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Ten Commandments Monument


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what i cant figure out is... how is this unconstitutional?no where in our constitution does it mention seperation of church and state!our country was founded on the principles and belief in the one true GOD.what is wrong with this country today..theres no fear of GOD anymore.when gay's are becoming the head of churches,the killing of our unborn children is o.k,we cant pray in our schools anymore,so on and so forth!the founders of this nation would be turning over in their graves if they knew what was going on today in this country."GOD BLESS AMERICA"?,why should HE?we need to pray that the eyes of this country will open to the truth .i love my country, but i dont love what she's become. :rofl:

You have summed up my thoughts pretty much.

I do not see it as unconstitutional, just as very sad.

I also do not think we should try and ram it down anyones throat.

The Holy Spirit works in those that the Holy Spirit wishes to work in.

God can not be forced upon someone, neither can His commandments.

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Wanna read a couple of facts that may prompt you do do something about it, or at least to call someone?

FACT#1: The Constitution of the United States of America forbids congress from making a law respecting an establishment of religion. This means that Congress cannot enact a law that says, "Everyone in the United States of America must from now on be Christians."

HOWEVER, a supreme court justice of the state of Alabama is NOT a member of Congress. His jurisdiction extends only to the state in which he is elected! Furthermore, were his jurisdiction any affect on Federal law, he is still merely a member of the judiciary. Which means that he cannnot establish the laws of the land but only help to define and suppor the law of the land!

THEREFORE As a supreme court justice in the state of Alabama, he is well within his rights to place this monument!

FACT #2: The Supreme Court of the United States of America - the highest court in the land. On the very buildiong of the United States Supreme Court, in the east portico over the building, right dead-center, is a statue of Moses holding the ten commandments!


Also, the statue of "Faith" holding an open Bible!


The lower portions of the oak entry door to the US Supreme Court are also engraved with the ten commandments!


FACT#3: The United States Library of Congress. Above one of the great arches in the Main Reading Room is a statue representing "Religion" with the words of Micha 6:8 written above: "What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God."


In the Representatives' Reading Room of the Library of Congress is a ceiling painting representing the seven "lights." One of these "lights" is the "Light of Truth" with the Spirit of Truth trampling the dragon of Error with figures in the corner holding a Bible...

Angry enough yet? Angry enough at the atheists trying to dumb us down, trying to fool people into believing the lie that this great nation is NOT a Christian nation? Willing to do something about it?

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The governments seperated church and state long ago, that battle has already been lost. This thing doesn't remove the ten commandments, only the right for governments to promote certain religions. As far as I know, the ten commandments are still allowed in homes and churches etc. Should a government be allowed to promote one religion over another when government is not a religious institution? Doesn't that tend to alienate those who are not Christian or Jew. If you are going to have a multi-cultural society (democracy),  government has to be neutral doesn't it if it is going to fairly represent all people? Anyway, this particular hunk of rock doesn't mean much really. The way people are fussing over it makes it almost seem like an idol.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech..."

The first Amendment to the Constitution was written for the protection of the church! It forbids Congress from establishing a national religion - which is what the founding fathers had escaped to this land from in the first place; it forbids Congress from prohibiting the freedom of the people to practice their faith freely, which is what they could not do in England (The Pilgrims were mercelessly persecuted by the Anglical church); and it forbids Congress from abridging the freedom of speech, which is not just related to the press, but to religious freedom as well.

The founding fathers had no idea in their heads that religion and government should be separate, only that government should not meddle in the affairs of the church, and that the government should not establish an "official religion."

Were you aware, by the way that early in US history, for roughly 100 years, the building of Congress was used as a church building every Sunday? Did you know that Christian statutes, verses from the Bible, and yes, even the 10 commandments adorn nearly all of the governmental buildings in Wash. D.C.? Also, did you know that before every single session of Congress, and before the Supreme Court convenes to hear a case, a prayer is uttered which ends with the words, "God save the United States of America"?

No, separation of church and state was not one a long time ago, my friend. It only lies dormant because we, as Christians, have failed to remind a spiritually dying America where we came from and who we really are. God bless a man like Chief Justice Moore who takes pride in his Christian heritage, and for giving us all a good swift kick in the pants.

BTW: He paid for the statue out of his own pocket!

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Don't worry, Dave (Dr. Luke) - the majority stands with you on this one!

I've been following it on the news...and it doesn't surprise me that these fools are trying to remove every single hint of God from our society.

These ungrateful morons continually challenge the fact that our country was founded principally upon the Holy Bible.

Now they want to turn it into a haven for the heathen.

Oh, may the Lord come and take us soon....these attitudes are so disturbing it grieves the human spirit. How much more that Spirit of our Holy God!???

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Thanks for sharing the info and pics God-Man!

It sickens me to listen to all the garbage about taking God out of the things we have based our very beginnings on!

If God offends those, whom it is said are are offended... I say too bad! Let them go to another country... for instance some Arab - muslim country and say: Hey, I don't like Mohammed! remove all that represents him from my presence! (Wonder if the governments in those places would oblige them?)

Guess I'd better button my mouth :x:! This really gets me goin' and I could loose my witness if I continue.

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Ooooh, Pam...You hit the nail on the HEAD!

Yeah, I just wonder if we went to Saudi Arabia and told them we are offended by their "Call to Prayer" (loud chanting noises/singing) every hour on the hour....resounding from their mosques...would they stop making all that noise?

Uh, duh...?

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Guest idolsmasher
Whats with the spirit of contention? What gives?

Sorry Doc if it seemed like I was being contentious, I didn't mean to. Maybe it's just the way I express myself. I don't have any beef with you and I like much of what you say in your posts. I may see things a little differently though so I'm just trying to be heard above the hubbub and myriad of voices. I really do see the whole issue a little differently but I understand how important these things are to some and I do admire your zeal. However ..... here it is .... my salvation is not in the law of commandments written in stone but in Christ and the law written in our hearts which is...what else?... LOVE!!! The ten commandments have been overidden by the law of love and grace. That's what the gospel says so I have no problem with the removal of that monument. Christ himself removed the old law and my faith is in Him and not the old law.

Disturbing as this issue is, I find it even more disturbing what they want to teach our children in the public schools.

Amen Duane, very good point. I guess that's why the word says:

2 Corinthians 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

There are educational alternatives for the Christian rather than government run schools.

I guess if some muslim went into the Alabama courthouse in full headdress and wanted a rug to throw down and pray 3 times a day that would be okay.

I don't think most Muslims would have a problem with this monument either since the Koran teaches about Moses.

It forbids Congress from establishing a national religion

Right, which is what the complaint is, it would appear to be favouring certain religions if it were to have all kinds of Christian and Jewish religious icons. By the way, don't many of you accuse the Catholics of worshipping icons. :x: Would you like it or think the government should allow verses from the Koran etched in stone being placed on government properties?

O' Brother awake from your slumber! How will you stand in the presence of the Lords Glory? When you will compromise on the slightest of the challenges facing us. Fight , Fight wrestle with that flesh.

Sorry Doc but that sounds a little like works to me. My salvation doesn't depend on religious icons or graven images.

In the Representatives' Reading Room of the Library of Congress is a ceiling painting representing the seven "lights." One of these "lights" is the "Light of Truth" with the Spirit of Truth trampling the dragon of Error with figures in the corner holding a Bible...

Angry enough yet? Angry enough at the atheists trying to dumb us down, trying to fool people into believing the lie that this great nation is NOT a Christian nation?

All those icons and graven images do not equal Christianity. True, they were once an expression of a Christian nation but that nation is officially non-Christian now. That's democracy for ya!

Yeah, I just wonder if we went to Saudi Arabia and told them we are offended by their "Call to Prayer" (loud chanting noises/singing) every hour on the hour....resounding from their mosques...would they stop making all that noise?

Why should they? They haven't seperated Church and state.

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"Amen Duane, very good point. I guess that's why the word says:

2 Corinthians 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

There are educational alternatives for the Christian rather than government run schools."

I know, that is why we are homeschooling our children.

You do seem to have a grasp on the Spirit of Christianity, more than the Letter of Christianity.

Christianity is a state of the heart, but it may not be the heart of the state.

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Christianity is a state of the heart, but it may not be the heart of the state.

I like that... :rofl:

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I dont know how to work this http:// thing but go


You type:


only use brackets [] instead of parenthesis () .

So then you have http://www.conservativepetitions.com


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