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Ten Commandments Monument


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The religion of abominable Secular Humanism "rules the roost" in modern America. Its god is Self. Its philosophy is the corrupt "do your own thing!" Its "holy book" is Penthouse. And its destination is Gehenna.

In the meantime, America, rise up and throw off the tentacles of Secular Humanism. How? By taking a PUBLIC STAND against the forces of evil. What will such do? It'll let the world know which side you're on!

"Let the redeemed of the Lord say so."

God bless Alabama Chief Justice Ray Moore.

And God bless America!


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Guest idolsmasher

Actually, I see some wisdom in the seperation of church and state because religionists can very quickly become fanatical right wing conservatives like the ones who control America today and are leading everyone into a totalitarian police society where everyone is a suspect and you are guilty until proven innocent. America accuses Afghanistan of being a fanatical and repressive religious state but if the evangelicals ever had a religious government without any restrictions on them, it would be the rise of an oppressive regime even worse than what there is now. The Palestinians would be toast. Religious states tend to rule very self righteously (which is a grevious sin) and dictate their views on others. I wish it weren't so but realistically, I have to be thankful that isn't allowed to happen. I don't think that people can be trusted to rule in the name of God at the present time.

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Disappointed_anim.gif Idolsmasher, sometimes I wonder who's side you are on.

If you want to believe that honoring the 10 Comandments is idolotry - fine. Ignore them. Throw them out of your life. Applaud those who do the same. Be glad when "In God we trust" is taken off of our currency. Rejoice when "One nation under God" is taken out of the Pledge of Allegiance. Cheer on the day the president of the United States no longer ends his speaches with "God bless America." Feel good about Congressional sessions no longer beginning with prayer. Support the outlawing of the song "God Bless America."

Have at it.

You know, it's bad enough having to defend my expression of faith in public to those who are not saved. But I am so tired of having to defend my and other Christians right to express our faith in public to someone who claims to be a Christian!

It's just as well I am starting school. With friends like this....

I'm outta here.


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Guest idolsmasher
You know, it's bad enough having to defend my expression of faith in public to those who are not saved. But I am so tired of having to defend my and other Christians right to express our faith in public to someone who claims to be a Christian!

It's not me that has a problem with public expression of faith, it's the law that has the problem. The monument of the 10 commandments doesn't really bother me but I don't worship it either. Go ahead and express your faith, I never said you couldn't, just watch out for the politicians and judges.

With friends like this....

Do you really consider me your friend? Awww Gosh! :rofl::rofl: I'm flattered!

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Guest AngelofMercy


Dr. Luke, your diagnosis and prescription is correct:

Salt and Light---the antidote for a rotten society that has turned so godless, that I would not be surprised if Sodom and Gomorrah are in prayer for us at this very moment !

Jesus said to Watch and Pray. What we watch is our nation going to the dogs, and we are weak in pray. We should be on our knees in repentance, crying out to God for forgiveness.

America has one foot in hell and the other one on a banana peeling!

May God have mercy on a godless society and a lukewarm church!

There should have been such a thunderous outcry from Christians across this land that this issue of the Ten Commandments would have already been settled to the glory of God and the good of our nation !

God bless Judge Roy Moore!!!! The only thing he fears is God Almighty!!! Amen!!


"Therefore, be ye also ready, for in an hour when you thinketh not, the Son of Man cometh." ~Jesus in Matthew 24:44

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Bless You Angel of Mercy!, :t2:

Excuse me while I scream,


Look at this article from Koenigs Intl News;

Provocative Thought

America's Name is

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I think that we should all be practicing the commandments rather than worrying about a monument with the writing. Jesus demonstrated and practiced daily the commandments. We talk daily about them. With my free time, I want to continue to help the poor, needy, sick and in prisons. I want to be prepared when ' Our Father ' arrives, and it won't happen if I am too busy being critical, judgemental and overly possessed with even the thought of man-made objects such as flags and monuments, which I consider idol worshipping.

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FIRST-PERSON: Sobering accusation

Tuesday, Aug 26, 2003

By James T. Draper Jr.

<http://www.bpnews.net/colphotodownload.asp?ID=1097> NASHVILLE, Tenn.

(BP)--Decisions we make change our lives and impact our histories. Robert Frost captured the magnitude of our choices in his poem, "The Road Less Traveled." He chose one way and realized, "knowing how way leads onto way, I doubted if I should ever come back" to the crossroads

of the original choice.

My question is: Will Western Christianity -- essentially Christians in the United States -- shape history, or miss an opportunity by our level of commitment to Jesus Christ?

David Watson, an Anglican priest, wrote two sentences that have haunted me for 21 years: "It is widely held that the battle of the century will be between Marxism, Islam, and Third-world Christianity. Western Christianity is considered too weak and ineffective to contribute anything significant to this universal struggle."

That's a sobering accusation I've been unable to discredit. I fear that the church in America has wandered down one path when we should have taken the other. The path opposite our current direction is the path of a disciple.

I believe Jesus is in search of disciples but is having difficulty

finding many in the evangelical church in America. We've turned churches into comfortable country clubs for members when, in fact, the church is designed for those who are not members. People shop for churches like they shop for automobiles or for groceries. People want something that

fills their needs. We have missed the boat because we think Christianity is about us. It is not. It's about God and His Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. He has chosen Christians to play a significant role in showing the world what His Kingdom looks like.

We need to understand five things about discipleship if we are to move from the path of missed opportunity to the path of effectively contributing to the cause of Christ.

1. Disciples are called by the Master. You didn't choose Him, He chose you (John 6:44). Christianity is the only faith system on earth where the Master determines His followers. Salvation is at God's discretion, not ours.

2. Disciples have a personal relationship with the Master. This is the essence of the Christian faith. It is not cold doctrine. We are to be doctrinally sound, but our relationship with Christ is preeminent.

3. Disciples are under the authority of the Master. We can't call Him Lord and not do what He says. Asking Him what you should do next without having yet done the last thing He told you to do is called disobedience.

There are no multiple-choice questions with Jesus. He has a specific purpose for each life and expects you to stick with His plan.

4. Disciples become like the Master. Measure yourself against

Philippians 2:5-8. How close are you to becoming like the Master when compared with Him?

5. Disciples are willing to sacrifice for the Master. If Jesus endured hardship and discomfort, why should we expect any less? Discipleship carries with it the obligation to risk and sacrifice. Jesus didn't hide this, and in fact said that we'd be persecuted if we identified ourselves with Him.

Western Christianity has retreated from the battle for the souls of men to the hollow pursuit of self-comfort. "It is widely held that the battle of the century will be between Marxism, Islam, and Third-world Christianity. Western Christianity is considered too weak and ineffective to contribute anything significant to this universal struggle."

These words still haunt me. Do they haunt you?

James T. Draper Jr. is president of LifeWay Christian Resources of the

Southern Baptist Convention.

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Guest chetmac

It is certainly a sad day in American history which has already been re-written when our Federal Government is allowed to remove the acknowledgement of ONE Almighty God from the view of the public's eyes so that no one is offended. Hogwash some people need to be offended because there is One Almighty God and it is not Allah , there is only One way into Heaven and it is ONLY through JESUS CHRIST,not mohammed,buddah or anyone else ONLY through JESUS CHRIST, even Mary needed a Savior and she bore Him. And there are times when even Christians need to be reminded of this so that they can be awakened out of our slumber, therefore the monument is a very good thing that is true both historically and spirtiually. I believe where we as Americans have gone wrong is the opening of our borders to other religions, I didn't say to other people but to other religions, the people should be welcomed as long as they leave their foreign pagan god's behind. We have allowed these foriegn god's to come in and consequently the beliefs and demons that come with them are now begining to affect the decisions that government officials make ie: Ten Commandments monument.

I Love You All but I hate evil. Please if you have been sleeping Awake and do your first works over Rev. 2:5


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Guest idolsmasher
Hogwash some people need to be offended because there is One Almighty God and it is not muhammed

Mohammed never claimed to be God and his followers do not believe he is God. They believe he was a prophet of God, nothing more. It's funny you should include Mohammed in this statement because that was one of the most important messages that Mohammad gave to the Arabs was to stop worshipping idols and to worship the one true God. That's what turned them away from their other gods and idols.

therefore the monument is a very good thing that is true both historically and spirtiually.

The monument is basically a graven image of the true 10 commandments, it is representation of the true but is not the real thing. By the way, this is one of the 10 commandments:

Deuteronomy 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth:

The real 10 commandments disappeared with the ark of the covenant when Christ died. The veil of the temple was rent and the ark was gone, showing of course that God had departed from them because of their disobedience and rejection of the messiah. The law was taken away and the New Covenant established upon 2 Commandments:

Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

Matthew 22:38 This is the first and great commandment.

Matthew 22:39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

Matthew 22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

John 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

John 13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

I believe where we as Americans have gone wrong is the opening of our borders to other religions

It's really not possible to welcome other peoples if you don't allow them to practice their religion. That's pretty dictatorial don't you think?

the people should be welcomed as long as they leave their foreign pagan god's behind.

And maybe all the Americans that don't believe in your God should be all rounded up and shipped out as well!

We have allowed these foriegn god's to come in and consequently the beliefs and demons that come with them are now begining to affect the decisions that government officials make

I'm not sure if it is the government officials or the courts, I think it's the courts interpreting the constitution. Anyway, I see what you mean but America has it's own demons too like the God of wealth and materialism, aka: Mammon, which inflicts the third world newcomers to America. Don't blame all your troubles on foreigners because the only non foreigners in America are the native Indians and it's this kind of mentality that nearly wiped them out and is precisely the reason for seperation of church and state.

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