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God Bless President Bush


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So, what do you expect to gain by becoming a member of worthyboards? A better understanding of Christianity and how it should govern our nation? Just be sure you have your priorities straight and it wouldn't hurt to introduce yourself and tell us why you are here.

He's a spy from the DNC or MoveOn.org lol

lol, I knew it. . .

"Well, to answer both these at once, I never learned that Republican and Christian were the same thing as I grew up a Southern Baptist. I now attend Methodist services, oddly enough the same denomination as the President, but they haven't caught on to that either. "

You implied we were questioning your faith and political affiliation, no one asked. I just asked what you wanted to gain by being here. Because, your very first 2 comments here were very anti-President Bush. No "hello brothers and sisters" or introduction in the outer court, just straight into politics and Bush Bashing. You are the one that needs to defend your position, not us.

"I guess I thought this board might accept politics as secular, not a matter of faith and therefore open to debate. I didn't realize expressing a view other than hard right Republican meant I was unChristian and unAmerican. Maybe this is the wrong place for me."

No one is telling you to praise the President or even love him. No one said you were unchristian or unamerican either. But, I think the President should be respected, as he was placed in office by God.

"No hard feelings."

None exist.

Love in Christ,


First and foremost, this is a Christian website, so secular discussions contradict the whole meaning behind this place. We want to put a Christian perspective on life on Earth in the 21st century, not a godless one, which is what secularism is. There are plenty of godless sites on the internet where you can have secular discussions. Christianity is the relevant perspective to have here. Does it mean I question your faith? No, but it's obvious you are not new to the debate, since you have used similar talking points that liberal-progressives use to criticize us. Like this statement:

"I didn't realize expressing a view other than hard right Republican meant I was unChristian and unAmerican.

No one, on this topic, challenged your loyalty to Christ or America.

Our bible tells us that our leaders are placed by God and are used to either bless or punish their nation, depending on God's plan.

Some people love to criticize the "religious right" about their stance regarding Bill Clinton, but Bill, never received the kind of hatred, slander and vitriol that this president has. That's completely unfair, but it is expected when people don't have the love of Christ within them. Bill Clinton is still mentioned, but primarily to counter any assaults people have on the current President.

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Lately, a few of you here might know that I have been struggling with a severe illness. Potentialy deadly. I understand that we are all on death row and that its just a matter of how many appeals we have left. When you think you might be running out of appeals it tends to may you think hard about your "rights and wrongs". God, politics, ect..... Over the past year I have (to my shame) joined in the chorus of Bush bashing. "Bush screwed up the war" "Bush won't fix immigration they way we want it"...blah blah and blah. By doing this, I am guilty of absolute hypocracy. I also beleive that most of everyone else who partakes in these unwarrented "bash Bush" parties are guitly as well.

Let me lay out my points on the war and border issues.

1) Iraq war.

I live here in Texas. Not all that far from the "Spindle Top" oil field that really kicked off much of the oil boom that started so many decades ago. As it became more appearent that oil was an effiecent way to run things, our technology became molded in away that used this great resorce. When Cars first came out, only a few wealthy show offs had them. But as time went on, more and more people became owners. Now even the poorest people have them. Many families have cars for every 16 and above person. Sometimes more than one. The same goes for housing, who in our country dosen't live in a house with electicity? What do we now use oil for?....Hmmmmm. Cars, houses,emplyment, food to the markets, schools, churches, sporting events, hospitals, weddings, funerals, any product you use that uses plastic, military that protects us, police,medicine, fire fighters, ambulance, TV, anything and everything depends on oil. THE FREE FLOW OF OIL is our life blood. I hear some folks make statements like "Bush's oil war!" No! Correction, "Yours and mine". And it is a war for oil at the end of the day. Its unfortunate, but a large percent of the world's ON LINE oils supply flows from places that are surrounded by nut jobs who would like nothing more than to destroy us. (Chavez, Ben Laden. Hussain ect...) Some of these nut jobs even proclaim a mandate from God to destroy us. In particular, the ones in the middle east. To have the spigot cut off in the Persian Gulf would spell disaster unlike anything we have seen in our life time. People like Bush and Cheney understand this. Their hands are somewhat tied because everytime people like them suggest drilling in our own country, they get torn and ripped by enviromentlist's like Al Gore. If they bring up ideas like more nuclear power, they get chased down by the left "no nukes" crowd. Anybody remember them? There are as many big houses and big gas guzzling SUVs in BLUE states as there are in Red states. I notice that the Hollywood crowd likes to gripe the most but the have the biggest carbon footprint of them all. We Americans like big stuff. Big cars, big houses and we like to go places and do things. Its called a way of life. (we should concider a way to change) We absolutely MUST have a military presence in the middle east to maintain this way of life. This is what the Islamonuts are so ticked about. Bush can't just get up on TV and admit the truth which is the fact that "ultimately the war has do do with oil more than just Hussain" But if he says this you can bet that his detractors (who are many) will be screaming from the roof tops "no war for oil". I even saw a lady with this very bumper sticker on the back of her HUMMER. In truth, if that oil supply ever gets cut off, most of us will be screaming "YES! war for oil" and in very short order. The Bush bashers will then bash him for the disaster that would be created by such an event. It is about oil because oil is how we survive on 2007. Windmills, Solar panels and ethenol combined couldn't handle 5% of our energy needs. The only thing that could take a significant dent out of it would be Nuclear Power. The soldiers in the middle east are fighting a problem that has the potential to cause more damage than Hitler did and it should never be said that they are fighting and dying in vain. They are what stands in the way of those who truely wish for our demise. Our soldiers are sorta like Jesus, in that they are laying down their own lives for us. God Bless them all and so should we. If there have been mistakes in the war that it is fair to lay that at the feet of Bush. Hes the one in charge of running it. But we should also give him credit for the fact that we have not been hit since 911. On this he gets an "A".

2) The Border

Yes...its time to seal the border. Its true that we are not able to support a whole nother country. However, I hear alot of folks going on about how we should get all of the ILLEGALS out ASAP. Because of Bush's tax cuts and the type of individual freedom we have to achieve we now have an economy that is the envy of the rest of the world. In my 44 years, Ive never seen anything like it. The Dow is now closing at 14000. If people think that that money dosen't trickle down to them, its because they have no idea of how the economy works. This "rich get richer" populist line is a political gimmick thats designed to use human envy to somehow punish those who have had more finacial success. Its a MYTH. I play guitar for a living. My income comes from teaching, selling, and playing (professionally) guitar. Most of my 40 students can afford 90 bucks monthly because there parents have extra spending money. (I hope for my sake that these "rich folks stay rich".)They are not taxed to the point where they can't afford a few non neccecities like guitars, eating out, baseball games, nice vacations ect ect. Here in Texas, houseing is cheap. Eating out is cheap. Salaries are good. Everyone is working and living well. Part of why this is possible is because our house are built by contractors who can only compeat because they can keep their overhead down with cheap illegal labor. All of the resterants I play music in are able to compeat only because they have cheap illegal labor. I mean every last one of them. Same for hotels, landscape companies ect...ect.. If we were to round up all of the illegals all at once and send them home, business in this country would probably come to a scretching halt. Food, farming and contruction business would go for sure. I know ....here it comes "but Americans can do those jobs instead". NOT!! We now have an employment rate which is the lowest ever. It hovers around 4%. This basically means that if you are unemployed, save a seroius illness, or other similar circumstances, you can find a job. The reality is that Americans are not going to be the world leaders in manufactoring or labor work. We are all about innovation, technology and services. These type of jobs are going to be around for as long as we keep the economy good. What we call poor, is middle class or even rich and many other countries. Like it or not, WE, not just Bush, have woven the illegal workers into our economy to a point where we could not withstand a sudden extraction without serious withdrawl symptoms that could take our way of life down. Again we can't continue with the open border policy but there are 2 sides to this. I might add that if I were from below the border, I would get my fanny over the border ASAP because America is the greatest place to be. How about you?.... So can we really blame these people for doing what we know we ourselves would do? Its not their fault. It their currupt Government and our great economy for making it so easy for them to come here. Still if you want to blame Bush, be consistant. Don't do any business with any company or entity that hires these folks. (you won't be able not to) Perhaps we just might need to push for a border policy that regulates the number to our choosing. An of course "all English" all of the time. Closer to what Bush proposed. Lets deal with it, America is going to have a large Hispanic population. Its a fact. Should we rope them off so they can't become like Americans, or allow them to become like Americans and learn are way of life and add to this country? It going to be one way or another. The only other way was what Hitler tried with the Jews. I have lived, worked under, with and for Hispanics from below the border my whole life. I live just fine side by side with them and I also like most of them. Perhaps God wants many of them here because its an opportunity for them to meet born again Christians on a regular basis. You know...get influeneced.

Still its not an easy cut or dry issue. Bush knows this. He's lived here most of his life as well and he too understands whats really at play.

President Bush has the hardest job in the world. Hes the most hated man alive. The world system really, really hates him. He takes all sorts of unwarrented dung from every which direction. Most of us would have crawled in a hole by now but he still gets up every morning and puts is suit on and does his best to do the OVERALL right thing. I wonder what power gives him the strength to carry on? I'm not sure but I don't think I want to I want to come up against it what ever it is.

God Bless G.W. Bush


nothing wrong with your opinions Dan...

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Well, though I consider this as something of a rambling statement, I watched president Bush's address to the nation the other night, which was aired worldwide.....where he linked Al Quaeda and the present threat in Iraq to the war on terror.

Must admit I found him quite coherent, and made his case very well.

He has gone up in my estimation. :(

Except for it was intellectually dishonest and he had to know that it was. He talks about Al Qaeda in Iraq as though it is the same Al Qaeda that attacked us on September 11th, 2001. It is not. It is more a franchise if anything. The Islamist group that calls itself Al Qaeda in Iraq is not under the direction of Bin Laden, its simply a terrorist organization that has taken the same name.

As to President Bush, yes he does have a very hard job, but when you run for President of the United States you ought to know you are going to have a very hard job. If you don't want the pressure, don't run for the job. Moreover, most of his problems are simply the result of his own policy failures and his placing of incompetent people in key positions.

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Bush could have stayed on his ranch and lived the good life. He ran here in Texas because we asked him to. He ran in 2000 because he was asked to.

Eisenhower was begged to run for President, he never wanted the job. Truman never wanted the job. Bush wanted the job, he was not recruited for it, he wanted the job. The only people who asked him to run was the RNC.

Bush does not have such a huge disapproval rating because he is Christian. President Bush has such a horrible approval rating because President Bush is not doing a very good job. His policies by and large have been failures. It has nothing to do with his party either. Reagan was popular. Clinton was popular. Bush is not popular because Bush is not doing a good job as President. That is all there is too it.

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Well, though I consider this as something of a rambling statement, I watched president Bush's address to the nation the other night, which was aired worldwide.....where he linked Al Quaeda and the present threat in Iraq to the war on terror.

Must admit I found him quite coherent, and made his case very well.

He has gone up in my estimation. :(

Except for it was intellectually dishonest and he had to know that it was. He talks about Al Qaeda in Iraq as though it is the same Al Qaeda that attacked us on September 11th, 2001. It is not. It is more a franchise if anything. The Islamist group that calls itself Al Qaeda in Iraq is not under the direction of Bin Laden, its simply a terrorist organization that has taken the same name.

As to President Bush, yes he does have a very hard job, but when you run for President of the United States you ought to know you are going to have a very hard job. If you don't want the pressure, don't run for the job. Moreover, most of his problems are simply the result of his own policy failures and his placing of incompetent people in key positions.

tell that to Khaled Abdul-Fattah Dawoud Mahmoud al-Mashhadani...

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Well, though I consider this as something of a rambling statement, I watched president Bush's address to the nation the other night, which was aired worldwide.....where he linked Al Quaeda and the present threat in Iraq to the war on terror.

Must admit I found him quite coherent, and made his case very well.

He has gone up in my estimation. :(

Except for it was intellectually dishonest and he had to know that it was. He talks about Al Qaeda in Iraq as though it is the same Al Qaeda that attacked us on September 11th, 2001. It is not. It is more a franchise if anything. The Islamist group that calls itself Al Qaeda in Iraq is not under the direction of Bin Laden, its simply a terrorist organization that has taken the same name.

As to President Bush, yes he does have a very hard job, but when you run for President of the United States you ought to know you are going to have a very hard job. If you don't want the pressure, don't run for the job. Moreover, most of his problems are simply the result of his own policy failures and his placing of incompetent people in key positions.

tell that to Khaled Abdul-Fattah Dawoud Mahmoud al-Mashhadani...

There is no doubt that they have communications on some level with Al Qaeda in Pakistan. However, my point is that Al Qaeda in Iraq is not a contigent of terrorists out of the training camps in eastern Pakistan. Instead its a home grown organization that only came into existence during the occupation. It would have never even existed otherwise. This is the failure of the war in Iraq and the ideology behind it. The war in Iraq has actually created more terrorists than what would have otherwise existed. Otherwise, we are less safe as a result of it, not more.

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Well, though I consider this as something of a rambling statement, I watched president Bush's address to the nation the other night, which was aired worldwide.....where he linked Al Quaeda and the present threat in Iraq to the war on terror.

Must admit I found him quite coherent, and made his case very well.

He has gone up in my estimation. :(

Except for it was intellectually dishonest and he had to know that it was. He talks about Al Qaeda in Iraq as though it is the same Al Qaeda that attacked us on September 11th, 2001. It is not. It is more a franchise if anything. The Islamist group that calls itself Al Qaeda in Iraq is not under the direction of Bin Laden, its simply a terrorist organization that has taken the same name.

As to President Bush, yes he does have a very hard job, but when you run for President of the United States you ought to know you are going to have a very hard job. If you don't want the pressure, don't run for the job. Moreover, most of his problems are simply the result of his own policy failures and his placing of incompetent people in key positions.

tell that to Khaled Abdul-Fattah Dawoud Mahmoud al-Mashhadani...

There is no doubt that they have communications on some level with Al Qaeda in Pakistan. However, my point is that Al Qaeda in Iraq is not a contigent of terrorists out of the training camps in eastern Pakistan. Instead its a home grown organization that only came into existence during the occupation. It would have never even existed otherwise. This is the failure of the war in Iraq and the ideology behind it. The war in Iraq has actually created more terrorists than what would have otherwise existed. Otherwise, we are less safe as a result of it, not more.

New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, who noted the Iraq-al-Qaida connection in her Oct. 10, 2002, Senate speech explaining her support for the Iraq war resolution:

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaida members."

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Lately, a few of you here might know that I have been struggling with a severe illness. Potentialy deadly. I understand that we are all on death row and that its just a matter of how many appeals we have left. When you think you might be running out of appeals it tends to may you think hard about your "rights and wrongs". God, politics, ect..... Over the past year I have (to my shame) joined in the chorus of Bush bashing. "Bush screwed up the war" "Bush won't fix immigration they way we want it"...blah blah and blah. By doing this, I am guilty of absolute hypocracy. I also beleive that most of everyone else who partakes in these unwarrented "bash Bush" parties are guitly as well.

Let me lay out my points on the war and border issues.

1) Iraq war.

I live here in Texas. Not all that far from the "Spindle Top" oil field that really kicked off much of the oil boom that started so many decades ago. As it became more appearent that oil was an effiecent way to run things, our technology became molded in away that used this great resorce. When Cars first came out, only a few wealthy show offs had them. But as time went on, more and more people became owners. Now even the poorest people have them. Many families have cars for every 16 and above person. Sometimes more than one. The same goes for housing, who in our country dosen't live in a house with electicity? What do we now use oil for?....Hmmmmm. Cars, houses,emplyment, food to the markets, schools, churches, sporting events, hospitals, weddings, funerals, any product you use that uses plastic, military that protects us, police,medicine, fire fighters, ambulance, TV, anything and everything depends on oil. THE FREE FLOW OF OIL is our life blood. I hear some folks make statements like "Bush's oil war!" No! Correction, "Yours and mine". And it is a war for oil at the end of the day. Its unfortunate, but a large percent of the world's ON LINE oils supply flows from places that are surrounded by nut jobs who would like nothing more than to destroy us. (Chavez, Ben Laden. Hussain ect...) Some of these nut jobs even proclaim a mandate from God to destroy us. In particular, the ones in the middle east. To have the spigot cut off in the Persian Gulf would spell disaster unlike anything we have seen in our life time. People like Bush and Cheney understand this. Their hands are somewhat tied because everytime people like them suggest drilling in our own country, they get torn and ripped by enviromentlist's like Al Gore. If they bring up ideas like more nuclear power, they get chased down by the left "no nukes" crowd. Anybody remember them? There are as many big houses and big gas guzzling SUVs in BLUE states as there are in Red states. I notice that the Hollywood crowd likes to gripe the most but the have the biggest carbon footprint of them all. We Americans like big stuff. Big cars, big houses and we like to go places and do things. Its called a way of life. (we should concider a way to change) We absolutely MUST have a military presence in the middle east to maintain this way of life. This is what the Islamonuts are so ticked about. Bush can't just get up on TV and admit the truth which is the fact that "ultimately the war has do do with oil more than just Hussain" But if he says this you can bet that his detractors (who are many) will be screaming from the roof tops "no war for oil". I even saw a lady with this very bumper sticker on the back of her HUMMER. In truth, if that oil supply ever gets cut off, most of us will be screaming "YES! war for oil" and in very short order. The Bush bashers will then bash him for the disaster that would be created by such an event. It is about oil because oil is how we survive on 2007. Windmills, Solar panels and ethenol combined couldn't handle 5% of our energy needs. The only thing that could take a significant dent out of it would be Nuclear Power. The soldiers in the middle east are fighting a problem that has the potential to cause more damage than Hitler did and it should never be said that they are fighting and dying in vain. They are what stands in the way of those who truely wish for our demise. Our soldiers are sorta like Jesus, in that they are laying down their own lives for us. God Bless them all and so should we. If there have been mistakes in the war that it is fair to lay that at the feet of Bush. Hes the one in charge of running it. But we should also give him credit for the fact that we have not been hit since 911. On this he gets an "A".

2) The Border

Yes...its time to seal the border. Its true that we are not able to support a whole nother country. However, I hear alot of folks going on about how we should get all of the ILLEGALS out ASAP. Because of Bush's tax cuts and the type of individual freedom we have to achieve we now have an economy that is the envy of the rest of the world. In my 44 years, Ive never seen anything like it. The Dow is now closing at 14000. If people think that that money dosen't trickle down to them, its because they have no idea of how the economy works. This "rich get richer" populist line is a political gimmick thats designed to use human envy to somehow punish those who have had more finacial success. Its a MYTH. I play guitar for a living. My income comes from teaching, selling, and playing (professionally) guitar. Most of my 40 students can afford 90 bucks monthly because there parents have extra spending money. (I hope for my sake that these "rich folks stay rich".)They are not taxed to the point where they can't afford a few non neccecities like guitars, eating out, baseball games, nice vacations ect ect. Here in Texas, houseing is cheap. Eating out is cheap. Salaries are good. Everyone is working and living well. Part of why this is possible is because our house are built by contractors who can only compeat because they can keep their overhead down with cheap illegal labor. All of the resterants I play music in are able to compeat only because they have cheap illegal labor. I mean every last one of them. Same for hotels, landscape companies ect...ect.. If we were to round up all of the illegals all at once and send them home, business in this country would probably come to a scretching halt. Food, farming and contruction business would go for sure. I know ....here it comes "but Americans can do those jobs instead". NOT!! We now have an employment rate which is the lowest ever. It hovers around 4%. This basically means that if you are unemployed, save a seroius illness, or other similar circumstances, you can find a job. The reality is that Americans are not going to be the world leaders in manufactoring or labor work. We are all about innovation, technology and services. These type of jobs are going to be around for as long as we keep the economy good. What we call poor, is middle class or even rich and many other countries. Like it or not, WE, not just Bush, have woven the illegal workers into our economy to a point where we could not withstand a sudden extraction without serious withdrawl symptoms that could take our way of life down. Again we can't continue with the open border policy but there are 2 sides to this. I might add that if I were from below the border, I would get my fanny over the border ASAP because America is the greatest place to be. How about you?.... So can we really blame these people for doing what we know we ourselves would do? Its not their fault. It their currupt Government and our great economy for making it so easy for them to come here. Still if you want to blame Bush, be consistant. Don't do any business with any company or entity that hires these folks. (you won't be able not to) Perhaps we just might need to push for a border policy that regulates the number to our choosing. An of course "all English" all of the time. Closer to what Bush proposed. Lets deal with it, America is going to have a large Hispanic population. Its a fact. Should we rope them off so they can't become like Americans, or allow them to become like Americans and learn are way of life and add to this country? It going to be one way or another. The only other way was what Hitler tried with the Jews. I have lived, worked under, with and for Hispanics from below the border my whole life. I live just fine side by side with them and I also like most of them. Perhaps God wants many of them here because its an opportunity for them to meet born again Christians on a regular basis. You know...get influeneced.

Still its not an easy cut or dry issue. Bush knows this. He's lived here most of his life as well and he too understands whats really at play.

President Bush has the hardest job in the world. Hes the most hated man alive. The world system really, really hates him. He takes all sorts of unwarrented dung from every which direction. Most of us would have crawled in a hole by now but he still gets up every morning and puts is suit on and does his best to do the OVERALL right thing. I wonder what power gives him the strength to carry on? I'm not sure but I don't think I want to I want to come up against it what ever it is.

God Bless G.W. Bush


I'm sorry to tell you that you are wrong, your arguments are specious. In other words, they sound good, like they could be true but aren't.

1) we have enough oil in the USA to satisfy our petroleum needs if we switch our vehicles from petroleum based fuel to alternative fuels. This means we have enough oil to handle the manufacturing of everything else we use fossil fuels for besides gas. Carter started our energy policy in the 70's and had we stuck with it we would be energy independent by now. Reagan dismantled that policy so that oil companies could continue to prosper and rule our economy.

2) Our economy has been better than it is today. While the stock market may be up, the middle class is shrinking, the poor is increasing and the rich are indeed getting richer. The numbers don't lie, unless you are fudging them, which this administration is doing, very effectively I might add, allowing you (and others like you) who want to believe things are better than they were under Clinton, to do so. The few of us here who do not ignore the truth have shown all of these things, how the Bush admin skews the numbers etc. but you really don't care about the truth because then you might have to confront the fact that the conservative model doesn't actually work by itself, never has, in the history of the world. Moderation in all things is the only thing that works. Too much liberalism and too much conservativism fail, always. This is why the country always swings from conservative to liberal, keeping the country moderate.

George Bush was an experiment in neo-conservativism and it has failed MISERABLY. There has been more corruption, abuse of power and damage to the constitutional rights of this country than ever in history and the country is giving a resounding NO MORE to all of this. :(


Balance...ethanol won't work. It would drive produce in this country through the roof. It also can't be transported that well.

In my 44 years as a musician with no college degree, I've never seen it better. Clinton's economy was built on what was started in the 80s with Reagan's tax breaks. His stock market was built on overpriced futures. Todays stock market is built on companies that are actually making money. I remember quite well how horrible things were when Carter and his dem. congress controlled things. Clinton also signed alot of republican legislation after 94. Don't worry though...the Socialists you support are going to have their chance soon. 1979 all over again.

Liberalism slightly to the left has miserably fail those on the other side of the birth canal for the past 35 years.


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However, my point is that Al Qaeda in Iraq is not a contigent of terrorists out of the training camps in eastern Pakistan. Instead its a home grown organization that only came into existence during the occupation.

Are you asserting that Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia does not include

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Balance...ethanol won't work. It would drive produce in this country through the roof. It also can't be transported that well.

In my 44 years as a musician with no college degree, I've never seen it better. Clinton's economy was built on what was started in the 80s with Reagan's tax breaks. His stock market was built on overpriced futures. Todays stock market is built on companies that are actually making money. I remember quite well how horrible things were when Carter and his dem. congress controlled things. Clinton also signed alot of republican legislation after 94. Don't worry though...the Socialists you support are going to have their chance soon. 1979 all over again.

Liberalism slightly to the left has miserably fail those on the other side of the birth canal for the past 35 years.


Your right, ethanol is not a panacea. Only substantial increases in CAFE standards, Coal to Fuel investments, clean diesel, and investments in mass transit will have any real effect on making us more energy independent.

As to Clinton versus Bush. Adjusted for inflation, median income today is lower than it was the day Bush took office. The poverty rate is higher as well. The economy is good today, but it has nothing on the 90s. Every year during the 90s, median income went up, and the poverty rate went down. The Clinton Administration represented the greatest period of peace and prosperity in the history of the country. Successful governance comes from the middle, not from the extremes of the right and left.

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