His will to the Planet EARTH. This throne of Jesus, though it carries the full authority of His father's throne, it remains subordinate to the Father's. Thus, when He is crowned and sat on His throne, it is carried out in heaven. Thus, the man Jesus, leaves His Father's throne "ABOVE the highest heavens" for a throne in heaven. This is the scene in Chapter 4 of Revelation. It is the place and time of the coronation of Jesus NOT for building the New Man as He did from His Father's throne, but for re-taking Governorship of the EARTH.

In an unforgettable display of power and pomp, our Lord Jesus carries out the father's vengeance on earth from heaven, and then makes His way to earth with one stop in the air to meet His New Man and judge them. Having completed this, He militarily defeats the sum of Gentile military power about 70 miles North north west of Jerusalem - without a single casualty on His side. With this battle won and with no more resistance from the Gentiles, it is said by the Holy Spirit that

31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of HIS glory: 32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: (Mt 25:31–32).

Now, seeing as the context of this discourse was all about His COMING (Matt.24.3), and seeing as "ALL NATIONS" are His enemies, and seeing that there is no record of any of ALL NATIONS ascending to heaven like the Church did, it stands to reason that this throne is PLACED ON EARTH. From it the Lord Jesus judges THE LIVING of ALL NATIONS. Now, this Second Man has, by far, not completed God's Work on earth. The command to the First man - Adam, was (i) FILL the earth, (ii) SUBDUE the earth, and (iii) RULE the earth. Daniel's prediction of this new Kingdom, given some 2,450 years before, concluded that it would FILL the earth (Dan.2:35), and 1st Corinthians 15:22-28 sets a sequence of Christ's SUBDUING of the earth. The sequence is (i) OUR RESURRECTION, (ii) Christ subduing all enemies of God and ending this quest with the SUBDUING of death, and (iii) Giving a Pristine earth back into the Father's direct control.

The subduing of death will be accomplished when there are no more dead men. And Revelation Chapter 20 gives the TIME that it takes till death is subdued. Between OUR RESURRECTION (vs.4-6) and the resurrection of THE REST OF THE DEAD (vs.11-14) is 1,000 years. That is, the THRONE of Jesus remains on earth, IN JERUSALEM, for 1,000 years WHILE HE SUBJECTS THE EARTH AND ENEMIES OF GOD. And during this time, this 1,000 years, the prophets predict (i) no war, (ii) huge harvests, (iii) long life, (iv) God-like rule of the earth, (v) immediate and commensurate justice for criminals, and (vi) a steady stream of ALL NATIONS towards Jerusalem to hear and see the unspeakable glory, majesty and wisdom of One much greater than Solomon.

  1. Our Lord Jesus is a heavenly Being, but King of the EARTH
  2. Our Lord Jesus names Jerusalem the "City of the Great King"
  3. Our Lord will be available for the Nations to visit Him - in Jerusalem
  4. Our Lord returns to earth and there is no record of Him ever leavening again
  5. Our Lord is ON EARTH to Judge the survivors of the Great Tribulation in Matthew 25
  6. Our Lord is ON EARTH for the Great White Throne judgment
  7. Man was made from the EARTH, fed by the EARTH for subduing and ruling the EARTH
  8. The prophets predict that EMANUEL will live in ZION. Of the 160 plus mentions of Zion, or Sion, only 2 indicate a heavenly place
  9. Zion is on the hills of Jerusalem

I propose that inlight of the facts, our Lord's Throne is on EARTH

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The Promise Land has already been Fulfilled in CHRIST. JESUS IS New Jerusalem (Zion). The Body of CHRIST (Church) is Married to It. People back in 70 A.D. were very aware of what GOD Judged.

Luke 19:43-44
For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side,

44 And shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation.

Premills are saying the stone from Daniel never started to grow ...aka The Kingdom.

Daniel 2:35
Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.

Isaiah 28:16
Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.


Did Judaism lose the claim to The Abrahamic Covenant after they couldn't claim Faith in The MESSIAH after His Advent? If so, why do we assume current day physical Israel has anything to do with GOD'S Promises?

Mat 23:38-39
Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.
For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

JESUS said “Ye shall not see me henceforth,”, He didn’t say He was handing them physical land back. And they didn’t Call out to Him anyways.

Mat 21:43-45
Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.
And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he spake of them.
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JESUS came with the Home we Christians desire to be in. There is no more physical land Promises. "Jews" or anyone else is welcome to call out to GOD to enter it.

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Everyone that has Faith like Abraham is Blessed ...deal with what that means if you are saying modern day Jews are authentic.

How are these people Blessed without a High Priest or Atonement?

There isn't a classification for "Jew" anymore.

There are unsaved historians that call themselves "Jews". Do you really think they have anything to do with eschatology? Making your own definition of what a Jew is ...is what eating from the tree of knowledge is about. it's called the synagogue of satan for a reason.

Rev 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Rev 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

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It’s kind of hard for a modern day Jew to claim the Abrahamic Covenant with The City built without hands, that Abraham had Faith in, …when It is the Body of CHRIST.

Hebrews 11:10
For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.

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8 hours ago, AdHoc said:

The Godhead enjoys co-equality, co-existence and equal fellowship within Itself. But within the Godhead there is also Government - an order to achieve goals. God the Father is the Planner, God the Son is the Executor, and God the Holy Spirit is Applier of that which was planned and achieved. In the matter of the Government of the universe God the Father has a throne. This throne (in which our Lord Jesus presently sits is "far above the highest heavens" - Eph.4:9). But in this domain of the universe there is a planet with problems. The governor that God initially set over this planet - EARTH, rebelled,held his citizens in prison, wasted his riches and thought to usurp God's position (Isa.14, Ezek.28).


Hi Ad Hoc,

I must say that that is some very good work there. I agree with quite a lot and have comments on others. You have put forward your view very well and I appreciate all the time and effort gone into that. Now whatever our view we know that we are in Christ and His Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth. So we are just working our way through discussion with what we understand at this point.

As you have written quite a lot I think it best if we work through what you have said a bit at a time. Here are your first thoughts which I think are very well written.

The Godhead enjoys co-equality, co-existence and equal fellowship within Itself. But within the Godhead there is also Government - an order to achieve goals. God the Father is the Planner, God the Son is the Executor, and God the Holy Spirit is Applier of that which was planned and achieved. In the matter of the Government of the universe God the Father has a throne. This throne (in which our Lord Jesus presently sits is "far above the highest heavens" - Eph.4:9).

Your next thoughts however I think need scripture to back them up.

But in this domain of the universe there is a planet with problems. The governor that God initially set over this planet - EARTH, rebelled, held his citizens in prison, wasted his riches and thought to usurp God's position (Isa.14, Ezek.28).

I do not see anywhere that Lucifer was made governor of the earth. He was the kingpriest over the angels in the third heaven.

`Lucifer said - “I will exalt my throne above the stars of God...”` (Isa. 14: 13)

`You were the seal of perfection......You were the anointed cherub that covered,,` (Ez. 28: 12 - 14)

Perhaps we can start there.



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1 hour ago, Reborn Kingdom Image said:

It’s kind of hard for a modern day Jew to claim the Abrahamic Covenant with The City built without hands, that Abraham had Faith in, …when It is the Body of CHRIST.

Hebrews 11:10
For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.

Would you mind making your words smaller, please. It comes over as shouting.

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32 minutes ago, Marilyn C said:

Hi Ad Hoc,

I must say that that is some very good work there. I agree with quite a lot and have comments on others. You have put forward your view very well and I appreciate all the time and effort gone into that. Now whatever our view we know that we are in Christ and His Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth. So we are just working our way through discussion with what we understand at this point.

As you have written quite a lot I think it best if we work through what you have said a bit at a time. Here are your first thoughts which I think are very well written.

The Godhead enjoys co-equality, co-existence and equal fellowship within Itself. But within the Godhead there is also Government - an order to achieve goals. God the Father is the Planner, God the Son is the Executor, and God the Holy Spirit is Applier of that which was planned and achieved. In the matter of the Government of the universe God the Father has a throne. This throne (in which our Lord Jesus presently sits is "far above the highest heavens" - Eph.4:9).

Your next thoughts however I think need scripture to back them up.

But in this domain of the universe there is a planet with problems. The governor that God initially set over this planet - EARTH, rebelled, held his citizens in prison, wasted his riches and thought to usurp God's position (Isa.14, Ezek.28).

I do not see anywhere that Lucifer was made governor of the earth. He was the kingpriest over the angels in the third heaven.

`Lucifer said - “I will exalt my throne above the stars of God...”` (Isa. 14: 13)

`You were the seal of perfection......You were the anointed cherub that covered,,` (Ez. 28: 12 - 14)

Perhaps we can start there.



When Lucifer tempted our Lord Jesus, he said that the kingdoms of this world were his and his to give away (Lk.4:5-8). Our Lord agreed with him by default. Later, our Lord called him "prince of this world". The word "Prince" in the Greek means "Chief Ruler". Revelation 11:15 shows that the kingdoms of this world were not the Lord's, because after the 1260 days of the Great Tribulation, only then did they BECOME the kingdoms of our Lord.

I am aware that the earth was created by Jesus, and that He is the Owner. But we speak of the GOVERNMENT IN PLACE - the kingdom. WE speak not of legal ownership but of WHOSE RULE and WHOSE THRONE is in place.


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