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Steps to the Mark. Step 9. The Programmed Mark.

Step 9. The Programmed Mark. The final step to the Mark involves connecting - 1.     The person`s individual identification number. (ID) 2.     The authorisation (name) for the central bank`s digital currency. An implanted chip contains the personal data that will instantly connect to a distant database containing all his or her personal and financial information.   The Radio Frequency Identification Chip. (ID Number)   This has been used for many years

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in End Times.

Steps to the Mark. Step 8. Digital ID.

Step 8. Digital ID. Along with the new monetary system developing through the Central Banks, there arises a great need for personal digital identification. One in seven people globally lack means to prove their identity. This hinders them from social services, rights as citizens and voters and participation in the modern economy. Every day, we rely on a variety of forms of identification to go about our lives: our driver`s license, passport, work badge and building access cards,

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in End Times.

Steps to the Mark. Step 7. The Global Currency. (continued)

Then there is a final step. The Special drawing Rights of the International Monetary Fund are a `token` that gives the recipient access to the IMF`s basket of currencies. And that involves five different currencies - Dollar, Pound, Euro, Yen and Yuan. They need to become `one currency.`     Now a similar transation occurred in Europe when there was a token for a basket of currencies. However eventually the `token` became the money, and the euro was born. Similarly the token

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in End Times.

Steps to the Mark. Step 7. The Global Currency.

Step 7. The Global Currency. As the American dollar value collapses during the Transition time, and all the world`s currencies with it, there will arise from the `ashes` the new world currency.      To encourage more use of the Special Drawing Rights, (SDR`s) the International Monetary Fund, (IMF) will offer a once only exchange of U.S. dollars held in a nation`s reserve, for the SDR`s. This will in effect make the nation`s currency a digital version of the SDR.  

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in End Times.

Steps to the Mark. Summary & Diagram. (2)

Summary. In this transition time every part of Society - governments, businesses, public and private organisations, health, schools, charities, etc as well as each person, will be directed towards working together to `change the world.`   The `enemy` is clearly set out as `fossil fuels, animal production, inequality between people, and wrong governance,` among other things. The ultimate goal is revealed as a more `sustainable, back to nature,` world.   Many of the olde

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in End Times.

Steps to the Mark. Step 6. Central Bank`s Digital Currency. (continued)

What is a CBDC? 1)    Digital Currency. 2)    Issued by the Central Bank. 3)    Universally accessible. It is central bank money, therefore a public form of money which is issued directly by the central bank. General purpose CBDC assumes access for households and businesses.   How do CBDC operate ? At first the Central Bank`s Digital System will operate alongside other forms of money - cash, cheques, crypto currencies and the functioning of the banks. Th

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in End Times.

Steps to the Mark. Step 6. Central Bank`s Digital Currency.

Step 6. Central Bank`s Digital Currency. (CBDC) The Great Reset`s motivation is the Sustainable Development Goals, and with those there is a need to change our Monetary System. Thus there is a move away from the U.S. dollar standard to Central Banks being more connected to the IMF (International Monetary Fund) as well as to the public. This will be a digital Central Bank currency. Movement towards CBDC. Some industry experts say that Central Bank Digital Currencies are coming and

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in End Times.

Steps to the Mark. Step 5. The Sustainable Goals. (continued)

The Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations cover every aspect of people`s lives, from water, food, education, health, and business to finance and governance. They declare a `New relationship between people and nature is needed as climate change and biodiversity loss threaten progress.`   However, these goals present so much more than a utopian dream.   The Radical Agenda.   Embedded in these high sounding goals is a `moral` agenda that must be adhered to.  For e

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in End Times.

Steps to the Mark. Step 5. The Sustainable Goals.

Step 5. The Sustainable Development Goals.   The Great Reset, the radical transformation of life on planet earth, will enslave all alive at the time. The World Economic Forum, which is launching the Great Reset, makes no effort to hide the communist agenda behind it.    Paul Koenig, a geopolitical analyst, lecturer, and previous Senior economist with the World Health Organisation, constantly warns people of the threat posed by The Great Reset championed by the World Economic

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in End Times.

Steps to the Mark. Step 4. The Great Reset. (continued)

Motivation.   With civil unrest about to become a way of life for many parts of the world including the U.S, and the pandemic making a resurgence, creating the rationale for the second wave of lock downs, the economy as we know it is being destroyed.   The goal is rather obvious - terrify the population with poverty, internal conflicts and a broken supply chain until they lobby the establishment for help. Then offer the `solution` of medical tyranny, immunity passports, marti

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in End Times.

Steps to the Mark. Step 4. The Great Reset.

Step 4. The Great Reset.   The phrase the `global economic reset,` has been increasingly used by elitists in the central banking world for several years.  In 2014 Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF, talked about it in relation to the New World Order.  The `reset` is promoted as a solution to the ongoing economic crisis which was triggered in 2008. This same financial crash is still with us today; but now, after a decade of central bank money printing and debt creation, the bub

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in End Times.

Steps to the mark. Summary & Diagram.

Summary. So far we have looked at some `behind the scenes` preparations for a New Monetary System. Economists have known for some years that the old system with the U.S. dollar as the world`s reserve currency, needs replacing. They know that the IMF, (International Monetary Fund) will eventually usher in the New System. This `reset` of the world`s monetary system will need the major countries to agree upon and then work together to bring about the change. And this involves eventually

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in End Times.

Steps to the Mark. Step 3. Catalyst for Change. (continued)

And what is the Government`s answer to the problem they have created - shutting down their economies? Print more money. Make the currency of less value. This has the affect of looking like help has arrived but just makes the problem worse and stretches it out further. They call it QE, Quantative Easing. Quantative Easing. QE or Quantative Easing increases the money supply. Government bonds, (IOU`s) are bought by the Central bank and sold to other banks and institutions. They use the ne

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in End Times.

Steps to the Mark. Step 3. Catalyst for Change.

Step 3. Catalyst for Change. For a Global Government and economy to function effectively it must not only be connected through networks of trade and finance, it also needs to control the population. And this must be seen to be in the people`s best interest. People need to not only desire change but vocally call for it.   The Pandemic. The corona virus Pandemic and the draconian limitations on the public across the world, is leading to an imminent destruction of the economic a

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in End Times.

Steps to the Mark. Step 2. Preparations for the New System. (continued)

The IMF Basket of Major Currencies. The Special Drawing Rights are allocated to member states as a low alternative to debt financing for building reserves. Today there are five major countries in the IMF basket of currencies. The Chinese Yuan is the last one to be added to the Basket. English pound, American dollar, European Euro, Japanese Yen, and Chinese Yuan. (5)   The New SDR- System. Over the past few years there have been many voices calling for a New SDR-Sy

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in End Times.

Steps to the Mark. Step 2. Preparations for the New System.

STEP 2. Preparations for the New System. Preparations for a change in the financial and economic system go back to the early Bretton Woods conference. This was after WW2 when the major countries made the U.S. dollar the `lender of last resort.` However they knew that eventually the world needed a system which was based on the backing of all the major countries. Creation of the IMF. Thus the IMF, (International Monetary Fund) was created. At first the IMF was to promote internatio

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in End Times.

Steps to the Mark. Step 1. Discredit the Old System. (continued)

1971 Not backed by Gold. This was a drain to the U.S. and in the summer of 1971, President Nixon therefore refused to exchange hundreds of millions of dollars from the Bank of England for gold. He decided to `close the gold window.` This decision is seen as a U.S. default, since it no longer could fulfil its 1944 obligations. Since 1971 the U.S. dollar although held by most countries for trade purposes, has been backed by `nothing,` just America`s promise to pay yet with more unbacked

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in End Times.

Steps to the Mark. Step 1. Discredit the Old System.

STEP 1. Discredit the Old System.   Need of a New Frame Work. Many economists believe that the present global financial system needs a major reform. In 2014  the UN, (United Nations) World Bank and IMF, (International Monetary Fund),  held high-level discussions about `the new framework for the global financial and economic system. Jean-Claude Trichet, the former president of the ECB, (European Central Bank) told the forum that `New rules have been discussed not only inside

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in End Times.

Steps to the Mark. The Mark (continued)

Steps to the Mark. There are a few important steps before the Mark can be introduced. We can track these by looking at what has been done, (History) what is being prepared and finally how all the details will be brought together into the Mark. For the Mark, the implanted chip with your details, to be the means of controlling your finances, there needs to be a change to the present financial & economic system. The present system must be shown to not work efficiently and be the caus

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in End Times.

Steps to the Mark. The Mark.

THE MARK. `And he causes all. Both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: his number is 666..`  (Rev. 13: 16 - 18)   THE MARK –  Gk. `charagma,` a distinguishing sign as a badge of servitude.

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in End Times.

Steps to the Mark. Overview.

OVERVIEW   The `Mark` is the centre piece of the New Global Financial and Economic System. It will authorize who can `buy and sell.` The preparations are even now further advanced than people recognize.   The catalyst will be the aftermath of the economic system by the Pandemic - inflation, economic depression. Thus nations will require financial assistance. The old architecture of the Global financial and economic system has proven inadequate and the new is even now emerging

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in End Times.

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