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Isn't this Rather Telling?


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Convicted Pedophile Episcopal Priest to Host Spiritual Retreats with Presiding Bishop's Blessing

News Analysis

By David W. Virtue



A convicted and defrocked pedophile Episcopal priest is being allowed to conduct spiritual retreats - two of them in an Episcopal facility with the blessing of Mrs. Katharine Jefferts Schori, TEC's Presiding Bishop.

In an exchange of correspondence with David Clohessy, National Director of Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), Mrs. Jefferts Schori, through her Pastoral Development Officer Bishop F. Clayton Matthews, said that Mr. Lynn C. Baumann could function as a spiritual retreat master on the understanding that "Mr. Baumann's contact (is) to adults only".

Baumann is scheduled to lead spiritual retreats at The House of Prayer in the Episcopal Diocese of Minnesota, later this month.

"There are big problems with that," Clohessy told VOL. "If I start telling people, from today forward, that I am a sex offender, it does nothing to ameliorate the betrayal of all those people who have already been mislead by my secrecy, nor does it reach out to anyone already molested.

"If I own a toxic waste dump and, under public pressure, post a sign saying 'DANGER STAY OUT', it fails to address the issue of how many children have already been contaminated!"

Clohessy said Bauman molested one youngster and several others at a retreat center ironically titled "The Way of the Wolf Retreat Center" in Fredericksburg, Texas.

"How can Episcopal Church officials keep putting kids at such risk? Time does not erase memories or the gravity of the offenses. There is a dangerous irony here in that he performed these sex acts at the very kinds of places he is allowed to continue functioning."

In 1977, Dallas Bishop James Stanton defrocked Baumann, then an Episcopal priest for sexual abuse by. He avoided a prison term by reaching a plea bargain with Bonham prosecutors who were prepared to try him on a charge of sexually molesting an 8-year-old Dallas boy. Baumann was given 10 years' probation, fined $1,500 and given 240 hours of community service on each of two second-degree felonies. He was charged with indecency with a child, and for inducing sexual performance by a child. He was able to reach the plea bargain with prosecutors because the victim's family did not want to put the boy, now 11, through a jury trial.

Now, 10 years later, he is back in business. "National Episcopal Church officials told me that Baumann has agreed not to have any direct contact with children and that the retreat organizers have promised to inform retreat participants about his past," Clohessy told VOL.

According to the Internet, Baumann leads at two retreat centers in Texas. "There is a dangerous irony here, Baumann molested one boy and accused of sexually abusing at least two other boys while at the retreat center in Texas," said Clohessy. The publicity and promotion materials for Bauman's retreats make no mention that he is an admitted child molester.

"Church officials, including Minnesota Bishop James Jelinek, are simply repapering the situation again with the apparent collusion of the National Episcopal Church. Minnesota Episcopalian officials are letting an admitted, convicted, defrocked child-molesting former Episcopal priest lead retreats at a church facility, the Episcopal House of Prayer in Collegeville, Minnesota, and this is wrong and reckless."

Clohessy said SNAP officials handed out fliers in Dallas recently at St. Thomas Episcopal Church where Mrs. Jefferts Schori attend the church run by the Rev. Stephen Waller an avowed homosexual. Episcopal Church officials did nothing to deter, stop or fix the situation.

"It is outrageous that after Dallas' bishop defrocked him, he's scheduled to lead four retreats in the next few months, at least two at an Episcopal facility in Minnesota. " Baumann molested others, "regularly went skinny-dipping with boys and sometimes slept with them," court documents reveal.

"I want Presiding Bishop Schori to take action. Church authorities should not hire or use convicted child molesters in any leadership capacity. They claim it's time to forgive Bauman. We can forgive him, however, without helping him get close to more vulnerable kids," said Clohessy.

"Why take this risk with children? Convicted child molesters should be able to attend church events, not lead church events." Clohessy said they (church officials) claim that retreat attendees are told about Bauman's crimes, but this was only promised recently, after considerable public pressure. They claim kids don't attend the retreats. But parents attend, and predators often befriend adults to gain access to their children. It is utterly callous and reckless behavior. We want admitted, convicted child molesters banned from retreats."

In another note of irony the Episcopal Church passed two resolutions on child abuse in 2003, 9 altogether since 1985. The most pertinent one was in 1985-B014, which directed bishops to establish workshops for clergy on child abuse. At the 68th General Convention, it was passed overwhelmingly. In 2003, at the 74th General Convention of The Episcopal Church it passed resolution B008 titled "Protect Children and Youth from Abuse." It was overwhelming passed. "The 74th General Convention recommits itself to the vision of A Children's Charter for the Church, and directs each diocese to develop and adopt policies for the protection of children and youth from abuse."


MINNESOTA: A statement from the House of Prayer

A special board meeting was called in mid-March to review prior decisions and arrangements concerning long-time retreat facilitator Lynn Bauman's work with the House of Prayer. On March 15, 2007, the full board, including Bishop Jelinek, passed the following resolution:

"Resolved: Having listened carefully to concerns expressed by others, and supporting healing and reconciliation at all levels, and wanting to be as helpful to retreatants as possible, the Board of Directors of the Episcopal House of Prayer, after prayerful consideration, ratifies previous decisions to permit Lynn Bauman to serve as a retreat facilitator at the Episcopal House of Prayer and reaffirms the Episcopal House of Prayer's relationship with Lynn Bauman as a retreat facilitator, subject to existing terms and conditions established for his participation in retreats, and subject to the further requirement that all who register for retreats with Lynn Bauman will be informed in writing of his background as part of the registration process."

The board's vote on this resolution was unanimous, the result of much listening and prayer.

While it is correct that Lynn Bauman is a registered sex offender, the event occurred more than a decade ago and Lynn Bauman has followed every requirement of his probation. He registers with the local law enforcement authorities whenever he comes to Minnesota. His retreats are for adults, he does not have any contact with children or youth, and he overnights with his brother, Ward, who serves as director of the House of Prayer.

Based on the board resolution, those who register for retreats at the House of Prayer with Lynn Bauman have received a written description of his background as part of the registration process. This will permit anyone who prefers not to attend to withdraw the registration or to select another retreat. This summer Lynn Bauman is participating in two weeklong retreats, together with two other guest retreat facilitators. There are no plans to change the faculty for the retreats.

Media contact:

Mary Lilja

Lilja Inc.



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While i have to agree, that we are not to allow this person to be placed in a position that he will be tempted with children, or even possibly have contact with children......

I do not always agree that he needs to be kept from speaking.....

for all have sinned..... who?? ALL!!! and fall short........

are we going to question God as far as who can and can not be forgiven? and what sins are forgivable? adultery is adultery is adultery, whether it is a man with a man, a man with a woman, a woman with another woman, or an adult with a child....

sexual immorality is sexual immorality... and those that practice sexual immorality will not share in the Kingdom of Heaven, even those that are self gratifying.....

I do agree we need to protect our children.....

and as so many of us pray........ Forgive us, as we forgive others.......

this says that we are asking God to forgive us..... the same way as we are forgiving others ....... not to forgive us and then us not forgiving others..... same measure......

I would forgive a person that is an ex-druggie, and even welcome them into my house, but, i would ensure that they did not have access to anything that might help cause them to stumble..... would not place them in charge of the pharmacy.... I would accept a person that has repented in to my house, or fellowship, but....BUT.... would not place them into anything to do with childrens ministry what so ever.... not even snacks...... would not allow them to be in a position where they might stumble, protecting not just the children, but also that person.....

anyways, it sounds as though the people in charge of this event have the right attitude and notifed those coming of the history of this man... then let it be up to those that have registered to decide.......


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Forgiveness Is As Tough As Dropping Ones Own Pride Before The LORD Our God

And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not. Jonah 3:10

But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he was very angry.

And he prayed unto the LORD, and said, I pray thee, O LORD, was not this my saying, when I was yet in my country? Therefore I fled before unto Tarshish: for I knew that thou art a gracious God, and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repentest thee of the evil.

Therefore now, O LORD, take, I beseech thee, my life from me; for it is better for me to die than to live. Jonah 4:1-3

Especially If Our Anger And Hatred Seem Righteous

As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: Romans 3:10

But We Follow The LORD Almighty

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2

Our God

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16


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God forgave Moses...he didn't enter the promised land. God forgave Adam...and drove him from the Garden. God forgave Sampson...but he was no longer a judge of Israel. God forgave David...but his Kingdom was divided.

The fact that someone is forgiven does not mean that they are restored to full responsibility. That is something which must be earned over a long time.

We are talking about an 8 year old boy being molested? How many of you would let him babysit your kids today? How sick must someone be to do that? There is NO WAY this man should ever be in the vacinity of children and NO WAY that this man should retain any authority over a flock.

Can he serve? Sure...in some supervised capacity...but he should be removed from leadership FOREVER. Molesting an child is much more serious than making an "error" in judgement

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I agree with Yod. Forgiveness is one thimg, but trusting is another. He should be under supervison 24/7 if children are within a mile of him. No wonder christianity is getting smeared.

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