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Brokeback Mountain Review

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I am not condoning homosexuality. However, I think this is a Christian website. Therefore is not our main goal to show love?I see homosexuality along the same lines as any other sin. We watch movies about extramarital affairs , drugs, sex, murder , all of the time. How and why would you view homosexuality any different? At least they are not killing people or hurting other people like rapists and murderers.What about the music these days? Show love . Christ is love and he wants us to help people through his love not through hatred!!!The Church as a whole makes the biggest mistake by making people feel like outcasts because they are sinners. I got news people we are all sinners!!!

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We are indeed. But there is a difference between transgessions--sins that we premeditate to commit, things we do that we know are wrong; and sins--things we do because of our fallen condition. Both are addressed in Psalm 32, especially the first verse:

Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.

There are two different Hebrew words used; two different kinds of behavior; both dealt with G-d's forgivness in Christ. That is why homosexuality is so heinous. One could argue that adultery is just as bad. But, I would say sex between a man and a woman is perfectly natural even in adultery; it's just wrong. Sex between members of the same sex (barf!) is not natural, it is perverse.

It is not a question of loving the sinner but hating the sin. In the case of active homosexuality, it is hard to separate the two since many practicing gays actually want to be defined by their nauseous, perverse, sickening behavior. Other than that, I have no opinion on the matter. :whistling:

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They wouldnt display that movie here in my town and i appreciate the owner for doing so......i dont see why it should be mentioned in here

Honestly I'm glad it was mentioned here, believe it or not my dad seen it advertised for the first time and got all excited because a new western was coming out, he loves westerns. I listened to him tell me, who was in it cuz he couldn't remember the name, so I would order it at the video store I work at when it was available.

Worthy is the first place I found out what it was really about. I don't do tv that much :huh: I passed it along to my dad, who was shocked, and put it on my list of what not to order for our small town :taped: I'm sure by the time it came to DVD I would of known, but now I can tell those who ask early (and they do) that the store will not have this title.

Love and Blessings,


if this is the place you come to for such movie reviews you need to get out more or grab a tv guide..this movie has been shoved on us for forever now.....ENOUGH already

this forum is for his glory not for what he considers a slap in his face

The title of this forum is "Christian News" The original news story was put here with legitimate intentions, because thats what it was....NEWS.

With that in mind we have every right to inform/post news stories about what is considered a "slap in the face to christians"

If this was news to me I'm sure it was to at least one other person too. Sorry if I'm not worldly and didn't know about this months prior to this thread.

This is not the place I go to for movie reviews....and telling me I need to get out more or buy a tv guide is sarcastic...I could easily say, then stay out of this forum if this bothers you that much.

Now with that said...I love you in Christ and understand your frustration, I'll probably be frustrated over this in a month or two also. But its always good to remember that whats old news to some doesn't make it old news to all.

Love and Blessings,


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"This movie is a complete fraud from start to finish--even the stars are straight for Pete's sake! I cannot imagine the average American actually wanting to see a movie with two straight guys kissing eachother. It is full of fake emotions, contrived situations, a British actor playing an American cowboy, there isn't a real thing in this movie."

Uh...isn't that a silly arguement? ....ALL narrative film is not real...otherwise it would be a documentary.

And com'on, if anything christianity is guilty of misleading marketing. Just look at the blonde-haired, blue-eyed surfer dude jesus is portrayed as. What could be farther from the truth?

"To be sure, the homosexual "centerpiece", the human rectum with its bacteria of the lower gut, and its incessant disease-ridden practices are not worthy of even a walk-on part"

If you ever wish to truly understand the human condition in relationship to homosexuality, you really have to get off this idea that it's all about anal sex.

And I must say, I have a slight problem with people who comment about movies they haven't seen. Would I be safe in assuming most, if not all of you fall within that catagory?

Ok...due to the demographics of this forum, and given the fact the movie involves the topic of homosexuality, I can understand there being a universal "disaproval" of it in general, regardless of how wrong-headed it may be to do so (another topic).

To say it "promotes" homosexuality sounds kinda odd to me, as if that were the intent, they wouldn't have made it so dysfunctional.

And I find the whole idea that it's some kind of homo-agenda propoganda to be completely baseless. Where's the big conspiracy here???? ...how does Annie Proulx, who wrote the short story fit into this so-called agenda? How do the married writers who adapted it to a script fit in....they aren't homosexuals, nor are they part of any pro-homosexual agenda...they are just writers looking for good scripts...that's their profession (and they are good at it). Is Ang Lee out to promote homosexuality, or is he just a straight chinese director who makes very different films because he sees it as an art form? The actors in the film, or the technical people behind the film, or the producers are not part of any gay agenda either. It isn't even a "Hollywood" film...it's an independent film.

So where does that leave us? Just more imaginary boogymen made up by zealots. If you want to be afraid of this movie (and perhaps you should), at least be honest and educated about how you condem it, and try and not be so knee-jerk about it, cause what I see is a whole lot of bandwagon jumping, immaturity and mindless scripture-quoting.

Anyway, from someone who's actually see the film, what we have here folks, is nothing more than good ole fashioned love story. That's it.

Regardless of what you think about it, you have to admit that men do fall in love with men. And that's what this story is about, and it captures the elements of it very realistically. And we do love our love stories....and the love stories we love the most, are the ones that include doomed love, tragic love, and lovers who are kept apart by powers beyond their control. And this film covers all of it....it's just a new take on an old subject.

Of course none of this matters unless it's well written, well directed, well acted, well scored and well shot....and this film is superb on all accounts. These are not "tricks", this is just good film making. So if the story content bothers you, fine...but you can't fault it technically.

Maybe you should just go and see it. Trust me, if you really have it in your head that homosexuality is "wrong", then there is nothing in this film that is going to sway that...it does not glorify it in any way...in fact it may even strengthen your convictions, as it certainly points out the sad consequences of this relationship on not only the two main characters, but everyone around them. It's a highly ambiguous film, which is why it has such surprisingly universal appeal...there's something for everyone well beyond the "gay" thing.

Edited by freshcutgrass
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Jesus was a blonde haired blue eyed surfer dude? WOW, what movie was THAT?

hey, men may fall in love with men, but it is still both physically unnatural, and biblically forbidden, to act upon that love. call us zealots if you wish, but if you don't like hanging around with people that quote scripture and who are opposed to such films that make it seem as though "it's ok", then you're at the wrong forums.

besides that, there's far more to be offended at than just the homosexual relationship in this movie. how about the adultry? how about the destruction to each man's family? how about the selfishness of breaking their VOWS before God to engage in carnal pleasure with someone else?

and no, i haven't seen the movie. i know very well that these things happen every day in real life. it still doesn't make it right, nor does it make it worth wasting my time watching.

i'd far rather watch a movie about a married couple who honor the vows they made to each other, staying faithful and monogamous, against all odds. that's PLENTY of realism right there... uplifting realism at that.

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"Jesus was a blonde haired blue eyed surfer dude? WOW, what movie was THAT? "

I was refering of course to the false depiction of jesus to fit western christianity, which of course bears no resemblance to what the historical jesus would have looked like. If the historical jesus showed up at the US border, he would probably be detained as a possible terrorist.

"hey, men may fall in love with men, but it is still both physically unnatural, and biblically forbidden, to act upon that love."

On both accounts, you are incorrect...as long as there have been humans, men have fallen in love with men, therefore it is indeed quite natural. What the majority of people do does not make what the minority of people do unnatural. It makes it more "popular" I guess....but that is not the definition of "unnatural". And try as I might (and I have tried hard), I have never found any scripture that forbids it. In fact, if it were such a big deal as "some" christians make it out to be, then I'm sure jesus would be "quoted" as mentioning something about it, and he certainly isn't. If you want to believe dogma preached to you by certain church leaders that somehow gleans this somewhere...go ahead, but I as an independent thinker, have just not seen it, therefore I cannot follow what I do not see blindly.

" if you don't like hanging around with people that quote scripture and who are opposed to such films that make it seem as though "it's ok", then you're at the wrong forums."

Why the hostility? Are you that threatened by having your ideas challenged? Is this not a discussion forum? But thanks anyway for the gesture to vacate....you display the usual "christian" values I tend to encounter. You spend far too much of your energy on hatred. Sometimes I think christianity is nothing more than a textbook on how and who to hate more than anything else.

"i'd far rather watch a movie about a married couple who honor the vows they made to each other, staying faithful and monogamous, against all odds. that's PLENTY of realism right there... uplifting realism at that."

Well, that sounds more like fiction to me than anything else. LOL It also makes for pretty boring movies. And yes, we are discussing the MOVIES here ya know. I mean, you must not like 99% of movies then. Which is fine...live your life any way it makes you happy. But then I don't understand all the hostilities towards THIS movie imparticular...it's certainly far less gratuitous in it's "immoral" portrayals than most films, so I just don't get it.

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And try as I might (and I have tried hard), I have never found any scripture that forbids it.

Try harder.

Leviticus 18:22 You shall not lie with mankind as with womankind. It is abomination to God.

Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lies with mankind, as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be on them.

1Corinthians 6:9-10 Do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor abusers, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

Romans 1:24-32 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. For they changed the truth of God into a lie, and they worshiped and served the created thing more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this cause, God gave them up to dishonorable affections. For even their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust toward one another; males with males working out shamefulness, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was fitting for their error. And even as they did not think fit to have God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do the things not right, being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; being full of envy, murder, quarrels, deceit, evil habits, becoming whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, insolent, proud, braggarts, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, perfidious, without natural affection, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous order of God, that those practicing such things are worthy of death, not only do them, but have pleasure in those practicing them.

1Timothy 1:9-10 knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous one, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, for fornicators, for homosexuals, for slave-traders, for liars, for perjurers, and anything else that is contrary to sound doctrine,

Jude 1:7 as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them, in like manner to these, committing fornication, and going away after other flesh, laid down an example before-times, undergoing vengeance of everlasting fire.

Seems clear to me. Homosexuality is condemned in the bible. It is an abomination to God. It is a sin.

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no dear, YOU are incorrect. sex between men is PHYSICALLY unnatural. i guess you read it wrong. and it is BIBLICALLY forbidden. many thanks to ayin jade for saving me the trouble of looking them up for you. i didn't have to hear it from some dogmatic theologin, i learned to read at a young age. :huh:

no, i'm not afraid of my ideas being challenged, because they're not being challenged. your opinions don't make me feel threatened in the least. and i wasn't being hostile, you were in your previous post, calling us zealots and complaining about us quoting scripture. i was simply pointing out that if that offends you, then you're at the wrong place, because that's what this board is about... discussing and upholding biblical principals.

as for movies like i described being boring, nothing could be further from the truth. and sorry if it sounds like fiction to you... have you never been in a monogamous relationship and had to overcome all manner of obstacles and tragedies together? that's not boring, that's exciting to actually see people who are capable of that kind of love!

for the record, i don't watch movies that portray adultry. neither myself nor my husband find them the least bit interesting.

also for the record, you don't even know me, so how can you make an accusation of me displaying hatred? i have shown you no hatred nor any contempt. you, however, have shown plenty towards us in your first post of this thread.

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"Try harder"

Oh please....did you not hear me...I said I've seen it all....you really think I'm unaware of the few obsure passages you want to quote to me???????

They are either absurd translations (no word or references to homosexuals appeared in origional scripture), or are mis-understanding the meaning and context of the passages in the first place. Leviticus doesn't say anything about homosexuals at all, but since you want to mention it, go ahead and read ALL of Leviticus...and then tell me how eager you are about following it to the letter.

Jesus is quoted as quoting only one passage from Leviticus: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (19:18). Jesus used Leviticus to teach love. Jesus never condemned homosexuals or even mentioned anything that could be taken as a reference to sexual orientation. If you have been led to misuse Leviticus and other parts of the bible in order to condemn and hate and reject people, you are on the wrong path.

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah has exactly ZERO to do with homosexuality. People who quote this as being so, are people who obviously don't understand that story at all.

The truth is, there is nothing in scripture which condems the loving, commited, monogomous relationship between people of the same sex. So what makes some christians think they know better, and become hypocrites, by going against the very teachings of jesus to do it?

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I dont see how that is going against the teachings of Jesus. He soundly condemned sin. Love thy neighbor wasnt meant to mean homosexual love. It only meant to care for neighbors, to show love for them, but He also made it plain to reject sin. And there is no glossing over the fact that homosexuality is a sin.

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